The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: A Change in Daily life

“It’s strange…….”

He wondered if a change in consciousness can cause such a change in state of mind.

The moment he decided to use magic to gain vision, Kunon began to think positively about everything.

The first thing he felt was the food.

Up until now, he had been eating the same bite-sized sandwiches as usual, just to survive.

He didn’t care what it tasted like as long as it wasn’t hard to eat.

He didn’t even know what he was eating.

But now it was different.

He wanted to know every single taste of the disparate ingredients that were piled on top of each other and became one in the mouth.

What is this crispy, fresh, grassy stuff?

What is that sour something on the bread?

I know what that one is. It’s a sliced apple.

“It’s lettuce, and that’s mustard on the bread.”

I asked Iko, my personal maid, what I was eating.

“Oh, that one’s apples.”

“I know what apples are.”

No other food has such a vivid taste and crunchy texture.

Once you eat it and learn its name, you will never forget it.

“sorry it’s actually a plum”  

“What? Plum? What’s that?”

–Having a strong sense of recognition, and using the memory to detect things with magic and sorcery.

The magic teacher said that if you wanted to, all kinds of everyday things could be used as training.

Kunon, who is still not very good at manipulating magic, needs to be able to use magic freely first.josei

“okay~ how about this one~? Does taste kenos know this?”

“I’ll tell them to cut your salary.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, please don’t do that.”

After breakfast, the tutor arrives.

The morning was spent in classroom learning.

The morning was spent in classroom learning, where the teacher read a book to us, we listened to it with our ears, and chatted about it.

The teachers were often at a loss to educate Kunon, who was blind, and since they could not teach him in the conventional way, they settled for this method.

Baroness Fuller’s Garden.

She’s been Kunon’s tutor since he was five years old, and I’ve known her for two years now.

She is over thirty years old and has a gentle voice and atmosphere.

She seems to have a child of the same age as Kunon, and even now, after getting used to the situation, I can still hear her occasionally sigh in pity and sympathy, as if she feels sorry for Kunon.

“History, huh?”

“Yes. I especially want to hear about the Holy Knight Histora.”

The Seventeen Kings War.

That story is the abominable old story that Kunon sees as the cause of his blindness.

At the very least, Fuller deliberately avoided mentioning it because it made Kunon look uncomfortable.

It’s an anecdote that everyone from this country knows, but considering …… Kunon’s state of mind, she just couldn’t bring herself to tell him.

He couldn’t help but look at Iko, his caretaker maid standing by the wall.

She asked Iko with a look.

Iko gave a small nod.

“… I understand.”

I closed the book I had brought with me.

She didn’t know why, but Kunon was trying to deal with his own problems.

Fuller interpreted it as that, and decided to take him up on it.

After the class, the rest of the day was free.

For Kunon, it was time for his long-awaited training in magic.

“… ‘Water Ball A Ori’.”

Iko took me out into the garden and I chanted the magic of the water ball, which is the first step for a water magician.

“Good, Master Kunon!”

The unaccountable power inside me slips away and floats outside of me, around me.

There are four of them.

It’s about the size of an eyeball…… as they say it.

“Oh, look who’s here, it’s the rare magician!”

–I’ll have to turn them into real eyeballs somehow.

I don’t know what to do.

Even the Magic teacher said she didn’t know – or rather, he didn’t seem to understand what Kunon was saying from beginning to end.

“‘It’s in good shape!’

So this can’t be taught by anyone.

Kunon had to do it on his own.


I’m not used to manipulating magic yet.

When I’m maintaining the water ball, my breath comes in short bursts and my forehead starts to sweat.

“Don’t you want to cheer for a kid who’s trying his best!”

I quickly lost my concentration and the ‘water ball’ drops to the grass and pops.

“Ha, ha.”

I’m out of breath.

I try to catch my breath.

I use magic.

I repeated the process over and over again until it was dark, and I began to lose consciousness.

“Master Kunon!”

Then, I found myself being sent back to my room.

Iko must have carried the fallen Kunon.

“–…… not bad.”

My body was exhausted.

I’m not sure if it’s a muscle ache or a general aching.

But I don’t feel bad.

For some people, it may be an ordinary day, but for Kunon, it was a day that made him feel alive.

Not bad.

I’m sure I can do my best tomorrow.

The future was still unclear to him, but he felt that he could see a small, small hope ahead.

“Iko. Are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here.

“You were so loud and annoying in magic training.”

“Good. I’m glad you've finally noticed me. I would have cried in my bed if you had ignored me all night.”

I should have let her cry, Kunon thought.

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