The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Off to the Royal Castle

“I never thought I’d have the chance to wear this uniform again.”

When Kunon said this, the carriage began to move and they passed through the gates of the Gurion house.

“I never know what life has in store for me.”

Now Kunon is once again wearing the formal uniform that his mother, Tinariza, insisted on making for him after he decided to go to the noble school. He is also wearing a pretty bow tie.

He graduated from school without a hitch, and there was no need to attend any parties.

More important, at nine years old, Kunon’s body is growing quickly.

So I thought I would never have a chance to wear it again.

But now we were going to the royal castle.

Formal attire is a must.

It was as if my mother had foreseen, that this would happen.

My father, Arson, sitting in front of me, was also dressed in formal wear.josei

However, in his case, it was just his daily work uniform.

” Well, I never thought to see the day when I’d have to go to the royal castle with you.”

… Although he had thought that it might happen just once. But still, he didn’t expect it so soon.

Whether it’ s a greeting to ‘His Majesty’ the King just before he marries Milica, or when he signs the papers to terminate the engagement…… his father was vaguely thinking about such things.

There is no connection between Kunon and the royal castle except for the bride.

However, Kunon successfully betrayed his father’s expectations.

The other day, Kunon begged his father to ask the royal sorcerer to be his mentor, and he asked ‘His Majesty’ in a casual way, prepared to be rejected….

He was given permission to meet the royal sorcerer.

He said it was because the royal sorcerer was interested in Kunon as a sorcerer.

It was not a permission given out of any kind of collusion.

“It’s strange.”

His father was a civil servant and not in the section that dealt with sorcerers, so he didn’t know much about sorcery.

But I certainly understand that this is not normal.


Anyway, I’m going to experience it…

It’s a wonder of magic itself.

“Why don’t you get a real one, Father? With your wealth and power, it would be no problem, right?”

“No. I’ll never be able to work at home with one of those.”

But the “water cat” on his father’s lap continues to be stroked continuously as if to deny his words of rejection.

Rather, he is affirming it – because in this way, he will not be able to work due to his distraction from the cat.

“I’m sure you could use the wealth and power of the Marquess Gurion family to collect all the pretty cats in the world.”

“Nonsense. …… Tina is a dog person. There is no way she would allow cats.”

To begin with, the creature clings to your feet.

It could be a reason for Kunon to fall.

For that reason, we never had a pet. We had never even talked about the idea of getting a pet.

“Really? Your Highness Milica and Iko both said that cats are an important part of nobility.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve heard that it’s a kind of status for nobles to have a cat outside. I think it doesn’t have to be outside, though. But they say it’s not classy to bring them into the house.”


“It’s not about the cat, it’s about the mistress, isn’t it?” His father thought, but refrained from using the word, as it was still too early for a nine-year-old.

If only Iko said it, but if Milica said it too, it wouldn’t be a metaphorical expression.

If Iko was the only one who said it, it would be a sermon with a pay cut.

– His father doesn’t know. The words and actions of the maidservant, Iko, were transmitted to Kunon, and Kunon’s words and actions had a considerable influence on Milica.

“…… Surround the cat outside, huh?”

The words strangely touched his heart.

When he was a child, all he did was study, and when he became an adult, all he did was work.

He had no hobbies, no interests, and lived his life diligently, but when he thought about Kunon’s future, he became anxious and threw himself into his work as if he were running away.

However, Kunon has grown up to the point where he is able to meet the royal sorcerer in person.

Arson’s fears and worries were now reduced to almost nothing.

-Wouldn’t that be allowed? To have a cat outside. It’s not like having an affair. I’m wealthy and powerful enough to have a cat around.

I haven’t touched a cat in a long time, but …… it’s soothing. I want to spend some time doing nothing but petting my cat, even if it’s just for a moment.

I’m tired indeed.

Both physically and mentally.

So tired that just having a cat would be enough to make me want a vacation.

A spark of ambition burned in his father’s heart.

Kunon, unaware of this, continues his conversation, and the father continues to stroke the ‘water cat’ on his lap as he listens to his son.

Finally, the carriage passes through the gates of the royal castle.

“Father, we’re here.”

“Wait. Just a little longer.”

“Let’s do it when we get home. I’ll get you another one.”

“But it’s not going to be her, is it? It would be a different cat, isn’t it?”

“Father, you know, that cat is not a living creature……”

“That’s why I’m sorry. The moment you release the spell, she will be gone from this world. You can feel the touch and body heat. I love her so much. …… How fragile …….”

“…… I’m totally fine with this…… but it looks like the people at the castle are waiting for me.”

“Let’s get out of here.”

As Arson didn’t give a signal, the gentleman who couldn’t open the carriage door was confused, but he changed his mind and quickly opened the door.

“Hello, Lord Gurion.”

“…! This is Lady Leisha!”

Even though it was only a few minutes, he had made a lot of people wait. He rushed out of the carriage and made a short bow.

-The woman there was wearing a black hooded coat, a sign that she was a royal court magician.

It was the second princess, Leisha.

“Oh, you brought a cat? A lovely black cat.”

“Oh, it’s absolutely nothing. It’s my son’s magic.”


In front of Leisha, who did not understand what he said for a moment, the father put the cat on the ground – and the cat disappeared with a splash of water.

“……This right now was magic ……?”

I’ve heard rumors that Leisha can do a lot of interesting things……

The cat I just saw was a cat itself.

It’s not even transparent.

It was such an elaborate looking cat that it was hard to tell at a single glance that it was made of water.

“Nice to meet you…”

As I stared in amazement at the trail of water wetting the ground, a boy came down following his father.

He was a small boy, no more than ten years old, with a leather eye patch around his eyes and a walking stick.

“My name is Kunon Gurion. Thank you for taking the time to see me today.”

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