The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Rondimond, the royal sorcerer-in-chief

“I’m sorry, sir.”

When I got carried away, slipped, and fell, I caused a big commotion that mobilized soldiers and knights.

I guess humans have the same habits as small animals, they impulsively run away when they are chased and that caused the commotion.

In the end, he was caught by the knight and given a strict warning, which brought him disgrace.

– The “Great Slip in the Corridor” incident, which occurred soon after Kunon’s arrival at the royal castle, is an incident that will be talked about for a long, long time.

“……Well. Let’s get back on track, shall we?”

Leisha and Kunon were thrown out of the royal castle after being lectured by the knight who caught them.

Well, I may have gotten a little excited and forgotten myself a bit, but it’s good that I can now get back to my original goal.

“It’s amazing what a knight can do. I can’t believe he could keep up with that speed. That was the highest speed I could go.”

“Yeah, I know! That guy is crazy, isn’t he? That speed…… Alright, Kunon. Let’s go.”

This new magic was unexpectedly interesting.josei

Still hiding her excitement inside, Leisha decided to take him to the Black Tower first, to the royal sorcerer’s workplace.

Most of the royal court magicians are fascinated by magic.

I’m sure there are many of them who can understand and share the excitement that Leisha is feeling right now.

Later on, she would be angrier with Kunon for his late arrival than for causing a commotion in the royal castle.

“- Welcome, Kunon Gurion. I’m Rondimond, the Royal Chief Magus. I’m in charge of the royal court magicians.”

From the sound of his voice, I’d say he was older than my father.

“It’s nice to meet you, Commissioner Rondimond. I’m Kunon Gurion.”

We have arrived at the Black Tower.

First, I was taken straight to the commissioner’s office. It was probably some sort of office.

I sat in a chair and across from me was Commissioner Rondimond.

Next to Kunon was Leisha.

Kunon was very nervous.

He was nervous and excited at the same time…

It was not because of Rondimond’s deep, low voice that resonated in his gut.

It was because I’ve been in the Black Tower ever since.

The reason is that everyone you meet here is covered with a high concentration of magical power.

For Kunon, who had only known one magician, his tutor Genie, coming here was already a valuable experience.

It was completely different.

The magic that I feel is completely different.

Especially Rondimond was different.

I thought Leisha’s magical power was already very different from Genie’s, but it was still within my imagination.

This person was different.

He was much more impressive than I had imagined, so much that I thought that this was perhaps the kind of person who was the legendary magician left behind in literature.

“Uhm, I’m sorry that my selfishness took up so much of your time today.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not that you want to see us, it’s that we want to see you. We would have gone to your house to see you if we were allowed.”

Thank you very much.

Maybe it was the low voice, or maybe it was the overpowering magic I felt, but I felt as if I was being held down by Rondimond’s intimidation.

“I heard that you have a water sigil. Where is it?”

“On my left shoulder.”

“Two stars, I see.”

“Two …… stars?”

“You learn this when you go to sorcery school.

There are five ranks of sigils held by sorcerers. There are seven basic types of sigils that have been identified, and within those seven, there are five ranks.”

Kunon’s eyes widened under his eye patch.

A sorcerer would know this – but it’s a new theory to Kunon, who is still an apprentice.

“Aren’t there seven?”

Fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, and demon.

The seven types of sigils that Kunon knows are directly divided into seven different attributes.

Kunon is water.

I’m glad it’s water.

“It’s not wrong either. There are seven different strains, and within each of the seven, there are five ratings. That’s how it works.”

So, technically speaking, there are thirty-five kinds of sorcerer’s sigils.

“So I’m a two-star? As far as I can tell, I’m second from the bottom.”

“As far as I can tell, yes. On average, a two-star is the most common type of sorcerer. Well, I guess that’s normal for the rank of sorcerer. Leisha is also a two-star.”

“What is the ranking about? What is the difference between stars?”

“There is no specific one. The rank has nothing to do with talent, so the only clear difference is the total amount of magic power. That’s the only difference that can be clearly stated.”

Kunon nodded, “I see.”

There doesn’t seem to be any problem if the total power of magic is just different.

If he had told me that there would be a tremendous difference in talent, or that it would be the difference in being a sorcerer, I might have been depressed.

If that’s not the case, it is going to be fine.

“Is Commissioner Rondimond a three-star?”

“Ha. You got it, right?”

“The concentration of magic I feel is completely different. As if they weren’t the same thing at all.”

“Concentration. Interesting expression.”

“If mine and Leisha’s are like store-bought cheese, the commissioner’s is different, like blue cheese made with care.”

“That sounds like a stinky metaphor. I don’t mind blue cheese, but…”

“Is the commissioner of blue cheese a three-star?”

“Ha-ha-ha. If you call me that again, I’ll get mad.”

“Ah, I think it’s better if we abbreviate it to ‘BlueChee’, Commissioner BlueChee.”

“Ha-ha-ha. I’ll get mad if you call me that again. -I’m not a three-star, I’m a four-star.”

“Oh, four …….”

“…… Huh? That doesn’t surprise you?!”

It’s an ironic and surprising story that Rondimond has, but Kunon doesn’t quite get it.

“Well, commissioner, he doesn’t know how rare four stars are.”

Leisha said, and Rondimond nodded, “Oh, I see.”

” Yeah, right. You haven’t learned what you need to know at the magic school yet, have you, Kunon?

The four-star is …… well, we’ll find out soon enough.”

-The four-star rating is practically the highest rank of sorcerers in existence. There are only six people in the world that have been confirmed. As for the five-star sigil, it has only been recorded in the past.

It’s still a long way to go for Kunon to know this.

“So, Mr. Kunon, are you ready?”


“It’s a test. We’re very interested in you. Don’t rush, we want to see what you’ve got.”

And so it was.

He was overwhelmed by Rondimond’s magical power, but Kunon had come here in search of a sorcerer master.

He had been a little satisfied with the new facts about the crest and the magic power he could feel, but the real story was just beginning.

“He’s amazing, Commissioner. He’s awesome already.”

“Oh, that’s not fair, Leisha. Did you see it already?”

“I didn’t see it, I experienced it.”

“That’s even more unfair. And you experienced it, huh? I’m really curious to know what you experienced.”

Rondimond stood up.

“Now, Leisha, it’s time for the fun to begin. Go tell the others that the tests are about to begin.”

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