The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Some unexpected visits


Kunon, who had come out with his maidservant to greet them at the entrance of the main building of the Gurion family, felt a sense of discomfort.

A carriage from outside had just stopped a small distance away.

So far, so good – except for the guard, there were three more people who had gotten off.


And one of them looked familiar, it was Milica.

“Your Highness?”

She didn’t plan to come today.

According to the schedule, the only person who would have planned to come today was Zeonly, the master of magic.

“I’m here!”

“Oh, yes.”

“…… Oh, aren’t you glad?”

To Milica’s slightly depressed voice, Kunon immediately replied, “I am.”

“I’m just surprised to see you unexpectedly. Every time I meet Her Highness, I prepare myself properly. So when I see you suddenly, I get so nervous because of her loveliness and beauty that I can’t say a word. It’s like a frog staring at a snake. But I can’t see it, so I don’t know what it’s like to be stared at! Hahahaha! Hey, did you change your perfume? The new perfume is very mature and lovely. It suits you well.”

“I don’t wear perfume anymore because I’ve been told that I’m not ready for perfume…   Well, I did change the soap, though……”

Milica, who had been smothered by a barrage of unfamiliar words, reacted only at the end, embarrassed, while Kunon managed to hide his confusion over the unplanned encounter.

This kind of reaction at a casual moment is unexpectedly memorable.

It’s better to be seen as a bit flirty than to leave a scar in a woman’s heart.

This is the spirit of a gentleman.

“Hey, Dario, there’s a kid in there who’s gonna go crazy for cheating.”

“No, no, no, no. That’s Kunon Gurion.”

He could hear the words of one of the two men behind Milica, but Kunon did not care.

I can tolerate a little loss of popularity if not making a woman sad.

This is also the spirit of a gentleman.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kunon Gurion.”

Milica had already noticed and avoided them, so Kunon stepped out to greet them. There were two of them, but one of them was probably the Zeonly he was waiting for.

No, it’s probably the man on the left.

The man on the right remembers the voice.

“So you’re Kunon?”

It was the man on the left who said that.josei

“I’m Zeonly. Rondimond told me to come and see you because you’re a funny kid. I’ll tell you what, if you’re not funny, I’ll never see you again. Okay?”


Kunon cleared his throat.

It’s not that he was taken aback by Zeonly’s rude tone.

I was only a few steps away when I finally felt Zeonly’s magical power, and it was overwhelming.

What a concentrated magical power.

It was very dense and sticky.

I thought Rondimond was as dense as blue cheese, but Zeonli’s magic was as dense as honey.

“You are Zeonly …….”

I muttered to myself.

Honestly, it seems that there are more amazing people out there than I had imagined.

Aside from Rondimond, he surely knows more about magic than any of the royal court magicians I met the other day.

I knew it intuitively through my magical powers.

“Listen, I don’t like kids and I’ll leave as soon as they start crying or screaming. Don’t forget, I’m not here because I want to be.”

“In other words, you came here because of the bonds of vertical society. That’s how it is, isn’t it? I understand!”

“I don’t know what you mean by bonds of vertical society….. Oh, well, whatever.”

Zeonly, who had been distracted by Kunon who was smiling, gave up on that attempt.

“You must be the knight who took care of me at the royal castle the other day.”

“Yes. The other day …… I don’t know how to say this, but… It was my job, too, so please let's say that this is this and that is that.”

It was a relationship between the one who scolded and the one who was scolded.

It was certainly a relationship that I didn’t know what to say about.

Kunon could say, “Thank you for your help,” but a serious knight would not be able to reply, “Thank you”. It’s also persistent to repeat the other day’s warning here.

“I’m Dario Sanz, a member of the Third Order.”

With this, I finished introducing myself to the people from the castle.

To be honest, I don’t know why Milica and Dario came, but I guess I can ask them about the situation later.

“This way, please. I live far away from here. By the way, is it correct that Mr. Zeonly is a beautiful sorcerer? I can’t see, so I don’t know if your face is handsome or not.”

“Oh? Of course, I’m good-looking.”

“Wow, that's great!”

“…… are you making fun of me?”

“No, I’m not. Do you have any complaints?”

There was no disrespect in the language when he said that.

It’s just that Kunon’s words seem unusually casual.

– Zeonly was already a little confused by Kunon, who was different from the children he had dealt with before.

Since I knew that Zeonly would be coming, I prepared a table in the garden of the remote house.

The reason was that I wanted to have a conversation over a cup of tea first.

But since Milica and Dario were not scheduled to be there too, I asked the maidservant to add two more chairs.

“- No, I’m just the bodyguard for Her Highness Milica and Zeon.”

Dario refused, but in the end, he placed the chair away from the table and waited there.

Since he’s just a guard, he wants to keep his distance from the rest of us.

“Kunon, have you ever heard of this? Royal court magicians can’t move very freely. The title of a royal sorcerer is the country’s top title for the best researchers of magic.”

“Oh, my father might have told me that.”

That’s what his father said when he asked for a royal sorcerer as a mentor.

“That’s why you’re in escort, isn’t it? Because the knowledge of magic is so valuable. It doesn’t matter who’s after you, right?”

The only information on magic that is available out there is the one that has been published worldwide.

Or is it uncertain, with a lack of experimentation and trial?

The rest of the research is independent, so the results are monopolized by the country or organization that has the sorcerer, or by the individual sorcerer.

This is the kind of information that is not easily revealed to the outside world, and it is also the kind of information that people in that line of work want with all their blood.

In short, just because you are a royal court magician, there is a possibility that you will be kidnapped for commercial purposes.

I’ve heard that’s not the case with ordinary magicians.

“So, Your Highness Milica ……?”

“Master Zeonly and Mr. Dario accompanied me as my bodyguards during my visit to House Gurion.”

“Oh, I see. You can do that too?”

“I’ve heard that it’s a bit of a heavy-handed approach, but I know more about it……, anyway, you need a good reason to move a royal court sorcerer.”

In other words, the reason seems to be that Zeonly and Dario came here to accompany Milica.

Zeonly probably didn’t come as a royal court sorcerer in the public eye, so for the casual observer, it probably looks like a little princess and her two bodyguards.

“So you brought Master Zeonly here for me. Thank you, Her Highness.”

“No, no…… I wanted to see you too, Kunon……”

“Me too. My little princess.”

“Hey, stop it. I’m at the same table as you. I don’t want to see a bunch of kids flirting.”

Zeonly, who had been quietly drinking tea, interrupted the conversation that was about to go off on a new tangent.

He said, “Now that you know what’s going on. Now let’s talk about fun magic with your brother. Huh, kid?”

“Yes, sir. I’m looking forward to it.”

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