The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Three turning points


The sleeping Zeonly raised his voice.

“Oh man, I was completely passed out……. Ouch.”

“After rolling out of the “super soft water ball,” which was squishy and difficult to get up from, Zeonly fell to the ground once and stood up.”

I didn’t think I’d fall into a sleep so deep that I’d seriously lose consciousness.

I thought it would be just fine to doze off.

I really didn’t expect it.

Looking at the sky, it was still blue.

It seemed that I hadn’t slept that long.

“Did you sleep well?”

Aside from Kunon who asked, Milica and Dario’s eyes were quite white. It’s as if they’re saying, “What is this guy doing?”

Well, Zeonly doesn’t care about such trivial things.

“Hey kid, you’ve got some time to yourself. Did you give up on breaking the wall?”

Kunon was at the table, apparently chatting with Milica.

Zeonly nonchalantly rejoined the table and intercepted the children’s tea time.

And the earthen wall of the test still remains.

“Oh, can I tear it down now?”

“Huh? Oh, go ahead. If you can do it…”

When Kunon turned his hand toward the wall, a bubble spread out on the wall, and the whole thing was covered in small bubbles.

– It’s called “Washing Bubbles”.

It is the magic of cleaning that is intended to wash something – to make fine bubbles and bring dirt to the surface.


He drank the tea made by the make-up wearing maidservant and sniffed it – with a happy smile on his face.

“Did you understand the intent of the challenge?”

“It’s probably a wall that becomes extremely brittle if it absorbs more water than it’s allowed to, right? I could tell right away because it was as dry as a loaf of bread that was intended to break teeth.”

“The purpose of a loaf of bread is not to break teeth, but you’re generally right.

– So, why did you choose “Washing Bubbles”? You’re good at magic, right? You’re good at changing the shape of water balls, aren’t you? I thought it would take some trial and failure until finally breaking it.”

The number of trials and failures would lead directly to the destruction of the mud wall.

In short, it’s a wall you can break down anyway if you don’t give up.

I’d heard that Kunon hadn’t yet mastered any magic that could be used for offense, so I’d prepared a wall that could be broken by anything other than direct attack or impact.

However, I made it so that the amount of water needed would be strong enough that Kunon would probably have to use his total magical power to the very limit.

If he had given up, he really would not have been able to destroy it.

“I thought it would be easier this way.”

As soon as Kunon said this, the top of the earthen wall began to crumble with bubbles.

Each bubble that eroded into the soil trapped a small amount of soil and separated it from the wall.

The earthen wall itself was considered as dirt, and the earthen wall was being washed away.

“Easy, man……- that’s nice. I don’t like the way you’re acting like an idiot, but it’s not so bad when you are this smart.

It is a magic that suits the situation and the target. A sorcerer must be able to see it accurately. If you want to show off your power, let the idiots with fire emblems do the shooting for nothing.”

“Then will you make me your apprentice? Yeah!”

“Wait! I haven’t agreed to it yet!”

But you will, won’t you? I did my part, in a smart way.”

“……Damn, I can’t help it.”

"If you are too honestly pleased, you may want to rebel in vain, but…… a promise is a promise."

Milica, Dario, and the heavily makeup-wearing maidservant were all staring at me as if to say, don’t argue anymore.

I’m not afraid of them, but I don’t want to get in trouble later.

“You are my apprentice from now on, Kunon. You should be happy, you’re definitely the luckiest kid in the world today.”

Zeonly Finroll.

This encounter was an important turning point for Kunon, but also for himself.

After this period, his name became widely known for his successive achievements.

And then –

“Hahaha, the luckiest in the world……, that’s for sure. Now that Master has been found, and Her Highness Milica is next to me, I’ll be punished if I wish for more.”

“Oh, Kunon, you’re so……”

” – I’m sure you understand, but just so you know. I’m putting my master above my future wife.”


Milica raises her voice, which I’ve never heard before, and looks to Zeonly.

It sounded like the voice of a demon that had suddenly leaked out from the depths of hell, Kunon thought.

The maidservant had told him that angry women were terrifying, and she was right.

I’ve never seen Milica angry before, and she is no exception ……

No, for Kunon, she is not an exception.

“You’ll have to wait until you’re older to fall in love.

As long as he is my apprentice, I’ll eventually send Kunon to the magic school. I have a lot of work to do before then. There are countless things I need to teach him, and I need him to accompany me in my experiments. I don’t have time to slack off.

In the first place, what are you going to do? Her Highness Milica.”

“What about?”

“I don’t know if it’s okay for you to just watch your boyfriend… while he’s working himself to death. Don’t you think you should do what you have to do?josei

He’s my apprentice. He’s going to grow, he’s going to get ahead, and he’s going to have a hell of a track record.

You can’t tell how long ・・・・ your boyfriend ・・・・・・ will be around.Eventually, there will be a lot of women who want Kunon, but not as much as you. The Ninth Princess.”


Milica gritted her teeth and swallowed her rebuttal.

As soon as he told me, I thought of the faces of the women who wanted Kunon – my own sisters.

Milica is the ninth princess.

Her position in the royal family is very weak.

She is also unable to win the war of information in the royal castle.

When my sisters really wanted to take Kunon…… the ninth princess’s wife would be taken away without much resistance for sure.

It is as Zeonly says.

Kunon has been making a name for himself as a sorcerer, and now he’s grown up to become the apprentice of the royal sorcerer.

On the other hand, what about myself?

She has received the education that is the duty of a noble, but that is all.

She is not recognized by anyone, she just lives as the ninth princess who is in a weak position, does not try to get anything, and cannot go to school or have an escort.

-That’s what I thought.

I realized that Kunon was already not worthy of me.

When I was a little girl, I ran away from the pain of being Kunon’s bride.

But now it’s the opposite.

Kunon is leaving Milica behind and going ahead of her.

I hadn’t noticed it because he would look back at me from time to time, but the distance between us was already wide open.

Enough so that someone can get in between.

It’s so easy to get in if you want to.

“Master, please don’t tease Her Highness.”

“I don’t remember teasing her. In fact, I’m cheering for her. You two are perfect for each other.”

“Don’t say that. You really like to tease girls, don’t you? Master seems to be that type.”


“And then you realize it’s too late, right? Because you are cynical. You’re the type of person who’s mean to the girl you like and someone else takes her, right? You’re clumsy with kindness.”


I was a little frustrated that this was the ramblings of a child with no foundation, but in retrospect, he was slightly right.

And so ended Zeonly’s first visit.

A turning point for Kunon.

A breakthrough in Zeonly’s experiments and research.


“……we have to do something.”

The Ninth Princess Milica Huglia’s heart was set on fire.

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