The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: And The Days Pass By

Time is equal.

Whether you are a nobleman or a villain, the present will not last forever.

Months and days flow by.

Regardless of people’s thoughts, individual circumstances, and daily studies.

“You’ve received another document.”


Books, documents, manuscripts tied up with strings, pocketbooks, and so on.

Instead of being on the table, they were spread out on the floor, taking up half of the room.

The room is minimally tidy, but the owner of the room knows where everything is.

It’s been about two years since he started immersing himself in magic.

Kunon Gurion has turned nine years old, but life itself has not changed much.

Living apart is still the same.

In the mornings, he continues to attend classroom lectures, and in the afternoons, he trains in magic and swordplay.

He’s also doing his daily routine of preparing the bath.

The only thing that has changed significantly is that he has learned to read.

Kunon’s dream or ambition is still alive, thanks to the support of his father, Arson, his future wife, Milica, and his magic teacher, Genie.

To gain visibility through magic.

Although he has not yet achieved this goal, Kunon continues his efforts without giving up.

The books and materials that keep coming in are mainly from Milica and Genie.

He still didn’t know what would work for his dream, so he kept getting sent things related to water magic.

Lately, he’s spending his evenings reading these books and materials.

The next thing he knows, he is asleep at the table and being carried to bed by his maid.

“Did you find anything of interest?”

The house servant asked as she put away the papers and books Kunon had been looking through.

“Hmm? Yeah, I guess so. ……”

Kunon picked up the next book, and while sorting through the information he had recently acquired, he answered.

“I’m interested in water-based divination, fire shadow divination, crystal membrane, glass membrane, demons, contracts with demons, water purging, magic mirror, water mirror, rainbow fish scales, and …….”

Of those, I crossed out “demons” and “contracts with demons” from the list.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have concerns about them, but I’ve decided that I shouldn’t get involved with them because the price and risk seem too high.

“When you say ‘divination,’ do you mean fortune-telling?”josei

“Yes, that’s right. In the water-based one, water is poured into a vessel that has been processed in a magical way, and the person shows what he or she wants to know. It is said to fortune things like finding lost things, seeing the future, or seeing far away.”

“Oh, so you can find the spark of youth and adolescence that I lost somewhere?”

“Don’t worry, Iko you’re young and still in the middle of your youth.”

“Well, I’m getting old, too, aren’t I?”

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. No other servant in the world is as beautiful as you.”

“Don’t say that, you can’t even see.”

The two of them laughed at each other.

–In the past two years, Kunon has become a very bright young man, although his reputation may be split in two.

“So, is there any chance you can find me a husband with that divination thing?”

  “Don’t worry, no man would leave a good woman like Iko alone. Shucks, if I wasn’t the second son of a marquis family, I would have wanted you for a wife.”

“Come on, what are you talking about when I’m over ten years older than you!”

Once again they laughed together.

–Was it necessary or unnecessary.

Kunon may have become a little too cheerful.

“Yes, very good!”

Originally, the purpose of the swing was to build up the body.

However, at some point, he had learned proper swordsmanship from Master Ouro of the North-Tiger kendo technique.

Ouro had found that Kunon had unexpectedly good qualities.

He said, “Kunon, you have really good muscles. If it’s a boy of your age, you won’t lose so easily.”

“Really? Even though I can’t see?”

“Yes, yes, you are doing well in sword fighting. Even if you can’t see, your instincts are good, and I’m sure you’ll be able to fight when the time comes.”

–Well, actually, I'm not sure if I could call it sword fighting.

But Kunon, who is in an environment where he cannot compare himself to others, thinks that what he is learning is normal.

It’s more like cane fighting than sword fighting, and since it’s not designed for striking each other in the first place, it’s a far cry from sword fighting in general.

“May I? I’m sorry to be so persistent, but once you have mastered the basic form, the applications will follow. Just keep repeating the basic forms. To the point where you can do it reflexively. To the point where you can do it unconsciously. To the point where you can do it even when you are asleep.

After you have done that much, you will finally be able to show a little bit of your ability in actual competition. Do everything you can so that you won’t regret it at that time.”

He was not listening at all as he replied, “Yes,” and repeated the basic forms again and again.

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