The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 233

Chapter 233:

Chapter 233

“What, what are you?”

Park Moon-chul was so flustered that he couldn’t speak properly.

Who was this ridiculous masked guy?

A black suit with black gloves. 

And red eyes too. 

It was as if he was blatantly mocking him with his outfit.

But at the same time, Park Moon-chul felt a sense of incongruity from his appearance.

‘What is this? How did he get in here?’

There were so many guards outside, and so many patrolling in between.

The number was roughly 100. 

And they were not ordinary people.

He had awakened 50 of them himself with the miracle power he had recently acquired. But there was no commotion until this intruder came here?

Park Moon-chul barely came up with an answer and snickered.

“Aha. I see. So you were the one who caused the blackout. You sneaked in through an invisible gap, huh? You bastard, you’re in trouble. Can you take responsibility for trespassing on someone else’s property?”

Yu-hyun didn’t answer. Instead, he spoke with a more intense gaze than before.

Sit down.

Park Moon-chul knew what that look meant. His thick lips trembled with anger.

“You insolent son of a bitch, how dare you challenge me, the agent of God? Hey! Is there anyone out there?! Secretary Kim! Secretary Kim!!!”

Normally, Secretary Kim, who was waiting nearby, would have rushed in as soon as he called once. But strangely, no matter how much he called, there was no answer and it was only quiet.

“What’s going on? Where did these bastards go? Hey! Is there anyone there?!”

“It’s no use calling.”


“They can’t move even if they come in.”

He didn’t even get to ask what that meant.


Park Moon-chul finally noticed Yu-hyun’s surroundings. He didn’t realize it because he had such a strong presence by himself, but there were faint shapes lying on the floor around him in the darkness.

He realized that they were Secretary Kim, whom he had been looking for desperately with an annoyed voice, and the other bodyguards he led.

It didn’t take long for him to realize that nearly 10 people were lying unconscious on the office floor.

When did that happen? He didn’t hear any sound.

Park Moon-chul suddenly felt a surge of fear.

“What, what is this? What is this bastard? Hey, outside! Is there anyone outside?! Anyone come quickly! Heretic, heretic! There’s a heretic here!”

He didn’t realize it until now, but the crazy guy in front of him was not just crazy. He was the one who quietly and secretly knocked down the humans he had awakened with his own power.

A collector, and if you look at his skills alone, he was almost a high-ranking collector.

A strong man who could twist a person’s neck like a fly with one hand.


Na Min-hyuk couldn’t believe what he had just seen with his own eyes.

He recalled his conversation with Yu-hyun. 

Yu-hyun had asked him for one favor.

Yu-hyun’s favor was nothing special.

 He asked him to turn off the power generator after 5 minutes from now, rescue the people trapped inside, and get out of here.

“But what about you?”

“I’ll deal with Park Moon-chul.”

“But there are bodyguards inside. And there are a lot of them. There are more than 50 of those humans who received the blessing.”


Even after hearing that, the man smiled lightly as if it was nothing.

“That should be enough.”

He couldn’t ask what enough meant.

He finished his words and wrapped himself in something black in an instant.

It looked like fire and mist at the same time. 

He was already wearing almost all black fashion, but with that black thing added, he looked like a real devil.

Na Min-hyuk, who didn’t know that it was the energy of 36 Thousand Heaven Realms , could only stare blankly at his back as he entered the building.

‘Do I really need to help him?’

Suddenly, such a weak thought came to his mind, but Na Min-hyuk tried hard to deny it.

Yu-hyun told him directly. 

Do what you can do. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small act of kindness or helping someone.

-Don’t be discouraged because you’re not a collector or an awakened person with great power. You have something you can do. And you know what it is. You will change just by doing that little thing.

Na Min-hyuk didn’t ignore his words. He clenched his teeth and shook off his negative thoughts and turned off the power as Yu-hyun had promised.

He immediately rushed into the building. 

He had a flashlight that the pursuit team had been using in his hand.

He ran along the path lit by the light and swallowed a scream when he saw the people lying on the floor one by one.

‘How, how are there so many?’

It was obvious that they were all knocked down by Yu-hyun on his way. 

The more surprising thing was that there was no delay in clearing out these many people.

He knew Yu-hyun was strong, but he realized anew that he was really far beyond strong. 

And he felt proud that he had something to do for him, who trusted and entrusted him with it.

How long had I been running? I felt a human presence on the other side.

“Who’s there?”

“Yeeun? Is that you, Yeeun?”

“…Minhyuk? Is that really you?”

Naminhyuk finally found his lover whom he had been desperately looking for and hurried towards her. 

Kim Yeeun also saw Naminhyuk and widened her eyes.

“Minhyuk! You really came to save me!”

“Y-yeah, Yeeun. I’m so glad you’re safe. Are you hurt anywhere? Why are you standing here?”

“I don’t know. I thought the people who locked me up were taking me somewhere, but suddenly everything went black and they all collapsed. And then the lights went out, so I stayed still just in case…”

“Okay, I get it. But now is not the time for this, let’s move.”


Kim Yeeun felt a strange sensation from Naminhyuk’s attitude.

The boyfriend who came to find her was not the Naminhyuk she knew. 

Was it her imagination that he seemed more reliable and manly than before?

Naminhyuk didn’t notice Kim Yeeun’s thoughts and checked his surroundings with a serious expression.

“Yeeun. Are there many other people trapped here besides you?”

“Yeah! I saw them on the way here.”

“Good. Let’s take them with us and get out of here.”

“Are you sure? What if those cultists come after us?”

“Don’t worry about that.”

Naminhyuk said with a confident face.

“Because he’s with us.”


Park Moon-chul was frozen stiff as he quickly racked his brain.

How many times had he faced such a crisis in his life? 

He had gone through a lot to get to this position, but never anything like this.

The moment he realized that his life was hanging by a thread, he was consumed by the fear that he might die if he made a wrong move.

The devil who had his back against the stained glass spoke.

“Can’t you hear me? Sit down.”

Park Moon-chul decided to follow his words for now. 

A chair was prepared in the center of the office. 

Park Moon-chul sat down on it.



As soon as he sat down, invisible thin threads wrapped around his body and fixed him to the chair.

He couldn’t budge even if he exerted his strength, and the threads dug into his skin, causing him pain and chills. 

Park Moon-chul gave up on escaping.

The devil clasped his fingers together as if he was enjoying himself.

“We finally have a situation where we can talk.”

“What, what do you want?”

“You’re asking me that now? You should know that better than anyone.”

“What, what do you mean! I don’t know anything! You’re the one who, who did blackmail and trespassing. You’ve gone this far, are you sure you can handle it?”

He had more than one thing to be caught for, but Park Moon-chul pretended to be ignorant. 

Yu-hyun had already expected him to react like that.

“The human who ordered a terror attack on the Collector Academy students is really shameless.”

“Terror? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Judging by your mention of the Academy students, are you from the Association? Don’t you know what will happen if you mess with me right now? You’re not planning to wipe out all the religious people in the country, are you?”

Park Moon-chul carried his authority and momentum on his back.josei

If the person in front of him mentioned the Academy, he must be a Collector. He might even be someone who did the secret work of the Association, considering that he sneaked into the headquarters that ordinary people didn’t know about.

“You better think carefully. What will happen if you touch me.”

Park Moon-chul tried to change the subject while looking straight into Yu-hyun’s eyes without avoiding them.

He had obtained a miracle power. It was something that could awaken ordinary humans to be similar to Collectors, attract luck, and cause unbelievable things to happen one after another.

It was akin to becoming the protagonist of this world.

He had another ability that he didn’t even reveal to his closest aide, Secretary Kim.

It was brainwashing.

‘Stupid bastard. I’ll just control your mind and strip you off.’

The condition for activation was to look into each other’s eyes for more than 5 seconds while having a conversation. 

He had used this to make some people who didn’t listen to him his dogs and exploit them like slaves. He was confident that he could do the same to that masked guy.

But then.

“You’re doing something interesting.”



When Yu-hyun snapped his fingers, the threads that bound Park Moon-chul tightened even more. 

Park Moon-chul writhed in pain that tore through his whole body, sweating coldly and making an incredulous expression.

Yu-hyun sneered at him from behind the mask.

“You look like you’re saying ‘how did you do that?’ You must have had a lot of fun acting as if your pathetic power was something special. What were you planning to do with just brainwashing?”

“No, no way. This is, this is a power from God. A mere Collector like you can’t possibly withstand my miraculous power!”

Park Moon-chul felt lost as the truth he had believed in was shaken. But Yu-hyun already knew what kind of power he had. 

He had examined the silver book he possessed carefully since the moment he tied him up.

“Do you think you have the right to speak of God, you vile creature?”

“Shut up! I am God’s apostle! His representative! You are nothing but a heretic who can’t do anything!”

“God’s apostle… What a boring joke.”

“You bastard. I felt it from the first time I saw you, you are a demon! A wicked creation of evil! Inom! I am God’s apostle! God watches over me! This miraculous power is the proof of that! Do you think you can touch me and get away with it?”

“Really? Then let’s do this.”

Yu-hyun snapped his fingers, and the thread that bound Park Moon-chul was released. 

Park Moon-chul fell from the chair and rolled on the floor. Yu-hyun approached him.

“If God watches over you so much, then show me. That you are God’s apostle. His representative. In the way you used to enjoy. You know what I mean?”



Park Moon-chul noticed the dice that fell on the floor through Yu-hyun’s hand.

As he recalled the way he used to enjoy with the dice, Park Moon-chul realized what this devil wanted.

“The method is simple. We throw the dice and see who wins.”

“You want to challenge me, God’s representative, with dice?”

“That’s right. But it would be too boring if we just did that, so I’ll give you a little advantage. 6. You just have to avoid getting 6 on the dice. On the other hand, if 6 comes up, I win. If anything else comes up, I’ll spare your life.”

“How can I trust your words?”

“Then don’t. Or what, are you scared because you can’t do it?”

“Don’t make me laugh! You foolish devil!”

Park Moon-chul shouted in his mind.

‘What an idiot. How dare he challenge me, who can perform miracles chosen by God, with this? I’ll make him regret it!’

Park Moon-chul took the dice and threw it. Statistically speaking, Park Moon-chul had a much higher chance of winning. 

And on top of that, he added the miraculous power he had newly acquired, which made it impossible for him to lose.


Thud. Rattle.


The dice showed 6.

“This, this is.”

“You must have lacked faith.”

“No, this can’t be…”

“Your reaction is pitiful. Well, fine. I’ll give you another chance. Try again.”

“Hoo. Al, alright.”

Park Moon-chul picked up the dice again with trembling hands and rolled it again.

The next number was also 6.

“What, what is this.”


Park Moon-chul’s voice trembled.

He steeled his mind and rolled the dice again.

This time, he prayed desperately for a different number to come up. 

He activated his miraculous power that had made him act as God’s representative until now to the fullest.

But again, 6 came up.


Park Moon-chul rolled the dice as if he was possessed.


He did it again.


He rolled.


He rolled.

But no matter how many times he threw and rolled the dice, the number on the dice was always 6.

It was the same every time.

Why is this happening?

Park Moon-chul felt like he was losing his sanity. He unconsciously tore at his hair.

“Why?! Why is this happening?!”

“What are you doing? Hurry up and roll the dice.”

“I, I…”

He didn’t know how many times he had rolled. But they all showed the same number.

It’s a curse. This is a curse. In his fading mind, Park Moon-chul wanted to scream that, but he couldn’t.

“Roll it again.”

Now he felt like he was going to have a nervous breakdown from the annoying voice that wouldn’t let him go.

Park Moon-chul’s eyes saw the future. 

In his fantasy, Park Moon-chul followed Yu-hyun’s words and threw the dice. 

No matter how high or low he threw them, the dice that rolled on the floor always showed the same number.

It was like that now, and it would be like that in the future.

“Are you scared?”


At Yu-hyun’s voice, Park Moon-chul came back to reality and realized how dangerous his opponent was.

A devil. He was a real devil.

The power of miracles that he had believed in so firmly was nothing but a pathetic thing that couldn’t even make a dent in front of that devil.

He finally realized it.

All his actions that were filled with confidence just a moment ago were nothing but flailing in a sinking swamp.

“Then pray.”

The devil said.

He whispered in his ear, corrupted him, destroyed his soul.

“Pray fervently to God like the other believers and roll. If you can’t do that, you lose.”

“No, no! I can’t do this! This doesn’t make sense! God wouldn’t abandon me! I’m God’s apostle! I’m his representative! To a mere devil like you, for something like this dice game…!”


Yu-hyun cut off his words and picked up the dice that fell on the floor.

“He doesn’t play dice games.”

His eyes left red traces in the air as he moved.

Yu-hyun lightly tossed the dice. 

The dice that rose high slowly fell and rolled on the floor. 

The dice that spun like a top in front of Park Moon-chul stopped with a rattle.

It was 6.

This was the power that dominated all possibilities and probabilities, the power that he possessed.

A law of imperfection that transcended miracles.

“The one who rolls the dice is the devil.”

That was Maxwell’s demon.

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