The Male Main's Uncle Is Openly Obsessed With Me

Chapter 545 - Collaboration

Chapter 545 - Collaboration

These three are the first to be screened out are IPs that are relatively popular on the Internet and have a relatively large audience.

Among them, the comics mainly talk about some funny short paragraphs, mixed with fantasy elements of fairy and monsters, and if they are filmed well, they can become a hit even as a web drama.

And this kind of drama is most suitable for some newcomers, after all, newcomers may not have particularly good acting skills, but they are better than smart.

Once the aura of the character is performed, it is easy to remember.

What is the biggest fear in the entertainment industry? What I'm afraid of is that others can't remember your face.

As an actor, protagonist or villain, as long as the audience can remember your face, it is more than half a success.

The other two ips are novel adaptations, one belongs to modern Huanxi Enemy, and the other belongs to ancient costume drama, which is about...Peking Opera.

Over the years, with the stability of life after migration, people have become more and more respected for the restoration of ancient culture.

Many costume dramas have also emerged at the historic moment, but unfortunately, because of the lack and legacy of realistic ancient culture, most of the dramas are about painting tigers but not anti-dogs.

A large number of idol dramas draped in ancient culture have been filmed with huge sums of money, and there are not many that can really become a hit.

One of the big reasons why Su Yayan picked this IP at a glance was that the author of this novel had an understanding of ancient culture and could be regarded as a professional, instead of writing indiscriminately with the banner of ancient culture.

Another reason is that when the system was upgraded, a picture book that had nothing to do with medicine dropped from the upgraded treasure chest. This is the story... Peking Opera!

With this skill book and some professionals, Su Yayan is willing to take a gamble on this IP.

"What happened to these IPs? Not enough funds?"

"No, no, sufficient funds. Someone wants to cooperate with us..."

"Cooperation?" Su Yayan raised her eyebrows. There are many roles in a drama. Even if it is a drama used to praise their company's artists, it is impossible to use people from their own company.

"Which of these three are they looking at?"

"It's "Happy Enemy"."

"Happy Enemy" is the modern ip.

Su Yayan was a little surprised. In her opinion, the most potential of these three IPs should be the TV series about Peking Opera.

But then I think about it, the subject matter of this drama is more sensitive, and it's a serious drama. In the eyes of outsiders, the chance of filming is much higher than that of filming, and they are not willing to take this risk easily.

"Which company is it from?"

"Jue Ying."

"Jeying?" Because of accepting Dongcheng, Su Yayan also tried to get to know the entertainment companies in the next circle.

This Jueying is about the same size as their company. It is a fairly well-developed emerging company with not many artists, but it is said that the potential is pretty good.

"What about their conditions?"

"They want the roles of male one and female two, in exchange, they can inject 10 million."

Ten million is quite a lot. Modern dramas do not need to simulate the background, nor do they need to be too sophisticated about makeup and clothing. The initial investment is less than other types of TV dramas.

Jue Ying was very sincere about spending such a sum of money for these two roles.

"Yes, but you need to audition, and the director is satisfied. In addition, whether it is an in-company artist or such an outsider, it is not allowed to change the script at will after the script is set. The small details can be discussed. If the other characters collapsed, let me get out as soon as possible. This, let them add to the contract."josei

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