The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: Captured Girls

As one of the biggest merchants in Nambonan City used to live there, the perverted mansion is quite magnificent.

He must have hired a good architect when he built it, not to mention the large land area, and it looks like a graceful mansion without the obnoxiousness peculiar to millionaires.

As I passed through the main gate, I saw a row of arched gates made of bricks that resembled an aqueduct.

The gates were probably designed for appearance rather than practicality, and the sight of the gates in the same shape, spaced evenly to the main building, was beautiful enough to make me stop and look.

I hadn't had a chance to take a closer look because it was night when I came to see the pervert show.

Although the pervert merchant was sexually twisted, he did not seem to have bad taste when it came to things around him.

When he stepped into the main building of the pervert's mansion, he found a civil official waiting there.

"Young Master. I've been waiting for you.

A few days had passed since I stepped into the pervert show, and I came to the pervert house again.

The evidence of tax evasion and kidnapping had already been collected, and the Quardenze army had retreated.

"Thank you for welcoming me. What's the progress?

The owner of this mansion is no longer with us. To be precise, he is no longer in this world.

Yesterday afternoon, the evil deeds of the perverted merchant were announced to the citizens, leading to his execution.

Rumon seemed to have done a lot of behind-the-scenes work, and the excitement in the square was tremendous.

As soon as the perverted merchant stepped onto the special stage set up in the square, the surrounding area was filled with shouts of abuse even before the charges were read out.

When I appeared on the stage at the very end, I thought the bricks of the building would collapse from the cheers.

After that, the public announcement ended without a hitch, and Rumon was promoted to the position of having subordinates.

Thus, the perverted mansion, which had lost its owner, became the custody of the Quardenze family.

Incidentally, I was surprised to hear that it was the citizens who started asking for the house to be kept by the mayor. This shows the high level of Rumon's public agitation skills.

The cleaning has been completed and all that remains is to install the furniture. The furniture we ordered in the city will arrive soon, so we expect it to be ready by the end of the day.

"That's pretty fast, huh? I thought you placed the order a few days ago."

This time, I decided to move part of my living quarters in Nambonan City to the Pervert House.

This is because both Tesh and Odie advised me to do so.

Originally, I had ordered the renovation of the mayor's mansion to accommodate Anna and Kohari as concubines.

I had planned to put their living quarters under my control.

I had planned to add a palace-like facility to the mayor's mansion, but when Tesh and Odie found out that the perverted mansion would be free, they immediately expressed their opinions.

The mayor's mansion is a facility where my living space and the city hall coexist.

Even though the two are separated by the pavilion unit, an unspecified number of men, including civil servants, will be coming and going on the premises.

This was apparently unacceptable to Tesh and Odie. They don't want some insolent man to come in and make a mistake with my Anna or Kohari.

If my mistress's infidelity were to cause me to lose faith in women or become impotent, it would be a matter of great importance to the Quardenze family.

From Tesh and Odie's point of view, it was the worst thing that could happen.

For that reason, if the use of the perverted house had not yet been decided, they were asked to use it as a house to enclose their mistress.

Because of the noble nature of the people around me, I thought it was understandable that they would be worried, and because I had no other ideas on how to use it, I decided to maintain the perverted house as my rear palace.

It seems that the people in the city gave top priority to the work. I guess that's the result of the young master's virtue.

I had a feeling that it was the result of propaganda, but let's just call it my virtue.

And since I had already ordered the beds and other things when I gave the order to rebuild, I guess I didn't start from scratch.

"If you are satisfied with the work done by the citizens of Nambonan, ...... and there are no problems with the quality of the delivered goods, tell the contractor that I said so."

"Yes, sir."

Since he had worked so hard, it would be nice to at least give him a compliment.

A word of praise from the mayor of the day would put the contractors in a good mood, and they would come in handy next time.

"Now, let's see how the captured girls are doing."

"Ha! I'll show you around."

The purpose of my visit today was to check on the progress of the renovations, but the main purpose was to check on the status of the abducted girls.

The thirty or so girls who were taken into custody are temporarily living in the pervert house until their future treatment is decided.

I wondered if it would be a good idea to let them live in a house with bad memories, but there was no other house that could accommodate almost thirty girls, so I had no choice.

We were led down the corridor by a civil official and into a large room.

As we entered the room, the girls, who had been chatting happily, all looked at us at once.

"Everyone, please refrain. This is the legitimate son of the Quardenze family, Sir Quardenze Wilk."

The women, who probably knew in advance that I was coming to inspect today, were not distraught and all fell to their knees at once.

I told them to relax their posture and sat down on the chairs that had been prepared nearby.

I felt a twinge of embarrassment as my every move was being watched by the girls of my age.

The air in the room, warmed by the fireplace, was laced with the delicious scent of young girls.

I was tempted to take off my clothes and announce the start of a big orgy, but I held back.

Maybe being in a perverted house makes you a pervert. It's a dangerous place.

"Are you having any inconveniences?"

I tried to speak as softly as I could, but the girls were too afraid to say anything.

I looked around at their expressions, but I couldn't see any of them looking uncomfortable at my appearance. They looked like they wanted to reply, but couldn't bring themselves to do so.

They look as if they are worried about not being polite to a nobleman by using bad language.

"...... Tico, how are you doing? Are you having a hard time with anything?"


The girl next to her looked around in a panic.

The girl next to her saw her demeanor and gestured frantically with her hand for her to respond quickly.

"Oh, um, ......! Oh no! And, very! I'm not struggling! I'm fine!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her oddly phrased answer.

Tico's face turned bright red and she covered her face with her hands.

"How about the rest of you?"

Perhaps because of Tico's answer, the other girls seemed to be able to calm down.

All of the girls who had asked the question gave a neat, if stuttering, reply.

The short answer was that they were living without any problems.

"That's good. Take your time to heal."

As I said this, the girls all spoke in uneven tones of gratitude.

It wasn't just a token of gratitude to the nobleman, but it seemed to come from the depths of their hearts.

I turned my gaze to Wenjian and asked him to explain the recent situation.

At first, the girls were quiet, paying attention to the conversation between me and Wenjian, but after a while, one or two of them started to talk in secret.

They must have sensed that we were not to be blamed for their chatter, and soon the room was filled with a lively atmosphere.

Most of the girls were between the ages of 15 and 20, with 13-year-old Tico being the youngest.

Glancing back, I saw that all of the girls were sitting on the floor, chatting and embroidering.

I asked the civil servant about them, and he told me that he had prepared them because the girls had told him that they had nothing to do and wanted to do some domestic work.

Most of the girls were from rural areas, and it seemed like a waste of time to just relax in a room with a fireplace.

Kianes, who is not good at embroidery and is on fireplace duty, has been pacing in and out of the room for a while now. He has some firewood in the backyard.

The sight of nearly thirty girls embroidering in unison in a room with a large fireplace and beautiful, luxurious shapes was quite bizarre.

I broke off my conversation with the civil servant and approached Tico to see how the rural girls were doing with their needles.

Some of the girls were looking at me, but Tico was so focused on her work that she didn't notice my approach at all.

I guess when daughters get together, they naturally form groups of good friends, and Tico was forming a circle with five other girls.

If you looked closely, you could see that one of them was Kohari.

At first, it was a male civil servant who was stationed in the room of the perverted house, but when there were reports that the girls were a bit frightened, he was replaced by Kohari, who was in charge of miscellaneous tasks.

It wasn't like she was going to be stationed there to do any work, but it was judged that she could at least keep an eye on the girls, so she was put in charge.

From the looks of it, she seems to have forgotten all about her work and is enjoying working with the girls now that she has become friends with them.

If this were Rumon, I would think that he was trying to find out their true intentions by getting to know them not as a resident but as a fellow worker. ...... But in Kohli's case, I can only think that she is enjoying herself.

"Are you any good at embroidery?"


When I called out to Tico, she jumped up in surprise.

When she sees me, she sticks a needle into a pillow-shaped needle holder and puts her fingers on the floor in a formal position.

"Oh, my God, me! The embroidery is, well, ......!"

"You don't have to be so nervous. I won't punish you if your speech slips a little."

I casually put my hand on her shoulder and waited for her to calm down, enjoying the sexual harassment to the extent that it didn't become unpleasant.

As if a drunkard had been given a drink, Tico's face quickly turned red, and her wisteria eyes moistened as if the heat from her face had melted them.

The girls nearby were letting out excited squeals as they peered at her.

A situation comes to mind: a girl talking to the senior of her dreams, and her friends cheering her on from afar. It's quite a nice feeling.

"Is this the finished product? It's beautifully done. Who made this? Kohari?"

In the center of the circle made by Tico, Kohari and the four girls, there was a finished embroidered cloth.

I picked up one of them and looked at it.

The dark blue cloth with many petals stitched in red and yellow thread reminded me of a fireworks display in a previous life in Japan.

"Oh, ......, it's me, ......."

Tico quietly raised his hand and immediately hid his face in embarrassment.

Her ears, which she hadn't been able to hide, had turned a magnificent shade of red.

"Wow, ......, that's nicely done. Are you familiar with it?"

The threads were sewn in tightly, and to my eyes, it looked well done.

"We have a lot of rabbits in the house, so I'm good with thread."


I couldn't really see the connection between being good at needlework and having rabbits.

The girl sitting right next to Tico must have noticed that I didn't understand, because she opened her mouth.

"The rabbit's hair is used to make thread, so there are many opportunities to embroider with thread that can't be sold. Tico's family keeps rabbits, right?"


I wonder if I look like a naïve aristocrat to them, not knowing how thread is made.

I began to feel that I couldn't make fun of Kohari's ladylike nature too much.

"Tico's family is a rabbit family?"

It's not an occupation I've heard much about, but maybe it's not an uncommon family business in the continent of Eruo.

In both New Nellie City and Nambonan City, rabbit meat soup is rather common on the menu.

I had thought that hunters hunted rabbits, but perhaps rabbit farms are the mainstream way of raising rabbits.

Again, it was the girl sitting next to me who answered my question.

"You know, many farmers keep rabbits in their gardens. The hair can be used to make yarn, the meat is delicious, and even small children can take care of them. Besides, the droppings can be used as fertilizer for the fields. There are many houses that have chickens and rabbits."

"Is that so?"

The girls in the vicinity who had been listening in nodded in agreement with her words.

It seemed that keeping rabbits was a normal thing for farmers.

'You keep rabbits in your house, don't you, Mr. Mayor? There was a well-fat rabbit."

Tico said with a smile, but I had no idea what she was talking about.

I don't think they raise any livestock in the mayor's mansion.

I was about to ask Tico where she had seen it, when Kohli raised a small hand.

"I think that might be my rabbit. It's a black-haired rabbit. ......"

"Oh, I'm sure it's that rabbit."

I can't believe she had a rabbit. I wonder if she was dabbling in rabbit breeding as an inside job.

It's a little scary to imagine such a young lady, who wouldn't kill a mosquito, strangling and dismembering a rabbit, smiling and saying, "Brother, the fatty thigh meat looks very tasty."

"Did you have a rabbit or something?"

"Yes, I did. Now I can live with them again."

When we talked to Kohari, she told us that they had been keeping rabbits since long before they were annexed to the territory of Quardenze.

His father, who always put his work first, rarely came home, but his older brother, Rumon, was very protective of her.

But that was only until Rumon came of age. As the heir to a large merchant family, Rumon became very busy when he came of age, and many days he did not come home.

Kohari spent her days alone in the house without her family, waiting for Rumon's return.

One day, Rumon brought a baby rabbit back to the house for Kohari, who was feeling lonely, and she was able to drown her sorrows for a little while.

When the house was confiscated by the Quardenze army, the rabbit was left in the care of one of Kohari's few friends.

At that time, Kohari was so sad to say goodbye to the rabbit that she cried endlessly at the inn.

Eventually, Rumon was hired as a city employee, and he was able to live and work in the mayor's mansion.

Recently, he could made enough money to live well, so he got the rabbit back from his friend and decided to keep it at the mayor's residence.

Incidentally, Rumon got the permission to keep the rabbit from Tesh and Odie. He's a very sweet brother to his sister.

In other words, it seems that Kohari's rabbits were not livestock, but pets.

"I've collected their hair and had it made into yarn. I even had them collect the hair and turn it into thread, which turned out to be very beautiful and black."

"One rabbit, huh? How can you get that much hair?"

I've never touched a rabbit in a previous life on Earth, but I think that one only had hair the size of a cat.

If you collect the hair from a cat's growth, you won't get that much. And I don't think it can be processed into thread.

"The ...... rabbit is a thick-haired rabbit, not like the ones you find in the wild. ......"

The girl sitting next to Tico moves her hands in an Afro-head drawing motion.

This is the first time I've ever seen a thick-haired rabbit.

That fuzzy creature was a rabbit. ......

When I was out and about in New Nellie City, I once saw a domestic animal with the appearance of a hairball being kept in a rural plot.

The people in the farming village called the creature by a word that means "furball" or "hairy" in Luo language, so I thought that there must be strange creatures with such strange names in the Luo continent.

After listening to the girl's explanation in more detail, it seemed that the "furball" in New Nelly City was identical to a creature named the "thick-haired rabbit.historical

Since there are rabbits that look like rabbits on the continent of Luo, whenever I hear the word rabbit in my brain, I think of that rabbit.

Thick-haired rabbits, also known as furballs, are creatures that have voluminous, sheep-like body hair.

If you include the fuzzy parts, an adult rabbit is bigger than a basketball.

I was allowed to touch a live one in a farming village once, and it was so pleasant to the touch that I wanted to rub its cheeks.

The farmer told us that the hair on their bodies was so thin and strong that they could take the bite of a wild dog.

However, even if they were able to catch a bite attack, they would be sucked into their mouths and taken somewhere else, which means that they will eventually be killed unless humans help them. The thick-haired rabbit is a slow-moving animal.

The thick-haired rabbit is a slow-moving animal, and as each region has its own name for animals, it may be a custom around New Nelly to call it a furball.

"The thick-haired rabbit, as you can see when you shave it, is just a normal rabbit. They just have a lot of hair on them."

"Wow. That's interesting.

I had an image of rabbit hair being used as fur, but considering its sheep-like appearance and her explanation, I guessed she would use scissors or a razor blade to cut off the hair.

However, given its sheep-like appearance and her description, I guess she uses scissors or a razor blade to cut off the hair. It was hard to believe that Kohari was so happy when she tore off the skin of her pet rabbit and said, "Brother, the fur came off beautifully.

"Shaving is fun. Kianes...... my brother is very good at it."

According to Tico and the other girls, thick-haired rabbit hair can be used to make thread that is much finer than sheep's wool.

"You're used to embroidery, aren't you Tico?"

"No, that's not true. Your mother is much better at it than I am."

Tico put one hand on her cheek, as if embarrassed, and averted his gaze.

One of the hobbies of the noble princesses is embroidery.

Fanny also has a needle sometimes, but compared to that, Tico's embroidery is on a much different level.

It may be natural that Tico is a better embroiderer because she is older, but I don't think Fanny will be able to catch up with this level in a few years.

Well, princesses' embroidery is just for fun, so except for a few embroidery nerds, their skills are very limited.

I was once given a handkerchief embroidered by Fanny, and it was a smiling piece of work. Of course, I took it with a smile and played the role of a kind brother.

I took Tico's hand and smiled, "No need to be modest, you look beautiful. If you can sew ...... well, can I have one?"

"Yes.... yes ♡"

Tico was no longer a maiden.

But her eyes were those of a maiden in love.

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