The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Eating The Delicious Mother Elf (1/3)

Chapter 139 - Eating the Delicious Mother Elf (1/3)

Updated: 2 days ago

With Rave in the carriage, we set out for the perverted house.

Rave sat in front of me, occasionally glancing at me with anxious eyes.

I smiled at her every time, and she smiled back, as if relieved.

She seems to be worried about what will happen to her, and her dazed look is vaguely similar to Eve's.

Except for her chest, Rave is slim, but she's also reasonably tall, at least a head taller than me as a 12-year-old boy.

It's a good thing I'm not the only one who's a little scared, but I like the way she's trying to communicate with me.

After all, she has lived for a long time, and she is not just a trembling little girl.

I looked up to speak to her, but stopped myself, as if I couldn't find the courage to do so. I smiled and called out to Rave, who was repeating such a movement over and over again.

"The carriage will now go to one of my residences. I'm going to have Rave live there for a while."

"Yes, yes!"

"I'm going to take the carriage to one of my residences. They are close in age to Rave, so I think they will get along well."

It's not a surprise that there are no human girls close in age to the 185-year-old Rave. Even if there were, it would not be a girl, but an old woman who is as close to a demon as possible.

But I'm not supposed to know Rave's true age. The villainous merchant Dolan had boldly discounted Rave's age by 90%, falsely claiming that she was 18 years old, and introduced her to me for sale.

Incidentally, Rave herself has already agreed to the age fraud. I'm poking at her sense of complicity to see how she reacts.

Rave was a bit at a loss for words, but she didn't want to interrupt the conversation that had just started. She said she wanted to get to know the guardian girl, asked him how soon she would arrive at the mansion, and seemed to be consciously trying to keep the conversation going.

I didn't want the carriage to be shrouded in silence, so I gladly joined in her conversation.

"How did you get to Nambonan City, Rave?"

When I said this, Rave's face darkened and her eyes darted around as if she was having trouble speaking. It would have been terrible to speak of it, considering the disaster that had befallen her.

With my palm facing Rave, I made an apologetic face, as if I had guessed something.

"No, you don't have to tell me. ...... It must a painful story."

"Thank you for your concern about ......."

"Don't worry about it. ...... Let's put an end to this story. I won't ask again, and Rave doesn't have to force herself to say anything. I promise.


I'm sure I made a good impression on her when I saw her relieved expression. But the truth is, my real goal was something else.

In the future, I plan to have Eve meet Rave if she becomes attached to me. It would be a touching reunion of mother and daughter.

But as of now, Eve has not opened her heart to me. In fact, it would be better to say that she hates me.

If I were to reunite the two of them in this state, I'm sure I'd be left out in the cold. On top of that, Eve's disapproval of me might reveal the truth about the world, that Wilk is a rapist, and Rave might hate me.

Therefore, the timing of our reunion depends on Eve.

If Eve comes to have feelings for me, she won't have to snitch about her rape experience to her mother. I don't think there is any girl who would say, "The man I love is a rapist. Maybe."

Considering Eve's personality, I think it's more likely that she'll keep the fact that she was raped a secret from her mother so that she won't worry about her, but I'll be careful. I don't want the mother-daughter project to fail.

That's why I'm planning for Rave to stay in the perverted house in Nambonan City for a while.

This is where I think about what would happen if Eve were to grow old and reunite with her mother.

Eve might have some feelings about me for hiding her mother's existence from her. If I'm not careful, I might even lose the trust I've built up.

That's why I'm taking out an insurance policy.

I thought Rave was an unmarried 18-year-old girl, and I couldn't ask her about her upbringing and circumstances because she was heartbroken, so I didn't think Rave was Eve's mother,......, and that was my excuse.

There's a lot of room for complaint, like why didn't they notice that they had bought two elf sex slaves, but it's a small matter, all they have to do is call Doran and give him the script.

That's why I didn't tell Rave that she didn't have to talk about herself out of concern for her heart, but rather to prevent her from saying or doing anything that would make her feel connected to Eve.

I'm sure Rave doesn't want to talk about the past and have her lie about being an unmarried 18 year old girl, so I'm sure she won't bother to talk about it.

I couldn't help but relax my face at the fact that things had gone as I had hoped.

Then Rave smiled back at us, wondering what she misunderstood.

It was really funny to see her trying to create a good impression for me, even if just a little.

While he was having a bland conversation with Rave, the carriage arrived at the garden of the perverted house.

When Tesh opened the carriage door, the cold winter air entered the seat.

"Tesh, get Rave some clothes. She's going to be cold in this outfit."

"Very well, sir. I'll leave it to Odie.

Odie was standing behind Tesh, apparently waiting at the pervert's house.

Odie is also aware of this play, so there is no need to worry.

"This way, please, so that you can change your clothes."

Now that Rave is my property, the servants will treat her accordingly.

The servants will treat her as if she were a vase that I cherished.

Rave fumed at Odie's attitude and gave me a puzzled look.

"What? Um..."

"You should go with Odie. We'll get you some warm clothes."

I gave her a fresh smile and sent her on her way.

Rave looked back at me anxiously as she walked into the mansion, like a little girl afraid to leave her parents.

I have my own living space in the pervert house.

While I was drinking tea in one of the rooms, Rave came in after she finished changing her clothes.

"Master, ......, thank you for waiting."

She had changed from the raggedy clothes she had been wearing earlier to clothes made of fine cloth.

A gray jacket and a long skirt dyed in a dark beige color made her pale blond hair stand out clearly. The design of the clothes was elegant and calm, and it suited her well.

"It looks good on you."

"Thank you."

I complimented her on her outfit, being careful not to focus my gaze on breasts.

I wanted to rub her, but I knew that if I did, all the hard work I had done would be for naught.

"Since we're here, why don't we meet the girls we're protecting in this mansion?

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure Rave will be lonely."

I got up from my chair and led Rave to the room full of girls.

The pervert house is a large mansion with three houses connected by a corridor.

The innermost house is for the inner palace to enclose my woman, the middle one is for my residence, and the one closest to the main gate is the general-purpose house where the protected girls are kept.

I walked up to the room where the guardian girl was, occasionally noticing Rave walking right behind me.

When I entered the room, I was greeted with a friendly smile.

"I have someone to introduce you all to."

So I let Rave introduce herself to the girls.

Rave's beauty was a shock to them, and several of the girls sighed in admiration.

"...... Rahve has had a very hard time. I hope you all can get along."

In a way, all of the girls here were in a similar situation as Rave.

I hope that they will be able to make friends with each other and heal Rave's heart.

Besides, this protective room is filled with an air of praise for me.

It would be a blessing if she could breathe in that air and gain a little more trust in me.

Two days have passed since I bought Rave.

I still haven't held her in my arms, and I'm still in agony. In the past two days, I haven't been able to hold Rave, Kohli, Anna, or Odie.

Lately, I've been turning into a seeding machine to the point where my dick doesn't have time to dry up, and my head is hurting just living a normal life.

It's about time I hold Rave.

When I finally couldn't hold back anymore, I came to the pervert house in the evening.

I had already bathed and eaten, so all I had to do was sleep. I was wondering if she was still coming.

Just as I was wondering if she would come yet, there was a knock at the door.

Rave was standing there when I allowed her to enter the room.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour."

She seemed to have just finished taking a bath, and the steam from the water was soothing her.

Her white skin was slightly tinged with red, and her still-dry hair gave off an indescribable air of sexiness.

"I don't think it's a good idea for a girl of her age to come to a place like this at night."

Rave smiles vaguely as she walks up to me, the rustling of her clothes echoing in the quiet room.

There's a hot woman's body under this cloth. I've been masturbating, and just thinking about it makes me want to ejaculate.

"I'm sorry, Master. Have you had a good night at ...... yet?"

Rave apologizes for her sudden visit, but I've been working behind the scenes to make sure she knows I'm coming.

Pretending to be a stranger, I answered Rave's questions.

"No, I was thinking of staying up a little later. ...... What do you want?"

In fact, today Rave is being taken by Tesh to the Gan-Oras Trading Company.

That is the name of the final procedure for the purchase of slaves, but in reality it is a play without me.

Tesh, who was dissatisfied when he saw that Rave still hadn't been held by the Lord, said, "I don't want a sex slave who doesn't do anything for a high price. The young master may not be angry, but I'm considering reporting him to the Master and breaking the sales contract," he said, acting to complain to Doran.

Rave, who had been taken by Oras to another room, happened to peep into it.

What will she think and what will she do? ......

The result was this night's visit. It seems that Tesh was also a performer.

"I'm not sure what to say. I just wanted to say thank you to Master."


Then Rave got down on her knees on the floor.

I approached her to stop her from that position. I didn't miss the way the fabric around her breasts loosened and the fruit swayed.

"I was going to be sold to a very painful place. Master bought me and saved me."

Rave's eyes were serious, and I could tell that she was truly grateful to me.

Doran's education is truly amazing. It's a strange situation when you're suddenly kidnapped and sold off as a sex slave, and I'm the one who bought her and is thanked for it.

"It's cold to be on your knees on a winter night, stop it."

"But ......"

"It's okay."

I try to take her hand to help her stand up, but the moment my hand reaches out, she tenses up and shakes her back.

"Oh, ......! I'm sorry! I'm so rude. ......"

I looked at Rave, who stood up hurriedly, and moved my expression to offer forgiveness.

Rave has developed a fear of men, but her reaction was much weaker than Doran had told me.

According to the report, Rave was so frightened by the mere approach of a man that it was unsettling to watch, and in some cases she would vomit and hyperventilate.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it. You can sit on the couch there at ......."


The combination of the awareness of being saved, the brainwashing space of the protective girls, and me, a boy on the outside but not on the inside, may have helped to alleviate some of Rave's fears.

I sit down next to her and casually turn my head to make sure that no one is nearby, and then look at her.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing. We, the people of the Kingdom of Levios, forced you to become our slaves. I'm not representing the Kingdom of Levios, but as a human being, I'd like to apologize. ...... I'm sorry, Rave."

"Oh, um..."

"You don't have to say anything. I'm really sorry."

She didn't expect me to apologize like that, and I could tell that Rave was confused.

I looked at her with serious eyes, showing her how serious I was, and then I slowly exhaled.

"...... It's just me and Rave in this room now, isn't it? I'm a nobleman, and I don't have the opportunity to make such an apology. If my servants heard me, they would be furious with me for my dignity."

When I said, "Don't tell anyone," with a slightly frightened gesture, Rave smiled.

It's a natural smile that comes from a genuine heartfelt expression.

"...... Aristocrats have it tough, don't they?"

"Do you understand? As the next head of the family, I have to behave in a way I'm not ashamed of. It's nice to be able to talk to Rave in such a casual way."

While acting as if he is a boy of his age and not a dignified one, he tells Rave that he means what he says.

If I'm telling the truth, I'm all for slavery because it provides me with such beautiful sex slaves.

"I'm glad my master is a kind man. Come to think of it, the girls in the mansion are also talking about ......."historical

Then Rave began to talk about the delusional image of Wilk that she had heard from girls who were from the pervert mansion.

I disagreed with her, occasionally laughing.

"Haha, I'm not that great of a person.

"But it's true that you saved those girls, isn't it? They were all very grateful. So was I."

It seemed that Rave truly trusted me. There was no hint of deceit in her bright smile.

Even as we chatted side by side on the sofa, her words were full of affection for me.

I regretted that I hadn't done more preparation behind the scenes on Christmas Eve.

"...... We've been talking a bit, Rave, and I think it's time you went back to your room."

My words made Rave's expression cloudy.

"Well, you know, ......"

"What's wrong?"

She mumbled, but then opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

"I think I'm too sleepy to go back to my room. ......"

I guess she wasn't used to inviting men to bed, but it was an inexplicably dumb invitation.

Rave shivered in shame, her long ears red all the way to the tips of her ears.

I did a little dance in my mind and gently took her hand in mine.

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