The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Mother Elf

Chapter 142 - Mother Elf

Updated: 2 days ago

T/N: (Rave's POV)

My heart beat faster as I heard a pounding on the door.

I have heard this sound for three days in a row now, and there is no one else who visits this room.

I checked my hair and nightgown in the mirror in the room and answered the door.

"I'm coming in."


A boy with blue hair and silver eyes, my "master," opened the door and walked in.

I was surprised to hear that he was only twelve years old, as he usually acted very dignified.

"Rave, I've missed you."

"Are you sure?"

Master came to my room with a big smile on his face.

I remember when the slaver took me to see him for the first time, I felt a little scared because of the disproportion between his beautiful face and sharp eyes.

But the way he was smiling at me was that of a 12-year-old boy.

As I've come to be afraid of grown men, a master who is old enough to be my son is a comfort to me.

"It's true, of course. Rave......"

"N...... chu♡"

I kissed Master, who leaned toward me and stretched his neck.

His tongue moves for me, and I respond with my tongue.

"Chupu...... chupu...... hmpu."

"Chub ...... chu ...... puh."

When I parted my lips, the saliva dripped downward in a thread.

One thing that is troubling is that the master's sex drive is very strong.

I never thought that I would be held by such a young boy.

"How was your day, ...... Rave? Are you having a hard time?"

It's been about five days since I arrived at the mansion.

Every time I see Master, he asks me how I'm doing. I was very happy to hear his concern.

The pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the time I was in the slave trade. I was saved by being bought by Master.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Master."

I have hot meals, clean clothes. I even get to take a bath every day, and I even get a room in this big house.

I don't think there are many slaves who are as fortunate as I am.

One wrong move and I would've been in the army. ......

"Hmm? What's wrong? You look so sad. ......"

"I'm sorry ....... It's just that it reminded me of the past. ......"

I shouldn't have done that. I've made Master worry. He'll think I'm dissatisfied with my current life.

I hurriedly tried to open my mouth, but he put his index finger on my lips.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. You just need to relax and let your mind heal."


I could feel the receptive power of a grown man from Master in such situations.

I took him at his word and decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Yes, good girl."

Master's arms reached out and hugged me, as if he was trying to comfort me.

Master was still growing and was shorter than I was.

It's not like a man and a woman hugging each other, but more like a parent and a child interacting.

Parent and child. It's a word that makes me depressed.

I lied to my master about my identity. I lied to my master that I am an unmarried daughter.

When I was living in the village, I was married and had a child.

I feel really bad and distressed for the master who cares for me.

I thought many times about confessing everything to him, but I couldn't do it.

If my master were to find out that I was married and had a child, he would be furious and send me back to the slavers. ...... Just thinking about that makes me unable to say anything.

If you listen to the stories of the girls in the mansion and see how Master has been behaving over the past few days, you will know that he is not the kind of person who would do such a thing.

But what if, really what if, he hates me? ...... Just thinking about that dark future makes me cringe and feel like I can't breathe.

I was so afraid of being hated by my master.

"Please don't abandon ...... me, Master ....... Please don't abandon ...... me. Please don't abandon ...... me."

"Yes. Okay, Rave."

I said the same thing again. Whenever I feel nervous, I can't help but check.

I said the same thing over and over again, but Master never got angry and replied to me. I can't tell you how much that has saved my life.

"I'm ...... happy with you, master. ...... That's why I'm ......"


Is that really so?

I've been able to find a kind master. ...... But what about Eve?

I wonder how my precious, really precious daughter, Eve, is doing now.

I am sure that she has been enslaved just like me.

Maybe she's crying because she was taken to the same harsh environment that I was almost sent to. I might be crying and screaming as I am forcibly raped by a man I don't know.

Just thinking about it doesn't make me happy from the bottom of my heart. I should not be the only one who is happy.

And yet, I tell my master that I am happy.

In order to protect myself, I have to be liked by my master. I don't want to go back to the slavers. That's why I flirt with him.

"...... Yeah. It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry."

Master seems to see through the fact that the words "happy" do not come from the heart.

I think he's waiting for the time when I'll get the courage to tell him.

I think he's a very mature boy, even though he's the same age as Eve.

Masters' species have a shorter life span than ours. Perhaps that's why their minds are growing so fast.

"Rave, let's sit down for a while."

I was led to a nearby sofa and sat down.

Master followed me and sat down at a distance where our thighs were perfectly attached.

"...... chu."

"Mmm, chu ♡"

Master likes to kiss. He puts his lips together in some way.

My husband, who fought to protect our village and was killed by soldiers from the Kingdom of Levios, was sexually indifferent, so I was a little confused by Master's sexuality.

There was no way I could forget my husband. But it's also true that in just a few days, Master's presence has grown in my heart.

"...... Rave."

"Please be gentle, okay?"

And the master likes breasts anyway.

He called my name in a slightly embarrassed tone, and then nuzzled his face into my chest.


It's a little bit cute that the master has a sweet voice.

In front of the servants, the guards, and the girls he protects in the mansion, he is reliable and even dignified, but when he is alone with me in this room, he spoils me like this.

I think he's a little like Eve in this way.

She was also a strong girl outside the house, but when she came home, she was all sweet to me and my husband.

When I'm petting my master like this, I can't help but be reminded of Eve, partly because they are so close in age.

"Oh, it's so big now ......."

The cloth of Master's pants, buried in my chest, was puffed out.

Master really has a huge sex drive. I know this because we've had a lot of skin on skin in the past three days.

I was sold as a sex slave, so I don't know what will happen to me if I don't fulfill my role. Having made that decision, I was halfway embraced by my master as if he were attacking me.

Suppressing the feeling that I was about to vomit when I remembered the day I was defiled by the royal army, I cornered my master.

I was prepared for the fact that he would probably mess me up if I got excited, at least at first.

However, Master was very kind to me and acted as if he cared about me.historical

I was glad that a boy smaller than me cared for me, and my fear of sexual intercourse eased a little.

In the end, I don't remember how many times I received semen that day.

Master's way of holding me was ...... unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

I was so confused between feeling scared and feeling good that I don't even remember what I did at the end.

From the next day on, Master came to my room at night to perform the act of procreation.

I felt a terrible sense of relief that I was able to become his favorite, and self-loathing that I had invited such a young boy of his age.

But this is the way I will live my life.

With the village gone, I had nowhere to go, and even if I escaped from here, I would be surrounded by the Kingdom of Levios.

If that's the case, I want to live peacefully under a kind master.

"I can't help it. ...... It's because Rave is cute."

"...... ah ♡"

A fingertip slipped into my underwear and stimulated my weak spot.

I couldn't help but scream.

I would have to make a baby again today.

It is said that procreation is very important to the nobility, and women who have children are treated with great respect. Master Tesh said that this is true even for slaves.

If you have a baby, you can visit .......

I wonder if I will be able to muster up the courage. Will I be able to tell Master about Eve?

Pressing my trembling fingertips against the sofa, I hid my agitation from Master.

I might be a bad mother, taking advantage of the baby I was going to have with Master.

It would also be an act of betrayal of Master's trust.

I can't say anything right now.

I'm too scared to say it.

You can use your kind master to help you find Eve and save her. ......

You will find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

Eve ....... My little girl.

Hopefully, she will be bought by a kind person like her master.

I prayed to the spirits in my heart.

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