The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

[Is it the reply?]


A few days after Reisleaf Castle fell, I wrote a letter to the Spierzeig family.

The contents of the letter can be summarized as [I took care of your son’s body. If you want it back, prepare the money].

It’s a matter of course, but in reality, I didn’t use such blatant expressions. Naturally, it was a gentlemanly extortion that combines elegant brush strokes and elegant sentences.

They must have never thought that the Quordenze would propose to return the body, because a few days after I sent the letter, a skeptical envoy visited Reisleaf Castle.

The envoy was openly wary of us and insisted on confirming Verret’s body. It’s a natural request because they can’t afford to pay a lot of money for a fake corpse. In addition, my father had instructed me not to meet the envoy of the Spierzeig family, so all of this I heard through the recounting from the civil officers. My work was almost finished when I wrote the letter.

That’s why negotiations were progressing without my involvement, so I don’t know the details unless I ask a civil officer. But, apparently the coffin was transported to a small village halfway between Reisleaf Castle and Nambonan City and the envoy confirmed the truth there.

The envoy’s reaction was reportedly good.

I heard later that the envoy was the chief servant who had been entrusted with taking care of Verret. From my point of view, it would be like Tesh. According to a civil officer, he felt prepared to humiliate me even if he were to be killed on the spot, depending on how the body was treated.

What was prepared before such an envoy was Verret’s corpse, which was carefully placed in a coffin and covered with death makeup. If the head and torso weren’t separated, the corpse looked as if the person was still alive.

The messenger, faced with the corpse of his master that had not suffered a single humiliation, stood still and silently shed tears, then quickly returned to Spierzeig territory.

It wasn’t long after that that I received a reply from the Spierzeig family that they wanted to proceed with the negotiations for the return of the body.

[Just a little while ago, letters from the Spierzeig family arrived. It is addressed to Young Master, so please check it.]

The civil officer handed me two letters in a row vertically from my point of view. Due to the different lengths of the envelopes, their arrangement resembled the kanji character for two.

Both envelopes have a wax seal with the Spierzeig crest, but the designs are different. The envelope in the front is gorgeous with detailed designs, but the one in the back has a very simplified Spierzeig crest.

There is no doubt that it is a letter from Duke Spierzeig and a family member of the Spierzeig family.

[Would Young Master like to read them now?]

[As soon as I have a copy, I would like to send both to Newnelly.]

When it comes to exchanging letters between the next Head of the Quordenze family and the current Head of the Spierzeig family, depending on the situation, it may be irreversible. Even though a civil official will guide me through the letter, I would be in trouble if there were any discrepancies with my father’s policy, so I reported to Newnelly Castle and asked for judgment each time.

It’s decreased recently, but sometimes I acted based on principles that the people of the Eruo continent can’t understand…the values of former Earthlings, and it seems my father seems to be worried about that as well.

Speaking of incomprehensible value, one of it was exactly this return of Verret’s body.

I received several letters from my father saying, [I’m happy that you’re trying to get a ransom for the house, but since it’s Wilk’s achievement, you can treat the corpse however you like]. In particular, the military officers didn’t seem to understand it at all, and it was very difficult to refuse because they suggested displaying the corpse in Newnelly to appeal to their military exploits.

Having lived as a noble on the Eruo continent for 12 years, my earthling sense of values have become much thinner. However, the core of my existence is still the values I had when I was still Japanese.

To be honest, I don’t feel much for killing Verret in a duel. I’m a Noble, and I just think it can’t be helped because it’s a war. If anything, there are even parts where I feel lucky with the result that I get.

However, I felt that it would slowly damage my heart to display a charcoal-roasted corpse. Looking at the charred corpses displayed at the entrance of Newnelly City, I will have to face the fact that I killed someone over and over again. I could have predicted that. In this part, I feel that I can’t be a person from the Eruo continent.

Without the slightest sympathy for Verret or the slightest repulsion against the barbaric Eruo continental culture, I decided to firmly reject the hanging of the corpse for one personal purpose of simply wanting to protect my mentality.

The only thing that I was worried about was that Wilk would be looked down upon by other Nobles, but at least there weren’t many people who could make fun of the people who took down Reisleaf Castle. You may think I’m an eccentric person who is out of common sense, but I decided that peace of mind should be prioritized to that extent.

I would like the later historians to know Wilk Quordenze as a progressive-minded Noble who resolutely rejected barbaric customs. …..No, considering the circumstances of my lower body, aren’t I also a splendid savage?

[Then it can’t be helped, should we prioritize this one?]

Unfortunately, it seemed that we had to put off working on the clean copy of the letter to be sent to another family.

[It would be better if Young Master took your time to reply.]

[That’s right. I can’t tell without looking at the contents, but the Spierzeig army may move as soon as I reply… Well, let’s just do this already, shall we?]

Several skirmishes continued in the beginning of February, but once the envoy confirmed the condition of Verret’s body, Spierzeig’s army showed little movement due to negotiations for the return of the bodies. It’s virtually a ceasefire.

This has not changed even now, when the body has been returned and the negotiations have concluded. In some cases, replying to this letter will also mean the end of the ceasefire.

[As you said, I think it would be difficult.]

[They’ll have to keep quiet for a while. Without money, the army won’t be able to move satisfactorily.]

The Spierzeig family bought a vicious tie-in from me: [Verret’s corpse, plus civilian militia captives]. I put into action the plan that I had only briefly considered before.

The sale price was calculated by a project team consisting of civil servants working at Nambonan City Hall and city officials with strong financial accounts, such as Ramon, and calculated the requested amount. It’s a pretty vulgar price aimed at the limit. As a result, the amount demanded per commoner prisoner of war was a reasonable price.

The envoy seemed to have never thought that they would also need to pay ransom for the captured militia, and was very angry. However, it is said that when the Quordenze side smiled back, saying, [It’s a pity to trample on the Young Master’s goodwill. How regrettable. Let’s burn it black right away], he could not say anything back.

In the end, the envoy came to Reisleaf Castle several times to negotiate the price, but in the end he gave up and spat out a large amount of gold coins. It’s emotionally difficult to ignore a beautiful corpse, and abandoning it out of pity for the commoner’s fees would give a bad reputation.

According to civil and military officers, it appeared that the financial damage had been done to the extent that they wouldn’t be able to fund large-scale military action for a while. Although it is the Eruo continent where physical power is first and foremost, financial power is not without power.

[I will not let my guard down. No matter what these letters say, I will protect Reisleaf Castle to the death.]

[Yessir, here they are.]

Out of the two side-by-side envelopes, I picked up the one which the sender was Duke Spierzeig.

For some reason, I have a feeling that it might contain anthrax bacteria or jumping razor blades, but as expected, such things were not enclosed. Putting anthrax aside, they might be able to prepare razor blades, but even if something like that was put in, it can’t inflict a single wound on the Highlord’s body, so there’s no point in doing it.


I unfolded the few letters that came out of the envelope and read it. As expected of the Head of the Spierzeig family, his brushstrokes and writing expressions are splendid, and I felt a certain background as a Great Noble there.

The contents of the letter were also related to the receipt of Verret’s body.

[As Father said, he seems to be thinking of making peace by using me as a foothold.]

It mainly contained words of gratitude for the careful handling and return of the corpse, and concluded with a prayer that the next generation Spierzeig would have no grudge against Quordenze.

There is not a single line that provokes or agitates here. I can even feel coolness in the majestic text.

[…The composition of the sentences and the way the brush was used is wonderful.]

The letter has some content to flatter me, but there is not even a shred of servility on the other side. It’s strange because when you read it, it makes you think, [I’ve been recognized by such a great person. I did it!].

If you’re a young Noble who doesn’t have much experience interacting with the big wigs, you might get carried away.

[There is a quirk in how to use decorative letters, but there is skill in it. I guess this is drawn on purpose.]

[Young Master, it’s good to learn, but don’t get carried away. Be careful.]

Duke Spierzeig may have seen me as the next Head of the family, who is still young at the front line, as an easy opponent. It wouldn’t be strange if it was judged that my hatred for the Spierzeig family wasn’t strong enough that I carelessly returned the body.

I replied lightly to the civil official and raised my head.

[I have finished reading this. Please deliver it to my father.]

Instead of putting it back in the envelope, I handed over the letter. It seemed that my intentions were understood, and the civil officer said, [Excuse me], and quickly read the letter.

[… There are some parts that can be taken as questions. I guess they are thinking of waiting for an answer and guessing Young Master’s stance.]

[I have to think carefully about the wording of my reply.]

[Yes. I think Young Master will receive instructions from Master soon, but how about making a draft once? Thinking about a letter addressed to the Spierzeig family should be a good experience for Young Master who will eventually become the Head of the family.]

Considering that I will become the Head of the Quordenze family in the future, I want to learn what I can learn now. If you’re thinking about replying to a letter you receive, you should be able to practice with a feeling close to the real thing.

If it’s just a draft, there’s no bothersome clean-up work, so it’s all welcome.

[I see, that’s a good idea. When the draft is finished, I’ll leave the corrections to you. It would be interesting to compare it with the guidance that I’ll receive from my father.]

When I instructed some civilians to look over, I turned my gaze to another letter left on the desk.

The envelope has my name written on it, and it was stamped with a simplified Spierzeig crest. But the sender’s name was not written anywhere. When I held it in my hand and looked at the back, it was stamped with a floral pattern.

This is a characteristic of letters sent by female Nobles.

I correspond with Plume, the Princess of the Sylopea family. The letter that I received from her doesn’t have a particular sender written on it, and it’s stamped with a floral pattern. The type of flowers and the color of the ink vary depending on the sender’s preferences, so after a few exchanges, one will be able to guess who the sender is by looking at the floral stamp on the envelope.

[Kivylate flower, huh?]

The design of the floral pattern looked like a Kivylate flower.

Kivylate is a relatively popular flower among female Nobles, and it looks very similar to cluster amaryllis. If there is a difference, it will be that it has a pleasant scent similar to osmanthus. When I smell it, it reminds me of the air freshener of the Japanese toilet in my previous life.

I opened the envelope with the feeling of opening the bathroom door and read the letter inside.

As expected, the sender’s name was written on the letter. If it’s not written, it’ll be just a strange document.

[…It’s a letter from the Princess of the Spierzeig family.]

I briefly told the civil officer who was watching me.

[Could it be Princess Romilie?]

[It is.]

The sender’s name was Romilie Spierzeig.

She is the eldest daughter of the Spierzeig family, born between Duke Spierzeig and his lawful wife. From her point of view, Verret, whose head I chopped off, is her older brother.

I waved the letter and spoke to the civil officer.

[It’s a favorable letter.]

I don’t know how Duke Spierzeig allowed it, but the letter from Princess Romilie didn’t contain any malice towards me. Most of it was a monologue in Princess Romilie’s heart, but towards the end there is a description of gratitude for returning the body of her older brother.

…..Princess Romilie has been heartbroken since she was a child due to the protracted conflict between the Spierzeig and Quordenze families. Will the two families who hate each other continue to fight until one of them perishes, or can they not join hands?

Princess Romilie simply wishes for peace, but fate cruelly deprives her of her precious family, her older brother Verret.

What was shocking to Princess Romilie was that her older brother had passed away, and that the person who carried it out was the eldest son of the Quordenze family. Hatred is inherited to the next generation. Her wish did not come true.

She was weeping over her late older brother when a letter arrived at Castle Othelloria from someone who claimed to be Wilk Quordenze.

The contents of the letter were unbelievable.

The eldest son of the Quordenze family, who is the family’s nemesis, will return the body even if it’s at the cost of his military exploits. Everyone in the house wondered what he was up to.

However, Princess Romilie was the only one whose heart was pounding.

She wanted to believe. The eldest son of the Quordenze family never wanted to fight his older brother. As a result of being involved in the fate of the two families, he had to grab the spear.

The corpse of his older brother handed over by the Quordenze family was indeed beautiful, and she could not sense any intention to disparage a hated enemy there.

At this point, she was overwhelmed with emotion.

I hope you feel the same as me, no, even if not, I was saved by your thoughtfulness. Thank you.

…..In summary, the content was written like that.

[I don’t particularly fond of Kivylate, but I like its scent…]

I read aloud the conclusion of the letter.

Even if I am a member of the Quordenze family, who is her family nemesis, the correct answer is to interpret that is she personally has a fondness for me, who she sees as a gentleman.

I don’t know if Romilie’s true feelings are true to the letter. But, at least this letter can be said to be a letter claiming that she doesn’t hold any ill will towards me.

In other words, Duke Spierzeig had some kind of speculation by permitting the letter to be delivered to me.

[It seems to be moving into the direction Father expected.]

I heard from my father that in the future, the Spierzeig family will use various means to aim for peace or a truce, partly because of the fall of Reisleaf Castle.

And one of those [means] was the political marriage between me and Princess Romilie.

In the past, when the Western Conqueror, Emperor Zinkaen, invaded, the Spierzeig family surrendered by surrendering their daughter to the Emperor. So naturally, it is within the scope of assumptions.

If she can marry me, the next Head of the Quordenze family, all the battles surrounding the Spierzeig family will end at that point. Few Nobles would be ambitious enough to antagonize the alliance of Quordenze and Spierzeig families.

If this marriage goes through, the Spierzeig family will be more stable than ever.

A strong peace will come to the central part of the continent by the four families of Spierzeig, Quordenze, Sylopea, and Evenafis. The war-torn Spierzeig family will soon regain its power.

The Spierzeig territory, which includes the Voistra Plain, is a territory with extremely high potential. If things go wrong, the Spierzeig family, having regained its power, may one day become the center of the four families, and the True Kingdom of Voistra may arise once more.

To be honest, the Spierzeig family has an image of being a go-getter, so I think it’s better not to compromise halfway.

The Quordenze family has history of receiving plots from the Spierzeig family many times, so I think it would be good to crush them while we can.

Above all, it is my generation who will suffer if things are gonna stay like they are now. This is my personal opinion, but if it’s up to me, I would like the Spierzeig family to fall or perish.

[Are they aiming for marriage after all?]

[I don’t know about Princess Romilie’s true intentions, but Duke Spierzeig seems to have a hand in this.]

When I handed over the letter, the civil officers silently read it around. Their facial expressions stiffened a little, probably because they were on guard.

[Please be careful. We can’t afford to let our guard down around the Spierzeig family.]

[It may be that Princess Romilie was not intentionally informed of the Young Master’s information. It is conceivable that she is trained to naturally like Young Master. In order to direct Young Master’s pure affection to their side…]

[That’s quite possible. If she can attract the Young Master’s interest, it will be profitable for them.]

Human beings are hard to come out strong when they are directed to something called goodwill. Because it is human nature to want to return goodwill for goodwill and malice for malice.

I don’t know much about Princess Romilie’s appearance. However, if this is a Princess who is both beautiful and has a good body, I don’t have much confidence that I won’t be swayed.

[Do not worry. You know very well that I’m not the type to stick to one woman, right? I’d rather have a beautiful woman in front of me than a woman whose face I don’t even know.]

At least, I’m not naive enough to fall in love just by exchanging letters.

Especially when there’s nothing to see and hold.

[…Even so, she’s the Princess of Spierzeig.]

From the text of the letter, I could feel the depth of her education. The image of an intelligent woman pops up in my mind, and my delusion advances.

In this situation where semen has been accumulating, I might even use the letter to masturbate. But if I do such a thing, I will go straight to the pervert highway.

However, just as I receive guidance and corrections from civil officers, it is conceivable that Princess Romilie receives letter guidance from civilian officers, servants, or people in the position of a grandmother, which will make me an idiot with an empty brain to fall for it. Even a Princess can write a letter with a certain amount of content.

[Good brushwork, especially the curves.]historical

But, when it comes to brushwork, you cannot cheat.

Disguising a letter written by someone else as being the person’s own handwriting is highly abhorred and considered a shameful act in the circles of nobility. When using substitute writing, there is a rule to write that [It is a substitute writing] properly.

The letter that I received from Princess Romilie this time stated that it was personally handwritten by herself. Possibility of substitution is low.

As I thought in my previous life, a woman with beautiful handwriting leaves a pretty good impression. I unintentionally had an erection.

[How would you like to respond?]

[Let’s write a draft, too. I’ll leave the corrections to you.]

My father told me to reply properly if I received a letter from the Princess of the Spierzeig family.

It is said that it is important to make Duke Spierzeig think, [Oh, even though I sent a letter with no good reason, I might be able to get away with political marriage?]. Showing an easy escape route called political marriage will be useful when the Spierzeig family is cornered.

If all possible means of the Spierzeig family were to be blocked, there is a possibility that they would be forced to commit a suicide attack, and the Quordenze army might suffer tremendous damage. However, as long as the rational path of reconciliation of marriage remains, it will be difficult for people to choose a desperate measure.

My father said that it would be foolish to drive them into a corner without no way out, and that by leaving a way of salvation to some extent, we could safely end their life.

However, Duke Spierzeig probably isn’t the kind of person who would easily get caught in such a scheme. This is part of my father’s ruse, the tip of the iceberg, but if they get snagged in it, then we’re lucky.

[Marriage? …What do you guys think?]

In my previous life, I died as a single. A life without marriage. However, since I was born as a Noble on the Eruo continent, I would have to get married once or twice.

When thinking about a Noble marriage, the relationship between families is important, but more important than that is the erection of the cock. Even if you get married, if you can’t leave descendants, the lineage of the Highlord will die out. That’s a death sentence for a Noble family.

It’s just a rough guess, but I think that my marriage partner was originally supposed to be Plume of the Sylopea family.

She’d been coming to Newnelly Castle since I was little, and I feel like the servants were doing something behind the scenes to get me and Plume to play together. Thinking about the first night that would come eventually, it might have been adjusted so that I could get an erection properly.

In general, the Noble men are said to be able to get an erection only for a woman they are comfortable with. I guess it’s a useful technique to get used to interacting with a fiancée from an early age.

Once again, I feel that Noble boys are endangered creatures raised in protection centers.

[Well, that’s… it’s the domain of Young Master and Master, so…]

[Is it hard for you to answer even if I ask you?]

It seems that the officer was hesitant to express his opinion on his Master’s marital circumstances.

The civil officer standing in front of the desk averted his gaze from me, and the others were staring at the desk as if to appeal that they were busy working.

[What kind of Princess do you want, Young Master?]

The civil officer instead asked to change the topic.

I replied while feeling sorry for making them feel uncomfortable.

[A beautiful Princess from the useful family for the Quordenze family.]

In response to that answer, the civil officer stiffened a little and supplemented in haste.

Was it about what kind of girl my type is? Perhaps something close to that.

Perhaps he thought that my answers would be something such as a cute little sister-type, blue hair, or a calm and spoiled Princess who enjoys reading indoors.

[Young Master, haven’t you been very conscious of marriage yet?]

[That’s not true, but… is my answer that strange?]

[Isn’t it rare for a young man to be so sensible about marriage at your age…]

It seems that the Princess image I want is quite calculating and has no dreams. For the time being, I have a condition with a beautiful Princess.

It’s not that Noble men aren’t interested in women; they could fall in love normally, and they also have a feeling of longing for it. It’s just that most of them are impotent.

[I guess that’s what a Noble marriage is like. ……However, I have told my father about my request, so I think he will find a good partner for me.]

[Certainly, now you can choose the best for Quordenze.]

It was a way of saying that had a lot of implications.

Normally, when it comes to becoming the legal wife of the next Head of the family, there aren’t many decisions made solely by the Head of the family.

The legal wife of the Head of the family, my mother in the Quordenze family, is from the Evenafis family, so their intentions have a slight effect.

Depending on the family, the intentions of the predecessor and the generation after that will also affect it, and in the case of a Noble family with many branch families, it is necessary to consider that as well. This is very troublesome.

Consideration must be given to the legal wife’s family, retirement groups and branch families, and choosing a partner with whom the son can have an erection. Political marriage is a very time-consuming task for the Head of the family.

However, it’s relatively easy for me.

The Evenafis family, which suffered a serious magical beast disaster due to the demon beast Yersinia, is indebted because they rely on the Quordenze family in many ways. It is unlikely that they will be able to order my marriage, and they will have to endure some dissatisfaction. This is the same for the Sylopea family.

Looking at the Quordenze family, my grandmother, who is the second generation, has already passed away, and my grandfather, who is the previous generation, leaves the diplomatic side to my father and hardly intervenes. The Quordenze family’s branch is now in a state of destruction, and the few members of the branch that survived the purge of my grandmother are all withdrawing as shadow house members.

My father just has to choose the most profitable Princess for the Quordenze family.

[Don’t worry about where my father will bring the Princess from. If someone wants to reach out from the central part of the continent, would you think of the Levios Royal family?]

Although the Kingdom of Levios does not have a strong Royal authority, the Princess of the Levios family is no mere Princess. She is a [Princess] in the truest sense.

Just thinking about impregnating a woman with the brand of Princess, I feel like I’m going to ejaculate involuntarily.

In that regard, the Zinkaen Empire doesn’t resonate with my cock at all. The current Emperor, Emperor Ferolt, has children. But they are all boys, and there is no Princess.

He can’t even coordinate his own Empire, as he has no centripetal force or decisiveness. And his children are all boys. He is an Emperor who does not have a single good point.

[If it’s the Levios family, the influence would be great.]

Inviting a wife from the Levios family will have a great impact, for better or worse. If the wife of the Quordenze family comes from the Levios family, there will be more things to consider. Quordenze, Sylopea, and Evenafis’ allied friendships may also come to a halt.

Perhaps, my mother would not openly oppose the marriage between the Quordenze family and the Levios family, but she would not approve of it in her heart. This is because the importance of the Evenafis family will decrease.

And the civilians, as well as the knights, have a deep-rooted conservative idea, so it would not be very welcome for the Princess to come from the faraway land of Levios. Of course, I would never say that I don’t like it.

[There may be a lot of benefits to be gained by joining hands with the Levios Royal family, but the problems will also grow proportionately.]

[Perhaps Levios will ask for advice. Besides, Young Master’s military exploits will surely echo to every corner of the continent.]

[I’m looking forward to seeing if the Princess is a naive dreamer.]

Anyway, my father is the one who would have to rack his brain to pick a marriage partner. As for me, I should just enjoy my first time in my whole life, including my previous life, of being popular.

I’m already looking forward to the Royal Capital in spring.

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