The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Vol. 2 Chapter 198


Translated by Raizu

On that day, it was already dusk when a group of the Sylopea family arrived at Newnelly Castle.

As I climbed to the top of the castle’s tallest tower, I had the view of Newnelly imprinted in my eyes as if it was my one last look.

This evening was indescribably sad.

I will be moving to another territory where I don’t know what to do. The feeling of anxiety that slowly and quietly seeped through, it was like ink dripping on paper.

After ten years of reincarnation, my heart seems to have started to feel at home in the Quordenze territory.

The sun, whose face was hidden by the clouds, dyed the city red as if to assert itself, whilst making the black shadows stand out even more.

[…..Young Master. The Sylopea family will be entering the castle soon. It’s about time to move downstairs.]

As I sat on the stone frame of the window, I nodded at Tesh’s words.

[Yeah, I’m coming.]

I turned around, intending to leave.

The darkness of the room stood out even more in my eyes now that they’re accustomed to red. I stopped on the spot and spoke.

[It seems that the Sylopea family has brought their elites.]

In response to my words, Tesh responded in a somewhat unimaginable manner.

[I believe they’re the best warriors in their territory.]

[And the number of the Lord-class is amazing. It seems that even a decent city can be easily conquered with just that group.]

Stretching my head out of the window, I once again confirmed the group of Sylopea family below.

About 300 people were standing neatly in formation, but according to magic detection, around 60 of them were Lord-class.

That is an unimaginably large number of Lord-class soldiers in a single unit. Even a Lord-class leading 1,000 serfs is sometimes considered as special ops in this day and age.

Considering the circumstances of the Sylopea family, whose number of Lord-class decreased due to the strange disease spread by demon beast Yersinia, a considerable number of them were sent to the social gathering in the Royal Capital.

[Considering that they are the escorts of Earl Sylopea and Princess Plume who are going to the Royal Capital, even this number is still small.]

[That’s true, but… What about their territory security now that most of them are here?]

I don’t know the total number of Lord-class personnel that exist in the Sylopea territory, but considering how many have been invested here, there must be very little left behind.

Basically, the organization of Nobles and priests on the Eruo continent is based on the existence of the Lord-class. The Sylopean army that remains in the territory will be greatly reduced in strength like this.

The one who answered my concerns was one of the guards.

[Among the three families, the Sylopea family is in a location that is the least likely to be attacked. I think it’s only natural that they can send out this level of personnel.]

The Sylopean territory shares borders with only the Quordenze and Evenafis territories to the north and south, and is protected by the Levios Kingdom alliance across the river to the east, so it is said that they usually do not spend that much on military power. Rather, it is said that the deployment of the army is mainly to dispatch soldiers who will serve as reinforcements to both the Quordenze and Evenafis families.

In an extreme case, if they only pay attention to the Spierzeig family in the west, they can afford to let their other sides unguarded. I didn’t expect that it’s arranged so well.

The Sylopean army, which stays at home in the Sylopean territory, concentrates most of its strength in the west, with almost zero defense in the north and south, and the remaining strength is deployed around its eastern base, Pennybach City. Most were deployed as escorts.

It seems that the defenses in the west have been solidly built to begin with, and in the short term, even a small number of soldiers should be able to manage.

It goes without saying, but it can be seen that they do not fully trust the Levios kingdom’s agreement.

[As Young Master concerned, it is not hard to imagine that the military officers and civilians who remain in the territory will have a hard time due to the lack of manpower with magical powers. But still, if they can’t protect their masters at all costs, they’ll be left with nothing. Aside from going to Quordenze, which is a neighboring territory and has a long-standing friendship, the next destination is Levios territory far to the east. Also, if it comes to the Royal Capital where many Nobles gather, there is no way you can feel safe with that level of Lord-class soldiers. The knights who remained in the territory must not be at peace.]

The other escort guard chimed in.

[They would’ve preferred to have 10,000 soldiers protecting their lord when he goes to Levios. They must’ve been frustrated too.]

Even though they were supposed to be talking about the Sylopea family, before they knew it, the guards were talking about themselves. Their tone was heavy, and I could even feel a sort of resentment about things not going their way.

The Quordenze family, like the Sylopea family, cannot afford to take thousands of soldiers with them, so for them it is more than just someone else’s problem.

Considering the nervousness of the guards, it seems that there are more skirmishes between the officials who serve them rather than fights between nobles in the Royal Capital.

But even so, it is difficult to go to the Royal Capital with a large army.

Social gatherings in the Royal Capital are nothing more than friendly meetings between Royal Aristocrats. It will be held under the pretense of [The Levios family and the Milendorva family have reconciled. Peace is the best for everyone!] kind of thing.

If 150,000 Quordenze soldiers rushed to such a nominally friendly party, would they really accept it? First of all, it will definitely lead to a decisive battle in the Royal Capital.

For that reason, there is an unwritten rule that only the minimum number of soldiers that can be posted to guard around the House should be taken.

This seems to not account to the quality of the vassals and soldiers, so most Nobles enter the Royal Capital with a significantly higher proportion of Lord-class than usual, like the Sylopea family.

[By the way, how many soldiers are we planning to bring? I haven’t heard the exact number.]

[500 soldiers, with 100 of them being Lord-class. All of them, including the serf soldiers, were selected from the military officers, so there’s no need to worry about leadership.]

On the other hand, if all the soldiers you take with you are all Lord-class, the other Noble will make fun of you behind the scenes, saying things like, “Are you so scared of being outside?”. It’s like implicitly saying that you don’t trust the Levios Kingdom at all.

A tug-of-war between security and face is going on behind the scenes regarding the composition of the soldiers to take. Considering the example of the Quordente army and the Sylopean army, I think that the ratio of Lord-class soldiers is adjusted to about one-fifth of the total.

…..However, judging from the Sylopea family group, it seems that there are many servants, maids, and civil officers among the escorts.

It may be a no-brainer that they’re not pure combatants, but I feel the actual proportion of the Lord-class that they brought along is much higher than it appears on the surface.

The words “smuggling in plain sight” came to mind, but I didn’t dare to say it. We’ll probably do the same thing.

[Young Master, are you alright?]

Tesh’ tone became a little stiffer.

[I understand. Shall we go soon?]

The Earl of Sylopea, who is visiting Newnelly, along with Plume, the next Head of the family, are coming to say their greetings. Together with my father, I have the role of receiving and welcoming them.

[I’m looking forward to seeing Plume after a long time.]

We continued to exchange letters, but there are no convenient things like photographs on the Eruo continent.

It would be a pure pleasure to be able to confirm how much the girl, who was a glimpse of beauty two years ago, had grown.

Ton, ton, ton, my footsteps as I came down the stairs became strangely rhythmic.

However, there wasn’t a single uncouth person here who would criticize it.

Newnelly Castle has a large room where visitors, such as messengers, are welcomed.

It seems that this room was originally a guest room where high-ranking priests from the Holy City stayed. Since this is the largest room in the castle, excluding warehouses, etc., one can imagine the historical background at the time the castle was built. As Noble diplomacy flourished, it became necessary to have a large welcoming room, so it was unfortunately remodeled.

The refurbishment itself was done nearly 100 years ago, and since then there has been a lot of construction work, so there is not even a trace of its early days left in the large room.

A dark green carpet was laid out on one side, and on the elevated place was my father seated on the throne, and on the wall behind him was a flag with the Quordenze crest on it.

The Sylopea family lined up in a triangular shape, with only Earl of Sylopea and Plume standing at the front, while the other knights and officials on one knee.

When entering the castle, the knight representing the Sylopia family gave a lengthy entrance greeting, so here the Heads of the family suddenly met face to face.

Sitting in the corner of the room, where I could see my father on my left and Earl of Sylopea on my right, I was a little moved by this welcoming scene.

If you do not have a position like the next Head of the family, you will not have the opportunity to participate in such public events. Therefore, Fanny and others are not here.

Gazing at the room like this reminded me of a Japanese painting that I had seen in a collection of Japanese history materials. Somehow, it seems that even the restoration of imperial rule will start like this.

Of course, what will begin now are the greetings and welcome words for the visitor.

[I am very happy to receive such a welcome. As the ruler of the land of Sylopea, I would like to express my gratitude.]

Saying that, Earl of Sylopea placed one hand on his chest.

He didn’t need to lower his head nor bend his knees, for he, the head of Sylopea family, was meeting the head of Quordenze family. While showing the proper courtesy as a visitor, he does not break his stance of being equal as a Noble.

When Earl of Sylopea greeted him with words of gratitude, my father responded.

[Welcome to the land of Quordenze. It might only be for a short time until tomorrow’s departure, but as the ruler of this land, I welcome this visit.]

I felt that my father’s voice was 30% more dignified than when he greeted me. Maybe I just felt that way because I was sitting in such a pompous place.

After a few greetings, they moved on to small talk. This is because if it ends with just formal exchanges, it may be thought that there is a distance between the parties.

As a Noble, it’s natural to be able to properly show your greetings and gratitude, but more important than that is the conversational ability.

After this, there will be a scene where I will introduce myself, so I have to listen carefully to the conversation here.

It’s something I just talked about, but if you say something like that and you didn’t hear it, it’s literally useless.

[…..I was surprised when I saw the castle town. It was far more lively and lively than the Newnelly that I remember. Is this also a result of Duke Quordenze’s excellent rule? I would like to learn the secret to help advance Pennybach.]

[No need to be humble. Even in this difficult time, I always hear of the good government of Sylopea. Unfortunately, I haven’t been blessed with the opportunity to visit Pennybach in the last few years, but when I think of Duchess Sylopea’s skill, I am more than assured. There is no shadow of doubt that the prosperity you have since the days of our ancestors will continue.]

Earl of Sylopea, the current head of the Sylopea family, is the older sister of the head of the family two generations ago. From Plume’s point of view, she is her grandfather’s older sister.

Originally, she was not in a position to become the head of the family, and on top of being married to a shadow family in another territory, she had already retired. However, a few years ago, due to a strange disease caused by the demon beast Yersinia, the Sylopea family suffered the misfortune of dying out, leaving Plume alone.

Thinking that it would be cruel to let the young Plume carry all of the Sylopea family alone, she returned to the territory to serve as the head of the family until the next generation is ready.

I don’t know about Earl of Sylopea’s ability to govern, but at least if Plume had become the head of the family at that time, there would have been some confusion.

It is very significant that an adult with a certain blood lineage, who was the older sister of the family head two generations ago, was appointed as the head of the family, even if it’s temporarily.

Practical work is basically left to the knights, so to put it in extreme terms, the Nobles simply need to reign and the organization will run well. Unless a mature demon beasts appear.

In that sense, Earl Sylopea was just the right person to act as a weight. The role would be too harsh for Plume, who had not yet completed her education as a Noble. Even the knights of Sylopea must have been grateful that the immature Plume didn’t have to be on the front stage of Noble politics.

As far as I have researched, I have not heard that Earl of Sylopea has excellent domestic affairs skills or leadership. That would be evidence that she is faithfully serving her position as interim head of the family.

A person who correctly understands her bloodline and how to use it. The image of Earl of Sylopea in me concludes so.

[…The last time I visited here was around the time of the marriage ceremony of Duke Quordenze and Lady Merley, so it’s already been about 20 years ago. Time flies so fast…]

It’s a story from my previous life, but when TV news shows the ages of parents and children, wouldn’t you somehow start subtracting them in your brain? Huh, it’s a child I gave birth to when I was XX years old.

Listening to Earl of Sylopea’s words, I was subconsciously subtracting.

By the way, I turned 13 this April.

Assuming that the couple got married 20 years ago, the father and mother have not had a child for seven years. Unless there’s a sad circumstance that I haven’t been informed about.

…..Father, why did it take so long, even though my mother in her young days was at the best she could have been?

Is this because he’s a latecomer, or is it because he prefers grown-up women to hot girls? Even now, if I look at my mother, Merley, my cock will get excited. So if it’s me, I’m confident that I’ll impregnate her within three months of marriage.

This should probably be counted among the Seven Wonders of Quordenze.

[…Certainly, time flies. Before I knew it, I was already old enough to nominate the next head of the family…]

I just thought it was about time. My father directed the flow of the conversation here.

[Wilk. You were quite close to Princess Plume, but this is your first time meeting Earl Sylopea, right?]

[Yes. Father.]

When I replied that way, my father declined to let Earl of Sylopea take a break from the conversation.

Then, following my father’s gaze that told me to “introduce yourself”. I took a step forward.

Because of my father’s preface, everyone turned their bodies to the side and looked at me without hesitation. It attracted a lot of attention.

I wonder how long it has been since the time when I dealt with the Nobles who gathered during the Quordenze Allied Forces that I greeted them as a lower rank.

Keeping my eyes on Earl of Sylopea, I placed my left hand on my waist and my right arm on chest level. If a Japanese were to see it, I’m sure they’ll think it’s the pose of an office worker checking his wristwatch.

Following that, I said the words I had memorized since this morning.

[This is my first time meeting you. I am Wilk Quordenze, the eldest son of the Quordenze family. The other day, I was appointed by my father to be the next generation Head of family to succeed this land.]

Conscious of maintaining dignity, I slowly lowered my hands and returned to a standing posture.

And before connecting to the next words, I decided to make a declaration to confirm one thing.

[Would it be alright if I call you Earl Sylopea in this place?]

In response to that question, the Earl of Sylopea with a faint smile nodded.

[Yes, of course.]

As expected, I felt that smile was closer to relief than joy.

Just as I was about to continue my self-introduction, Earl of Sylopea untied her hands in front of her pelvis and stretched out only one hand with her palm facing downward. It’s a pose that looks like a transparent child is there, stroking his head.

[This is the first time I’ve met you, Wilk-dono. I am the Head of the Sylopea family. I’ve heard about you not only from Duke Quordenze, but also from Plume.]

Her voice, as she spoke quietly while looking directly at me, was very gentle and made me feel calm.

The current Earl of Sylopea is now in her 70s. Judging from her age alone, I’d imagine her as an old crone, but when I saw her in front of me like this, I thought it would be more accurate to describe her as an elegant lady. It’s a bad way to say it, but she ages well.

[I’ve been corresponding with Princess Plume for a while now. I’m glad that only my good points were conveyed well…]

[Oh…fufufu, don’t worry about that. Correspondence with Wilk-dono seems to be very encouraging for the Princess. And now that I’ve laid my eyes at that child who wrote the letter, I can tell what kind of person you are.]

Plume, who was right next to Earl Sylopea, continued to stand on the spot with an expressionless expression even though she was talking about herself. Since she hadn’t introduced herself yet, she probably decided it would be rude to interrupt.

In that case, I think it’s bad manners to continue talking about Plume here.

I casually changed the topic from correspondence to talking about myself, and proceeded with the self-introduction lines waiting in my head.

[…..Well, something like that?]

[Yes. Please let us talk about that more at the dinner party.]

That was when I decided that I was able to safely chat.

By the way, Earl Sylopea smiled as she changed the subject.

[…I have heard of the battle in Nambonan City.]

With those words, she completely changed the atmosphere.

It became cold.

The room was quiet, and the only people talking were me and Earl Sylopea.

And yet, at this moment, the room was painfully silent. It was as if I had the illusion that there had been some noise just a little while ago.

I could clearly see that Earl Sylopea was deliberately suppressing her emotions.

I waited for her next words so as not to be conscious of the coldness on my back, wondering what she’s up to.

[I am overwhelmed with emotion that you have retaliated against the Spierzeig’s fiendish devils… On behalf of my late brother, nephew, and niece-grandchild, I am deeply grateful…]

The Quordenze and Spierzeig families have been at odds for a long time, but the current war started with the assassination of my uncle, Gardacle Quordenze. The Princess of the Sylopea family, who was married to my uncle, was also murdered.

From the point of view of Earl Sylopea, this Princess was the granddaughter of her younger brother who was the head of the family two generations ago, and the daughter of the nephew who was the head of the previous generation.

From my preliminary research, I know that Earl Sylopea was very fond of her younger brother and nephew.

I expected her to hold a grudge against the Spierzeig family, who killed her nephew’s precious daughter. But, it seems that her hatred is deeper than I thought.

Generally speaking, when most people talk about Operation Serpent’s Fang, they would say [Battle at Reisleaf Castle]. But she said, [Battle in Nambonan City] instead, which implied that she put a lot more importance in me putting an end to Verett Spierzeig’s life.

In her words, I could see the intense joy of the fact that the retaliation was successful, as well as the smoldering flames of hatred behind it.historical

[As an individual, I would like to show the joy that overflows in my heart even more than now.]

That’s really bad.

I replied quickly so that the conversation wouldn’t proceed any further.

[No, no need to go that far.]

Earl Sylopea showed her gratitude by simply pinching her dress with both hands, spreading it a little, bending her knees a little and saying thank you.

This is a gesture of deep gratitude to an equal partner, or a qualitative thank you to a superior.

For the current Head of the family to do that to the next Head of another family on an official occasion would lower the status of the Sylopea family. Well, honestly, it doesn’t matter.

The problem is that if I accept this, my father and I may end up on the same level from the Sylopea point of view. In other words, it could lead to the perception that I’m trying to one-up my father.

What is required here is to clarify my position in the Quordenze family and eliminate any room for misunderstanding.

[I am very happy to receive the words from Earl Sylopea. With this, I have received praise from both the heads of Quordenze and Sylopea, so I can boast of my military exploits without worrying about my late uncle.]

That way, I showed that a simple thank you from the Head of the Sylopea family was enough, and that I respected my father as the current Head of the family despite me having been chosen as the next Head. This should be the right action for this matter.

And then, as I was conscious of the problem and the answer, I noticed. This is similar to the conversationalist surprise test that my father sometimes throws at me.

For a moment, I glanced at my father and immediately noticed his grin… Ah, this may have already been discussed behind the scenes.

If you think about what Earl Sylopea was trying to do would be very disrespectful to my father, and it would make more sense if it was a prearranged action.

[Is that so? …..It seems that there is a very excellent next generation in Quordenze, and I am happy as if it was my own. I can understand why Duke Quordenze is really proud of you.]

[Me? This is actually a problem. I’m sure there are many tea parties in the Royal Capital, but it’ll be a little embarrassing to hear my son bragging next to me over and over again.]

Then, my father interjected into our conversation with a cheerful tone.

[Only Earl Sylopea or Earl Evenafis will hear such boasts. Rest assured.]

[That’s good. There’s nothing wrong with that.]

When my father hit the punch line, I felt the air in the room soften.

I think that my response and my father’s words probably fulfilled the matters that Earl Sylopea wanted to confirm.

As the Head of the Sylopea family, she wanted to assert that she has no animosity towards the Quordenze family and that she would like to continue the friendly relationship. And at the same time, she should have wanted to confirm whether the next generation of Quordenze is decent, whether the relationship with the current generation is good, and whether it is possible to maintain the alliance of the three families in the future.

Although it would be possible to infer the situation to some extent through the exchange of letters, it would be impossible to conclude everything based on the information contained therein. There are things that you can’t confirm unless you actually talk face-to-face after all.

But, this is surprisingly difficult. Questions like [We’re still friends, aren’t we? Can we still get along? Also, isn’t the relationship between parent and child not bad? The next generation will have the same perception as the current generation, right?] or something like that will earn you a bad impression if you ask straight ahead. So…why would you bother to ask such a question?

First of all, Earl Sylopea called my father [Duke Quordenze].

Since we are heading to the Royal Capital, we should be naturally aware of our position as a Royal Noble right now. Still she didn’t call him [Marquis Quordenze].

The relationship between the Sylopea family and the Quordenze family is not due to our status as Royal Nobles, but due to the friendly relationship between the families that has continued for a long time… There is no doubt that there was such a claim behind the scenes.

By referring to her as [Earl Sylopea], she should have been able to confirm that this recognition was passed down to the next generation. If I had used [Countess Sylopea] instead, the room would probably have been in an uproar.

And Earl Sylopea’s impression that she is happy to have an excellent next generation in the neighboring territory as if it were her own is an appeal that she would like to continue to associate with us as a good ally in the future.

Finally, my father said that his attitude toward the three families was the same as before, and I confirmed that, so I think that the confirmations that Earl Sylopea had inquired were all green.

[Oh, my bad. You two should know each other already, but pardon me for the late introduction.]

Saying that, Earl Sylopea turned to the girl who was standing next to her.

[Umu. It’s been a long time.]

In line with my father’s words, everyone quietly turned their bodies toward the girl. My turn is over, and what comes next is the turn of the next Head of the Sylopea family.

[It has been a long time, Duke Quordenze.]

When I last saw her, she had long hair that reached her waist. It is now cut short. Somewhere between short and medium.

Even though it’s spring now, her bright crimson hair was like autumn leaves that really caught my eye. Her hair has few peculiarities, which is not typical of people from the continent of Eruo, but even so, only the tips of her hair draw curves that look like they were drawn with a brush.

There was no stagnation in her gesture when she showed her gratitude as she greets us, something reminiscent of the surface of a calmly flowing river.

Humans who can do a refined bow generally look like adults. I realize that she has grown a lot as a woman while I haven’t seen her for a while.

On the other hand, only the big red eyes that reminded me of ruby were the same as the girl in my memories, and I felt a sense of nostalgia and familiarity there.

[Since I have been entrusted with the position as the next generation of Sylopea family Head, I would like to introduce myself again. I am Plume Sylopea.]

Like me, she also showed a respectful attitude toward superiors.

However, since Plume is a woman, she didn’t move in the same way as I do. She picked up her skirt with both hands and made a small downward movement with her head.

It’s a cute Princess-like move, but its origin is rather disturbing.

Originally, this bow was a bow that Noble women showed to priests of the Zeth Church Holy High Society.

This shows that you don’t have a weapon hidden in your skirt, in other words, it’s like voluntarily being body-checked by a police officer.

By the way, the wristwatch check pose I did earlier has a similar origin, and it seems that it is based on the claim that the man is letting go of the sword hanging from his waist.

Such elements as bowing to the priest or appealing that you don’t have a weapon are no longer practiced. Only the form remains as a courtesy shown by a Noble to a higher-ranking being.

[I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a welcome at this venerable castle of Newnelly.]

Plume must have practiced hard, as there was no hesitation or trembling in her voice.

I felt a little sad that my childhood had faded, but I was simply happy to see that her body had grown in proportion to that.

In my standing position, Plume faces my father sideways, so it’s very easy to see the swelling of her chest. The presence of milky breasts that have started to grow can’t be concealed.

For a girl of her age, I guess it’s normal size? In the end, it seems that it will settle down to about Minith’s size.

The last time I saw her, she was almost as flat as a board. That’s why I was so excited that I wanted to praise her here. Of course I can’t do that here.

[You have grown into a quite beautiful girl.]

After saying so, my father started chatting.

When Plume often came to Newnelly Castle to play, she was also close to my father. However, this is the first time I have interacted as a member of the Sylopea family in an official setting.

There must have been a lot of excitement, but Plume replied to this conversation clearly and confidently.

It was a time when I was deeply moved by the thought that other than her breasts, she had also grown steadily. My father gave me a mean look for a moment.

I think I’m probably the only one who noticed.

Due to Earl Sylopea’s nasty response earlier, I was on guard in the back of my mind that my father might do something.

[…That outfit also suits you well. It’s like, yes, it’s like a butterfly dancing in a pure flower garden. Under the sunlight, it seems to shine even more than it does now. What do you think?]

That expression was the expression my father would show when testing me.

The dress that Plume was wearing is a fabric based on ultramarine blue with some black lines. After listening to my father’s words, I couldn’t help but think that the design is based on the image of a blue swallowtail butterfly.

Plume picked up the hem of the dress she was praised for and spread it open. After giving a few seconds of showcase, she answered my father’s question.

[Ufufu. I’m very happy to hear that. This is something made by tailoring my mother’s dress. When I wear it like this, my late mother and father will watch over me and guide me to the right path. It makes my heart become very calm. It’s like Duke Quordenze’s words of praise are directed to the predecessors who have devoted themselves to Sylopea.]

The answer seemed to satisfy my father. He nodded slightly and gave Earl Sylopea a wink.

After all, there is no doubt that the Heads of the family had prepared tasks for the next Head of the family. They are really annoying guardians.

The conversation just now was also nasty.

Just as there is a crest representing the Noble family of Quordenze, the Levios family also has a crest.

For us who are moving to the Levios territory from now on, it can be said that this is knowledge that we should know.

The Levios crest has a blue and white background with a large blue butterfly drawn on it, similar to the initial arrangement of Othello.

The large, beautiful butterflies that inhabit the Kobovia plains especially avoid corrupted land, and are said to disappear from the area if the land is even slightly polluted. The base of the coat of arms is white, which means purity, and blue, which means clear skies.

Based on that, if I interpret my father’s words, it would be, [Hey, you little! Princess Plume is willing to work with the Levios family to liven up the Sylopea family?]…or something like that.

Of course, my father wasn’t really thinking about that. In order to measure the ability of Plume, who we will have many opportunities to act together in the Royal Capital, I feel like he deliberately threw an unpleasant question that required a quick judgment.

Father and his sudden and pressuring quizzes.

Plume’s answer to this is that she believes that continuing a friendly relationship with the Quordenze family following the successive heads of the Sylopia family will lead to the most development.

It’s enough as a quick answer, and considering that she didn’t look flustered and dealt with it calmly, it can be said that her behavior was almost perfect.

After Plume finished answering, she didn’t let her guard down.

[…Oops, we’ve been talking for a long time. I can’t relax in such a formal place. Let’s continue at the dinner table. My wife and daughter are also looking forward to seeing Princess Plume.]

[Yes. I’m looking forward to it too.]

I want to quickly move on to the casual dinner. I could almost hear Plume’s inner voice.

After the welcome is over, it’s time to move on to the dining room.

The dinner is where it’s possible to distinguish between public and private matters.

This time, the Sylopea family would only stay in Newnelly for one night, so it was a harmonious event where public elements were removed as much as possible.

However, there is a certain amount of tension when it comes to a dinner where the Heads of Noble families face each other.

The exchanges between me and Plume were nothing more than the conversation between Wilk Quordenze and Plume Sylopea, while maintaining a certain level of our nobility.

After finishing the meal, I called out to Plume.

[Princess Plume, do you have a little time to spare? My sister is preparing tea.]

By the way, Fanny was sitting next to me.

To be more precise, Fanny’s exclusive servant is preparing tea after dinner, but since it was arranged by Fanny, there is no problem with the expression.

It’s a line that doesn’t feel like there’s any room for refusal, but since Plume has repeatedly said that she wants to have tea with a small number of people, it’s a proposal that coincides with her wishes.

[Oh, that’s fine, isn’t it? Plume, you can go with them. It’s been a long time since you met, so there must be a lot to talk about, right?]

[Yes. I will… Thank you, Wilk-dono, Princess Fanny.]

Earl Sylopea gave permission, so Plume showed her consent. I noticed that her voice was a bit hoarse.

In order to fulfill her role as a host, Fanny stood up from her seat and left the room after excusing herself.

I stood up after roughly 15 minutes had passed since Fanny left the room.

[…..Allow me to show you around.]

[Yes. Thank you very much.]

After excusing ourselves to my father, mother, and Earl Sylopea, we left the dining room.

Plume quietly followed about three paces behind me. However, since both Plume and I had escorts attached to us, even if we were silent, there would still be some noise.

Feeling dull in the hallway with only the sound of footsteps and steel rubbing, I slowed down a little to try to have a chat. However, Plume kept pace with my movement, and the three steps distance did not decrease.

I guess her guest mode is still active.

At Fanny’s suggestion, the place for the tea party was decided to be on the third floor of the castle. Speaking of the room where Fanny and I can drink tea with Plume, it’s either the gazebo in the garden, the rooftop, or the large room on the first or third floor.

Even though it was early spring, it was still chilly, and Plume guessed where I was going from the direction I was going and whispered, [Is it upstairs?]. For her, Newnelly Castle was someone else’s castle after all.

In the large room on the third floor of Newnelly Castle, the servants who had finished preparing the tea were lined up.

As if to illuminate the darkness of the night, warm-colored light balls made with lighting magic floated in the room.

Since it wasn’t too cold tonight, the windows were open to allow the room to be filled with fresh, cool air.

Tonight’s host, Fanny, was waiting one step ahead of the lined up servants.

After Fanny confirmed that Plume and I had entered the room, she silently grabbed the skirt of her dress with both hands, bent her knees slightly, and turned her head downwards.

[I have been waiting for you. Father has already introduced me at the dinner table, but please allow me to introduce myself once more. I will be in charge of tonight’s tea party, Fanny Quordenze. I am very happy to be able to see you at this castle again. I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to your visit on Quordenze.]

The flowing voice was wonderful, that it seemed to melt into the slight darkness that existed between the light balls.

The way the servants moved just by giving them a look, as they assisted us to sit down was reflected in a very natural movement.

If it’s not for an opportunity like this, I’ll probably forget about it, but Fanny is pretty solid.

[Thank you very much. I’m honored that Princess Fanny has prepared such a place.]

After confirming that Plume and I were seated, Fanny sat down on a chair.

The standard greetings of those who were invited to the tea party and those who were invited continued, and tea utensils were quietly prepared on the desk while they were having a safe exchange of nobles.

[…I prepared the tea that Princess Plume enjoyed a lot back then. Also the new sweets that my big brother made in the castle town. It’s very delicious, so I really wanted Princess Plume to try it.]

When the tea was poured from the pot held by the servant, a fragrant aroma spread around.

It’s barley tea.

So far, my favorite drink from the Eruo continent is barley tea, which is more palatable than the others.

Originally, it wasn’t something that would be served at a Noble’s tea party, but Fanny and Plume, who were often accompanied by me, had become familiar with it.

I think it was Fanny’s suggestion to make it a fun tea party between childhood friends instead of a formal tea party between Nobles.

[Thank you for your kindness, Princess Fanny. ……Yes, it is a very nostalgic scent. It reminds me of the days I spent in this castle.]

It seems that scent is something that is deeply connected to memories.

It’s true that for me, Fanny, and Plume, smelling the aroma of barley tea like this brings back the memories of a few years ago.

Plume let out a small sigh, looked at me and Fanny, then whispered.

[…..You two seem to be on good terms as you were back then, and it’s making me a little envious. Seeing the two of you reminds me of my older brother and sister. Ever since that fateful day, I was all alone. And that feeling still lingers to this day. It hasn’t even been that long…]

Plume was originally the youngest child and she had an older sister and an older brother. Since they both died from the strange disease spread by the demon beast Yersinia, she must’ve been reminded of them when she sees me and Fanny.

[Alone and so on… please don’t say such a sad thing. I want to love my Sylopea-oneesama, like I did in the old days.]

But, I’m impressed with how well made Fanny’s Noble daughter’s mask is. Hearing that voice with a sorrowful sound makes me feel like I’m seriously worried.

[Princess Plume, could you please listen to my little sister’s selfishness? When you were living in Newnelly, you and my little sister were on good terms like real sisters. There is no lie in my little sister’s feelings of wanting to stay close to your heart, who has lost your real brother and sister.]

In response to my words, Plume responded with a gentle smile.

[Thank you very much for your wonderful suggestion. For me, this place is like my second home. I was really looking forward to seeing my little sister in Newnelly today. …..We only exchanged letters all this time.]

And she spun her words faster than we could bring up the next topic.

[I’m starting to want to talk about something a little nostalgic… You guys, please stand back for a while.]


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In response to Plume’s words, the escort leader, who was almost directly behind her, gave a small reply.

I see, so it’s already decided what we’ll do.

[It’s okay for the rest to back down too. Fanny is fine with it too, right?]

[Yes, onii-sama.]

I gave orders to my guards and Fanny’s guards with my fingertips.

As her big brother and the next Head of the family, I am allowed to give instructions to my little sister’s bodyguards.


Quordenze and Sylopea’s escorts took one step back at almost the same time, then took two steps and three steps back.

Only one tea maid was left, but after confirming that it’s still a bit later until we need another refill, she backed down as well.

Even though the escorts had stepped down, they were still waiting in the room and they could listen to our conversation as much as they wanted. However, the fact that I dared to order them to step back meant that we, as their master, wanted to enjoy a casual conversation.

Fanny, Plume, and I silently confirmed our recognition that this place had become a private place just by looking at each other.

Just as I was wondering who to relax from, Plume put down the cup she was holding in her hand and let out a deep sigh.

[…’s really tiring.]

The one who was sitting with us now was not Princess Plume anymore, but the more familiar “Plue” that I know.

Her posture and expression were still in Princess mode, but the words that come out of her mouth are Plume that Fanny and I are familiar with.

[Princess Plume, how have you been? You don’t seem well.]

I tried to make fun of her by talking in an obviously artificial tone.

[…Really now. Would you cut that out, Wil? I won’t be able to enjoy the tea that Fanny prepared for me if you keep making fun of me.]

[That’s right, onii-sama. Even though we finally have some spare time to enjoy our time with Plume-oneesama. Mmhmm.]

It seems that Fanny immediately threw off her Princess facade.

With a slightly angry gesture, Fanny returned from being a Noble Princess to her usual cute little sister mode.

I lightly apologized for the prank and threw down the nobleman’s mask as well.

[Plue, it’s been a while. Both Fanny and I have been really looking forward to seeing you.]

[Yes. I am also very happy to meet Plume-oneesama. I want to talk about a lot. Right, onii-sama?]

For Fanny, Plume is one of the few people she feels comfortable with. It can be said that she is the only peer of the same sex.

Fanny’s voice brightened, like a dog wagging its tail with glee at seeing its owner after a long absence.

[Fanny has become really beautiful during the time I didn’t see her… Maybe because it’s a parent and child, I think she’s starting to look a lot like Merley-sama.]


When Fanny is told that she looks like our mother, she is always honestly happy.

And what Plume said was correct, not flattery. Recently, I feel that Fanny’s face, and sometimes her voice, are surprisingly similar. Especially when she let out a low voice.

There are no telephones on the Eruo continent, but I feel like she might be mistaken for our mother for a moment if she were to talk over the phone.

[I think Plume-oneesama has become very beautiful too. Today’s dress has a glossy side and it suits you very well. Onii-sama also thinks so too, right?]

Look, praise me, onii-sama! Have a friendly conversation with Plume-oneesama! …..and Fanny stared at me with such sparkling eyes. She is a Princess with high tension indeed.

[That’s right. I think you look beautiful in it, like a butterfly dancing on a flower under the blue sky.]


Plume let out a strange voice in response to my comment.

I guess it has something to do with how it was Fanny who praised the dress, as she was the only one among us three who didn’t know about what happened in the welcoming room.

[Eh, what is it again? Are we talking about the dress? I wonder if I was able to provide an appropriate answer earlier… That old man, always coming up with weird questions… Oh, no more. I was able to answer quickly, but I wonder if it wasn’t good after all…]

Her score was flawless, but it seems that Plume didn’t believe the same.

She did a good job of greeting and chatting, and more than anything else, just by looking at my father’s attitude, I could immediately tell that there was no problem.

When I gave her a general review, she let out a sigh of relief and took a sip of tea to hide it.

[…Is that so? Really? I believe in Wil, okay? ………Haa, thank goodness. Recently I’ve been practicing greetings. Hey, after leaving for the Royal Capital, I won’t need to do that anymore, right? I don’t like it, even during my stay in the Royal Capital]

That’s the quick and sudden pressure quiz that my father likes to throw around on occasions for you.

[I don’t think so. He’ll probably just do it again before we leave, I’m sure. Since we’re going to the Royal Capital, both of us will be nervous even without that, so I think my father will be more lenient… Just in case, I’ll have a few words with him later.]

[That’ll help a lot. Thank you, Wil.]

Plume showed a sincere smile as if she was finally relieved.

[But, I think it turned out well for a quick exchange.]

[As far as I’ve heard from onii-sama, I think so too… Besides, isn’t the pattern on that dress inspired by the Sylopea crest? Father, it’s a little mean to interpret this as a butterfly.]

So, it’s not a swallowtail butterfly motif…?

I casually took another look at Plume’s dress.

Looking at it from the front, it felt really wonderful since the chest area is relatively open. I feel a healthy eroticism from how the collarbones are exposed.

Come to think of it, Plume should be about the same age as the current Fanny when they met last time.

Compared to Plume back then, Fanny’s growth was better, and so on, my thoughts were progressing in a direction that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

[Wil, did you really think it was a butterfly?]

[……………………Of course not.]

I think it’s because of my father’s remarks that gave me a preconceived notion.

The dress that Earl Sylopea was wearing might become necessary in the course of the conversation, so I was frantically trying to figure out the design and motifs, but I almost didn’t pay any attention to Plume’s dress.

Maybe it was because I was too busy fantasizing about the contents of the dress.

In addition, there was also the practical reason that I didn’t need to think about it, as it would be unskillful for me to bring up Plume’s dress since my father had brought it up already.

[Aren’t you good at clothing and accessories? Wil was the one who conceived the design of the costumes for Newnelly’s servants, right?]

I don’t like fashion. I just like uniforms.

As for the dress, if it’s for sex play, I’ll probably prepare something elaborate, but interpreting the meaning of the costume in a social setting is a task that can’t be done unless you put your heart into it.

The mental structure is fundamentally different from Fanny and Plume, who naturally pay attention to clothes.

[I don’t care much about hidden interpretation, let alone making them… I guess I’ll have to rely on Plue in that regard while we are in the Royal Capital.]

At those words, she showed a dazzling smile like when she was a child.

[…..Ufufu, that’s fine. If Wil is in trouble in the Royal Capital, I’ll help you. I’ve been studying since I decided to go to the Royal Capital. Please rely on me for things other than the costumes.]

Plume said so proudly.

[As expected of Plume-oneesama], Fanny’s words cheered her up even more.

[I’m pretty sure I’ll be moving together with Plue often, so it will be a big help.]

[Leave it to me… Fufu, I’m the big sister after all.]

Plume was born six months earlier than me. When I first met her, she was a year older than me.

It seems that Plume, the youngest child, wanted a younger sister or younger brother. When I met her, she pretended to be an older sister and did her best, and seeing her doing things was heartwarming and cute.

I think Plume’s good point is that she’s a hard worker.

It’s charming to see her enthusiastic in front of the person she wants to show off, saying that she’s going to show the solid side of her like an older sister. But, she’s earnestly trying even when my eyes can’t see her. There are places where she gets depressed right away, but it’s good that she stands up immediately and shows a smile without getting discouraged. And unexpectedly, it’s not like I’m not confident enough to say so.

She studied hard in order not to lose out to me, who had reincarnator’s knowledge. I personally think that she’s grown into a pretty good Princess for a 13-year-old girl, partly because she’s learned manners.

When she was a little girl, [Because I’m your big sister] seemed to be a part of her habit, but as she grew up, she started to say less and less. Even so, there was something that came to my heart when she occasionally said [Because I’m your big sister] in a playful way as if she remembered that she used to say it.

The random talks continued for a while after that, mostly with Fanny and Plume to make up for the time they had been apart.

When it was time for my third cup of barley tea, Fanny took a deep breath and finally spoke.

[…Onii-sama and Plume-oneesama are both going to the Royal Capital, and I’ll be lonely here. It would be nice if you could stay in the castle for a while…but you’ll have to depart from the castle tomorrow, right?]

It’s not that I don’t understand what Fanny is saying, but for the Sylopea family, socializing in the Royal Capital is quite a burden. Specifically, the government officials who remain in the territory are in trouble.

But despite lacking some elegance, they’ll still be departing to the Royal Capital tomorrow.

[Yes, yes. I’m a little nervous because it’s the first time in my life to cross the Ovieto River. Our knights have been to the capital several times, but between me and the old lady, it’ll be my first time… Wil, have you ever crossed east before?]

The Nobles of the Eruo continent are basically like hermits.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that my father, who puts a lot of effort into diplomacy in the Royal Capital, and Viscount Galiana, who suddenly appeared, were in the minority, but the reality was that there weren’t many like them.

In the case of the Sylopea family, it seems that the previous generation used to go to the Royal Capital, but since becoming the current head of the family, they probably don’t have the time or the leeway to do so anymore.

[No, I haven’t. I’ve crossed to the west many times recently…which made me quite familiar with the Ovieto river, if that means any good. Before reaching Levios territory, we have to cross mountains and rivers that I have never seen before, as well as a number of Noble territories, and finally we have to cross the Tona river.]

The Tona River, one of the seven great rivers of the Eruo continent, is the great river that forms the western boundary of the Levios territory.

It’s like the Amelia River to the Quordenze family.

[Really? The Royal Capital is far away.]

As if noticing that the topic was turning to the Royal Capital, Fanny put her hands together and said.

[That’s right. I have something I want to show to Plume-oneesama. I’ll make some preparations, so I’ll leave this place to you, onii-sama.]

Fanny stood up and left the place with an atmosphere that made it difficult for me to reply.

[…I wonder if I made Fanny worry about me. Maybe it’s because I talked about the Royal Capital. I did something bad…]

[Nah, I’m also at fault here. She’ll be back after a while. At that time, I’ll defer her care to you again.]

It seems that Fanny decided that I, as the next Head of Quordenze, needed to talk with the next Head of the Sylopea family. Watching Plume and Fanny talk here is the most soothing for me, so I didn’t exactly need that kind of consideration at all.

Anyway, since it’s just the two of us, it’s probably better to have a small talk regarding the Royal Capital now.

[So, honestly, what do you think about going to the Royal Capital? Troublesome?]

[Hmm, it’s far away, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave Sylopea, but… Actually, I’m looking forward to it. There are many things I’m worried about and excited about.]

[I understand that feeling. I wonder if it’s the same for me. …..I just feel it’s troublesome to meet various Nobles in social gatherings.]

Plume nodded deeply. It was interesting because the way she said it sounded like a Japanese junior high school girl.

How nice it would have been to just go to the Royal Capital for sightseeing. I

f that’s the case, it’ll be like a school trip to Tokyo.

[The Levios family, the Milendorva family, the Adellahan family, and the Zeldomitra family will probably be careful. The Noble families from the early days of the nation’s founding are also troublesome.]

[I mean, Plue will be with me to meet them, right?]

[Yes. Leave it to me.]

She said with a desperate expression and gestures.

Plume will often be traveling around with me while we’re in the Royal Capital. It can’t be helped because she’s the Princess closest to the top of the Levios Kingdom’s Quordenze faction. In the current situation where each other has not decided on a fiancée, there will be many scenes where we will be paired for a dance.

Because she’s working with the Quordenze family, she will inevitably have more contacts with other great Nobles.

[…..I wonder why the Levios family decided to hold the social gathering at this time. Even Wil wouldn’t really think that it’s just to celebrate the end of the rift with the Milendorva family, would he? I don’t think that’s the only purpose…]

I objected to her opinion.

[I don’t know about that. Rather, if we don’t turn the eyes of the Royal Aristocrats to the center now, I think the centripetal force will only continue to decline. I think the purpose of holding a large-scale social gathering here is to clean up the stagnation that has formed over the last few years.]

[But, aren’t we all aware that the Milendorva family had the advantage? I think it will be the best proof that the local Nobles are gaining power…]

[According to rumors, the success of the Milendorva family’s counterattack strategy was largely due to Princess Orshian. This result will only be evaluated as an individual’s bravery. With that in mind would it be accepted that the local Nobles have gained power?]

[Speaking of which, how about Operation Serpent’s Fang? Looking at the Quordenze family, who took Reisleaf Castle, I think there are strong Nobles who can be relied on outside the central government.]

[It’s a different story than Milendorva, who broke the blade that was thrust at their head-on. In the first place, we can fight with all our might because of our alliance with the Kingdom of Levios. I think it’s a story that can be connected.]

[What about the Adellahan family? In the battle of the Khurshaf River, where they sent reinforcements, it is said that they managed to force a draw with the Orshian army? The leader of that army didn’t seem to attend the social gathering this time. Also, the Zeldomitra family…]

Plume seems to be doing really well in her preparations. I can tell in the dialogue that she’s studying the latest situation of the Royal Nobles.

Unlike the questions and answers with my father, it was quite fun to have a casual discussion like this.

Previously, Plume was not in a position to succeed the head of the family, so she had almost never talked about politics like this.

[…..That’s why I think it’s necessary for the Royal family to convene here. Because rumors are important.]


[However, just like Plue said, I don’t think it’s just for publicity. They might say something to us about the Spierzeig invasion… Well, if I say that, I think I have something more or less to say to the other Nobles of the Kingdom. Maybe the Royal family wants to interview the Royal Nobles individually. Also, the Levios family wants to invade St. Navenpos, so I wonder if there’s something about that.]

It’s quite possible that they’re laying the groundwork for taking some kind of action in the future, rather than doing something right now.

[That’s right….Come to think of it, some priests in the Levios family were arrested last year for plotting evil, but they didn’t seem to understand their purpose. They misled the people, or they sneaked into the treasure room. You still don’t know what the truth was after all, such as why they’re attacking a village in the Levios territory.]

Come to think of it, there was such a story. Something about a priest who was arrested for doing underground activities in the Royal Capital.

However, just like Plume said, we still don’t know the details. Perhaps it’s because the Levios family hasn’t made it public, so I’ve only heard rumors that the anti-Levios priest has been caught.

[I’m a little worried that something like that happened again in the Quordenze territory. There aren’t many military officers left in Sylopea…]

The terrorist incident at Newnelly Field has been treated as top secret, but information is being shared with the Sylopea family.

Come to think of it, the plan went awry when the priest was arrested in the Levios territory, so everything was brought forward.

[I heard that the Levios family has put a lot of effort into hunting demon beasts in the field since the appearance of the demon beast Yersinia… I think they’ll notice if there are people acting suspiciously on or off the field… No, maybe that’s why they were arrested? Those priests.]

There is a good chance that they will be announced in the Royal Capital’s social gathering.

[Also, Evenafis gramps also said that there was something suspicious going on in the Holy City. Even this time, he seems to be planning to stay in the territory until the very end. He’s very cautious.]

The Quordenze and Sylopea families plan to enter Levios territory with some time to spare.

In the Eruo continent, where there are no airplanes, basically all travel routes are overland routes, but naturally there are nobles who rule the land. Passing through other territories will require a certain amount of interaction, and Noble families with friendly relations may receive entertainment.

Ignoring this and rushing around isn’t elegant, and it’s uncool for a Noble. Therefore, it was necessary to head for Levios territory with a certain amount of buffer estimated.

Also, geographically speaking, if the Quordenze family doesn’t move early, the Nobles on the route will be in trouble.

As expected, a Noble like the Quordenze family is coming, but we can’t leave the reception to the remaining knights.

That’s why the Quordenze family had to be the first among the western Nobles to depart.

Meanwhile, Earl Evenapis was scheduled to be on the verge of being late for the Royal Capital’s social gatherings. I don’t know why they plan to be late, but I guess it has something to do with how they don’t want to leave the territory.

The current Head of the family, Earl Evenapis, is the grandfather of my mother Merley. In terms of type, he is more of my grandfather Galfis’ type. In short, he is a warrior, not a politician.

People of this age are a generation that knows the end of the turbulent times, and are living witnesses of the era of rivalry.

The Nobles of the Eruo continent have a strong sense of respect for Warrior Nobles. And there is a feeling of admiration for the Nobles of the previous era who made a name for themselves on the battlefield and survived the turmoil.

Remaining in their own territory until the limit, they rushed towards their destination with only the bare minimum of greetings to the Nobles whose territories they passed through. Normally, many people would say, [You’re a Noble who doesn’t know what to do. You’re not classy]. On the other hand, for example, if it’s the Nobles from the war era, such as my grandfather Galfis and Earl Evenafis, who did it, people would probably say [As expected, a Hero who has won a turbulent world has a different mental attitude. The appearance of an aristocrat who protects his territory… Seriously cool!] instead.

It’s an extreme example, but there is certainly such an atmosphere.

Knowing how to treat himself like that, Earl Evenapis seems to be defiant and intends to slip in at the timing when the chime rings. He is a Noble with a strong heart.

[It would be best if nothing happened…]

After saying that, the door opened and Fanny returned to the room.

Then Plume said, [There is one last thing I wanted to say], in a whispery voice so that only I could hear it.

[…When I heard about the success of Operation Serpent’s Fang, I was a little worried that Wil had become someone I didn’t know. I couldn’t handle it…but I’m glad that you’re still the gentle Wil I used to be. Congratulations.]

Because it was a topic with a political element of Reisleaf Castle’s capture, she probably tried not to let Fanny hear about it.

I guess she didn’t want to risk accidentally making Fanny leave the room again.

[We were talking about how good it is that Wil is still the same Wil I knew. Let’s have tea together, Fanny.]

Plume said that to Fanny, who she noticed that Plume was whispering to me.

I felt that a man would become obsolete if she kept telling her that, so I told Fanny when she was seated.

[No, it’s not the same as before. Don’t you think I have become more manly?]

As I said that, I put my hand on my chin and made a light smile.

I want Plume to see me as a member of the opposite sex instead of only a childhood friend who she hasn’t seen in a long time.

[I think Wil has become as masculine as I have become more feminine.]

It’s a little surprising, but I’ve already factored in that reaction.

[In that case, I’ve become quite handsome.]

[Oh, did I become that feminine? I’m already embarrassed.]

Plume is joking around like that, but I’m not going to end this with a joke today.

[Yeah. I was really surprised when I first saw Plue today.. I made fun of you earlier, but that dress does look great on you.]


[We’ve been together all this time, so I tend to forget about it, but it made me realize that Plue is a girl.]

[Yes, indeed, onii-sama. Plume-oneesama is very pretty today.]

[Hey, hey…hey, hey… Huh? Wil?]

Plume put down the tea utensils impatiently and stared at me.

Her gaze says, you’re just joking around like usual, right? But, I just silently stare back at those eyes that expect an escape route.

[…As expected, Wil, you’ve changed. You used to never say things like that.]

[Did I?]

[Un. …..I’m happy…but…it’s a little embarrassing…fufu.]

Plume’s hair and eyes were bright red, but now her face was also slightly red.

[It means I’ve grown up too.]

To be more specific, it’s probably because I lost my virginity.

I didn’t feel embarrassed towards Fanny, who had spoiled me so much since childhood, but I don’t remember being embarrassed to say things like “beautiful” to Plume. At the very least, I should have never hit her with a straight ball like now.

Wilk, who Plume was familiar with, and Wilk, who is here now, are completely different people. Mainly in terms of their experiences with the lower body.

I guess it comes with growing up into adulthood.

Perhaps because I kept whispering love in the bed here and there, it was a clear fact that I no longer felt embarrassed about praising women.

I began to feel that I had reached the truth of the world on why popular men are even more popular.

The shy girl who didn’t dare to make eye contact with me was innocent and cute.

It seems that my frank words resonated with her much more than my good looking face.

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