The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Nambonan’S Mayor

Commotion was spreading in the square.

I leisurely walked towards the stage and wore a solemn expression, and with a serious voice.

「I'm Wilk, Quordentz house's eldest son.」

I applied magic to transmit my voice throughout the square just like my grandfather did. The fact that I was the eldest son meant that there was a high possibility for me to become the next family head. The citizens also seemed to understand that point, and they quietly waited for my following words.

「Just as I've been introduced earlier, I executed the rebels in Nambonan's bar.」

So it was really true? The citizens could be heard whispering here and there.

「Even after being defeated, Nambonan's citizens were foolish, still unable to understand Quordentz's might. I judged that Nambonan City should be destroyed.」

Upon hearing my words, the citizens resented the thoughtless rebel's actions, and above all, they lamented the fact that they'd made Quordentz's eldest son angry. A dismal air enveloped the entire square.

「However, there is a single courageous citizen who told me that I was wrong… Come out!」

Without turning back, I waved my hand.

Anna, in her usual waitress uniform, appeared from inside the curtain and stepped firmly to the side behind me.

The citizens far away from the stage could also see her bar uniform, and they instantly recognized her identity. Her name was being whispered around the square.historical

「I'm A, Anna!」

Stiffly, Anna continued her introduction. She talked about things such as her job as a waitress in the city's bar. Perhaps because there was limited entertainment in this world, many people regardless of gender would visit bars. Chatting as they drink alcohol together was one of their precious enjoyments. Having worked in the bar for as long as twenty years, Anna seemed to be well-known among the citizens, and they looked relieved on seeing a person they recognize stand on the stage.

As I was observing, Anna continued speaking nervously, and she'd finally moved to the part about the truth of the rumors. The truth about the rumor was quite an unfortunate event, and it couldn't even be counted as a story. The fact that a noble was aroused by a waitress' uniform and raped her was concealed, and she asserted the rumors which had been spreading among the citizens as the truth.

Viscount Galliana also mentioned that the people were seeking for drama. Besides, that outcome was better for me.

「I have heard from Anna about the difficulties that Nambonan's citizens have experienced.」

Then, I began recounting Nambonan's Story of Success. My rehearsal in secret last night was worth the trouble, and I was able to narrate it fluently.

The citizens were so touched that they were trembling upon hearing me recount their history. They were probably thinking that 'he's noble there's no way he'd seriously try to understand about Nambonan.'

Too bad for them, collecting accounts related to history was one of my hobbies.

「I told my father, Marquis Quordentz, that it would be a pity to destroy Nambonan City.」

Ohhh! The crowd became overcome with emotion, and they let out cries of joy.

Though in reality, I did not do such thing. There were several plans prepared to be set after seizing control of Nambonan. Retaining the council and the establishment of a higher organization was only one of them.

They were the prepared scenarios so to speak. There was no need for the citizens to know about it, though. I would have them believe that I was a splendid noble who appealed the Marquis to keep their civil government.

I waved my hand to calm down the excited crowd.

「However, my father has doubts. Can we really trust the citizens who have chosen the council who bared their fangs against the Quordentz and planned to rebel even after being under our control? I believe it was only natural to consider that point.」

The citizens went silent as though they were splashed with cold water.

We won't rebel! Please believe us! Such shouts could be heard from far away the stage.

「Therefore, I sought Viscount Galliana's advice as he is knowledgeable about Nambonan.」

I gave the initiative to Viscount Galliana. Everything was moving forward as planned. I judged that it would be more beneficial if Viscount Galliana was the one to continue on.

Viscount Galliana spoke about a matter which he told them he discussed with me, although in reality, he did not. First, he spoke about the problem in the way the council works.

The ten councilors were all equal in power, and there was no council leader among them. Placing a single person on the top made the citizens remember the former lord who had abandoned them, so it wasn't supported by the citizens. However, they made such a half-assed decision precisely because of that equality. As a result, they easily fell. An egalitarian organization without a leader might be good in times of peace, but it was fragile when in war.

Viscount Galliana explained these things to the citizens in an easy to understand manner.

「Nambonan needs a leader with a greater authority.」

There were some citizens who raised their hands in agreement with Viscount Galliana's conclusion. They were the hired people. The hired people among the crowd each voiced their dissatisfaction towards the council's indecisiveness, and they shouted that they need a reliable leader. Naturally, the soldiers who were secretly associated with the Quordentz family and the city guards didn't try to stop them. Gradually, there were more and more citizens who voiced their support, much more than the number of hired people.

「A leader who knows about Nambonan's history, and understands civil government, and is trusted by the Quordentz.」

Then, Viscount Galliana paused.

A strange silence enveloped the square for a moment.

All eyes then gathered on me as I stood on the stage. I understood that I was in the spotlight.

「I only know one person.」

Silence fell over the square, and the noise vanished as though time had stopped.

Who is the leader? The citizens were all keen to hear Viscount Galliana's answer.

「I ask you, Nambonan's citizens. Who is worthy to be Nambonan's representative—the Mayor?」

Viscount Galliana didn't reveal the name.

「It's Wilk-sama!」

「There's no one other than Wilk-sama!」

I didn't know if it was the hired people or the citizens, but just as we'd planned, there was someone who shouted. Then, the shouts gradually grew louder, and it continuously spread to the whole square. Anna lowered her head and was enduring the loud shouting coming from the crowd. Her trembling appearance was cute.

Mayor! Mayor! The crowd shouted my name and chanted mayor.

I somehow pictured the image of a young bird seeking food from its parent bird. The citizens might be the young bird which opened its mouth, seeking for the food known as comfort.

I raised my palm up, and then slowly lowered it.

All the citizen closed their mouths and sharpened their ears.

Slowly opening my mouth, I spoke aloud to the citizens.

「At the citizen's request, I promise to become Nambonan's mayor.」

Cheers and loud applauses enveloped the square. Joyful smiles spread among the citizens, and they clapped their hands high up.

On this day, amidst the thunderous applause, Nambonan's democracy came to an end.

「Ah, it has ended without a hitch. It is well said that people lose their judgement as they increase in number.」

The official announcement of the surrender had ended, and we were holding an evaluation meeting at Viscount Galliana's tent. As everything had gone according to plan, Viscount Galliana was all smiles.

「In the end, how are things any different from being ruled by a noble?」

Nambonan's mayor possessed great authority. It had the power to do anything, just like the Enabling Act of 1933.[1] Honestly, it was a cheat position. Moreover, only members of the House of Quordentz could sit on the position of mayor. What was democracy all along?

「Possessing authority is one thing, employing it is another. By pretending on leaving everything to their hands, wouldn't people view Wilk-dono as an understanding mayor?」

「You have a point.」

Nambonan was originally semi-independent, so it should be enough to just watch over them to make sure things don't advance in a weird direction. A civil officer would be transferred from the Quordentz to build a new city hall and supervise Nambonan's council, so the only thing left for me was to approve things. In Quordentz territory, Nambonan wasn't comparable to Nyuneri, but its development was among the top three, so it wouldn't be too bad to visit once in a while for inspection.

As though his work was finally over, Viscount Galliana sat deeply on the chair and held the goblet filled with alcohol.

「At any rate, It was the best outcome for Nambonan.」

「Is that so?」

I didn't think so, but according to my father and Viscount Galliana, it was apparently much better compared to the original plan.

「I sensed it last time, too… Wilk-dono has a good understanding of civil government.」

I was a former Japanese, so I was still a commoner deep down. I was growing quite close to a noble, though. It seemed like Viscount Galliana had considered me as a person who likes commoners since I'd been bringing my newly developed goods to him and I'd been talking with him a lot about Nambonan's government.

I do like the commoners. After all, I was permitted to **** them.

「They'll be absorbed peacefully into the territory of Quordentz without causing any serious changes on their lifestyles. Furthermore, the invincible General Garphis would be protecting the city, and Quordentz family's next head Wilk-dono who understands about civil government will take the post of the mayor. And, the citizens are all happy to accept it. What is there to complain about?」

「If you say it like that, there's none.」

「According to the original plan, we would take everything from the citizens after we'd taken control of the city. The rich would have their properties seized, and anyone with limbs would be reduced to slave and do slave labor. Even if we were to massacre a city with only commoners, no one would complain.」

「I see. It's just as Viscount Galliana said. It is indeed the best outcome.」

At the very least, I would never think of reducing the city to ashes unless something really serious happens. I also didn't intend to rampage about as I please as a dictator in Nambonan.

If I were to do anything careless and cause Nambonan to collapse, my father who had been preparing to build a fortress in this area would give up on me and I'd be stripped of my status as the next Marquis.

「Absolutely. Isn't it also good for Wilk-dono? It would be an achievement to have real experience in managing a territory. Besides…」


Then, Viscount Galliana made a sound with his throat and grinned. His voice suggested that the serious discussion was over.

「Wilk-dono must be excited for tonight.」


He was probably talking about Anna. I laughed it away.

I could never say that I felt horny on seeing Anna's flushed face on the way from the square, and I went to her house and soaked her with four shots.

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