The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

After Mimon's strength suddenly gave out, I held her in my arms and fell asleep.

By the time I came to my senses, birds were chirping and the morning sunlight was coming through the gaps of the half-opened curtains as blades of light.

As I moved my body, I felt the solidified juices from last night pulling on my skin.

I looked next to me and saw the fully naked Mimon there sleeping soundly. As I put my face close to hers with the thought of giving her a wake-up kiss in my mind, a terrible stench of alcohol drifted to me so I just left her alone.

While I was playing with her exposed, defenseless breasts, a voice came from the door's direction to inform me that the bath was ready.

Having servants who act without me saying anything is a wonderful thing.

I told Mimon, who was looking at me with an absentminded look after she opened her eyes at some point, that I'm going to take a bath and got up from the bed. It seems that she will be sleeping for a bit longer.

Oh, that reminds me. When I glanced at Eve who was on standby as a shadow in the corner of the room, she was asleep while sitting on the floor hugging her knees.

She probably stayed up too late since I was interacting with Mimon's body for a long time last night.

I got close to her quietly and rolled up the black veil that covered her face, then I gave her a good kiss. I took the chance to grope her breasts while I was at it as well.

Mimon's soft and mellow breasts are nice, but Eve's breasts that are full of elasticity and maxed out on youthfulness are also good.


Did I fondle them a little too much? Eve's face frowned in her sleep.

I returned her veil back to the way it was and left the room.

After I had breakfast together with Mimon, I sent someone to escort her home.

Now then, what should I do today? As I pondered about that, my door was knocked on.

「Young master. We were informed that Madam will be back at the castle this evening. What would you like us to do?」

A scout on horseback who had a letter to notify us about mother's arrival came to the castle of Nyuneri last night.

According to that letter, it seems that mother had stopped by her family- Earl Evenapis's home, and the home of Earl Silopea.

The Silopea family's territory is south of our territory, and further down south is the territory of the Evenapis family. Our territory is not that close to the Evenapis' territory but she probably took a detour there since it's not that far away either.

Since the house of Qualdense, the house of Silopea, and the house of Evenapis have a good relationship because we're related by blood, she was able to travel in a straight line without any worries.

「If mother is coming back, we'll need to be ready as well. Let's return to the castle」


As a noble, I can't just lightly greet my mother with "Welcome home, mother~!" when she comes home after so long. We have to make reasonable preparations.

I decided to return to the castle as soon as possible.

It was some time before the evening when mother returned. Going by how I felt, I felt like it was around 3 pm, my afternoon snack time.

The way Fanny was walking around back and forth restlessly mixing in with our busy servants was funny. She is probably really happy to see mother.

I wonder if about 2 hours in Earth terms from my past life had passed since mother arrived at the castle. I was called to the dining hall after everything was ready.historical

Father, mother, me, and Fanny were all having a slightly early dinner. If grandfather was here, the entire Qualdense family would be gathered together, but unfortunately, he is currently building a castle in the westernmost part of our territory.

「Wilk. You have grown more manly during the period I haven't seen you」

Mother looked at me with a warm and snug smile.

Plumpy abundant breasts, blue hair in the color of the spring sky was hanging down like it was protecting those breasts, and eyes of that same blue color.

She is in her mid-30s, yet I don't feel like her beauty has faded.

「You think so?」

It would be more accurate to say that the reason my face became slightly red was not that I was blushing from getting complimented by my mother, but rather because I felt flattered as a man when I got complimented by a beauty like her.

Mother is the image of an older Fanny. Honestly, she has enough charm to get me hard.

What a blissful time it was in my infant days that I got to suck on this beauty's tits. Even now I still feel like I want to suck on them.

I seriously wondered if she would let me do it still if I acted like a cute baby.

「Yes. I think your face has become quite dignified. I read in the letters that like my deceased brother-in-law, Gardakul, you have grown up with lots of love. I am very pleased」

I almost spat my drink out.

I never thought that I would be told in the middle of a family dinner like this that she was happy about her son's sex life.

Fanny looked back and forth at me and our mother's face, seemingly confused about what we're talking about.

「Melly, Fanny is here as well, you know?」

「Oh my, oh my」

Father pointed out to mother like he also shared the same thoughts as me.

Mother made a slightly embarrassed expression and then laughed it off.

Fanny looked a little perplexed since she noticed that she was the only one who couldn't keep up with the conversation.

「Oh right, Wilk, come to my room later. I want to talk about something with just the two of us」

「Mother, I'm coming first, right?」

「Yes, that's right. I'll talk with you first Fanny, and then I will talk to Wilk after」

Mother looked at Fanny, and then me. And after that, she looked at father in the end.

It seems that not only with me and Fanny, she also wants to talk to father alone as well. I'm sure she wants to have a talk with him with their bodies too.

I secretly prayed that they won't make a child who is going to fight me to be the heir of the Qualdense family.

After dinner ended, one of my mother's servants came to get me during the middle of my bath and guided me to a room.

Inside mother's room which I haven't entered in a long time, there was only me, mother, and her servant. For some reason, my heart is racing just a tiny bit.

When mother told me to sit down by the table, her servant made us some tea as expected.

As I sipped on the tea, I started the conversation safely with words like "Welcome home" .

「…Seriously, times are tough in the royal capital right now」

Along with some sighs, mother talked about the royal capital.

Since she spent most of this year there, she mixed in complaints of not being able to spend time with us and how tired she was as she spoke.

「I was told that you won't be going to the capital anymore for the rest of this year. Fanny was so happy when she heard that, you know?」

「Oh? What about you, Wilk? Are you not happy to hear that?」

「There's no way I wouldn't be happy. I'm really glad that you came back, mother」

The royal capital is already in a state of unrest, then there's also the suspicious activities of the Synod that were mentioned in the letter she sent us not too long ago. Because of that, things seem to be quite tense in the capital.

Since mother was too worn out from that stuff, she decided to come home to rest as well as to provide her family with the information along the way.

「I'm glad that I was able to make it back to Nyuneri so quickly…but still, it looks like it'll be hard to find a proper wife for you in the current situation. You're already 12, right? You have to quickly find a wonderful lady」

「I would like to ask for your patience on this matter, mother」

When I said that, my mother looked a little surprised, then her expression softened up immediately after and started smiling.

The way her expression kept changing was so like Fanny, it really made me feel that they are mother and daughter.

「Oh my? Do you really not have an interest in marriage? Oh that won't do. You have to properly develop an interest in a noble lady, okay? Your "studies" are for the sake of your future wife」

I didn't think that we would be having a sex talk here. What an unexpected landmine.

「And you heard what I said, right? I said that you are similar to my deceased brother-in-law Gardakul. Lukes is glad about that as well. He admires Gardakul from the bottom of his heart…」

My father, Lukes, seems to have really gotten along well with his brother Gardakul.

「I have never really met brother-in-law Gardakul, but I heard that he was a kind person…」

「Is he?」

Regarding my uncle, I only know that he was a manwhore. People around me don't really talk about him too much.

I heard that in the past, when some knights were talking about my deceased uncle and reminiscing about him, my grandfather overheard them by chance just suddenly got up and led our army to attack the territories of the empire's nobles.

Since then, I haven't really heard anybody talking about uncle.

「…I think you know this as well, Wilk, but Lukes and I…we had a hard time making a child. I always wondered to myself if I was unable to give birth and worried…For a noble lady, the most pitiful thing is to adopt kids after marrying」

As a noblewoman, giving birth to a child is their most important job and their greatest pride.

The number one desire in a wife of noble descent is to connect the two families together by giving birth to a child and leaving descendants. If they can't do that and have to resort to adoption, the noblewoman's confidence will be deeply hurt. It's a disgrace to the level that would make them want to bite off their tongue and die.

My mother gave birth to me in her mid-20s. For a noble, that's later than normal.

To note, it's not rare for nobles to adopt children.

Especially for families of knights, due to their frequent adoptions, there are many households of knights that have thin blood connections between their family members. It's because they value letting the name of their house live on rather than their blood. Of course, if it's possible, they would leave behind their blood too.

Of course, there are many cases of big noble families who aren't families of knights adopting too. If I were to give an example from the people I know, Viscount Galliana, who had taken care of me in Nambonan city, is not blood-related with his son, Deanrish. Deanrish was adopted.

For nobles nowadays, adopting children to extend their family's name has become very common. It became so common that there is a shortage of adoption candidates now.

「Right when I was feeling troubled over that, Lukes said something really kind to me. Afterward, I found out that it was something that his brother often said to his women」

"It's okay to not give birth so quickly". To my mother who was suffering from the pressure of having to give birth, she was overjoyed when father told her that again and again.

And she was thankful to father's brother who had taught father that way of thinking.

With some of that pressure taken off her, mother fell deeper in love with father and she successfully became pregnant after that.

「…And for you to grow up with a nature similar to brother-in-law Gardakul, I feel like it's fate and I'm very glad. Moreover, that nature is something you can be proud about as a noble as well」

This is kind of a serious talk, but it's kind of strange because in short, she's happy that I��m boning a lot of commoners.

Mother glanced at me who was a little perplexed, then she started to talk to me about uncle for the next while, and I learned about how the villa became a sex house.

It appears that some of the female servants who work at the villa and the castle were originally my uncle's concubines. Even after my uncle passed away, they continued to work for us because they wanted to assist our family.

The old lady who had been washing me in the bath was also one of my uncle's women. That's a surprise.

Perhaps the reason why the females have been looking at me with a heartwarming look in their eyes is that they saw my deceased uncle in me.

After my mother asked for more tea, our topic of conversation changed again back to the royal capital.

「…I think that there's going to be a big social event in the spring at the royal capital for sure. You have already started preparing a new set of clothes, right? I should have already sent a message about that」

「Yes. I contacted a clothing company some time ago. I think it will be ready before spring」

When it comes to making clothes that nobles wear at social events, it can take up to months.

If I approached it like buying a suit in Japan, I wouldn't make it in time at all.

「Still, a big social gathering in spring, huh? Just what is that about?」

Mother put the teacup down gently as if she didn't want to make a sound.

「I heard that the Grand Duke's daughter, Princess Olusshian, is going to visit the royal capital in spring next year. Since they need to publicize that the disturbance in the Levios kingdom has calmed, all the nobles of the country are going to be gathered there」

「That sounds like it's going to be a big event」

「Yeah. Wilk, do you know? The Grand Duke's daughter is still 12 years old. You might have a chance to dance with her at the party. She might invite you to have tea with her as well」

「I heard from rumors and read in some document that she's young, but I didn't think that we'd be the same age」

「Yes, she's the same age as you. However, you have to be careful with her. Despite her being adopted, she still belongs to Duke Milendollva…no, Grand Duke Milendollva, the head of the eastern nobles, I should say」

Mother looked at me with a serious look. We, the Qualdense family who are located at the kingdom's westernmost parts, have a bad relationship with the nobles of the east.

Since the house of Silopea and my mother's family, the Evenapis, also have a bad relationship with nobles from the east, they could be called our common enemy.

「Yes, mother」

「I only heard this from a rumor in the royal capital but it seems that Lady Olusshian is a very beautiful young girl…Be careful, okay?」

「Of course, mother」

I do know that the word on the street is that the daughter of the grand duke is a beautiful young girl, but I didn't think that information about how nobles look would be reliable when it comes from commoners.

However, if the information is coming from my mother who is active in the royal capital's social circle, it's probably quite trustworthy. My interest in this girl is suddenly going up.

Since I didn't even have sex once today, I got hard imagining what the grand duke's daughter would look like.

「If you get tempted by other women, Plume, who is going to be there with you, is going to get angry, you know?」

「I will be careful」

That reminded me of something. I didn't talk to Plume about my attire for the social gathering this time and just decided on the color and the design myself.

I did send her a letter as a follow-up, but I wonder if she's mad at me.

Since my mother went through their territory on her way home, she probably knows what mood she's in.

I politely asked her about Plume.

「Plume was pleased with your concerns. Ehehe」

When I look at her bright smile, I could tell that she was telling the truth.

As I thought, "follow-up calls" are important.

When I put my hand on my chest in relief, my mother slightly lowered her tone,

「Let me ask you one thing. If you had Plume as your wife, what would you think about it? I need you to answer this honestly, okay? It's a very important issue. I would like you to not think about things like our territory's problems and tell me how you would feel as a man」

Mother said with a kind of serious look on her face. Come to think of it, father asked me about what kind of women I like not too long ago. I wonder if mother is also curious about that so she's asking me in a roundabout way.

While marriage between nobles always has something to do with politics, this seems like a love talk between us. I decided to answer her honestly.

「Plume is a very beautiful woman, I would be glad as a man. We get along as well」

My mother's eyes were scanning me as if she was trying to find out what my real feelings were.

「I see. I see...」

She smiled from the bottom of her heart.

「*Sighh*, when I think about my adorable niece, my worries never end. Wilk, thank you for answering honestly. I'm really glad that you have lots of experience with love」

「Huhh...I see…」

I don't know what was on my mother's mind, but I don't think she's going to choose Plume as my wife.

Because in Plume's situation, they need the man to marry into their family to take on their family name.

After we talked for a while, I decided to return to my room after I had three cups of tea.

As I left mother's room, I looked back and saw her fixing her hair with her mirror. She's probably going to have a good time with father now.

Even though thanks to her, I didn't have sex with anybody for the entire day.

Since Fanny doesn���t come to my room because she's in the middle of her period, it looks like I'm going to spend this autumn night longing for a woman's body.

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