The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler

Chapter 1543

Chapter 1543

Million Wine Mountain was originally cut into layers by the Heaven-Locking Formation, and the layers overlapped each other in a perilous manner. Now that the Heaven-Locking Formation suddenly moved, the layers—which had been stacked on top of each other—suddenly lost balance and started to crumble!

Hong long long!

Countless rocks fell and made a huge sound! Even the surrounding ground started shaking as well!

"What's going on?! Isn't the Heaven-Locking Formation ending tomorrow?" Luo Yanming was shocked. "Why did it start earlier?"

Luo Yanlin knitted his brows and stared at Million Wine Mountain closely. To be more accurate, he was looking at the countless silver lines floating around—the giant Heaven-Locking Formation!

"That's not right!" He suddenly noticed something and narrowed his eyes. "Someone urged the Heaven-Locking Formation!"

Such a huge commotion caused the initially dead and dark Ling Xiao Academy to burst into an uproar!

Million Wine Mountain had been quiet for almost a month, and everyone slowly put this matter down. However, this sudden scene immediately awakened the crowd's previous memory!

Many students rushed over and looked at Million Wine Mountain nervously.

"What has happened to Million Wine Mountain again? Why was there such a loud sound?"

"It seems like the Heaven-Locking Formation has started… However, isn't tomorrow the last day?"

"Hiss… this situation is really strange! The elders have been meticulously standing guard for a month, terrified that something would go wrong. There's no reason that this would suddenly happen!"

Even if they didn't know how strong the Heaven-Locking Formation was and what was hidden underneath Million Wine Mountain, anyone with common sense would know that such a top Xuan formation was intricate in every aspect.

Once a slight error was made, unfathomable consequences might arise! And now… something still went wrong with the Heaven-Locking Formation under the eyes of the elders!

Seeing the scene of rocks collapsing and flying around, the people were terror-stricken. This aura… seemed like the world was about to end!

"Wh-what exactly is going on?!" Everything happened too quickly, causing Elder Bo Yan and the others standing guard at the side to be stunned!

"Who urged the Heaven-Locking Formation?!" Elder Hua Feng, who heard the commotion, rushed over and questioned everyone anxiously.

The crowd had very ugly expressions.

"Nobody," said Elder Bo Yan with much difficulty.

During this period of time, every single one of them had been very meticulous and didn't dare to make any errors. Even during the previous second, they were still properly in their places. Who knew that this would suddenly happen!?

"The Heaven-Locking Formation suddenly increased its speed itself. Besides… who here can urge the Heaven-Locking Formation on their own?"

The elders who rushed over one after another fell silent when they heard this.

Yeah! When the Heaven-Locking Formation was activated, many of them had to work together for it to succeed.

During this period of time, the Heaven-Locking Formation had been functioning normally, and nothing happened to it.

Unless it was affected by some external force, a Xuan formation of this level wouldn't act like this!

"If it's not us… Could it be from inside?" muttered Elder Hua Feng as he suddenly looked shocked.

"What?" Elder Bo Yan didn't understand this in a short amount of time. Inside? Which inside? Million Wine Mountain or the fountain?

Suddenly, his expression turned harsh. "That's impossible! The Heaven-Locking Formation clearly suppressed it!"

Tomorrow is the last day! The frost on Million Wine Mountain has completely melted away, and even the frozen cubes on the fountain have disappeared without a trace.

Looking from above, it rippled in the light and was no different from before!

We clearly thought that the strange coldness had been removed by the Heaven-Locking Formation. Then, everything would end when the Heaven-Locking Formation destroys Million Wine Mountain tomorrow! Why did this suddenly happen now?

But after saying this, Elder Bo Yan felt uneasy.

"Look quickly! There seems to be something wrong with the Heaven-Locking Formation!" an elder yelled in shock.

Elder Bo Yan and the others' hearts skipped a beat as they instinctively looked over. They saw that the countless intersecting lines on Million Wine Mountain had suddenly disappeared—they retreated from the centermost position of the fountain!

There seemed to be an invisible hand that slowly removed the force on the Heaven-Locking Formation!

Everyone present had their mouths agape and eyes widened upon seeing this, unable to return to their senses.

"Every single line was operating on its own trajectory in the Heaven-Locking Formation. Now, it was forcefully changed by an external force…" Shangguan Jing gasped. "Who exactly has such strength?!"

Nobody knew; they didn't even know how all of this happened. When they noticed that something was amiss, they couldn't salvage the situation.

"Everyone, immediately get to your positions! Restore the Heaven-Locking Formation to its original state!" yelled Elder Bo Yan at the top of his lungs as his figure moved. However, his face was still very pale because he knew too clearly that it was probably too late even if everyone worked together!

Activating the Heaven-Locking Formation was already very hard for them, let alone deal with this current situation! However, he had to react—there were still so many people in the academy!

The many elders went to their own positions and surrounded Million Wine Mountain once again.

At this point, a strange sound suddenly came from within Million Wine Mountain. No, to be more accurate, it came from below the fountain!

Dong dong!josei

Dong dong!

There seemed to be someone forcefully knocking something again and again! It was as if something was about to rush out from within the next moment!

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