The Martial Unity

Chapter 1147 Concern

Chapter 1147 Concern

All of them dispersed, they each had things that they were preoccupied with various things.

The Martial Seniors had to unfreeze the Floating Sect and commence the workings of the sect.josei

Meanwhile, Rui returned to his chamber as he considered his gameplan

The reconnaissance phase was up, he had gotten everything that he needed, and now he needed to make the most of it.

('Most likely the Martial Seniors of the Kaddar Region will not change the pairings.')

Based on what he saw, it was clear that the Kaddar Treaty Organization was aware of the Martial Art of the three Senior guardians of the Floating Sect. The pairings were decently effective against the Senior guardians.

The reason they weren't able to create pairings that were perfectly suited to counter their opponents was that they didn't have a large pool of Martial Seniors to select from. This was due to a lack of options, and many of the existing options being preoccupied with other important matters. 

This meant that Rui could most likely proceed with the assumption that Senior Xanarn would be facing the same opponents next time.

He accounted for the fact that the Kaddar Treaty Organization would likely be deploying one or perhaps two more Martial Seniors next time.

The probability of them sending three more was low, if they could muster up three more, they would not have sent as few as they did, there was no point in using only seventy-five percent of their available Martial Seniors on such an important war.

Rui estimated that they would probably take no chances and deploy more than eighty-five percent of the Martial Seniors that they could deploy.

Thus one more Martial Senior was guaranteed, two more just to be safe.

That meant that two of the three Senior guardians would have to face an extra Martial Senior.

Regardless, Rui had only prepared to face off against the three Martial Seniors that Senior Xanarn fought, he could not do anything if they targeted one of the other two. 

For now, he was just focused on things surrounding Senior Xanarn.

Ideally, he hoped she wouldn't be the one to get hit with an extra Martial Senior, but he needed to be prepared if the unfortunate outcome did occur.

Especially since it was likely to occur. The probability that she would be hit with an extra Martial Senior was two in three. Actually, by Rui's estimation, it was most likely higher since the extra Martial Seniors were likely to be deployed against the two weaker ones, as opposed to the strongest one, since that was where the greatest impact of an extra Martial Senior.

Senior Sarak was so tough, that perhaps not even four Martial Seniors could fall him before the time limit of the gravitational stabilizer timed out.

However, the same could not be said for Senior Xanarn, and especially Senior Leonil. Those two were not surviving an assault from four Martial Seniors. That was why the Kaddar Treaty Organization was likely to toss the number advantage against those two, hoping to kill them off, leaving only one Martial Senior defending the sect.

The war would be as good as over.

Thus he immediately began planning for his strategies in both scenarios, but especially in the scenario with four Martial Seniors.

In the event that she was hit with four Martial Seniors, she would probably abandon offense and dedicate all Martial resources toward defense. Rui analyzed the information as his mind raced through the predictive models that he had on Seniro Xanarn and the three Martial Seniors she fought. With those, he was able to extrapolate dozens of potential broad outcomes based on the Martial Path of the extra Martial Senior, and how it would impact the fight.I think you should take a look at

In all of those models that he extrapolated, she died.

She held on for quite some time, but she most certainly ended up dead, and she also failed to take a single Martial Senior down with her.

It couldn't be helped, it was four-on-one.

This was bleak, however, his calculations were not entirely negative. By his calculations, she survived all the way until all of their Martial Hearts were drained. Of course, she was brought close to death at that stage in his model of the fight, severely wounded while her opponents were essentially unharmed.

However, the fact that she survived the deactivation of the Martial Heart was highly optimistic news. Because once the Martial Hearts were out of the picture, Rui could intervene.

However, she needed to survive at that time. He couldn't do anything if she died before. Before any further planning, he needed to make sure that she understood that.

That was why he paid her personal quarters a visit that night. 

"I didn't expect you to come," She murmured when she saw him at her doorstep. 

Rui paused for a moment. Her light home attire threw him off since he normally saw her in her Martial attire.

"I wanted to talk to you about the next fight," Rui replied.

She considered his words for a moment, before nodding.

"Come in."

Her personal quarters were modestly decorated yet homely, she didn't seem to care too much about furnishing it.

"Would you like something to drink?" She pulled out a large bottle of alcohol. "A single drop would kill any human, it was made specifically to intoxicate the Martial Body."

"Er, no thanks," Rui refused. "I wanted to discuss your approach to combat tomorrow."

"Hm, what about it?" She asked with a curious expression.

"Please do everything in your power to survive," Rui replied. 

She chuckled. "As opposed to what?"

"As opposed to trying to protect the sect's infrastructure or any other considerations," Rui replied. "Your Martial Art works best medium and long ranges, however, those ranges make the sect susceptible to suffering damage, that is why you reduced your range today, correct? You cannot afford to do that. You need to make it past the Martial Heart stage no matter what happens to the sect. You must live. No matter what"

She felt her heart skip a beat as he could not hide the depth of his concern from her.

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