The Martial Unity

Chapter 1173 Cost

Chapter 1173 Cost

"How may we help you?" One of the staff members catering to inquiring Martial Artists asked Rui when he approached the counter inside. 

"I wish to procure medical services and commodities of the Virodhabhasa Faith," Rui replied.josei

"Then you have come to the right place," She gave him a reverential smile that he had come to see on the faces of literally any native that he spoke to. "The Virodhabhasa Faith possesses developed medical capabilities capable of healing the wounds and conditions that Martial Artists are afflicted with, and help them survive and also get back to into form!"

Rui smiled, he had expected this.

He highly doubted that a Martial religion that was centered around Martial Art would not have such measures. It appeared that he was right to give this religion a shot.

"What kind of medical service would you like?" The staff member asked courteously. "We have services that we offer free by virtue of you being a Martial Artist."

This was thanks to the reverence that members of this religion had for Marital Artists. It meant that Rui could probably get all regular wounds and minor conditions fixed for free, but unfortunately, what he was dealing with was far beyond that.

"I have medical records of the condition that I would like a treatment and a cure for," Rui replied, placing the document on the counter.

"We understand," She nodded. "We will send this information to the medical department where it will be processed and the prospects of a cure and treatment will be evaluated, as well as the price of the treatment."

Rui nodded. "By when can I expect a response?"

"It will most likely get fully processed within a day," She replied. "Please fill out this form, and you will be issued an application number and a token."

Rui quickly filled out all the relevant details that were most centered around means to contact him, more than anything.

Rui quickly filled in all the relevant details before submitting the application and receiving a registration token.

Now all he could do was wait. He had already submitted a copy of the medical details of Senior Xanarn's condition with her personal details redacted to the medical department, having made sure that there was absolutely no way whatsoever that her identity could be traced from the medical details that he had submitted.

He was about to leave when he recalled that this wasn't the only business he had with the Virodhabhasa Church. After all, the main reason that he had sought to leave the Floating Sect was because he would not be able to fulfill Project Metabody if he remained there.I think you should take a look at

"I also wish to consult relevant experts surrounding the topic of the Herenal's Disease, and its effects on the Martial Body," Rui requested.

"Please give me a moment, I will look into that request," She replied graciously before fiddling with her terminal. "…Currently we have three experts tagged with having expertise in the fields that cover the topic you specified, fortunately, consultancies with non-inner members of the faith are free of charge to Martial Artists, thus you will not be charged with a fee."

Rui raised an eyebrow, smiling. He disliked religion as a concept, but he had to admit, that the Virodhabhasa Faith was good at buttering up Martial Artists.

Still, he was keenly aware that this was a manipulation tactic to make his impression of the religion positive. Although it was ineffective against him, he could definitely see the average Martial Artist allowing himself to develop a good impression based purely on the deference that the religion showed Martial Artists. Not aware that the deference that they showed in circumstances such as this was actually worth less than the goodwill that they built in Martial Artists.

He could easily imagine that there were Martial Artists who would grow fiercely attached to the faith of the brainwashed members which genuinely treated them with devotion and reverence. It was probably a plot cooked up by people higher up.

If they could earn the loyalty of a Martial Senior through these seemingly over-the-top deferences to Martial Artists, especially powerful Martial Artists, then it was worth all the trouble and hassle.

"Your appointments have been scheduled in five hours," She told him, handing him some cards that specified the time and location of the appointments, as well as the individuals whom he would be consulting.

Rui left the main church with everything that he needed. ('That went decently well, they really are good at sucking up to Martial Artists.')

He shook his head.

If they thought that this would increase the probability that Rui would remain in the town or become attached to the faith, then they were sorely mistaken. Rui was leaving the second that he got what he wanted.

However, there were some things that he needed to consider. For example, Senior Xanarn's treatment and cure were almost certainly not something that he could get away with for free. He would certainly be charged something, the question was what he ought to do then. He did not have much wealth at the moment, he had some gold coins that were the remnants of the massive revenue that Esosale Suppliers had generated in the Shionel Confederation, but they would surely not be enough to afford the treatment of cure that he would have to cart off to Senior Xanarn.

('Missions it is…') He sighed.

The Virodhabhasa Church also offered brokerage services to Martial Artists and the market. Meaning the Virodhabhasa Faith could connect Rui to those that wanted to commission him for his Martial Art services and use those earnings to pay the fee, while also working on Project Metabody. 

If the cost was too prohibitive, he might have to work extra long, but other than that, his plan was set and everything was actually proceeding surprisingly smoothly. He spent the five hours before his appointment wandering around the large town and taking in all of the things that it had to offer.

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