The Martial Unity

Chapter 1178 Expensive

Chapter 1178 Expensive

Rui quickly ruled out this solution in a heartbeat.

Treating Senior Xanarn only to bring her back as a cripple was something that Rui was absolutely certain she would hate from the bottom of her heart. He did not want to hurt his favorite Martial Senior in such a way.

Nothing less than a perfect solution was acceptable.

"Let us move on to the other solution," Rui impatiently told the doctor.

"Understood," The doctor nodded. "Then let us move on to the next treatment option. In addition to blood replenisher, we will also treat her with a high-grade esoteric detoxifying agent that will extract the poison riddling her brain to a much greater degree. She will practice Martial Art once more and even engage in combat again with some constraints and restrictions."

"What constraints and restrictions?" Rui raised an eyebrow, refusing to get excited too early.

"She may never employ her Martial Heart ever again," The doctor informed him.

Rui's eyes widened. "That…"

"The remnant poison will be little enough to allow her heart rate to reach ordinary peaks, but activating the Martial Heart will be lethal due to the minute poison deteriorating the constitution of the blood capillaries of her brain. She will suffer a cerebral aneurysm if she activates her Martial Heart even for a second, even with the healing factor of a Martial Senior, she will perish."

Rui's expression grew more severe. Waking up Senior Xanarn while preserving her ability to practice Martial Art was definitely better than turning her into a cripple who could not exert herself. However, being deprived of the ability to activate her Martial Heart was still too much. Being woken up only to be told that she was effectively demoted to the Squire Realm was something that would crush her spirit.

Rui did not want that to happen either.

He shook his head. "Please present the next solution."

The doctor threw a deep look at Rui, before nodding. "The third solution is simple, instead of a mid-grade esoteric, we can treat her with a particularly high-grade esoteric detoxifying agent that will completely extract every trace of poison within her system, allowing her to completely recover from her condition.

Rui's eyes lit up in interest. "This solution sounds perfect. How much would this particular medical treatment and service cost?"

"It will cost you about seven million eight hundred and fifty thousand virodhanas," The man replied.

Virodhana was the currency used by the Virodhabhasa Faith. The fact that the religion had become so large and powerful that they had their own currency was a testament to their size and power. Furthermore, the currency had its own weight as well, while it wasn't as heavy as the Shionel gold currency, it was still quite respectable on the international stage.

That was why seven million virodhanas was not a small amount.

Rui cocked his head back in surprise. "That's more than just a bit expensive!"I think you should take a look at

The doctor smiled wryly. "The raw esoteric substances and materials needed to prepare the detoxifying agent were procured by the Martial Masters from dangerous zones deep within the Beast Domain."

"Oh…" Rui murmured.

He quickly shut up. The price was actually reasonable when the difficulty of obtaining the necessary ingredients was considered.

For the first time, he regretted not having the wealth that he earned from Esosale Suppliers. It had made him the effective equivalent of a billionaire. He would have easily been able to afford the treatment with no dent in his wealth.

But alas, it was all gone.

He briefly considered going back to the Floating Sect and seeing if they had enough funds. However, he quickly realized that this was a futile exercise. The Floating Sect did not have liquid wealth. It did not have any internal currency either. That did not mean it was worthless, it still had valuable capital and assets that were worth a lot, but most of its economic capital was solid and untransferrable, making it extremely difficult to do anything about it.

It was impossible to sell any of the powerful chambers of the sect to the church, it was impossible to sell most of the assets to the church due to the nature of the assets as commodities.

Furthermore, the Floating Sect was not in a good state economically speaking. The two battles between the Martial Seniors had caused damage to infrastructure across the island. Senior Xanarn had done an admirable job minimizing the damage inflicted to the surrounding infrastructure, the same could not be said for Senior Sarak and Senior Leonil.

Senior Sarak certainly cared and tried, but the nature of his counter-offensive Martial Art was such that he couldn't protect his surroundings and environment even if he wanted to. He had to be resigned to the fact that he couldn't avoid damaging the Floating Sect. 

Senior Leonil was one who could help but didn't nonetheless because he cared too much about his own life.

It wasn't as though he didn't care about the sect, he just had too strong a sense of self-preservation to let caring for the sect get in the way of not dying.josei

That meant that the Floating Sect had to dedicate a lot of resources to restoring the sect at the moment, it did not have room for additional expenditure.

('Especially with a new wave of Martial Squires rushing into the Floating Sect.') Rui mused.

He briefly considered bringing over one of the Martial Seniors of the sect here to do missions and earn the necessary funds, but ultimately put aside this plan as well. The Floating Sect was actually incredibly dire straits as far as its security went.

Two Martial Seniors were already not enough to defend the sect if the Kaddar Region ever resumed its assault against the sect, taking away one of the two pillars that protected the sect and upheld the organization was actually more damaging to the sect than even Senior Xanarn's condition. 

('No, I'll need to solve this problem myself.') Rui's eyes sharpened.

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