The Martial Unity

Chapter 1217 Return

Chapter 1217 Return

Rui grew nervous for a second.

It was one thing to become a Virodhabhasa Seed, a title that had been bestowed to many before him. It was another thing altogether to be suspected of being the Antithesis himself.

The fact of the matter was that if people found out the truth about Rui, it would be very easy for powerful religious leaders within the Virodhabhasa Faith to prop him up as their figurehead for their personal and religious agendas.

He had reached a bit of an important juncture. He needed to navigate this with greater care and caution.

He considered activating a Mind Mask technique to help him present himself in exactly the way he wanted to but ultimately decided not to.

Martial Masters had already demonstrated an immense amount of insight when it came to Martial Art. There was a good chance that Master Deivon possessed the ability to detect the activation of the Mind Mask technique.

If that were the case, using the technique would be counterproductive at this juncture. It was best to avoid it.

Thankfully, Rui had received some pretty in-depth training for about half a year on non-verbal communication when he was preparing for his diplomatic outreach mission to the G'ak'arkan Tribe.

A minute amused smirk cracked on his face, just enough to be detected, but small enough to be considered a slip. A tick that looked quite authentic and genuine instead of an exaggerated expression.

"So you're saying that you're genuinely considering the possibility that I waltzed over to this world from another world, and am patiently waiting and growing stronger for the Great Cataclysm?" Rui asked with a hint of amused incredulity.

"I'm saying that your Martial Art, from what I've observed, is shockingly in line with what one would expect from the Martial Art of a being touted to be the Antithesis," Master Deivon explained with an impassive expression.

"I mean, hey, feel free to consider me to be the Virodhabhasa," Rui shrugged nonchalantly. "As long as that means that the powerful religion will serve my every beck and call, it doesn't sound so bad."josei

He jested in a humorous fashion.

People tended not to engage in humor around topics that they were highly sensitive, anxious, and concerned about. Rui was essentially trying to manipulate him into believing that he considered the matter to be so absurd that it was nothing short of hilarious to him.

It wouldn't disqualify Rui from being the Virodhabhasa, no. But it would intuitively make it harder to believe that Rui was aware of any deeper connection between himself and the Virodhabhasa Faith.

"Would being considered the deity of this religion make me able to command Martial Masters like yourself?" Rui wondered with a hint of a mischievous grin. "If so, where do I sign up?"

Master Deivon snorted. "Don't get ahead of yourself, young man. I only said that your Martial Art bore remarkable resemblances to what one would expect from the main deity of this faith."

"I see, shame."

In reality, Rui was pleased with how the conversation was going.I think you should take a look at

Master Deivon shook his head with a little bit of exasperation. "Regardless, start getting prepared, we will head to Virodha Theocracy as soon as possible."

"That's closer to the center of the human domain, right?" Rui asked, recalling the location of the place on the continental map that he had seen and memorized during the trip to Vilun Island.

"Indeed, we'll be traveling there in a high-speed airborne carriage that will take us there in a day." Master Deivon said. "Normally, I could reach there much faster on foot myself, but you're unable to do that, and I need to be there with you when you arrive."

"And why's that?" Rui asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I am your patron," Master Deivon simply replied. "This is already known, and it will send the wrong message if you arrive without me. You will only become a target."

Rui sighed, furrowing his eyebrows in resignation. "That sounds fun. Will they really attack me out in the streets if you're not there with me?"

"Well, no, you're not going to become a target of physical violence. But they will try to intimidate you," Master Deivon explained. "Especially when they find out what you're capable of."

"But how will they know that ahead of time before the Martial Contest begins?" Rui wondered.

"They need only take one look at you at you," Master Deivon explained. "At our level, we see with more than just eyes. Martial Squires may as well be transparent. The fact that you are not transparent will only draw more attention. This is something you should be aware of when dealing with Martial Artists of the Master Realm in the future."

"Right…" Rui narrowed his eyes as he gathered more clues on what the secret to the Master Realm was. It would become relevant to him once he became a Martial Senior. "I'm glad I got this mask ahead of time. You're sure it will be effective, correct?"

"Do not worry," Master Deivon reassured him. "The mask is comprised of Master-level anti-sensory esoteric substances that I have procured from the Beast Domain myself."

Rui's eyes widened. "You didn't have to go that far…"

The man chuckled. "I didn't procure it to fulfill your request specifically, they were sitting in our inventory part of a harvest that I had done myself a few years ago."

Rui raised an eyebrow. The value of such esoteric substances was extremely high. He highly doubted he would have been able to procure this mask if not for the patronage of Master Deivon.

"I appreciate your generosity," Rui bowed his head lightly.

"Hmph, it isn't a donation. Remember, I expect you to perform quite well in the Martial Contest, got it?"

"I intend to excel," Rui confidently replied.

He had regained the feeling of power and domination that he felt long ago when he was at the end of his time as a Martial Apprentice. He was almost entirely peerless within the Apprentice Realm, and it appeared that that would soon be the case from here on out as well.

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