The Martial Unity

Chapter 1288 Trust

Chapter 1288 Trust

'...Besides, there's still something I have to do during the banquet.' Rui narrowed his eyes. 

Once he completed that, he would have no qualms about running as far away from the Virodhabhasa Faith as he could. Finally, the angsty meeting with the three Martial Masters ended as the remaining two also disappeared, wishing him a good day.

Rui heaved a sigh with furrowed eyebrows, glancing at Master Deivon.

He took looked weary. "Master Uma is not all up there. But she was right about one thing..."

He glanced at Rui. "I cannot protect you forever. You need to grow stronger. Gain power. Higher Realms of power. Only then can you exert your sovereign. The only reason you could even engage in a dialogue with her is because I was standing beside you. In the future, you must be able to do that by yourself."

Rui understood this dynamic quite well. 

It was no different from caretakers and other staff assigned to care of an infant heir of a powerful emperor, tasked with shaping him into a powerful person worthy of succeeding the throne.

They essentially revered him as the future emperor, but they nonetheless would not accommodate his autonomy in order to nurture and train him to shape him to be exactly what a nation needed. 

The resistance of a child was futile, in that regard.

Rui knew that something similar was going through the mind of Master Uma at the moment. A twenty-four-year-old Martial Squire may as well be a child in the eyes of a grandma who had lived for more than two centuries. She had addressed him as boy before she came to believe he was the Virodhabhasa.

'Power is all that matters in this world.' Rui narrowed his eyes. 

Ever since he left the Shionel Confederation, his desire for power had grown. And now he could feel the true importance of it, especially in his circumstances. 

A part of him yearned to go back to the simple days when he pursued his Martial Path purely for the sake of Project Water. But it was undeniable that he was a lot more driven now that he pursued his Martial Path for more than just the ambition of his previous life.

It meant that he would grow a lot more stronger than he would when he pursued his Martial Path for purer reasons.

But alas, this wasn't a webnovel. The real world was brutal. He needed to traverse it practically.

"Get some rest..." Master Deivon told him, earning a nod. "Ah, and one last thing..."

Rui glanced at him. 

"No matter what happens. I am proud of what you have accomplished." Master Deivon smiled. "I am honored to be your patron. Not because of your connection to our religion, not because of your status. But because you are one of the most extraordinary Martial Artists I have ever seen. Your dedication to your Martial Art is inspiring. Your determination to tread your Martial Path is admirable. The individuality you have generated to propel yourself forward is humbling. Your devotion to those you care about is heart-warming. You have truly earned my respect and my admiration as Falken, not as the Antithesis. So long as I am alive, I will not allow the Faith to take you against your will."

Master Deivon smiled, closing his eyes before walking away.

Rui stared at his retreating figure as he felt a surge of sentiment gripping his heart.

'I must be losing my rationality these days.' He sighed as he made a spontaneous decision after scanning the limits of the full-range Riemannian Echo for any espionage technology or spies, before whispering in a voice so soft and muted that even Martial Seniors would be unable to hear. "Rui Quarrier."

Master Deivon froze on the spot, turning ever so slowly. "...What?"

"That is my real name," Rui told him. 

The man simply stared at Rui for a moment before his eyes widened in realization. "You... I see. I understand now..."

"Please don't make me regret this decision," Rui smiled wryly, before heading his own way.josei

"I will endeavor not to," Mastger Deivon laughed mirthfully. It appeared that the trust that Rui had extended to him had truly brightened his mood. 

Rui went about his own day, as he prepared for what was shaping up to be a tiring banquet. 

He collapsed into his bed staring at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts before slowly falling asleep.

Rui slept like a coma patient. He had truly stressed his mind to the limit in the tournament. He had gone above and beyond just the VOID algorithm in two of the three fights he fought, and while he most certainly enjoyed every minute, it did take a toll.

Especially when he had abused techniques like his increasingly powerful Mind Palace.

Thankfully, he managed to wake up in time with the prompts of the staff whose only task was to ensure that he was on time with the protocols that he was to fulfill.

"We have a grooming team ready to prep you for the banquet." His manager told him. 

Rui sighed as he endured the torment of several men and women scrubbing him in a bath to their satisfaction, before dressing him up from nude. By the time they were done, he didn't even look recognizable despite the recognizable mask that he wore. 

He wore an absurdly ostentatious garb that projected glory and power. It was so high-profile that Rui felt embarrassed to wear it. Yet this was one of the few things that the manager was unwilling to compromise on.

It was unacceptable for one of the most shocking and impactful Virodha Champions in the history of the Virodhabhasa Martial Festival to look anything short of resplendent!

His attire was so eye-drawing that every single one of the thousands of guests that had gathered turned towards him when the announcer announced his arrival at the banquet hall.


Rui paused, gazing into the eyes of the guests. 

One moment, he was by himself with Master Deivon at his side.

The very next, he drowned in the sea of guests who wanted to speak to him!

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