The Martial Unity

Chapter 583 Sub-Optimal

Chapter 583 Sub-Optimal

"They weren't for you." Fauche shrugged.

Rui didn't bother responding as he waited for the man to elaborate.

"This is specified in the contract, but I need you to kill the target Hergusen Meine at a specific time and place." Fauche elaborated. "Specifically, in the middle of a hearing with the Senate that is going to be held in..."

He pulled out a pocket watch, referring to the time. "In a little over seventy-two hours."

He turned back to Rui. "The Senate hearing is going to be held where it usually is, the Congress Capitol block in the capital of the Republic of Mernea; Rjavoi."

He pulled out a small map before opening it on the table.

It depicted the capitol block, which seemed about as large as a big city block, as well as the surrounding districts of the town of Rjavoi. On the map were several marks and symbols that corresponded to a map legend that explained what each of the symbols represented.

Some represented vehicles, others represented Martial Squires, some represented security stations, roadblocks, and a variety of other things.

"This is the planned layout according to protocols for Senate hearings." The man explained, before tracing a circle on the map with his finger. "This is the area beyond which authorized personnel are no longer allowed. So someone like yourself cannot get past this area through ordinary means."

He pointed at several locations on the map. "These are all stationed Martial Artists, all Martial Squires, of course. The Republic of Mernea does not possess more than low-grade Martial Squires."

"They're divided into two layers." He continued. "The outer layer is responsible for detecting and stopping the unauthorized entry of anyone or thing."

His finger shifted inwards, tracing a smaller circle. "This is the inner layer of security. They are tasked with protecting and ensuring no harm befalls the senators and other authorized witnesses."

"Here..." He tapped a specific point on the map "is where the target will be when you have to conduct the assassination."

"And when is that?" Rui asked him.

"When I give you the signal." He replied.

Rui wordlessly considered his response. He was gaining a bit of an understanding of why he wanted to meet all Martial Artists that wished to apply for the commission. This mission required active coordination with the client, it wasn't as straightforward as most missions when it came to the degree of cooperation needed between the client and the Martial Artist.

If Fauche wanted the assassination to occur at a particular point of his own choice, then he needed to that he had a good understanding with the commissioned Martial Artist.

"I read that you can disguise as a normal person, and that you have long-range capabilities." The man revealed. "The capitol block is six hundred meters wide, this makes it quite difficult to snipe the target with a long-range attack. The difficulty of achieving the necessary accuracy is high. Furthermore, the outer layer of Martial Squires will no doubt jump intercept the attack and prevent it from reaching the target. Therefore, I propose..."

He pulled out what seemed like an ID card. "Infiltration."

Rui stirred, considering the idea.

"I have prepared a slot for you to be an authorized staff member of the Capitol block in the senate building. This will allow you to bypass the outer layer and reach an area where you can take out the target of my commission, Herguson Meine." The man explained.

"The inner team of Martial Squires isn't going to be just sitting around, I'd imagine," Rui replied. "How do you propose I actually kill the target? The basic information I was given informed me that the target was protected by two defensive sensory Martial Artists."

"Good question." The man nodded. "I have prepared a distraction. An explosive at the edge of the Capitol block, it will go off three seconds after I give you the signal, that will give you the opportunity to kill the target, hm?"

"I see..." Rui replied, before asking. "Why do you want the target killed?"

The man's eyes narrowed. "That's not a very professional question in your line of work."

"I'm not very professional in this line of work, not yet," Rui replied calmly. "But I don't take commissions that I do not wish to execute. You don't have to reveal anything confidential, but I am curious about the core motivations of your commission."

"And what if I refuse?" His eyebrow rose.

"Then I might refuse."

"I'm the one who's in the position to refuse you."

"True, then I suppose I'll have to settle to make you refuse by making you refuse," Rui replied flatly, unperturbed.

The man stared at Rui, before snorting into a brief chuckle. He laid back, lighting up a new cigar before taking a puff.

"Ambition." He replied, exhaling smoke. "The target of assassination is a director in the board of directors of the company that I am vice-president in. However, my true target is the president of the same company."

"How does that work?" Rui asked curiously.

The man stared at Rui silently. "This falls under confidential information between you and me as mandated by the Kandrian Martial Union, I hope you're aware."

"I'm aware." Rui shrugged. "I don't care to violate that agreement."josei

"The assassination, especially with how I intend to time it, will be blamed on the president due to their well-known, hatred for each other and the sensitive nature of the senate hearing that conflicts with the interests of the president. He will be under immense heat, and it will allow me to discredit him enough to win over enough shareholders and stakeholders of the company that I can dethrone him and regain my position as president of the company."

"Regain?" Rui tilted his head.

"Yes, regain." The man nodded. "Regain it from the man who took it from me. That is the second motivation; revenge against him, for that and plenty of other things he has done to me."

"I see," Rui looked up, considering the matter. "Alright, I accept."

"Hm, then I sha-" "But your plan is sub-optimal. Leave everything to me, and I'll get him killed."

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