The Martial Unity

Chapter 605 Administer

Chapter 605 Administer

Rui headed back to the Martial Union soon enough after he made up his mind on how to initially spend a proportion of his one million Martial credits.

"Yes, how can I help you?" A support staff member at the Martial counter inquired.

"I would like to purchase the Benetein Blood potion," Rui informed her.

She quickly accessed the inventory database, typing, before turning back to him.

"That costs about one hundred and thirty-seven thousand Martial credits," She replied. "The administration procedure costs nine thousand Martial credits, and the pre-administration blood test to confirm that you are compatible with the potion costs five hundred Martial credits."

The fact that the administration procedure cost that much meant that it most likely wasn't a straightforward injection into his body. Though, because of his augmented physique, just piercing his body to inject blood into it required special measures, thus that wouldn't be as cheap as it was when he was in the Apprentice Realm.josei

He wasn't too concerned about the pre-administration blood test. It was only to ensure that Rui didn't have any blood conditions that would make administering the potion into his bloodstream harmful.

"I have taken numerous blood tests that the Martial Union should have a record of," Rui pointed out. "Wouldn't that suffice?"

"As long as they're within two years of the administration of the potion, they are viable." She confirmed.

"Good to hear, then I shall proceed with purchasing the potion and the medical services that are necessary along with that," Rui nodded.

Rui wasn't sure if it was because the Martial Union held him in higher regard than it used to before, but the process happened quite rapidly and the procedure was immediately ready.

"Squire Quarrier, you're just on time. I'm doctor Brenix and I'll be overseeing the procedure," The doctor waved friendlily when Rui entered the operating room.

"Pleasure to meet you, can we begin the procedure soon?" Rui asked impatiently.

Part of the reason that he wanted to get the procedure done and over with as soon as possible was because he knew it would take a little while to get perfectly acclimatized and used to his new power.

Of course, it wouldn't take much time, perhaps a week or two at most. Far less time than it took him to get acclimatized to the Martial body that he got breaking through to the Squire Realm. After all, the former was just a fifteen-percent boost, while the latter boosted all metabolic processes by a factor of one hundred on average!

It was no wonder that Rui needed three months of habilitation for the latter. It was a revolutionary experience that changed everything.

Fifteen percent required only enough training to learn to apply just a little less power on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, with how much he held back on a regular basis when interacting with regular humans, a fifteen percent increase in his held-back power wouldn't even lead to nearly as much of a drastic consequence as opposed to being unable to control any of his power at all like when he first broke through.

Thus, it was unlikely that Rui would be held back for a habilitation phase like he had when he broke through to the Squire Realm.

"Ah Squire Quarrier, all the preparations are ready. We have gone through your bloodwork after you became a Martial Squire and have found no elements that would make you incompatible with the potion." The doctor informed him.

"Good to hear," Rui nodded. "Let's begin immediately."

"Absolutely, please sign this consent form." The doctor provided him with a sheet of paper and an ink pen. "It's just a statement declaring that you are aware of the discomfort and pain that the administration process may cause to you and that the Martial Union isn't liable for any suffering so incurred during the process."

"Is such a thing really necessary?" Rui voiced out loud as he signed the form before handing it back.

"It wasn't necessary a while back until there was an issue with a Martial Apprentice who filed an official complaint regarding the pain of a different potion administration procedure." The doctor sighed, talking openly. "Ever since then, it became a mandatory protocol to follow for all such procedures."

"The Martial Union heeded to the complaints of a single Martial Apprentice?" Rui frowned. "That doesn't sound right."

"I'm afraid it very well does when the Martial Apprentice is from an important Martial Family that occupies several high positions within the Union." The doctor sighed, resigned.

"Ah, that makes more sense," Rui nodded. Arrogant elitists were a thing of both Earth and Gaea, it seemed.

"Alright, please lay down on the operating bed inside the chamber and we'll strap you down." The doctor requested.

Rui nodded, having already expected this. Martial Squires were generally in control of there, even involuntarily thanks to the extensive habilitation training that he had undergone. However, the risk of Martial Squires massacring the entire medical team due to an outburst reaction to immense pain was something that was not insignificant. Even shockwaves made by the movements of Martial Squires could kill regular humans.

Thus, it was almost standard practice to isolate Martial Artists as far away from the medical team as possible to ensure safety.

Rui settled in as mechanical cuffs restrained his limbs and head.

"Squire Quarrier, we will begin soon." The doctor's voice could be heard projected into the chamber.

"Any time," Rui replied, having already mentally prepared himself for the pain.

The pain was generally described to be like a searing hot liquid being injected into your body. It sounded horrific, but Rui wasn't too concerned, he was confident that he would be able to bear the pain.

And he wasn't wrong.

The description of the pain was accurate, Rui judged, once a syringe pierced into his body and injected the potion. He grimaced as he felt the painful heat flowing across his entire body, making him feel like all the blood in his body was boiling.

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