The Martial Unity

Chapter 793 Requirements

Chapter 793 Requirements

He had initially expected that the sender would fail to appeal to him strongly for him to cooperate with whatever the sender had in mind. However, the fact that the sender was able to pinpoint what was his biggest political problem at the moment was a good sign. I meant that the sender had a good understanding of the political situation of the Shionel Merchant Guild.josei

This was quite impressive as the happenings of the Shionel Merchant Guild were not publicized, and thus the actual political maelstrom that existed at the moment was something an overwhelming majority of the populous was mostly unaware of.

It showed that the sender had the right connections inside the Shionel Merchant Guild, or possessed an astute and shrewd mind, and was able to discern the political landscape of the Shionel Merchant Guild.

This was good, it was further reinforcement that the person really was at least not an idiot that was completely not worth cooperating with.

[Before I jump into my proposal, I need to lay out what I aim to seek from you rather straightforwardly. The first and foremost thing I seek is the ability to pay taxes anonymously and untrackably, I do not wish to thieve from the Shionel Merchant Guild, I simply wish to ensure that my identity will not be disclosed in the process as it inevitably would if I pay taxes according to legal protocols. The reason for this has nothing to do with the tax, itself, I had made this decision to not disclose my identity as the one who solo-cleared the Shionel Dungeon long before I didn't pay my tax, for reasons I'm sure you can understand why.]

He could, it wasn't hard to imagine why such an absurdly strong and capable Martial Squire, capable of singlehandedly clearing and plundering the second floor of the Shionel Dungeon would want to keep their identity mum for the time being.

If the Voider intended to apply their remarkable prowess in clearing floors to the rest of the floors of the dungeon, then there could easily be another force that perhaps even surpassed the S-rankers that were currently partaking in the clearing of the Shionel Dungeon.

However, doing so would earn him the ire of the many forces competing for the clearing and plundering of the Shionel Dungeon. It would be no different from declaring war against the established oligopolies that currently existed at the moment. That was an incredible burden and risk to life. If the identity of such a person was known, they would be fraught with covert and overt assassinations from all kinds of groups who would do anything against a person that was able to outcompete them all.

On top of that, their ability to clear dungeons was not proportional to their ability to fight against other Martial Squires outside of the dungeon. Success in an environment as strange and different from the norm as the Shionel Dungeon was most certainly not the same as being able to succeed against hordes of Martial Squire assassins if not even Martial Seniors.

The fact that the Voider went so far out of their way to hide their identity was only proof that they knew very well that they could not survive such a scenario. In comparison to certain death, tax fraud was an extremely alluring choice.

('Seems consistent so far, still, this alone isn't enough,') Guildmaster Bradt Patrick calmly analyzed all the information at hand. ('They still have not proved that they are the Voider, so all of this is just meaningless until then.')

He did not get swallowed up in fantasies about any collusion with the Voider, as much as a fruitful endeavor was desirable, at the end of the day, he was a man who operated in reality and not in fantasy. There were still far too conditions that needed to be fulfilled and issues that needed to be cleared up, before he could even consider engaging in such a venture.

Still, thus far the message that he was reading did not blatantly disqualify the sender of the letter as a candidate for a partnership of some sort.

[Secondly, I wish to be able to exercise my dungeon-clearing prowess without restriction. This may sound like a simple and trivial issue that already exists, but I'm sure you understand that any individual entity in the Shionel Dungeon that aims to dominate the supplies of the esoteric resources of the Shionel Dungeon without the corresponding political capital to do so without facing suppression, will not be able to come out unscathed. At the very least, I will become the target of many constituents of the Shionel Merchant Guild, I'm sure you have a far deeper understanding of this dynamic than I do.]

He definitely did. The Shionel Merchant Guild did not want to see a single oligopoly which referred to a monopoly over the market, that too of an outsider, in the esoteric resource supplier market. This was true even for Guildmaster Brat Patrick principally. A market with no monopoly was generally more desirable. At the moment, the Shionel Merchant unanimously preferred the latter, when purely considering the interests of the nation.

Of course, Guildmaster Bradt had his own interests to consider over the matter, considering his rivalry against Chairman Deacon and his desire to maintain his stronghold over the political landscape of the Shionel Confederation.

The sender had realized this and had taken the liberty to present a demand that required the president to act against the interest of the Shionel Confederation, for the sake of his own interests, which were greater.

[Thirdly, I wish to sign a partnership with Bradt Distribution Services to engage in the distribution of my esoteric harvest to the open market.]

Bradt Patrick's eyes widened at this condition as understood another reason why the sender, if they really were the Voider, had decided to contact Guildmaster Bradt Patrick and gain his cooperation over various matters. Guildmaster Bradt Patrick was perfectly in a position to aid the sender over his most difficult challenges.

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