The Mating Run by Leeka

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Ally 64%

“| had someone else with me.”

Ettie starts, shifting her gaze elsewhere. | find myself on one end of the hut, while she occupies the other, creating a clear divide between us. Instead of making eye contact with me, she’s preoccupied with picking at her nails. Whenever she’s anxious, it had become her habit to fidget with her fingers.

Even after everything, it seemed like it never truly left her.

“| was completely lost when the Mating Run began. Alina, you know I’m not the type to do things like this. | thought we were gonna stick together, through it all. But that’s not what actually happened. | was totally lost and freaking out, | seriously thought | was gonna die in those first few hours.”

Ettie chuckles, her eyes betraying a hint of sadness despite the smile on her face. | have an urge to be there for her, to offer reassurance, but all | can do is sit across from her, leaning against the wall. It felt like she had become an entirely different person, and although tears slipped down her face, | couldn’t bring myself to move closer and embrace her. If it had been like back then, | would have eagerly done it in a heartbeat.

“Those first few days were hard. | saw the start of the run, when only the Hiders were there, and it was already being shown on TV. They didn’t show the Hider’s hiding spots, but | assumed it would be the same for the Hunters. The Mating Run looked fun when the rest of you guys were searching for hiding spots. But | don’t know what happened, when it was the Hunter's turn to go into the forest, everything just went crazy.”

My body shivers involuntarily, overwhelmed by a rush of fear and embarrassment that sends a cold wave through me. It felt like a completely different Mating Run when it was only Victor and me, with no one else around. No. lives were being taken, and no one was experiencing starvation.

By the third day, | truly believed that everything would come to an end. But



Here we die,


weeks have prouaviy direduy elapsed, did w Te Sul al d

“| know what you mean, the first few days were rough for me too.”

| confess, feeling the discomfort, | absentmindedly rub my arm, desperately trying to find the right response. Ettie sniffles again, the sound echoing softly in the room, as she wipes a stray tear from her eye. | let out a sigh of resignation before mustering the energy to stand, crouching in front of her.

“Look, I’m happy you're alive and here. | wouldn’t want it any different, Ettie.”

Ettie’s revelation plays out like a creepy melody, each word hitting on the terrifying Mating Run. She used to have a stoic expression, but now her eyes are brimming with tears, reflecting our shared despair.

“| passed by some others,” Ettie admits it, her voice barely audible in the dark hut. “They... they had succumbed to the Blood lust. It was as if they forgot why we’re here, Alina. They weren't even trying to find mates anymore; it’s like they want to murder people. Remember when | said it was super hot before we started running? The staff apparently let out these pheromone things to get the Hunters in the mood before the start of the run. They said it was supposed to make things more fun, but clearly it didn't.”

Her words, heavy with shared sorrow, hang in the air, showing how everything is falling apart in the fight to survive.

Ettie’s tears speak volumes about how we all mourn together, regardless of sides. Her so bs are so loud in the hut, and her words hit me hard.

After that awkward silence, I’m struggling to find the right words. How do you even react when things start getting so messed up? Ettie’s vulnerability, just like mine, needs solace.

In complete silence, | close the distance between Ettie and myself, my actions. speaking volumes about our unspoken bond. | hold her close, feeling her shivers against my chest, offering solace in the midst of the turbulent tempest. The embrace is a tender connection, an unspoken communion that conveys our shared





sorrows without the need for words.

As Ettie cries into my clothes, | feel the heaviness of what we've been through


Ettie, finding solace together, slowly regains her composure.

Her crying fades away, and it gets super quiet.

As we slowly pull away from the embrace, Ettie’s eyes lock with mine, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond that connects us.

“His name's Elijah.”

Ettie’s statement leaves me perplexed, causing me to tilt my head in confusion. | find a spot right next to her and make myself comfortable, leaning my head against her shoulder and feeling a sense of peace. When we watch sad movies, Ettie is always there to offer comfort, and we often find ourselves seeking solace in her


“He has no clue what's going on, just like me, at the beginning of the Mating Run. He works as an accountant at City Hall, and he told me that the only thing he really knows about mates is how pricey they can get. But he says he’d rather find one himself instead of letting the Elders choose for him.”

“Elijah, huh?” | smirk, trying to pronounce the name with uncertainty. “Is he easy to get along with? What’s his deal? Did he save you while wearing a cape and promising that nothing bad will ever happen to you?”

Ettie knows I’m teasing, but she welcomes any diversion to distract her from the sadness that lingers inside. Ettie, with her infectious laughter, is usually the one to brighten the mood between us, and | don’t want to add to her sadness.

Ettie chuckles, her laughter echoing in the cramped space of our makeshift hut, providing a momentary respite from the suffocating reality outside.

“No cape, but he was really good at finding the tastiest berries. Quite the talent, | must say.”





sorrows without the need for words.

As Ettie cries into my clothes, | feel the heaviness of what we've been through together.

Ettie, finding solace together, slowly regains her composure.

Her crying fades away, and it gets super quiet.

As we slowly pull away from the embrace, Ettie’s eyes lock with mine, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond that connects us.

“His name's Elijah.”

Ettie’s statement leaves me perplexed, causing me to tilt my head in confusion. | find a spot right next to her and make myself comfortable, leaning my head against her shoulder and feeling a sense of peace. When we watch sad movies, Ettie is always there to offer comfort, and we often find ourselves seeking solace in her presence.

“He has no clue what's going on, just like me, at the beginning of the Mating Run. He works as an accountant at City Hall, and he told me that the only thing he really knows about mates is how pricey they can get. But he says he’d rather find one himself instead of letting the Elders choose for him.”

“Elijah, huh?” | smirk, trying to pronounce the name with uncertainty. “Is he easy to get along with? What’s his deal? Did he save you while wearing a cape and promising that nothing bad will ever happen to you?”

Ettie knows I’m teasing, but she welcomes any diversion to distract her from the sadness that lingers inside. Ettie, with her infectious laughter, is usually the one to brighten the mood between us, and | don’t want to add to her sadness

Ettie chuckles, her laughter echoing in the cramped space of our makeshift hut, providing a momentary respite from the suffocating reality outside.

“No cape, but he was really good at finding the tastiest berries. Quite the

talent, | must say.”




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Agrin spreads across my face as | imagine a Hunter meticulously searching the forest for berries, defying our typical roles. “Someone who knows their berries. Well, that’s something | never expected to see. | wish | had him with me when | was searching for berries.”

Ettie’s smile quickly fades from her lips.

“Did you run out of food?”

In an instant, | shake my head, attempting to downplay the seriousness of my situation. The main subject of this was supposed to be Ettie, not myself.

“No! Well, yeah, but | still had those biscuits left. | decided to go berry hunting ’cause | couldn’t stand those tasteless biscuits anymore. But let’s shift the focus to Elijah, tell me more about him!”

Ettie gives me a strange look, but then a chuckle escapes her lips, her eyes twi nkling with the shared absurdity of our exchange. “| can’t believe it either; it was just as weird for me. Hunters are meant to hunt, not pick berries. But Elijah... he’s different.” The word “different” hangs in the air, carrying a weight of unspoken meanings. In the Mating Run, where alliances are as fickle as the ever-changing winds, the idea of a Hunter becoming an ally seems like a surreal departure from the usual.

“Different how?”

Genuine curiosity seeps into my voice as | ask.

He’s different from the rest. Helped me get food and gave me survival tips. We even fought over the best way to cook those berries. Ettie explains, her lips curved upwards in a knowing smile. She must have noticed the teasing smirk on my face. because she immediately rolls her eyes and playfully flicks me on the forehead. | let out a low whine, gently rubbing the tender spot where she had just struck me.

“No lovey-dovey stuff, Alina. | can see that mischievous look in your eyes. It was




totally unexpected, but Elijah and | are just friends.”

Friendship. The word resonates in our conversation, a stark contrast to the brutal nature of the world surrounding us. | haven't heard about any new friendships made from this run, but it’s a good switch-up.

“Well, isn’t that heartwarming,”

| quip, a playful smirk dancing on my lips as | conceal the intricate layers of our reality. “Who would’ve thought that Hunters have a soft spot for berries and friendly debates?”

With a chuckle, Ettie’s attention momentarily shifts to the h orizon, as if questioning the sheer absurdity of our predicament.

“In this chaos, I'll take a berry-picking Hunter over a bloodthirsty one any day.”


“Well what?”

| playfully roll my eyes, giving Ettie’s shoulder a lighthearted nudge.

“When do | get to meet him?”

“He’s out grabbing some herbs. | had no idea I'd run into you today, so he’s gonna be shocked when he arrives. | think it’s better if | meet him before he freaks. out and blows our cover by seeing you here.”

Suddenly, the vivid image of me seeing Ettie a few days ago flashes through my thoughts. The thought crosses my mind to tell her, but | quickly dismiss it, shaking my head in agreement that now isn’t the right time. | think it’s better that | meet Ettie in this way too, with her saving me, and not me witnessing the sight of her


“What's he doing getting herbs? There’s a ton of food here from your sponsors.”

My eyebrow shoots up, my voice betraying a flicker of doubt.




When Ettie meets my gaze, | can see the excitement shining in her eyes.

“Why settle for bland when we can have something that sticks with you? We deserve a break from all this chaos, don’t you think? Elijah’s a pretty good cook, just as good as he is with numbers.”

| nod in agreement, temporarily setting aside my reservations as the thought of a culinary adventure excites me.

“So, I'll go look for him, you stay here.”

“What?” Right away, | tense up, my body unable to move, and my eyes widen with shock. “You're not gonna leave me here all by myself, right? You're kidding!”

Ettie gives me a bewildered look, as if I’ve lost my mind.

“Alina, you've got nothing to worry about, you'll be fine here. Besides, | won't go too far.” Ettie reassures me, her unwavering confidence shining through her eyes as they meet mine. “You're in good hands here, nothing can happen to you. | swear. This place is safe.”


As the weight of solitude settles upon me, | can hear the distant echo of doubts gnawing at the edges of my resolve. As | gaze upon the hut, made of delicate leaves and sturdy logs, its vulnerability becomes even more pronounced. The echoes of the Mating Run’s chaos are a chilling reminder that safety is short-lived.

Ettie’s gaze meets mine, and she can sense my hesitation, her expression shifting to one of understanding.

“Alina, | get that it’s tough. But we can’t always be together, unfortunately. You said it yourself. Elijah’s just around the corner and he won't be much longer. | better give him a heads up about you before he loses it when he sees you. You can count

on me.”

Trust is hanging on by a thread, with the thought of being alone making it even more fragile. I’m overwhelmed with all these emotions scared, vulnerable, and just






wanting things to go back to normal.

“Okay. Promise you'll come back safe, alright?”

“You got it, Alina.”

I give in, the word lingering in the air, silently asking for reassurance. | take one last look at Ettie before she steps outside, the sound of leaves rustling as the makeshift door swings shut behind her.

Right after she walks away, | swiftly grab Zeke’s bag and position it on my lap. | shuffle closer to the corner of the hut, the sound of my own heartbeat drowning out all other noises. Taking precautions, | cautiously retrieve the map, ensuring it remains concealed from anyone else’s view, and then tightly grasp the knife.

| still trust Ettie, but not to the same extent as before.


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