The Mating Run by Leeka

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Affection 965%

“Alina, this is why you're such an easy target,” Ettie says, her voice bearing a weight that seems foreign. “That’s why you always end up in these life-threatening situations. You're too kind, and not everyone out there deserves that kindness.”

The words hit me like a sudden punch, taking me by surprise. Trust too easily? In a world where survival often demands a hardened exterior, is kindness. considered a liability?

“You said it was okay to trust him!” With each word | utter, | can sense the ache of hurt growing, making me aware of how my own nature could be a vulnerability in this unforgiving place.

Before | can find the words to reply, Ettie continues speaking, her voice becoming softer as if she can sense the inner turmoil I’m experiencing.

“| know what | said. That's why | kept saying sorry, that’s why | fixed my mistake. Look, I’m not saying this to hurt you, Alina. I’m saying it because I’ve seen what happens when people let their guard down. I’ve seen it way too many times in

this run.” She pauses, allowing me to take in the weight of her words.

“| know you mean well, Alina,” Ettie says, her eyes locked in a steady, unwavering stare. “Your kindness is one of the things | really like about you. But in this place, being nice won't do the trick. It won’t guarantee your safety. You have to be more discerning, more cautious.”

| bite my lip, her words hurting and making me even more confused. Is it a mistake to believe in the goodness of others? Ina world where everyone's out for themselves, does being kind just lead to getting stabbed in the back?

“I'm not asking you to become like them,” Ettie adds, her voice filled with a comforting tenderness. “I just want you to be aware. There are those who will take advantage of your trust. You can’t afford to be naive here.”


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Ettie places her hands on her hips, her eyes locked onto me. “And if someone is of no use, you should get rid of them.”

Ettie says, her tone matter-of-fact, devoid of any remorse, her words cutting through the silence. Those words sink deep into my consciousness, anchoring, themselves like a ship in turbulent waters.

Elijah’s fate serves as a stark reminder, a tangible embodiment of Ettie’s merciless practicality. Yes, he had served a purpose in their survival, but the moment he crossed a line, the trust Ettie had for him shattered. Now, all that remains is a gruesome testament to the consequences of being discarded in her

ruthless evaluation of worth. As her words sink in, a subtle feeling of unease begins to wash over me. 65%

Our little shack isn’t feeling too safe these days. It’s like the walls know something sketchy about our secret hideaway. Ettie used to be comforting, but now she’s all over the place, doing whatever it takes to stay alive.

The gap between us is widening on its own, as | instinctively protect myself from the unknown emotions stirring in Ettie. My feet tremble as | take a step back from her, propelled by raw instinct. Our trust is slowly fading away because of her

indifferent heart. “Alina, why are you moving away from me?” Ettie’s gaze sharpens, a

disconcerting intensity emanating from her eyes. “I’m just giving it to you straight. In this run, you gotta make some hard decisions to stay alive. Holding onto dead weight just brings you down.”

Her words are cold and logical, no room for feelings. I’m struggling with conflicting emotions trying to balance self—preservation and compassion in this harsh place.

“But he was a person, Ettie,” My voice stammers, barely audible, as a hesitant. protest escapes my lips. “He helped us. He was... he was alive, and now he’s not.”

There’s no hint of remorse in Ettie’s response, her expression remaining <


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“Alive or dead, Alina, it doesn’t matter if they're a threat. And Elijah, the moment. he touched you, became a threat. | did what needed to be done.”

I'm struck by the realization, as if I've been slapped in the face- Ettie’s definition of necessity is severe and unyielding.

“By your logic,” | begin, my voice trembling slightly as | take a deep breath. “You should’ve cut me loose when you laid eyes on me again. | didn’t offer anything at all. | just ate your food, took space in your home. So, if that’s how you determine usefulness, am | also on the chopping block? Are you going to kill me as well?”

Ettie’s eyes narrow, and a flicker of discomfort passes over her face, revealing her unease. The question lingers, its weight palpable in the air, reminding us of the harsh reality we’re caught in.

“| didn’t mean it like that, Alina,” Ettie replies, her tone defensive but with a hint of uncertainty lingering beneath. “You're different. You're not dead weight.”

Her attempt to assuage my concerns only adds to the confusion surrounding our predicament.

In the harsh light of our conversation, the distinction between ally and adversary becomes hazy, leaving me unsettled by the idea that my survival depends on someone's subjective assessment of my worth..

“But what if | become dead weight?” With genuine concern weighing on my voice, | press further, seeking answers. “What if, in your eyes, | no longer contribute? Will | end up like Elijah?”

The mention of his name lingers in the air, a ghostly presence that taints our delicate conversation. Ettie’s response carries a hesitant undertone, as if acknowledging such a possibility is a bitter pill she’s reluctant to swallow.

“I won't let it come to that, Alina. You're not like him.” Ettie insists, her words. laced with an undeniable sense of unease. “I did what | had to do to protect you. | won’t let anyone harm you.”



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| glance at her, and frustration is written all over her face, creating new lines I’ve never noticed. “Ettie, we need to discuss this. | need to figure it out. | need you to help me


With a desperate plea, my voice resonates in the air. However, Ettie’s silence acts as a fortress, guarding against the vulnerability that lurks beneath her exterior.

“| don’t want to talk about it anymore, Alina.”

Her words cut through the air as she retorts, her tone sharp and final. | can sense the walls she’s built, walls that loom like an insurmountable barrier between


However, | cannot back down, not now, when my determination is at its peak. The air is heavy with uncertainty, making every decision feel weighty.

“Let's have a conversation about it. This confusion is driving me crazy, Ettie. | thought we were friends.”

The word “friends” hangs in the air, a reminder of what we used to be, a stark contrast to the strained dynamics that have taken root in the aftermath of Elijah’s


Ettie sighs, her breath escaping in a heavy, burdened exhale. She then turns to snap at me, her words piercing through the air with a harsh and unyielding tone. The sheer volume of her voice is enough to make me flinch.

“We are friends, Alina. But you're a Hider, and I’m a Hunter. We have different roles and different instincts!” “What do you mean by that?”

Ettie’s gaze flickers, torn between the desire to keep hidden and the realization that avoiding the truth will only widen the rift. “Hiders need protectors, Alina. It’s always been like that, you know? That’s the way it should be.”


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| glance at her, and frustration is written all over her face, creating new lines

I've never noticed.

“Ettie, we need to discuss this. | need to figure it out. | need you to help me understand.”

With a desperate plea, my voice resonates in the air. However, Ettie’s silence acts as a fortress, guarding against the vulnerability that lurks beneath her exterior.

“| don’t want to talk about it anymore, Alina.”

Her words cut through the air as she retorts, her tone sharp and final. | can sense the walls she’s built, walls that loom like an insurmountable barrier between


However, | cannot back down, not now, when my determination is at its peak. The air is heavy with uncertainty, making every decision feel weighty.

“Let's have a conversation about it. This confusion is driving me crazy, Ettie. | thought we were friends.”

The word “friends” hangs in the air, a reminder of what we used to be, a stark contrast to the strained dynamics that have taken root in the aftermath of Elijah’s


Ettie sighs, her breath escaping in a heavy, burdened exhale. She then turns to snap at me, her words piercing through the air with a harsh and unyielding tone. The sheer volume of her voice is enough to make me flinch.

“We are friends, Alina. But you're a Hider, and I’m a Hunter. We have different roles and different instincts!” “What do you mean by that?”

Ettie’s gaze flickers, torn between the desire to keep hidden and the realization that avoiding the truth will only widen the rift. “Hiders need protectors, Alina. It’s always been like that, you know? That’s the way it should be.”



< Affection 65%

Adeep sense of dread washes over me, making my stomach churn. The heaviness of Ettie’s words fills the air with an unspoken meaning. “Are you saying.... you want to protect me?”

Ettie nods, her solemn affirmation doing little to quell the rising tide of my apprehension. “Yes, Alina. I’m a Hunter, a protector. It's what I’ve always been.”

The truth, from Ettie’s perspective, unravels before me, opening my eyes to a reality | never considered. Yet, the innate dread of being bound, of yielding to the eternal dance of predator and prey, urges me to explore further.

“Do you want to mark me, then?” Fear seeps into my voice as the question slips out of my mouth.

Inside the makeshift hut, the air is filled with an unspoken tension, creating an atmosphere of unease. The weight of Ettie’s silence, so deep and introspective, sends shivers down my spine. As | ask myself whether she desires to mark me, the echo of the question fills the confined space.

“Ettie,” My voice trembles as | repeat, barely audible, in the face of the unknown that looms ahead. “I ask you a question.”

| gaze into her eyes, usually an open book, but now they hold a secret battle that eludes my understanding. It feels like our connection is hanging by a thread in this important moment.

| can’t shake off Ettie’s past words, a haunting chorus of promises and declarations that have weaved a complicated tapestry of

protection and possessiveness.

In the silence, my mind races back to all the memories we've made and all the things we've talked about. She declares with fierce determination that no one has the right to touch me, like she’s being protective. A possessiveness that has, until now, manifested as a vigilant guardian, shielding me from the predatory eyes that lurked in the shadows.


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She says she'll kill anyone who tries to claim me, and her words still haunt me. It’s a scary promise now. The protective undertones, originally meant to keep me safe, now have a possessive edge, like wanting to claim ownership.

The weight of Ettie’s unspoken thoughts is palpable, her eyes reflecting the conflict that consumes her, leaving me suspended in a mix of fear and curiosity. | hesitate, afraid of what her answer might reveal and curious about the depths of

our connection.

“Ettie, please,” | implore, as the weight of uncertainty presses firmly upon me. “Do you want to mark me? Is that what this is about?”

| meet her gaze, and the intensity in her eyes reflects the internal turmoil she wrestles with.

“Alina,” With a measured voice, she begins, setting the tone for the conversation ahead. “Marking is a Hunter’s way of staking their claim. It’s a declaration of possession.”

Her words hang heavy in the air, causing me to take a deep breath.

“Ettie, stop avoiding my question and give me a real answer.”

Ettie’s pause stretches on, filled with unspoken implications that hang heavily in the air.

| repeat the question, emphasizing each word.

“Do you want to mark me?”

“Alina,” Ettie begins, her voice filled with a sense of both urgency and desperation. Her touch is desperate, clutching onto my hands as if they’re the only thing keeping her grounded. “If | mark you, if | claim you as mine, we can go back. We can finally move on from this nightmare. Return to the lives we had before all of

this.” As her words hit me, | am momentarily overwhelmed, unsure how to process my feelings.



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This is Ettie. My best friend.

The proposal, however tempting, carries the unmistakable aroma of compromise, hinting at the far-reaching consequences it may bring.

Ettie’s pleading eyes lock onto mine, silently begging for understanding. G 65%

“Alina, just think about it. We won't have to deal with this Run’s horrors anymore. You don’t have to worry about lurking dangers or constant fear anymore. We can finally break free from this cycle that’s been holding us back.”

Her words evoke a yearning for the comforting familiarity of a life untouched by the relentless pursuit of Hunters and Hiders. Like a distant beacon in the murky depths of our journey, the thought of leaving behind the perils gives us a glimmer of


But what consequences would that have on our situation?

Our bond is going to be unbreakable. We will be mates.

Will Ettie be okay with that arrangement?

Will | be okay with that decision?

The more | ponder the question, the greater my apprehension grows.


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