The Mech Lord

Chapter 116 - 115

Chapter 116 - 115: Strange Situation

"Well, it's time for the classes. See you guys later." Yuji looked at the time, and realized that he was getting late.

"Crap! We are late as well." Harry suddenly realized as well. And, since most of them were in the same section, they were late as well.

The group immediately rushed out of the club, only Biggie took a moment to pick Paul who was sleeping in the corner before rushing after the rest of the guys.

There wasn't any significance event following the day.

The murderer still wasn't caught, and the students seemed to have become a bit braver in comparison to the previous day.

Leo and Harry both had gotten the picture of the culprit from behind, and went around trying to see if they could find anyone. It was actually difficult to pinpoint the person as she was wearing loose clothes. That meant it was hard to make out her shape.

As Academy hours came to an end, Harry suddenly spoke with a bit of hesitation, "Did you find anything wrong with Runeko?"

Leo turned his head to look at him. He could tell from the look on his face what was going through his head. And, to be honest, he couldn't blame him. At this moment, everyone was under suspicion.

"I am not sure." Leo shook his head, "I mean she was odd…but not in a manner where I would suspect her to be the murderer.."

He tried hard to think about it, but then shook his head. There was no basis on which he could hold her as a suspicious figure.

"Well, I will try to see if I can find anything," Harry said with a sigh as they walked out of the gates.

Leo parted ways with Harry, but didn't return home. He instead headed for the gym. Billy had told him that he was free to visit any time he wanted. And, after finding out that Morpehous had advanced to Lv 11, he felt a bit of need to try harder.

Hence, he spent a few hours with Billy. The two sparred, and this time, he asked the guy to raise his power level to match with Morpehous. Leo still didn't go all out. But, fought in his normal condition and got decimated pretty much.

But, it wasn't surprising. Billy was far more skilled than Morpheous and the same was true when it came to hard work. Not to mention, he was suppressing his level. So, it was very obvious that he had full control of his energy and body at that level.

It was a good experience for Leo, and even though it hadn't been much longer since his last breakthrough, his stats increased once again, and he inched closer to Lv 8.

When he returned home, it was already a bit late. Sun was going down, and it was turning a bit dark.

Aaron was not around, and seemed to be out. Same was for Amelia, she seemed to be out with her friends.

Vanessa hasn't been home for two days. Leo could only think of the murder incident as one of the cause. All the Instructors were given the task to figure out the culprit. He knew about it all because of Jack.

"You are back?"

Leo turned his head to look at Viona who was sitting in the hall, and gave her a nod.

"I see you are working hard for your fight tomorrow. But, your health matters the most to me. So, don't push yourself too hard."

Her words surprised Leo a bit.

It seemed she was aware of things going around.

In that case…

Leo bitterly smiled inside. If she was aware of the stuff going in the Academy, she must be keeping an eye on him. In that case, it was very possible that she might have known that he was missing classes to spend time in the Club.

Even so she didn't say anything..

Leo didn't know how he should take it. But, it seemed that she trusted in her son's judgement.

"I will keep that in mind." He nodded at her, and then proceeded to go into his room.

After getting inside the room, the first thing he did as usual was letting Aiden out of the storage capsule.

"She will never change-nya." The little guy sighed, and shook his head. There was a complex emotion on his little face.

He was happy, but sad as well. Happy that she cared about him, but sad that he couldn't do much for her. Sad that he wasn't excellent.

"Stop putting yourself down like that. Everyone isn't born the same. And, we have different specialties. So, there is no use in depreciating yourself like this." Leo shook his head.

"Besides, I am sure you would have broken through your limits and proved everyone wrong. After all, you were so determined and even backed it up with your hard work. Only if that damn space accident didn't happen.."

At this point, both Leo and Aiden's faces changed. That thing had indeed changed both of their lives. Just thinking about it made them sigh in frustration. It was all already bad enough, and on top of that, they didn't even know what happened to them. This was just ridiculous. josei

Well, the only fortunate thing was the inheritance. Both of them could agree on it. This too was only until they recovered their memories. Because after they remembered everything, it would be questionable whether they could still remain happy about it.

In another partner of the city..

Harry sat on his computer with a frown. There was several screens floating in front of him showing different Surveillance footages.

He had hacked into the Academy's database once again.

"There is nothing here…" He frowned when he didn't' manage to find any glimpse of that person with a hoodie.

"How is it possible that not a single Surveillance recorder or bots managed to capture her entering or leaving?"

This really was a mystery.

Every other thing in the Academy had the ability to record visuals. This was just pure madness for there to not be a single trace of her around.

"Let me see…" He shifted his attention back onto his main screen and proceeded to go further into the database bypassing all the security of the Academy.

You had to say this guy had guts. If he was caught in this process, he would be executed at this point for his crimes.

Obviously, Harry had no idea about it.

There was some information that was stored here which was highly classified. But, to him it was just a database of an Academy. He didn't think there was anything important in it. Not to mention, he was just looking for what he wanted and didn't touch anything unnecessary.

"Found it!"

He smiled in success at finding the layout of the Academy. This clearly describes the Academy's structure in detail, and also told where the Surveillance was and where it wasn't.

After studying it for a bit, a frown appeared on Harry's face.

He surely noticed that the hallway behind the Library didn't have any surveillance. This was actually a dead end path. If he was correct, they had planned to expand the dorms and had plans to do some construction there in the later years. Hence, it was left like that, so the dead end could be turned into another entrance for the students.

Or, you could say a back entrance.

He remembered going there once, saw a huge fencing around through the window.

"Could the person have come from there?" He frowned,.

You would have to break through the walls or cut break through the windows if you want to do that and then climb over the fencing.

Was it possible that people aren't alerted when some did that?

Something was missing here..

Or, maybe he was looking in the wrong direction.

The night passed in peace, and the next day arrived..

Leo woke up early as usual, and the first thing he did was look at his stats.

Name: [Leo Allison]

Lv 7: [Awake]

Yellow Rank Skill: [Charge] , [A.I. Mind] ]

Branch Skill: [Burst], [Scan], [Enhance], [Virtual Projection] , [Update]

Race: [Glorian]

Comprehensive Body Assessment: [F]


Strength: 80

Agility: 65

Stamina: 69

"One more point in strength and I would have hit Lv 8.." Leo groaned in misery.

"Stop acting like that. And, be prepared. You can't tarnish my name," Aiden grumbled as he looked at Leo.

"Don't worry, I will try my best. Not to mention, I have put some money on myself as well," He said with a smile.

"How can you make me gamble?!! That's destructive to my image-nya!!"

"Don't worry, I am sure at this point a bit more would be a drop in the ocean." Leo laughed at it, but Aiden's face sure turned dark, He was in no position to laugh honestly.

He then went out to follow his usual routine before it finally was the time for his departure.

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