The Mech Lord

Chapter 44 - 43

Chapter 44 - 43: Aiden's Story

"I am Aiden Silver and this is my monologue…" Aiden said while looking in the camera. "This is a pointless recording as I don't have any intention to show it to anyone. But this something I need, I don't have anyone to share my troubles with and this is the only way for me to let it all out."

"I am the son of Edgar Silver, the Thunder Hero. A person who is known through out the universe. My mother is Viona Silver, she was the part of the backup team which had participated in raid against the Demon King. Two huge figure for my parents and I do love them. There is no doubt about it. But this is what that had led me to my current state."

"I feel like I will go crazy if I don't talk to someone about it." He said with a laugh but it seemed to be filled with tiredness.

"In my early days, I was inherently stronger then the rest of the kids and was much more capable than others in my field. Whether it came to studying, Martial arts or weapon mastery. No one could match me as a kid."

"Being the son of two huge figures and showing such talent at an young age led people to have some heavy expectations from me. My elder brother once had those too and stood up on those expectations and this only increased the pressure on me. But I wasn't like him, I didn't inherited any of my parent's ability. There should have been nothing wrong with it as people were born different no doubt about it. I was fine with it and so were my parents. But I was being naive." josei

"The people who I didn't owe anything to became disappoint in me. Isn't this funny? I don't even know you? What in hell do you expect from me?"

"Initially, I thought that it shouldn't have mattered but the truth was not that simple. I slowly started to realize that I was dragging my family's name with me. It was as if I had become an ugly spot on my family's picture. Even my sister awakened a Violet Rank Skill."

"My parent's don't say anything to me. And honestly they don't seem to care about it. But it was not the same for me, I began to feel it. The people who couldn't even see my back surpassed me in not time and I was left somewhere far behind. People said all kind of things behind my back and I couldn't keep myself from being affected by it."

Just imagine getting beaten by a guy who was no match for you earlier. And this wasn't even it. Even though he had always done things in sporting spirit, these people seemed to have held a grudge against him and mocked him while at it. But he soon understand it wasn't due to that, these people just wanted to feel superior by kicking down the son of someone whom they could only look up to.

And if Aiden refused or ran away, the mockery would turn towards his father. No son would like that. He really had been cornered. So, he made his resolve.

"In the end, I decided to do my best. If I lacked in something, I would make it up with other things. I decided to turn into an ideal figure that everyone would look up to and I did it. I didn't want to give anyone any chance to say anything ill about me and my family. I wanted to be able to look into the eyes of my parent the same way that my brother did. But my efforts still were not enough. It couldn't hide my shortcoming of having a low rank skill."

Leo sighed hearing Aiden talk about it. The guy here was talking about he past, it meant that he should be around 11-12, the time when he awakened, when these events had started to take place. As a mature person, Leo felt that Aiden had overreacted but when you think he was just a kid, it really made the situation different.

This really changed the way he looked at Aiden and really felt sad for the guy. To think that the guy was capable of holding so much in at such an age and even manage to fool the whole world.

Leo shook his head and then continued to watch the rest of the video.

"I am going to lose myself at this rate. I think I have started to take it out on my sister. I can't help it. That girl has something I lack and she still slacks all day. I can't understand why she had to awaken a high rank skill? While I-"

Aiden suddenly stopped when he realize what he was about to say and sighed again looked below with a dejected face.

The footage ended up there and Leo clicked on the next one and decided to watch many as he could before reaching home.

18th Monologue…

"I got beaten up once again and it hurts like hell…" Aiden said with groan as he showed the bruises hidden under his shirt, "But I have to act like it doesn't otherwise people will call me a flower.."

"It is very easy to get targeted when you are in a position like mine...not to mention Becky is making it too obvious and it had gotten me some more haters who want to join the queue of people who want to beat me up." He shook his head with a momentary smile.

"The girl is kind and nice. She had been tagging behind me as long as I could remember. But we are no longer kids. After not seeing her for three years, she really has changed. But she doesn't understand that we are no longer the same person we use to be. The difference between us is too great. I will just have to maintain my stance and make her give up. That will be best for both of us…"

'So, it was like this after all,' Leo sighed thinking about the time when Amelia had brought up something like that on the dining table as well.

26th Monologue…

"Damn it!" The voice almost scared Leo and he saw Aiden with bandages all around.

"That Graylock is really crossing the line, I really want to kill him and curse the hell out of that son of a b*tch, but I need to maintain my image. So, I can't do that…"


"That b*stard keeps targeting me for no reason. I will definitely kill him one day!"

He really seemed frustrated and that to the point where he had started to curse. People definitely wouldn't believe it if he just told them about it.

45th Monologue

"I fought with Amelia again…"

"Nothing is going well…"

51st Monologue…

"I really don't know what to say to Becky.." Aiden sighed with a depressed look on his face.

"That girl clearly has surpassed me in terms of strength but keeps hiding it in consideration to me. This is only making me feel even more miserable.."

"I even heard Serina saying it to her that it was pointless for her to pair up with me at this point…"

"Sigh! What am I doing?"

72nd Monologue…

"I am falling behind a lot in comparison to my peers. I need to do something…" Aiden seemed to be looking stressed once again.

115th Monologue…

"It was the Emperor's birthday…"

"Can't believe the f*cker whispered me to not have thoughts about his daughter…"

Aiden shook his head in disbelief and also seemed a bit annoyed about it. He was already aware of his position and didn't need to be reminded about it.

Leo really didn't know what to think about his event. Did this guy just cursed the Emperor?

Leo quietly deleted the footage. He was afraid of getting hanged if the footage was ever leaked.

This guy was really something else. He was even acquainted with the princess. And Leo found it was hilarious of the Emperor to say that, it seemed he was also a father in the end after all.

'Was this guy a playboy?' Leo muttered inwardly.

Just how many girls was this guy involved with. First, Becky and now the Princess too…

Leo just shook his head and as he was about to continue, a voice interrupted him.

"We are here Master Aiden.." The driver said as he looked at Leo.

Leo looked outside and it was indeed the mansion.

"Yeah, thanks.." He nodded with a smile and got out of the car and before walking towards the mansion from the garage.

When Leo finally went inside, there was no one else present beside the servants around. It seemed Viona was out and obviously unaware that Leo had come back early. It was better that she didn't know about it otherwise he could clearly imagine her rushing back.

Leo just went to his room and changed his clothes before falling on the couch and continuing to watch the monologue. Aiden's situation clearly had caught his eyes.

The situation was pretty apparent to Leo. Aiden was putting on a false self for the world to see and it was getting tough for him to continue doing it as time passed. He had became lonely while hiding himself and his family too seemed to be fooled by his act. It also started to became clear why he and Amelia and didn't get along too.

Throughout the first year of the Academy, Aiden seemed to have gone through a lot of ups and downs but the second year made it worse for him. Even a first year apparently beat him up and that really hit him hard.

He had been left behind by all his classmates and this pushed him into a corner. He had already neared his level cap and there was no possibility for him to breakthrough to the next color rank.

If he left it like that, he would either graduate like that or be kicked out soon. Both weren't something he wanted. His father was the Marshal in the Army. He had to get himself in a position that wouldn't make him feel embarrassed. That was only possible if he broke through the next rank.

But he only had a Yellow Rank skill…

It was then that he had heard about Mutation of skills. It seemed like an urban myth but it sure got him curious. In the end, he got Sun, the only guy who stuck with him in the class, and asked him for help. The two finally managed to dig up one such case and it was in one of the notorious Southern planets.

Even if it was false, Aiden was willing to give it a try. He had reached his limit and knew that he wouldn't achieve anything while staying here.

People would keep comparing him to his father and it would never stop.

It was actually quite funny to think that Aiden had picked up a spear to differentiate him from his father not wanting to be compare to be him but it still ended up the same.

Anyway, the rest of the story was clear to Leo.

He met Aiden on his way back from his trip and then got caught up in the accident.

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