The Mechanical Era

Chapter 202 Exploring The Fortress

Chapter 202 Exploring The Fortress

"I Won't Hurt You. Let Me Down." Esther, or his mind-control body posing as the Vallian Knight, asked them politely. The knights all turned their heads to face Carson for an order. Considering he was the next in command on the list of chain of command, and feeling as if he should be the one to call the shots. Carson turns his head to focus his vision on the back and then to the front.

Considering they have been surrounded by these strange creatures, and the fact that they didn't have a mana crystal on their forehead which pointed to the fact that they might not be demons, Carson felt as if there is no other option left for them, and gave them the order to put him down.

"Thank You For Your Cooperation. Do Not Worry. Your Comrade Will Not Come To Harm. I Will Settle This Dispute Between Us Shortly," it promised.

The possessed Esther then walked away from the group, and to the strange creatures themselves. Though the knights wanted to stop him, Carson ordered them to let him go. He wanted to see what they can do.

"Do you think they will harm Knight Esther?" one of the knights asked Carson.

"Maybe. Just keep your weapons in hand. Just in case they try something." Carson replied. The men all watched Esther, who had now stood right in front of the creature, just standing near the edge of the dark void.

He then starts to speak an unintelligible language to the creatures. It sounded as if he was whispering to them in his low-pitched noise. The knights, felt as if they could understand it, but just... didn't. It was a weird feeling.

Possessed Esther: "Do Not Be Afraid. They Are Not Your Enemies."

Creature: "How Can You Be So Sure?"

Possessed Esther:  "I See No Bad Intentions In Their Mind. Best We Appear Friendly."

Creature:  "Why Are They Here?"

Possessed Esther:  "They Came To Search This Place. They Hate Them Like Us."

Creature:  "Are They From The Outside?"

Possessed Esther:  "Yes. They Are."

Creature:  "Why Do They Have It?"

Possessed Esther: "They Have Managed To Overcome Them. They Had Managed To Separate From Them. They Are Not Them, At All."

Creature: "What Should We Do?"

Possessed Esther: "Just Stay Away From Their Sight. Look Out For Me In A Distance."

The conversation goes on for a while before the creatures disappear, much to everyone's surprise. The possessed Esther then turns back to the group and approaches them. Though some wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, Carson ordered them to stay, not wanting this expedition to go to waste, and to hear out the creature.josei

"They Will Leave You All Alone. You Are All Safe," The creature possessing Esther assured. Though it tried to comfort the expedition team, they were still a little uncomfortable, seeing one of their own being possessed by the creature.

"Would You Like Me To Guide You Through These Walls?" It asked next. Carson, seeing no reason not to trust it as it had made those things disappear as it promised, decided to accept its offer.

"Sure. Please do," Carson replies.

"I Will First Need You All To Lower Your Weapons First. I Promised Them That You All Would Lower Your Weapons And That You Will Not Harm Them." It asks Carson. There was a moment of silence, as Carson thinks this decision through.

"Lower your weapons everyone, but keep them with you," Carson ordered. The humans lowered their weapons and were on guard and cautious, just in case they decide to jump on them.

"Thank You For Your Cooperation. Now, Follow Me." It said. It turns around in the other direction, and head further inward the tomb. The humans, after getting a light spell activated, followed behind.

It guided the expedition team through the entire complex, to every room, to allow the demonologists to investigate and record every inch of drawings and writings the demons may have left behind. It even showed areas that were well hidden a first glance, allowing them to access more information.

Jonus wrote and drew down the things that he had found, with the help of his assistants. It took a few dozen minutes, before moving on to the next. He soon finds his first book completely filled in a matter of hours, forcing him to use his other book.

The group soon arrives at a large room, with a large picture on all sides of the walls. The picture on the front wall, featured large white, red, and blue balls, surrounding smaller balls, at a long distance. However, two of them had their balls encapsulated in a circle. These two circles are connected by an arrow.

On the left of the wall, appeared to be a map of some random landscape, detailed with the terrain and continents of it. Although they may not be able to read much of it, as it was in a strange language. On the right side of the wall, was a similar map. However, this one looked eerily similar to their own map, featuring the 5 continents of the world.

In the middle of the large room, were two large balls, being held up on the ceiling, though one was clearly larger than the other. Surrounding these balls, were smaller balls, painted a specific color. One of which, was a mixture of green, blue, and white on the top and bottom, with a little bit of yellow sprinkled in.

The demonologists were utterly confused by the sight of the strange model of balls, and the maps present on the walls. While the others admired the intricate details the demons have placed on the pictures and models themselves.

"Do you know what these things are, Mr. Jonus?" Herrold asked the head demonologist, pointing to the balls.

"That looks kind of like a globe we have back at home. Although, the globe that we had was browner in color," one of the knights remarked. Just then, the idea hit Jonus.

"My goodness! You are right! It DOES look like a globe. Maybe that is our world, right there!"

"But then, why is the sun at the center? What is that other thing?" Carson asked Jonus.

"I Think I May Know What That Is," the creature speaks, as it points out to the other globe.

"Yes? What is it?"

"That. That Is Home. My Home."

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