The Medical Guru

Chapter 1333 - 1333 Sign the Contract!

Chapter 1333 - 1333 Sign the Contract!

Chapter 1333 Sign the Contract!


Fang Qiu’s offer shocked Shan, who looked at Fang Qiu and asked in surprise, “Really?”

“Of course!”

Fang Qiu nodded affirmatively and explained, “We’re only getting indigenous medicinal herbs now. The purpose is to reorganize the market of Chinese medicinal herbs. At the same time, we aim to support conscientious herb farmers who are devoted to cultivating indigenous medicinal herbs. Thus, as long as your Hang lilyturf root maintains such a high quality, I’ll purchase all your products yearly!”


Shan immediately jumped up in excitement.

This was the first batch of Hang lilyturf root he planted. Because of it, many people despised and laughed at him and waited to see him make a fool of himself. But he never gave up.

Shan firmly believed that there must be someone who could understand him and the value of Hang lilyturf root.

However, with so many pharmaceutical merchants coming and going, no one was willing to buy his Hang lilyturf root, though many of them knew how to appreciate herbs. As businessmen, they didn’t want to spend time discussing the property of medicine and were focused only on the profits!

In this situation, he felt hopeless and defeated.

Especially when he heard what his parents said during breakfast, Shan even wanted to sell his medicinal herbs to any medicine merchant he knew and quit being a herb farmer.

He didn’t expect that Fang Qiu would come personally.

Fang Qiu, known as the best in the current Chinese Medicine industry, came to him and made him a promise that filled him with infinite hope.

However, there was an unsettled issue: the price!

“How much is it?”

Looking at Shan, who was so excited, Fang Qiu nodded in his heart.

He could tell that Shan took a keen interest in Chinese Medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so thrilled about the news.

He was precisely the kind of person Fang Qiu was looking for.

People like him could guarantee the quality of Chinese medicinal herbs!


Hearing Fang Qiu’s question about the price, Shan immediately calmed down. He was no longer in high spirits and even looked a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay. Tell me the price you want.”

Fang Qiu assured him.

“I… I know you want to put the market of traditional Chinese medicine in order. Also, you promised to halve the prices of traditional Chinese medicine within a month. I’m eager to help you and revive the market of traditional Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, I’ve almost exhausted all my savings to grow this indigenous medicinal herb. Anyway, I can’t make a loss on my herbs. In this way, it may be a little higher than the purchase price of the other pharmaceutical companies.”

Shan said earnestly.


Fang Qiu nodded in a matter-of-fact way and said, “Indigenous medicinal herbs should undoubtedly be more expensive. Since you know how to process herbs, you can give me the price for the finished product.

“The finished product.”

Shan thought for a moment and plucked up his courage to say, “Six yuan for one catty of fresh herbs and 15 yuan per catty for dried herbs.”


Fang Qiu nodded and said, “I’ll take all your herbs.”

For Fang Qiu…

He would accept prices that cost less than half the prices of those drugs in pharmacies. He did not want to compete with those pharmaceutical companies on purchase prices.

What he needed was that…

Patients could get the actual benefits!

Wholesale prices made up only a small part of the overall business. Although they had something to do with the final prices, they exerted a small impact. For those medicine merchants, the lower the wholesale price, the more profits they could get. However, in Fang Qiu’s eyes, herbs sold at lower prices were usually defective. However, if the wholesale prices were too high, he would not take those herbs either. The price Shan wanted was moderate.

When Fang Qiu sold those herbs to patients…

Their prices would be much lower than those charged by pharmaceutical companies. By doing so, Fang Qiu intended to force those black-hearted medicine merchants who sought nothing but profits to lower their prices.


Fang Qiu had been paying close attention to the market of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, he was very clear about the lilyturf root’s current market prices.

Chuan lilyturf root’s price was about 80 yuan per kilogram, which was 40 yuan per catty. It was about three times as expensive as lilyturf root, which was 15 yuan per catty. Lilyturf root’s purchase price was 4 yuan per catty, and 11 yuan for dried lilyturf root. If those pharmaceutical merchants bought and sold this herb at the above prices, their profits could reach four times the purchase price!

And most importantly…

This was just the wholesale price of pharmaceutical companies. When this batch of lilyturf root reached the drugstores, its price would increase even more.

Lilyturf root could be processed with other medicinal herbs into Chinese patent medicine, which would be sold at an unbelievably high price.

For example, there was a famous pharmacy: Renhe Pharmacy.

In Renhe Pharmacy, dried lilyturf root of similar good quality to Shan’s was sold at 80 yuan for 200 grams.

What did it mean?

It was 200 yuan per catty, 13 times more than Shan’s dried lilyturf root that he sold at 15 yuan per catty! The price of dried lilyturf root in Renhe Pharmacy was nearly 20 times higher than the current market price. Even in other drugstores, the prices were at least 10 times higher.

The phenomenon of brand premium in herbs was very noticeable.

For Fang Qiu, the most urgent thing was to make money quickly and maintain this channel. On this basis, he could achieve his goal step by step.

Due to the enormous profits, numerous Chinese Medicine companies managed to go public and issue shares.

Fang Qiu was determined to halve the prices in the market of traditional Chinese medicine because he didn’t want those medicine merchants to earn so much ‘tainted’ money. It was not to prevent them from making any profits.josei

For example, lilyturf root…

Its purchase price was 22 yuan per kilogram, but it was sold at 400 yuan per kilogram in Renhe Pharmacy. The price increased by a factor of 18!

Per Fang Qiu’s goal for the first month, he would knock down the price from 400 yuan to 200 yuan.

The profit was still enormous.

Those black-hearted medicine merchants would just lose their extra profit of 200 yuan for each kilogram of lilyturf root. Fang Qiu never planned to force them into a dead end.

But for these pharmaceutical companies…

Since they had been used to reaping colossal profits, how could they accept the disappointing change?

Therefore, they united to fight against Fang Qiu.

“Really? Do you really want all of them?”

Shan asked in excitement.


Fang Qiu nodded affirmatively and said, “As long as your herbs are of the same sound quality, I’ll take all.”

“Thank you! Thank you so much.”

Shan hurriedly bowed to Fang Qiu to express his gratitude and said, “I almost gave up my career as a herb farmer. I was prepared to sell all my herbs to those pharmaceutical companies at a loss. It’s good that you came and are willing to take them. Thank you for giving me hope.”

“You don’t need to thank me.”

Fang Qiu shook his head and said, “You should thank yourself. Your life will only get increasingly better.”

“Uhm, it will.”

Shan nodded vigorously. When he recalled Fang Qiu’s question, he quickly calculated and said, “I have a herb field of 20 land pieces. Each piece covers 666.7 square meters and has 2,000 kilograms of fresh lilyturf root. After I dry and process all these herbs, I can get 13,000 kilograms of lilyturf root, which is 13 tons.”


With a nod, Fang Qiu said, “Well, let’s get ready to sign the contract, shall we?”

“Let’s go. Come to my home with me.”

Shan nodded happily and said, “I have a pen at home.”

“I’ve brought the contract and pen, but since I’m here, I’d like to visit your house and check the situation nearby.”

Fang Qiu said with a smile and followed Shan home.

When Shan’s parents saw Fang Qiu…

They wondered who this man was. They didn’t recognize him until Shan introduced Fang Qiu to them.

“Fang Qiu… Oh, are you the guy on TV?”

Shan’s father asked.

“Have you been on TV? Are you the miracle-working doctor?”

Shan’s mother was also very excited.

“Yes, I’m Fang Qiu.”

Facing the two excited elders, Fang Qiu nodded and admitted it with a smile.

“Why are you here? Do you know our son? Are you his friend or classmate?”

Shan’s mother questioned him closely.

“Mom, we’re not classmates. If I were his classmate, would I plant herbs at home?”

Shan said awkwardly. Then, he whispered to Fang Qiu, “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.”

Fang Qiu shook his head and smiled.

Fang Qiu knew Shan was afraid that his inquisitive parents would bother him.

“He is not your classmate or friend. Then why did you come to this rural area? You’re a miracle-working doctor, but we are healthy and don’t need to see a doctor. A doctor would not buy our lilyturf root, right? We have tons of lilyturf root. Why take the trouble to sell one or two catties to you?”

Shan’s father shook his head and sighed.

“I’m here to buy the lilyturf root planted by Shan. We’ve agreed on the price. I’ll buy all your lilyturf root at the price he offered.”

Fang Qiu said.

Hearing this, Shan’s parents were struck dumb. It had never occurred to them that someone would be willing to buy them at such a high price.

Shan had to give a lengthy explanation before his parents understood what was going on.

“By the way,” Fang Qiu took out the contract and showed it to Shan, and at the same time, he asked his parents, “I guess many people here cultivate medicinal herbs. Are there any other farmers growing indigenous medicinal herbs?”

“I don’t know any.”

Shan’s father shook his head and said, “Why would anyone work hard to plant indigenous medicinal herbs? These herbs can’t make any money. Indigenous medicinal herbs will only take money away from you. So, they usually grow plants that can bring in money. Shan is just lucky to have met you. Otherwise, this batch of lilyturf root would make him a poor guy without money to get married.”

Aside, Shan smirked in embarrassment.

“All right.”

Fang Qiu nodded understandingly.

He came here to ask about this situation. If there were any other people dedicated to growing indigenous medicinal herbs, he would look for them and talk about starting a cooperation. Since no one else here did this, he didn’t have to search around.


After Shan browsed the contract, both sides signed it.

“The deal is done. Our Foundation will send some people to collect your lilyturf root in half a month. Just make all the preparations.”

After signing the contract, Fang Qiu got up and said, “I hope you can stick to your original intention. As I said, as long as you can maintain the high quality, our Foundation will purchase your herbs regularly!”

Although they didn’t make a fortune…

But Shan and his parents were in high spirits after they heard what Fang Qiu said. Once they confirmed the stable buyer-seller relationship, they could make plans to expand the cultivation area and have better control of the pricing. In this way, their future ahead was splendid.

The most important thing was that they trusted Fang Qiu!

After Fang Qiu left…

He heaved a sigh…

This time, he saw a person who did the same thing as him — saving traditional Chinese medicine. He sincerely hoped that there would be more people like that who loved and supported Chinese Medicine all over the country.

It was because the reign of Chinese Medicine was not yet over!

At that moment, He Xue called.


Fang Qiu picked up the phone.

“Good news.”

He Xue’s voice came to him. “Lots of herb farmers have called the Foundation. Doctors working for our Foundation asked them to call us as they were classmates. These people have engaged in indigenous medicinal herbs cultivation at their hometowns.”

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