The Medical Guru

Chapter 1720 - 1720 Nirvana Gathering

Chapter 1720 - 1720 Nirvana Gathering

Chapter 1720 Nirvana Gathering
As expected, Fang Qiu saw a young man coming to the museum at noon to exchange for a speed-up technique with the elder.

Seeing this, Fang Qiu didn’t hesitate at all. When the young man left the museum, he immediately followed the person home. After making sure that the young man had also exchanged for the speed-up technique and begun to cultivate, Fang Qiu killed him as he did yesterday.

Anyone related to the Nirvana Organization could not be left alive!

After killing the young man, Fang Qiu returned to the cafe opposite the museum and continued to monitor.

At present, he confirmed that the elder must have a close relationship with the Nirvana Organization. He must be a member of the Nirvana Organization and might even be a key figure of the Nirvana Organization in Autranssy.

If Fang Qiu wanted to deal with the members of the Nirvana Organization in Autranssy, he couldn’t attack the elder directly. He could only wait.

He was waiting to see if the elder would contact other members of the Nirvana Organization and see if he could find the base of the Nirvana Organization in Autranssy through the elder.

That was what Fang Qiu needed.

As long as he could destroy the force of the Nirvana Organization in Autranssy, it didn’t matter even if he had to wait for a few more days!

Another day passed.

Fang Qiu had lunch and dinner in the cafe.

Fang Qiu didn’t return to the hotel for cultivation until the museum closed in the evening.

Early in the morning on the third day, Fang Qiu came to the cafe again and continued to monitor.

However, no one came to the museum to exchange for the speed-up technique with the elder this day.

Just when Fang Qiu thought the day was about to pass and he couldn’t get more clues, the elder who had been living in the museum came out in the evening.

As soon as Fang Qiu came out of the cafe, the elder came out and closed the door of the museum. Then he walked all the way to the suburbs on the main road.

“Is he ready to make a move?”

Seeing this, Fang Qiu smiled secretly and directly locked the elder’s aura with his Divine Consciousness, allowing the elder to walk quickly while Fang Qiu walked slowly behind him.

After three days of observation, Fang Qiu found that the elder was a sixth-class Martial Superior. His strength was weak.

Therefore, Fang Qiu was not worried at all that he would run away.

Fang Qiu leisurely followed him all the way.

Soon, Fang Qiu followed the elder out of the city and came to the suburbs.

Finally, the elder entered a manor and put on a black robe that belonged to the members of the Nirvana Organization.

“It is indeed a Nirvana stronghold.”

Outside the manor, Fang Qiu stood on the crown of a big tree in the distance and watched the situation in the manor.

In addition to the elder of the museum, dozens of black-robed men appeared in the manor. These people came from all directions and all wore black robes.

When everyone was present, the gathering in the manor had just begun.

Fang Qiu moved and immediately approached a corner outside the manor. He quietly climbed over the wall and sneaked in. Then he hid in a corner and carefully listened to the contents of these people’s gathering.

“Ha! I’ve saved three people this month. On average, I’ve saved a painful person every ten days.”

“Only three? I’ve already helped five.”

“You have helped too few. I helped ten people in a month.”

“I haven’t heard of so many people dying recently.”

“Who knows? Even if they know so many people have died, they won’t dare to say it out loud. Aren’t they afraid of causing panic?”

“Ha! Those people are all good for nothing. If it weren’t for the fact that they had benefited too much and lived a good life without pain, they would be the first ones to be helped.”

While listening, Fang Qiu found this group of people was bragging about how many people they had converted. In fact, they were comparing how many people they had killed in a month with each other!

Hearing these people’s words, Fang Qiu was furious!

However, he was still suppressing himself, not taking action.

The strength of the people in front of him was not too high. The strength of the elder in the museum that he had followed was above average. The strongest one was only a seventh-class Martial Superior.

Therefore, it was not difficult to kill these people!

In that case, Fang Qiu could continue to wait.

He wanted to see if there were any other people coming. After all, this was just a small stronghold of Nirvana. If no one came, killing all the people in this small stronghold meant that Nirvana’s power in Australia was destroyed. But if more people were coming, it proved that there were bigger strongholds in Nirvana in Autranssy.

While these people were bragging to each other, time passed quickly.

Half an hour later, the sound of rushing wind was suddenly heard.

Hearing the sound, all the gangsters in the manor suddenly became energetic. They stood up one after another and bowed to the direction of the wind.

In the corner, Fang Qiu also looked in the direction of the wind-breaking sound.

It turned out to be an eighth-class Martial Superior.

This person was also dressed in a black robe. He was also a member of the Nirvana Organization.

When these dozens of people bowed to him, the eighth-class expert jumped into the manor in a few leaps.

“Is everyone here?” The eighth-class Martial Superior asked.

“Everyone is here. No one is absent.” One of them answered.


The eighth-class Martial Superior nodded and said, “Hand over your results!”

One of them stood up, reported everyone’s results, and handed them to the eighth-class expert.

This eighth-class expert opened them.

As he watched, he nodded with satisfaction.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

After that, the eighth-class expert immediately thanked everyone with a smile and said, “It’s because of your hard work that our Nirvana Organization can develop and become the largest organization in the world. To thank you, I also brought you the technique as a reward this time.”

Hearing his words, the eyes of the dozens of people present suddenly lit up, and they were all extremely excited.

“Everyone will have it.”

Without hesitation, the eighth-class expert immediately distributed copies of the technique to everyone.

Everyone who got the technique felt as if they had obtained a supreme treasure. They bowed repeatedly to express their gratitude.

After giving them the copies, the eighth-class expert didn’t stay any longer and left.

The rest of the people collected the technique they had just obtained and continued to drink happily!

“Go to hell!”

A gloomy voice suddenly came from the darkness at this moment.

Perhaps it was because the voice was too low, or because everyone was immersed in excitement, no one heard the voice. Everyone continued to drink and brag.

However, Fang Qiu didn’t care so much.

After he showed up, he directly summoned the divine sword. Then, he moved, leaving shadows behind at an extremely fast speed. He began to kill.

He killed one after another.

The seventh-class, sixth-class, and fifth-class Martial Superiors were no different from ants in the eyes of Fang Qiu.

He killed one of them with every wave of his sword.

Soon, Fang Qiu killed more than a dozen people.

At this time, the others came to their senses.

However, it was too late.

With one-third of them dead, Fang Qiu sped up. These people were all killed by Fang Qiu before they could even scream.

Finally, not a single one was left alive!

After killing this group of people, Fang Qiu put away the divine sword. Then he moved and immediately chased after the eighth-class expert who had just left.josei

When the eighth-class expert left, Fang Qiu took action and kept an eye on the other party with his Divine Consciousness. The other party couldn’t fly, and his speed was not fast. Therefore, the eighth-class expert had only run two kilometers away at this time.

Therefore, Fang Qiu didn’t chase in a hurry.

He followed the other party leisurely.

He didn’t need to catch up with the other party and kill the person. He wanted to find other strongholds of Nirvana in Autranssy through this person.

“Sending technique from thousands of miles away?”

While tracking the eighth-class expert, Fang Qiu was thinking to himself.

Judging from what he had found in the past few days, the Nirvana Organization seemed to have developed into a special organization in Australia, an organization based on techniques. Coupled with the so-called faith in helping, it even gave people a feeling of religion.

“It looks like pyramid selling!”

Suddenly, Fang Qiu thought of the domestic pyramid organization. It was indeed very similar to Nirvana in Autranssy.

Thinking of this, Fang Qiu couldn’t help complaining in his heart.

He didn’t expect that Nirvana Organization would use the method of pyramid selling and bring it to Autranssy. It was simply too shameless!

He kept following the person.

Soon, the eighth-class expert came to the suburbs on the other side of the industrial park and walked into a garage.

It was dark, and no one noticed him at all.

After returning to the repair plant, the man immediately took off his black robe and put it away in a box. Then he changed into his usual clothes and went straight to bed.

Fang Qiu looked around and saw a motel next to him.

He immediately booked a room in it and monitored the garage.

The next day, Fang Qiu found that the eighth-class expert was the boss of this garage. Moreover, he usually looked very kind to people. Even when he was insulted, he would smile and was not angry at all.

It made Fang Qiu very surprised.

After observing for a whole day, there was no movement from the owner of the garage.

On the third day, at about five o’clock in the afternoon, Fang Qiu saw the boss of the garage driving out of the city.

Fang Qiu immediately followed him.

After about 40 minutes of tracking, Fang Qiu saw that the car stopped at the foot of a mountain.

Then the owner of the garage got out of the car, moved quickly, and rushed into the mountains.

Fang Qiu continued to follow up.

They crossed the high mountains and arrived at a mountain stream.

From a distance, Fang Qiu saw many black-robed men in the mountain stream.

The people here were the same as those in the manor yesterday. They all came to attend the party and report. However, compared with the people in the small stronghold of the manor yesterday, the level of the people in this mountain stream was higher. In terms of strength, they were much stronger than those in the manor.

In this mountain stream, the strongest one was ninth-class.

The person who came to pass down the technique in everyone’s gathering had even reached the guru level!

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