The Messenger of Death

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: the letter k

"Cough, cough, cough." Alex cleared his throat, he too had almost choked on his food.

['Why would she say that?'] He thought.

Camron only chuckled and continued to eat.

Katherine felt threatened, Neko and Drake were jealous of Alex. While Tammy was just flustered.

They all looked at Alex, waiting to hear his answer.

"I can't possibly take someone that doesn't want me. Besides I'm only 16 years of age. I have a lot of things to do and consider before I can make such kind of decisions."

['I hope that this excuse puts her off.']

['I hope that it doesn't.'] Al blurted.

['Go to hell, mutt.']

['Not without you rabbit, wherever you go, I go.']

"That's true, your parents will have to be involved in this type of decision making." She reasoned. "Well, then, let's put this aside for now. Just know that you can consider this household as yours."

If Alex was to be honest, he felt touched by what she said. He had never felt as welcome as he did in the Avanti manor.

He pushed the thought away and smiled at her. "Thank you, very much. I appreciate your kindness."

['Too mushy for my taste. Hey rabbit, switch with me. It is time to talk about business.']

['Don't do anything stupid, mutt.']

['Yeah, yeah. Whatever.'] Al dismissed his warning.


Now Al was in control. He let go of the spoon that was in hand and used a napkin that was beside him to clean his lips.

"Let's get down to business." He looked at the clients.

"Although we were not able to get the name of who was after you three today, we do have a clue. Before the maid was shot, she uttered the letter K. Now what I want to know is how many ancient bloodline families have the letter k as the first letter of their name?" Al questioned.

"Only 2, the Kawataro ancient bloodline family and the Krakion bloodline family," Sravya answered.

"Are you certain?"

"She's right, only those families have K as the first letter of their name," Lawrence confirmed it for Al.

"That means that we know who to be wary of now, our enemies are your neighbors." He looked at Camron. The central district was also where the families with ancient bloodlines resided.

"But they wouldn't attack this place. Let me also ask this, do you three know if your fathers have offended any of the two families?" He asked the clients.

"No, I don't think so. The government always made sure that they didn't cause a fight with the ancient bloodline families." Jayda replied.

Himari shook her head. "Just like Jayda said, my father, is an easy-going man. He wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the ancient bloodline families."

Al frowned and placed his right hand under his chin. He continued to stroke his chin like he had beards.

"Then who do you think is trying to frame your fathers?" Al inquired.

"Frame? Why do you think that they are being framed?" Lawrence questioned.josei

"A gut feeling." He answered shortly. And then returned his attention to the girls.

"I don't know, we aren't exactly included in the politics of the continent."

"But at the moment you three are important chess pieces to the politics of this continent. Let me rephrase the question, apart from the Prime minister and the mayor, who else can see the tokens?"

"The governor!" Almost everyone on the table chorused.

"Although a token wasn't given to the governor, he has a responsibility of checking on them to make sure that it hasn't been used by anyone for their own personal use," Camron explained.

"But that doesn't mean that he has anything to do with what's going on, what motives does he have?" Adrian pointed out.

"True, he might not have anything to do with what's going on. But, he does have motives. If you were the governor, would it seat well with you if your inferior was granted the responsibility of something that had more authority than the governor's office?" Al smirked.

"Hmm Camron, when you were telling me about what happened 4 years ago, you said that the lieutenant colonel of the Roxanne regiment was the first that got killed, was his corpse shown?"

"Not completely, they only brought his head and it was given to his family. They said that his body was obliterated during a fight and all that was left of his body was his head."

"So the Krakion family obliterated his body and left his head, sounds like cutting off loose ends to me. Was he buried or cremated?"

"Buried, even if he was a traitor, he was still the nephew of the… governor. It is a tradition of high ranking families to bury and not cremate." Camron paused, a realization just hit him, and the same happened to the rest.

"That was dumb of them, but they still had to play by the book to keep it safe." Al thought out loud as more dots in his mind started to connect.

"Do you know where he was buried?"

"Yeah, Reginald?" Lawrence chirped in.

"Sir," The head butler stepped forward and stood beside Lawrence's chair.

"Have someone dig the grave of the dead lieutenant, report the contents of the grave. It should be done discreetly and as fast as possible." Lawrence ordered.

"As you wish, master." He stood straight and looked at one of the butlers in the dining. Reginald bobbed his head at the butler and he understood what he was meant to do. The butler that Reginald looked at disappeared from the dining.

"Before I make conclusions I want to know the contents of the grave. We should finish our lunch first." Al uttered and continued eating…

Roughly an hour had gone by when the butler that was sent to check the grave came back. They were all in the Dining, drinking tea, and having small talks.

The butler came and bowed first. "Master, after digging the grave I found out that the supposed coffin of the lieutenant colonel of the former Roxanne regiment was empty. Not even the head that was presented to them was in the coffin."

The whole room remained silent. They were all deep in their thoughts, trying to connect the dots. Reginald and the butler that just came in left the dining...

"I was expecting a different thing but this isn't far from what I was expecting," Al smirked and broke the silence that was in the room.

"Tell me, does the governor have any relationship with any ancient bloodline family?" He asked.

"His 3rd cousin is married to one of the offspring of the Krakion family," Tammy answered.

"Does this mean that the governor and the Krakion family orchestrated everything so that they could acquire more authority and power?" Miriam asked.

"It seems so," Jayda answered and returned to her thoughts.

The door to the dining opened and the head butler stepped in. "Master, I have news to report to you. About sully and a platoon in the army." Reginald stated.

['News sure travels fast.'] Al commented.

"Sully, the head alchemist of the apothecary that was robbed not too long ago has disappeared from the capital city. There is no sign of him anywhere in Cerevaux. According to the information I got, they say that he was threatened by a person that fits the description of Sir Alexander." Reginald relayed.

Everyone in the room turned and looked at Al with a questioning look.

"Alex, did you?" Camron paused.

"No, I didn't do anything, not yet. I was planning on dealing with him in the future, personally. Either someone got to him before me or he was actually frightened by threat and ran away." Al frowned as he thought about it.

In the minds of the Avanti family, they had already concluded that it was the person that was watching Alex from the shadows that dealt with Sully. And to them, this was confirmation that there was someone on the lookout for him. They were thankful that they weren't rude to Alex in beginning, they might have been the ones to disappear without a trace.

"Sir, the 9th platoon of the Kawataro regiment have been wiped out."

"What!? By who? How?" These questions were thrown at Reginald by different people in the room.

"I do not know. After the 1st platoon of the Krakion regiment arrived in their camp, they found out that they had been killed and burnt to ashes. They said that it might have been done by the syndicate of exiled soldiers." Reginald answered.

"The platoon that has been causing a lot of problems since they arrived here?" Lawrence asked

"Yes," Reginald responded.

"The Krakion family? I think this was done by them. They are trying to add more fuel to the flames by doing this and puting the blame on the syndicate. By doing that they can increase the pressure on our fathers. Those wicked, heartless people." Miriam bellowed as she was on the verge of tears. Her heart ached for her father, he was a good man and she looked up to him very much.

"Actually, for this one, I know who killed them. One thing is for sure, it wasn't the Krakion family's doing, it was the handwork of a... friend of mine." A sinister smile crawled up his lips after he said that.

His facial expression had everyone there feeling uneasy…

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