The Messenger of Death

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: nana's questions

-Huff! Huff!! Huff!!!

Alex was gasping for air after running and using every energy he had in him. He was being chased by a dozen black panthers that had the earth elemental attribute. Moreover, they were all as strong as a late-stage disaster realm cultivator.josei

When they wanted to, they could dig into the ground like a mole and pop out when it was the right time and they could also make the ground muddy. Alex had a hard time dealing with them and dodging their attacks.

Nana had taken his ring from him again.

"This is abuse!!" Alex shouted.

"Abuse you say? Would you like me to show you what abuse is?" He heard her voice.

"No, no, I'm sorry. Take me out of here, I'm about to pass out. I won't make out with any girl without your permission again."


Nana arrived in front of a sweat-drenched Alex. "Good boy, now you know how to talk. If only you didn't have a smart mouth and a sharp tongue I wouldn't have to train you like this." She sighed.

Alex wanted to call her out on her bullshit, but he couldn't take the risk of spending more time here as it was already dark and he was at his limit.

['Alex, why wouldn't you switch with any of us when you are training? We can help you reduce the strain.'] Al asked.

['Because you guys are already stronger than I am. Yes, I said it, the three of you are overpowered and I'm just the one that has to rely on you guys for almost everything. I want to get stronger, strong enough to not always rely on the three of you. This is not me saying that we won't co-exist, I just don't like the feeling of being weak.'] Alex explained.

His alters understood what he meant so none of them said anything in response to his explanation.

"Let's leave here, I have a lot of questions for you. Depending on your answers I will teach you alchemy for real this time. While I watched over you during the mission, I could tell that your control over QI has increased very much. You are ready to start learning the real deal now."

"Uh, Nana-"

Before Alex could say what he wanted to say, she dragged him back to the library. And threw on the floor again.


"Ouch, my butt hurts." He rubbed his buttocks that already had the claw marks of a panther on them.

Nana threw a pill at him and sat on a chair.

"Before I start asking my questions, I just want to let you know that as your master I feel very embarrassed that you had to steal a measly pill. I mean c'mon if you want to steal at least steal something nice. Not knock-off pills like that primrose nonsense. Do you know that I had to threaten that short devil to leave the capital and never set foot there again, how can I let anyone bully my dear disciple? I wanted to kill him but I'm too soft-hearted to do that." she sighed and dropped her head.

Alex who was still on the ground, tilted his head a bit and opened his mouth in shock. ['She had the audacity to call herself soft-hearted, bullshit!!'] Alex thought to himself.

['Thank her now if you don't want to be sent back to that forest. Remember, never do anything that will make her bi-polar tendencies erupt.'] Al cautioned.

"Uh, thank you," Alex stated awkwardly.

Nana glared at him and Alex avoided looking her in the eye. "You are welcome." She smiled.

"First question, why did you use a stone when you were about to steal the pills. Couldn't you use telekinesis?" Nana asked.

Alex's mouth suddenly turned dry, he gulped down the saliva in his mouth and blinked a few times.

['If I tell her the truth, will she restrain me and use the same method to teach me again?'] Alex wondered.

['Probably, there's no escaping this. This is all your fault for forgetting how to use telekinesis.'] Al blamed him and sighed. ['My balls.'] He cried.

"I'm waiting for your answer," Nana uttered.

"Well, uhh, I… actually forgot that I could use telekinesis." Sweat started to trickle down his back.

"Really?" She gave him a questioning look.

"Yes." Alex cleared his throat after he said.

"Then stop this." As soon as she said that, a book came charging at Alex.

['Stop!!'] He shouted in his mind and the book stopped. Alex had already turned his head away and used his hands to shield his balls. He wasn't expecting anything to happen.

"Oh, seems like you weren't lying. Good, if you were then I would have broken a bone or two for you." She flashed a grin at him and returned the book from where she brought it out from.

['Oh, so now you can use it. Useless.'] Al scoffed.

['I didn't think that it was going to work. Haha'] Alex laughed awkwardly.

"The second question, do you have a treasure on you that I cannot see? The way your face morphed, was almost similar to that of a shapeshifter. For a moment I actually thought that you were one. But only your face changed. Shapeshifters can change everything about their outer appearance."

['Sh*t, I forgot about that.'] Alex didn't know if he should tell her the truth, he kept quiet and stared at her as he pondered on how to answer her question.

"I'll take that as a yes then." She chuckled. "Fear not my cute disciple, I won't take something that precious from you."

"Third question, why do like talking to yourself?"

"Because it helps me to think better and faster," Alex answered quickly.

Nana bobbed her head at his reply. "That's okay I guess, I thought you were going crazy. Well, you are crazy, I never took you for the type that likes to go crazy when their bloodlust is unleashed." She was referring to the time when Lex killed those men of the 9th platoon.

['Lex!!'] Alex called out.

['I'm sorry!'] Lex shouted back.

Alex took in a deep breath and sighed.

"Don't be embarrassed by that, even I get lost in my bloodlust once in a while." Nana tried to comfort him.

Alex flinched when he imagined the irrational witch being crazy. 'If she thinks that she's not crazy like this, what will actually happen when she's crazy?' He thought.

"Next question, what bloodline class are you a bearer of?"

Alex didn't know how to answer that. He recalled when Grace told him not to tell anyone about that part of himself.

"As your master, I need to know this. I have protected you from the shadows unconditionally do you still need to doubt my intentions for you?" She asked seriously this time.

['She might not be from this plain realm, I say that you tell her the same thing that you told Camron.'] Al suggested.

"A class-1 primordial bloodline." He answered after a while.

"Wow, I had already guessed it but I had to hear from you first. What is a member of a royal family from the celestial realm doing here in the lower plain realm? Which royal family are you from?"

"I have never been to the celestial realm and I am not royalty. I am just an orphan that stumbled on many things that I never asked for in the first place."

Nana knew that Alex was an orphan but she still wanted to confirm it. "Hmm, what primordial beast's bloodline do you have in you?"

"A dragon's,"

"What!!!" She froze for few seconds. "You are not messing with me, right? Those pride-filled primordial beasts. A dragon, not a huge lizard that you mistook for a dragon?" She couldn't believe what he said. Almost everyone in the celestial realm and above knew how prideful dragons were. They wouldn't even let lower beings look at their blood, talk more of passing the bloodline down to a lower being.

She found it very hard to accept. "It is from a dragon, one that was at the immortal cultivation realm."

"What is the name of this dragon?"

"That I cannot say," Alex mentioned.

Nana saw that he wasn't kidding when he said that, she could see the determination in his eyes. She decided to drop the issue for now.

"Alright then, forget I asked about that. What I want to know now is if you have a master aside from me."

"I don't have a master," Alex answered.

"Good. You are not allowed to accept anyone else as your master. I alone am enough, in this lower plain realm and the ordain plain realm, I do not have any equals. You are my disciple, mine alone, I do not like to share what I like. Get that into your head, my dear disciple." Nana stood up from the chair that she was seated on.

"Come with me, it's time I teach you alchemy…" She mentioned as she walked deeper into the library.

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