The Messenger of Death

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: pick a stick

Alex checked and checked multiple times, but he still had the same results. The red and black eye was nowhere to be seen anymore.

"Either alchemy took so much toll on my mental strength or I'm finally starting to lose all I have left of my sanity," Alex whispered.

['Just forget about it and proceed to do what you were going to do after this.'] Xander interrupted his thoughts.

Alex nodded his head and put the part of the skin crawler that was in his hand, back on his face.

"System, you can undo what you did now.

*Reconnecting mask.

The skin crawler reconnected itself and Alex removed the whole thing. He dropped it by the mirror then went ahead to freshen himself up.josei

30 minutes had gone by, by the time Alex was done. He put his mask back on and left his room.

"Alex!! Give it to me." Just as Alex was reaching the living room, he heard Drake call his name and saw him running up to him.


"No, give it to me. This vampire doesn't deserve it." Katherine shoved Drake out of the way.

Alex looked at Adrian and Emma, he saw that they also had this look of yearning for something. He then turned his attention to Camron and raised his brows at him.

"Hahaha, I explained to them and told them that you were going to give the last pill for free to one of them," Camron stated.

Katherine walked up to Alex and held his hand, she brought his palm to her breast and placed it right on the top of her breast.

"Alex, feel my heartbeat. Feel as it beats for the primrose pill." She pressed his hand on her chest when he tried to pull away from her grip.

Alex felt an electrifying sensation flow through his spine. The softness of her boobs, even through her uniform, was enough to make Alex feel something. His hand sunk in it as she continued to press it against her chest.

['Hell!! What is this girl doing? If Nana is anywhere around here then I'm done for.'] Alex thought frantically.

['Relax rabbit, that woman said in her letter that she was going to the celestial realm. She can't possibly still be monitoring us from there, can she?'] Al reasoned, he was pleased with what Katherine was doing. ['You know what? Since you don't feel too comfortable with this, why don't you switch with me? I will help you make the right decisions.'] Al suggested.

As he spoke, Alex could hear the lewdness in his tone.

['If my memory serves me right, you were the f*cker that put me in the last situation with Nana. You made out with Miriam and I got punished in your stead. Now you are about to do something similar and you think that I'm going to let you do that?'] Alex pointed out.

['Eeiiisshh!! C'mon now bestie, don't tell me that you are still hung up in the past and holding a grudge against me. I didn't know that we had a jealous tail on us.'] Al was attempting to coax Alex.

Alex tried to pull his hand back once again. But she held it firm on her boobs.

['And if you knew that we had a jealous tail, what would you have done?'] Alex asked.

['Hehehe, to be honest, I wouldn't have given a flying sh*t about that.']

['Filthy pig.'] Alex insulted immediately.

['Hey, you forgot to add handsome. Filthy handsome pig.'] Al corrected, he sounded like he was offended that Alex didn't add the handsome in there. To him, it was an incomplete compliment.

['Narcissist.'] Alex added.

['Thank you. One good thing about that mission, apart from the pills and the breakthrough, Katherine seems to have learned from Miriam. She's taking the initiatives now, Hahaha.'] Al pointed out.

Alex ignored his alter, he knew that it was a waste of time talking to Al, most of the time. If you weren't talking to him about scheming or something mind wrecking, then it was a waste of time to talk to him.

"You wench!! Let go of his hand. Trying to seduce him into giving you the pill, do you think those inflated piece fats on your chest is stronger than the bond of friendship between me and Alex?!" Drake attacked Katherine and forcefully made her let go of Alex's hand.

"Say's the guy that bet on the odds that I would return with injuries," Alex muttered at Drake.

He flexed his fingers for a bit. Feeling a bit dejected that he couldn't feel the softness of her chest anymore. He shook his head and cleared his throat, interrupting the fight between Katherine and Drake.

"The two of you are like couples," Adrian interjected.

"Did your mother do this to your father?" Katherine asked, and then she proceeded to kick Drake behind the knee. Forcing that knee to bend and touch the floor.

"Uh, No," Adrian answered.

"Then we are not couples." She flashed a threatening look at him. Daring him to say something like that again.

Alex chuckled at the sight of that, their liveliness and interaction were a tad bit entertaining to him. "Alright, that's enough bickering. Camron has already explained to you guys that I stole the pills, aren't you against something like that."

"No!!" Katherine and Drake answered at the same time.

"And they even know what's on the other's mind," Adrian whispered. His whisper was just loud enough for Katherine to hear. She flashed another threatening look at him again, tilting her head to the side to make her threat look more threatening.

"Is it still considered stealing if you took what wasn't theirs, to begin with?" Emma spoke for the first time since Alex entered the room.

Alex smirked. "I like how you think." He commented.

Emma smiled at that comment and blushed a little. Since they left the capital city, she too had started to develop some kind of crush for Alex.

Katherine hissed at that. "Why didn't I think of that too? Instead, I have to go and say the same thing with that vampire." She eyed Drake as she whispered to herself.

"So how do you guys think that I should do this? Who should I give the last pill to?" Alex walked to a brown luxurious sofa and sat down. He crossed his legs as he looked at his teammates.

"Just pick anyone," Drake suggested.

"No, if I do pick, then I might be biased about it." Alex rejected that thought.

"How about you guys pick a stick? The person that picks the shortest stick gets the pill." Camron suggested.

"That sounds good. This will all depend on your luck." Alex concurred.



His teammates also agreed with that suggestion.

"Now turn around," Camron said. He picked 4 napkins and gave it to the four of them. "Use this to blindfold yourself. And no one should try to cheat, or else you will be disqualified automatically.

They collected the napkins and did as he ordered.

Camron then proceeded to break the wooden chopsticks that were placed on the dining table. After that, he placed them on a tray and walked to where his blindfolded teammates were.

"Just to make things clear before we start. I will come to you and you can only pick one as there are only four sticks here. The first one that you touch will be the stick that you must carry, and after you have picked your stick, you will still have to remain blindfolded till the rest have picked theirs." Camron cleared out.

"I'm coming now. Emma, you are first." He went towards her and put the tray right in front of her and she picked a stick.

"Next Katherine." She too also made her choice and picked her stick.

"Adrian, your turn." He did as the rest had done.

"And finally Drake." Camron stopped in front of him.

"Why do I have to be the last? Do you have something against me? This, this literally not leaving me with any choice. They have already picked and left something shitty for me." Drake complained.

"Are you going to pick or not? If you aren't then that's you automatically forfeiting." Camron interrupted his ranting.

"I'll pick it! My shitty luck." Drake frowned and picked the last stick.

"Now you can remove the blindfolds," Camron said as he dropped the tray on the nearest table.

They did as he said and removed their blindfolds.

"Gather round let's see who has the shortest stick," Adrian uttered.

Emma and Katherine quickly did that. "Yes!! My stick is the shortest!" Katherine started to rejoice after she compared hers with Adrian's and Emma's.

"But we haven't seen Drake's own yet." Adrian pointed out.

"Why would we need to see his? His luck is as shitty as he is." Katherine retorted as she sneered at Adrian.

Drake who refused to compare his stick with the rest threw his stick at Adrian. "Check it yourself." He grunted.

Adrian caught it and quickly compared it with Katherine's.

"I told you that my-" Katherine froze when she saw that her stick was indeed, not the shortest. Drake's own was.

"Drake, you won," Camron announced, while Alex was smirking at them.

"What I won?! I won!!?? Hahaha, and they said that my luck was shitty." He started to boast as excitement hit his face.

"You said it yourself." Katherine looked at him like she wanted to tear him apart.

"My stick is the shortest!!" Drake ran and collected the stick that he picked and held it like it was some kind of trophy.

"The stick is probably the same size as that stick in your pants." Katherine insulted, but Drake ignored her.

"My stick is the shortest, Hahaha." He repeated again.

Katherine couldn't take it anymore, so she went closer to him and kicked the back of his knee again. Sending him to the ground.


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