The Messenger of Death

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: the tomb of memories


Standing on the surface of the sea was Amir's father. He was staring into the distance and basking in the solitude of the night, trying to organize his thoughts properly.

"Father, the Midas seeds have been distributed to those that earned it. Will it really be okay to not tell the Emperor about the disappearance of the petal? I heard that one of his favored sons will be participating and he is determined to get every single petal." Amir stood behind his father as he expressed his concerns.

"If I tell the Emperor then those imbeciles in his court will see it as an opportunity to remove me from my seat as the head of this sect. That I cannot allow to happen." His father spoke with a stern tone. He was thinking of a way to redeem himself.


An individual in a white robe appeared beside Amir and Fell to his knees, on the surface of the sea.

"Sect Master." The individual in a white robe said.josei

"How is the investigation going?" The sect master asked.

"Sect master we couldn't find any trace of the person that took the Midas petal. The sect's seer said that the person's future could not be looked into because his/her future is in constant change due to the person's abnormal fate. Although he confirmed that the person is still in the lower plain realm, he couldn't get an image, age, or even gender." The individual in robe answered.

"Even the seer couldn't get anything on this person, does that mean this was pre-destined to happen?" The sect master tightened fist.

'It was destined to happen during my own reign, the universe is being unfair.' The sect master thought.

"Sect master," The individual in the white robe snapped the sect master out of his thoughts.

"Is there anything else?" The sect master asked.

"Yes, there is. We found traces of Bram the shapeshifter, and right-hand man to that wanted Necromancer, in the lower plain – where the seer informed us to head to." The individual relayed.

"Bram?" The sect master frowned. "What was he doing there?"

"We found him searching for traces of something or someone, we couldn't confirm which."

"He might have something to do with the disappearance of the petal, or know the person that is responsible for the disappearance of the petal." Amir thought out loud.

"Or he's looking for this person too. The Necromancer knows that he's a wanted man, he wouldn't let his underlings leave their hideout without any good reasons. And when he does let them out, they always doing something unspeakable or harmful to the majority." The sect master paused.

"Tell your men to keep an eye on Bram and tail him too. Surely he has to return to his master's side when he is done with his task. When he does, your men are not permitted to approach that place so as to not alert the Necromancer. They should report back to you with the location of their hideout and you will report that to me only, no one else." The sect master ordered.

"Yes, sect master." The individual in the white robe responded.

"If Bram notices that he is being tailed, then your men are to capture him and bring him to me. I will get the location of their hideout from him by myself." The sect master added.

"As you wish." The individual in a white robe stood up and left the area.

"If I can capture and present the Necromancer to the Emperor then the issue of that missing petal can be easily forgiven. Even the Emperor has some bones to pick with the Necromancer." Amir's father muttered to himself as he stared into the distance once again…



Arabella won the race that they had and Xander came in second. She only won because she cheated and went all out in the race when she saw that she couldn't catch up with Alex with the speed that she was using.

Oliver came in third.

They reached the Del Nosaroc a day before the rest did and they chose to camp outside while waiting.

On the morning of the next day, Andrea and the rest arrived at Del Nosaroc too…

"The mission takes effect from this moment. Benjamin, you know what your team is supposed to do right?" Andrea asked.

"Yes, I do. Our job is to guard the entrance of Del Nosaroc while your team deals with the destruction of the occult. We are also to kill any of the occult members that escapes or any that we come across." Benjamin disclosed their objectives.

"Alex, we'll be taking your team to the entrance of the tomb as it is on the way to the headquarters of the Luxure occult. Here is a mini-map of the tomb. The map is not complete as there are still hidden places and traps that are found almost every year. No one knows why they show up after a while." Andrea said and they left the outskirts of Del Nosaroc.

The tomb that Andrea was taking the seraphim team to was close to a mountain that wasn't far from the sea. As they were approaching the tomb, Alex took a glance at the calm sea that was stagnant. There were no waves nor did the water of the sea exceed the position that it was, on the shore.

Alex was stunned after seeing this.

Seeing his reaction, Camron decided to shed a bit of light on information about this particular sea that Alex had no knowledge of. "This is the never-ending sea, it is called that because explorers that have attempted to journey through this sea, saw no end to it. Some even say that if you continue to journey on this particular sea for years, you might be able to cross the lower plain realm to the ordain plain realm. They even went ahead to say that this sea is connected to every part of the universe and with it, you can transverse every plain realm." Camron stated.

['Every part of the universe, doesn't that mean that I can find a way back with the help of this sea?'] Alex thought.

['Maybe, maybe not. There is no proof that it will take us back. All Camron said were just speculations, it's not something that we can risk our lives trying to prove.'] Al killed the glint of hope that was rising in Alex's heart.

Alex sighed. ['Unfortunately for me, what you said is the truth.'] He admitted.

"We are here," Andrea announced.

Where they were now was at the foot of the mountain, and on the foot of the mountain was a grave, and inside the grave was a stairway that led deeper into the ground. Alex peeped inside and saw that the torches by the sides of the stairway were already lit.

"The light in this stairway never goes out so you don't have to worry about it. Only when you get into the deeper parts of the tomb will you face problems and traps. If you look at the map that I gave you, carefully, you will see some parts that have been marked red, those sides are where traps are. If you can't find anything after going through the locations that are on the map then forget about it and leave the tomb. Do not try to explore unmarked places, even people with our cultivation can die like chickens in those unmapped places." Andrea warned.

"And if you do find something then don't be greedy to look for more. Greed has done more harm than good to many." She gave another warning.

"If you say so," Alex whispered. He looked at the headstone of the grave.

Written on the headstone of the grave was; "THE TOMB OF MEMORIES."

"Tomb of memories?" He read out loud.

"It is called that because, in this tomb, one of the most sorted out treasures here are the memory fragments. Memory fragments are pieces of lost or copied memories. In those memories, you can find amazing martial skills, cultivation techniques, or information known to only the owner of the memory and the person that gets the fragment. If you do find memory fragments, then don't use them. When we get back to the academy we can share it amongst ourselves." Andrea explained.

['Now I'm getting eager. If this tomb is a treasure tomb as they say it is, with the help of the skin crawler I might just be able to make the rich souls that were buried here, poor.'] Alex smirked as his greed started to surface.

['And you said that the mission wasn't going to go as they thought it would. We are not here to fight or anything like that, just grave robbing, what could possibly go wrong?'] Al mentioned.

['I guess I am wrong this time.'] Alex admitted.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" Arabella asked.

"No," Alex responded.

"Then we will be on our way now. In 2 or 3 days at most, we should be done with the mission." Andrea said before she left with her teammates.

Now standing in front of the entrance of the tomb were the members of the seraphim team…

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