The Messenger of Death

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: bloodline class

"Young master, are you alright?" seeing the bruises on his young master, Evan got a bit worried.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a few cuts and bruises. Nothing a little healing ointment can't fix." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Ahhh. Ahhh. Haaaa!"

Camron and Evan flinched as they heard an eerie sound.

"What's that?"

Camron questioned as he looked around. Searching for what and where the eerie sound was coming from.

"Alex, where is Alex?" Camron hysterically asked as he searched around.

"Over there, Master Camron." Evan pointed out.


Camron sighed.

'What of the bandits?' He thought. He was about to ask when Evan beat him to it.

"Young master there are two bodies on the floor beside him. That weird sound seems to be coming from that direction too."

Camron and Evan decide to meet Alex and ask about his condition. As they got closer to Alex, they could see the blood on his body. The gash that he had on his shoulder and abdomen. Camron was concerned about his condition. He looked at Alex's face and his concern turned to confusion.

'Why is he smiling?' He wondered.

"Alex, are you alright?"

Evan was about to show his concerns too until he saw how mutilated and disfigured the bodies on the ground were. One of the bandits had died. The other was still breathing and bleeding.

'Why didn't he just end him? This suffering is uncalled for.' Evan thought as he felt pity for the last surviving bandit on the ground

Evan was repulsed by what he saw. Camron had also come to notice the features of the bodies on the ground. He was mortified.

"Alex, did you do this?"

Hearing Camron's question, Alex blushed and averted his gaze.

'What? Is he blushing? Did I say anything inappropriate?'

Evan went ahead and ended the bandit's misery. He sighed and looked at Alex.

'He is dangerous. Very dangerous. How did he manage to kill a rank-four nascent realm cultivator? That's eight realms above his. Master Camron still hasn't realized that we picked up a monster from the roadside.'

He made a mental note, labeling Alex as a monster. He wanted to say something about it but he got scared when he remembered the feeling of suppression from Alex's bloodline.

'What in the world is going on? Why am I blushing?' Alex thought to himself. He tried to turn his gaze back to face Camron, but he couldn't. Alex had lost the cognitive control of his actions and limbs.

'Who are you? Have I been possessed? – is there anything like possession in this world? What is going on!?' Alex panicked. He kept on ranting inwardly. The entity in control of Alex's body gave him no reply…

"Young heroes, we thank you for your assistance. Although some of my colleagues were killed, we survived. This act of kindness I shall forever remember."

The leader of the civilian carriage that was ambushed by bandits, expressed his gratitude, he bobbed his head a bit.

'The leader of the civilians is dressed in normal clothes, but he doesn't have the aura of a normal person. His disposition doesn't look like someone that had just experienced a life-threatening event.' Evan observed.

"No – no, it wasn't much." Camron smiled, he felt proud of his actions.

'What is happening!?'

Alex was starting to lose his mind. He felt like he was just a passenger in his own body – like an out-of-body experience. He was conscious but he couldn't do anything.

'At least go somewhere private and use the Lazarus on my body before I bleed to death.'

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Alex heard his body speak, timidly. The entity in control of his actions returned the spear into his ring. His body moved and was heading towards Camron's carriage.

'Wait, you can hear me!? Who are you? And why did you take over my body? I haven't offended anyone in this world yet, so what motive do you have by possessing my body?'

The entity in control of his body refused to answer him.

Camron who had just finished conversing with the civilian, offering them an invite to join him in his carriage, as they were all heading to the capital city.

Surprisingly the leader rejected his invite with the excuse of not wanting to intrude. He claimed that a companion of his escaped earlier and went to call for help from the capital city.

"Alright then, I can't do anything if you don't feel like joining us. I wish you a safe journey." Camron put his palms together and raised it to his chest.

What he did was a gesture that is used to wish others well when sending them off.

"Alex." Camron looked behind and saw that he had already walked the distance and was almost by the carriage.

He turned his attention to the floor and shudder at the trail of blood that Alex had left.

"He needs medication now before he bleeds to death." He brought out a brown sachet from his ring, the size of the sachet was like that of a mug. From it came the aroma of different herbs, blended in together.

He rushed over to Alex's side.

"Wait don't enter yet." The entity in control of Alex's actions had already opened the door to the carriage stopped his tracks.

He looked down and saw that he had left trails of blood on the floor, he almost made the mistake of going in bloodied. He blushed furiously and said in a timid voice;

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"How can you still blush like this after losing so much blood? Remove your shirt so that I could apply this ointment on your injuries. It will help you heal faster."

'Do as he says and don't waste my Lazarus.' Alex told the entity in control.

Alex bobbed his head. He started to unbutton his shirt.


His shirt dropped and touched the floor.

"Oh my." Camron blurted out and gaped at the sight of Alex's upper body.

He was shocked by what he saw. It wasn't Alex chiseled lean muscles that got him shocked, it was the scars on his upper body that left him in awe.

Evan also had a look of shock on his face.

'What in the hell is this? Did his family torture him, this is brutal for a 15-year-old.' Camron thought.

'Is he a slave, why would anyone do this to a kid?' Evan pitied Alex at the moment.

"Quit staring, it's not polite." He timidly reprimanded.josei

Feeling the pair of eyes on his body, Alex raised his hands to cover his body, even blushing harder than he was a few seconds ago.

'Hey it's not your body, so quit acting like it is.' Alex reprimanded the entity in control of his body.

"Mmmm." He heard his body reply.

'Why won't you tell me who you're or why you are in control of my body?' Alex pressed once more.

Same as the previous attempts, he didn't get any reply.

"Sorry, let me." Camron apologized and offered to apply the ointment on the injuries for Alex.


On their way to the capital city once more, the sound of horses' hooves hitting the ground echoed. Silence filled the air in the carriage. Camron looked fixedly at Alex.

"How are you able to kill cultivators' eight ranks above you?"

"I-I. I can't say."

'Why is he still acting timid? Is because I have seen his scars or it's just the side effect of losing too much blood. He might be feeling light-headed.'

'Hey! Why are you damaging my image?! Can't you at least act like you have balls?' Alex complained and mocked himself.

"I-I'm sorry." Alex heard from his body.

"No, you don't need to apologize," Camron said.

'He wasn't – I mean I wasn't apologizing to you, you creepy retard!' Alex scolded.

"You don't need to tell me, I will make calculated guesses."

"Hmmm." Camron had his hand under his chin as he was deep in his thoughts. He turned his gaze to Alex.

"Even if you do have a class-1; primordial bloodline, you can only fight cultivators four ranks above yours. If you were also a nonpareil, adding it to your class-1 bloodline. Wait are you a nonpareil?"

He asked with his eyes wide open.

"Mmmm." Alex bobbed his head.

"At what stage is your weapon, Dao, at?"

He still had his previous expression on.

"The Dao sprout stage."

He said with a bit of confidence behind his timid voice.

"Wow, a 15-year-old nonpareil at the Dao sprout stage, you really are a talent. But that doesn't add up. At your stage, that means with your weapon Dao you can only fight a cultivator a rank above you." Camron resumed his deep thoughts.

'Can you at least please ask him what this class thing he's talking about is? Please.' Alex pleaded with his body.

"Can you please explain what you meant by the Class-1 bloodline?"

"You don't even know how the bloodlines are classified?"

Alex shook his head in reply.

"How have you been living all these years?"

Alex dropped his head in embarrassment.


Camron couldn't understand his new friend.

Alex's face palmed himself in his mind, he was embarrassed at the way the unknown entity controlling his actions expressed himself.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you."

"Bloodline classes is how the strength of a bloodline is classified. There are five different classes, namely;


Class-4 – BEAST BLOOD.




"These are the classes and their names, the latter stronger than the former.

Actually, there is one more class, but people choose not to believe it exists.

The Class-0 – MYTHICAL BLOOD, Popularly known as 'Rumor'."

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