The Messenger of Death

Chapter 323

Chapter 323: kymani's territory iii

"Hey, didn't you hear Kymani ask you a question boy!? Or did your mother not teach you about-"



Xander unhesitant, shot lightning at the lady that was reprimanding him. They all hated it when their mother was included in a conversation and a disrespectful one at that. The lady screamed out as she felt electricity ravage her body and cause pain to her.

The lightning didn't burn her or leave any marks on her skin, it wasn't strong enough to do so, but it did cause her pain and made the hair on her head, stand at attention.

None of them expected Xander to do anything, his sudden attack brought their hostility on him.josei

These women were about to attack Xander, they slowly started entering the pool. And Xander, seeing the hostility in their eyes, prepared to escape the scene.

Although his blood QI hadn't recovered completely, he had enough to make a short escape and buy time for Lex in case they switched.

He activated the little of what he had recovered of his lightning blood QI and glints of lightning flashed around Xander's body. Subsequently, he activated his Dragon bloodline suppression, aiming to intimidate the women that were approaching him.

"Ahh!!" The ladies that had stepped into the pool again screamed out in pain. They immediately jumped back to shore, keeping their distance away from the water. With his bloodlines ability activated, the water amplified the range of Xander's lightning, making the water his safe territory.


The glints of lightning started turning to little streaks of lightning. This was a result of Xander straining himself, preparing to leave the scene.

Even if his lightning couldn't do much to them, it could still sting them, and to him, it was enough to do whatever he wanted to do.

The ladies began feeling pressure on their minds and hearts. The pressure wasn't enough to restrict them, but it did cause some actions of caution from them. They too started to release their aura, trying to erase the pressure on them.

However, their attempts to erase the pressure on their minds were to no avail. They didn't have any Class bloodline flowing through them, and even if they did, how could they ignore the innate suppression coming from the blood of a Dragon? They didn't possess the cultivation that could do that.

The ladies stopped looking at Xander as if he was just a weak teenager, they had to take him seriously now. Some of them took their battle stances, not willing to take any chances with their visitor.

Kymani had been observing Xander's expression all this while. Even when several Sky realm cultivators released their auras, he didn't flinch nor did he feel any pressure from their auras, moreover, there was some pressure coming from him that also made her feel uneasy.

Kymani concluded that Xander possessed a bloodline, but what Class the bloodline belong to is what she couldn't tell.

'This kid has an affinity with lightning! Someone with this kind of ability has to be special and most likely possess things that could help us increase our cultivation base. Besides, if he could escape Jarja's men and make it over to my territory in such a short time and with no one tailing him, there's nothing stopping him from leaving here the same way… unless the technique takes a lot of toll on him and he has to recharge a bit.' A smile appeared on Kymani's face.

"Wait!" Kymani said to her girls, making them relax a bit, and also catching Xander's attention again.

"Rather than act like the brutes you escaped from, let's all be civil, don't you think so too?" Kymani said to Xander but she only received a cold glance as a reply. His coldness and silence made Kymani like him more, she chuckled at this.

"Smart kid, you'll live longer here if you maintain that silence. Girls, get dressed, and let's welcome our… special guest." Kymani ordered.

['Get dressed!! What do you mean by getting dressed!? I want to be welcomed like this. This is the best welcome that you can ever give to me. Please, Xander!! Do me this favor and switch with me!! I'd do anything!!'] Al cried out shamelessly. Unfortunately for him, Xander pretended like he heard nothing.

['Don't do your kid brother like this! Aren't I the youngest amongst the four of us anymore?'] Al pointed out, trying to use this to coarse Xander into switching with him.

['If we are going to use that mentality then by default I am the oldest, and as the oldest here, I ordered you to shut-'] Alex began but was interrupted by Al.

['Shut your brain matter up, Alex, the big boys are speaking.'] Al said.

Alex was about to retort when Lex beat him to it. ['Don't you think that's enough Al?'] He asked. Although Lex's voice sounded gentle, Al could hear the annoyance in his tone.

['Haha, I'm sorry… I got carried away, I'll be serious from now on.'] Al apologized.

['I wished you would give me half the respect that you give to Lex.'] Alex muttered.

Al wanted to reply, but he held himself back as he didn't want to infuriate Lex any more than he had already done. He made a snorting sound and kept quiet…

Kymani had watched Xander's expression while they were all getting dressed. She was hoping to see some kind of reluctance on his face. She was hoping that he would be bummed out that they were covering their bodies up, unfortunately for their pride, Xander's expression didn't change one bit.

"Is he impotent?" One of the beautiful ladies getting dressed blurted out. She didn't like the jab that he was giving to her self-esteem.

"Or maybe he doesn't like the opposite sex." Another lady that just finished dressing uttered.

"That's true, how else would he have no reaction after seeing so much of us? Even eunuchs would have their hearts beating fast if they were surrounded by our naked bodies." Another lady agreed.

This was their attempt to boost their deflated self-esteem.

['Hey!! I would have all of you know that every single one of us does in fact love women and have nothing! I repeat, nothing!! For the same sex! Damn it! Why does everyone hand the gay tag to us? Can't a man choose not to be aroused by a woman whenever he pleases?'] Alex complained.

His complaints earned a snort from Al and a chuckle from Lex.

By the time they were done dressing, Kymani spoke again, "You can get out of the water now, stern boy, we won't bite you." Kymani's comment made some of them laugh.

Xander looked at Kymani, wondering if he should believe what she was said.

"I can tell that you are a special boy and that you can leave here at your will… as soon as you have recharged enough," Kymani smirked at him. Revealing that she could tell that Xander was taking his time so that he could gather some energy.

Now that his plan has been seen through, Xander didn't see the use of staying in the water anymore. He started making his advance to the shore, step by step, still having some semblance of caution.

Xander still had lightning around his body, not because he was being cautious, but to use it as a means of drying the water on his body and cloth. When he reached the shore of the pool, the lightning on his body dissipated.

"Why are you welcoming me?" Xander spoke for the first time since he arrived here.

He could tell that Kymani wanted something, but he couldn't tell what exactly it was that she desired. His curiosity got to him and he went straight to the point.

"Straight to the point I see. Why don't we have a seat first, eat some fruits and meat and then talk about what I want amicably." She offered.

"Don't get me wrong, I can leave here safely at any moment, my curiosity just got the best of me." Xander refused her offer coldly.

"Wow, you must be quiet the lady's man. I assume that there are a lot of things here that you are curious about, for it to make you stay here, amongst this many women that are stronger than you. Aren't you afraid that we might decide to make you our toy and rape you whenever please?" Kymani somewhat joked.

"It's crystal clear that almost all the ladies here indulge in their selves, they prefer the same sex over the opposite. And even if it wasn't so, I still wouldn't be afraid. Frankly, none of you here are enough to make me feel fear." Xander replied smoothly.

Granting the fact that Xander wasn't the type to say or do much when he speaks, most of the words that leave his mouth are the truth. And if he had to speak the truth, he would say it regardless of where he is or whoever he is saying it to, is.

Xander had tendencies to hurt people unintentionally with his words. However, despite knowing this, he doesn't give a damn about it.

"You are being a rude little boy. Don't underestimate the ladies here, we are all strong individuals." Kymani warned.

"When did I refute that you ladies weren't strong? I just told you my truth." Xander replied, not intimidated one bit by Kymani's warning.

He still had his bloodline suppression active, putting some pressure on their minds. This made some of them believe completely that Xander really had no fear for them.

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