The Messenger of Death

Chapter 328

Chapter 328: kymani's break through

"Just where did this boy come from?" Argus muttered. "He's full of impossibilities and surprises. That crazy lady beat us to him, he would have been the Principal's disciple if not for her." Argus paused. "Even if the principal wouldn't be able to teach this boy much, his daughter-in-law's family would be able to teach him a lot. Either way, he would be with us and not that vile woman." Argus thought out loud…

In less than 30 seconds, Xander had completed his inscription. ['Compared to Professor Gorr and Ashamm, Xander's speed was nowhere close to theirs.'] Al pointed out.

Although that's the fastest that they had ever inscribed, it was still below the benchmark that they set for themselves.

Xander used his telekinesis to control the knife and poked one of his index fingers. He then made the blood that flowed out to touch the runes that he had inscribed on the air. The runes that had been radiating blue light turned red partially upon contact with Xander's blood.

"Your turn," He said to Kymani. "Just think of what I said and agree to it. Then put a drop on your blood on the contract." He pointed at the inscription that was now partially red due to his blood.

"Okay," Kymani stretched out her hands and pointed at the inscription. Xander then used the knife to poke her finger and made her blood fly towards the inscription.

As soon as Kymani's blood touched the partially red inscription, the whole thing because red. It vibrated a bit before folding and meeting with the world. Kymani could feel that her heart was bound by something she couldn't explain, something that could take her life at any moment.

"That is the law of the universe that you feel, it compels you to not betray me if you want to continue living," Xander said, informing her of her current situation.

"I understand," Kymani made it a mental note not to betray Xander. She was about to ask for the energy crystals when Xander beat her to it.

"Here are 12 blue HD-ECs," He said as he removed them from his storage ring.

Kymani's eyes were filled with joy as she stared at the finely shaped blue energy crystals. "When was the last time I set my eyes on energy crystals? These are even high-density blue energy crystals." She muttered to herself excitedly when Xander's voice reached her ears once again.

"I choose to give you high-density crystals so that you can breakthrough quickly. You should get right to it, I'm running out of patience." Xander mentioned.

He was feeling quite uneasy about this Midas petal that they were aiming to take this time, ultimately because things didn't always go smoothly for them.

"You don't have to tell me that twice," Kymani mentioned as she vanished with energy crystals and wines that Xander gave to her.

['Where did she go to?'] Alex wondered.

['There's no need to worry about that. She has already signed a blood contract with us, she will reveal herself when she's done absorbing the crystals and have made it to the Heaven cultivation realm.'] Xander pointed out.

['We can just remain here until she's done.'] Al chipped in.

['Xander, aren't you feeling tired mentally? After all that inscribing, it must be hard on your mental strength at the moment… why don't you switch with me and take a break, huh?'] Al tried to persuade.

['If you're tired Xander, just switch with me or Lex. It will be better than switching with Al.'] Alex suggested.

['Hahaha! Lex is not the perfect person to switch to within this kind of environment. After all, Xander has done, it will be impossible to believe that it's the same person that resisted the pleasure of their bodies. He can switch with you though, Alex. You wouldn't be able to hold yourself that much when seeing so much of them.'] Al snickered.

He was referring to the fact that his trigger is when Alex gets turned on beyond what he can control.

['Cease the arguments, I'm not feeling tired and my blood QI is being replenished by the second.'] Xander interrupted.

He then brought out more high-density energy crystals and began absorbing them. The energy crystals in his hands turned to dust in seconds and his Core was filled with QI once again.

Those that saw this happen couldn't help but choke on their saliva. No normal person could absorb QI from energy crystals that fast, a high-density one for that matter. It would take some people days before they can exhaust the energy in a blue HD-EC and yet Xander exhausted over 10 crystals in a few seconds.

Xander ignored the eyes that were on him and focused on digesting the QI he had just absorbed, filtering the impurities within them.


Meanwhile, in Jarja's territory.

Scar and some of his followers had just arrived at the border of Jarja's territory and moments later, Jarja arrived with a few of his followers too.

"Did you manage to capture the kid alive…" Scar started, but after checking and not sensing any Nirvana realm cultivator, he paused. "Or dead.". He finished his sentence.

"My people weren't able to catch the boy. They said that he had some kind of treasure on him that could control lightning and help him fly. He caught them by surprise and escaped towards Kymani's territory." Jarja grumbled as he spoke.

He raised the huge bone club resting in Palm and placed it on his shoulder as he starred in the direction of Kymani's territory.

"A treasure that controls lightning and can help him fly…" Scar whispered. "Meaning that he did not show his puppet or use his flame abilities?" Scar asked.

"No, nothing like. My men said that they could track his scent down, but whenever they were close, they weren't able to see the owner of the scent. It was as if he was hiding in plain sight." Jarja answered, still grumbling as he spoke.

He was unhappy because Xander had fled in the direction of someone he hated. He dreaded the feeling that he was having, that Kymani had already killed Xander taken his treasures.

'Surely a kid with so many surprising treasures is sure to have something that can help increase our cultivation if not much, just until we break through to the Heaven cultivation realm. But he just had to go over to that bitch's territory, what if she monopolizes his treasures and comes to take my head because of all I have caused for them?' Jarja thought displeasingly.

"We should head over there before that bitch kills him and takes all that he has," Jarja suggested impatiently.

"No, we'll wait. If she had captured the boy, dead or alive, she will contact me just like you did. She is someone that has shame and likes to keep her words." Scar mentioned and turned back with his men.

"You believe that she will hand anything over to you if wait for her?!" Jarja attempted to change Scar's mind. If he goes to her territory alone, then he would be looking for trouble. But if he goes with Scar, then Kymani would have no choice but to entertain their trespassing to an extent.

"The only difference between you and the beasts in this forest is that you can speak and they cannot. Kymani and I still preserve some sense of morality so if she has captured the boy, dead or alive, she will contact me. We all plan on leaving this prison together, more or less, this whole plain realm. There's no use in fighting amongst ourselves like we used to do in the past. I'm warning you, don't start a fight with her because I wouldn't be siding with you if you did." Scar said as he was walking away.

Soon, he and his men began flying one after the other, leaving Jarja and his people in their territory.

"This fucking airhead dares to insult me!!"


Clouds of dust and rocks flew up, into the air as Jarja struck the earth with his bone club, creating a deep crater on the ground. "I'm not going to stand around and wait for that woman to get stronger than me." Jarja rose into the air and went back to where he came from, to prepare for battle against Kymani, and her people.

Roughly 3 days had passed since Kymani took the energy crystals and went into seclusion to make her breakthrough. On the fourth day, she finally came out of seclusion as a rank-1 Heaven realm cultivator.

The smile on her face was the biggest she had ever put on. She stretched her limbs, waking up the muscles there before squatting and shooting up into the sky as fast as she could.


The place Kymani had been standing a few moments ago had given in to the force that came off Kymani's leg and turned into a huge hole. It had no cracks or any sign of destruction, it just caved in.

Soon she arrived in front of Xander with a smile on her face. "Are you all ready to leave this godforsaken place?!" Kymani shouted excitedly.

"Yess!!" The ladies of her territory screamed out in reply.

"Get ready to move in an hour," Kymani ordered.

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