The Messenger of Death

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: hall of judgement

Alex stopped in front of a huge double door. The huge double doors had the word "HALL OF JUDGEMENT" written on the top of it. On his way, he didn't meet any guards or staff. And now even the doors to the hall weren't guarded, Alex felt like something was wrong.

He removed his skin crawler. It was an unspoken rule to remove every disguise you had on when entering the hall of judgment. Every senior member of the organization had a badge and a certain attire that represented their rank. Alex always had his own on. As he was about to push the doors open, he heard voices coming from within.

"You filthy wench!"

'That sounded like Kain's voice. Good thing that he's here, but who is he referring to?' Alex thought to himself.

"You claim to care for him but you still send him on suicide missions!! So much for your so-called care."

"That sounded like Sheila's voice," Alex said.

"You will pay the price!" He heard Kain say.

Alex pushed the doors open and what he saw confused him.

He saw a man that looked like he was in his early 30s, with brown hair that extended to the tip of his nose. A square like face with a stubby chin. In a black and white robe that the Head supreme always wore.

"Kain?" Alex whispered under his breath with a frown on his face.josei

He saw that Kain was in the Head Supremes' attire and Sheila, Kain's fiancée was sitting on the ground with her hair disheveled.

"What's going on here?"

Both Kain and Sheila turned to look at where the voice came from.

"Alex, you're here," Sheila said in relief as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Alex looked at Kain and said.

"What's going on here Kain, why are you in the Head Supremes' clothes? Why is Sheila sitting on the ground in tears?"

"Is that how you speak to your superior?" Kain asked with a scorn on his face.

"You refused to bow or acknowledge your Head Supreme! Such insolence will get you punished."

Alex still stared at Kain in confusion. It took him a few seconds before he understood.

"You're the Head Supreme?"

"Yes, I am," Kain replied.

"Since when? For how long have you been deceiving me?" Alex asked, feeling betrayed.

"You asked that attendant to keep an eye on me, why?"

"Alex, can you come closer?" Sheila asked.

Alex went towards Sheila and stretched his hand as if asking her to take it.

"No." She said whilst shaking her head.

"I don't have the strength to stand Alex. I've been.. Alex I've been poisoned." Sheila said with a sad smile and tears gushing out of her eyes.

Alex felt like someone poured cold water on him. He looked at Kain with anger in his eyes.

"What did you do Kain?!! Wasn't she meant to be your bride, why would you poison her?! Where is the antidote?!" Alex asked frantically.

"Bride? Ooh, the word her family used to cover the fact that she had been made a slave. She's just a slave, whether I poisoned her or not shouldn't concern you... And the antidote, Hmmm."

Kain put a hand on his chin as if to say he was trying to recall something. He then put his hand into his robe and brought out a very small bottle filled with green liquid.

"You mean this little thing?"

"Give it to me Kain. I was the one that decided to disobey you. I made the decision myself. She has nothing to do with it, so punish me and let her go." Alex said.

"Oh, I do plan on giving you a punishment, Sheila is…"

"Then give me the antidote!" Alex interrupted Kain.

"Sheila is your punishment. Without her, any other punishment would be meaningless to you."

"What do you mean by that?" Alex asked. He could feel his heart pounding hard against his chest.

"It means exactly what it means. You should know that your actions have repercussions." Kain smirked.

"Kain!!! Give me the antidote now!!" Alex shouted in rage.

"Okay, okay, calm down Alex. Here you can have it" Kain sighed.

Kain threw the bottle towards Alex's position. But it went above his head.

"Smash!!!" The bottle crashed and broke.

"Bastard!!" Alex shouted at the top of his voice. He brought out a laser gun and pointed it at Kain.

"If you don't want to get shot hand over the antidote," Alex said in anger.

"Hahahahaha. Alright, Alex." He brought out another bottle that looked like the first one he threw. He was about to throw it over when Alex stopped him.

"Wait!! I'll come to you. Don't make any sudden movements." Kain raised his hands in the air.



Alex got shot on his shoulder. He looked over to where the shot had come from.

A mouthwatering woman with a short haircut, in an all-black combat suit, appeared with her gun pointed at Alex. The combat suit portrayed all of her selling points.

"Urni!! F*cking bitch." Alex said in pain.

He brought out a knife from his boots and ran towards Kain.

"Pew-pew. Pew-pew." Urni fired multiple shots at Alex.

Alex dived and rolled on the ground dodging all the shots coming at him.

"Don't kill him Urni!" Kain said.

Urni stopped shooting at Alex and readjusted her aim to Sheila's position.


"AAAHH," Sheila screamed out.

Alex stopped running and looked back at Sheila's position. There was a hole with smoke coming out in front of her.

"If you move I'll shoot her. She can't dodge lasers as you do." Urni said with a smirk on her face.

"Fuck you!" Alex said to her.

"Gladly, you set the time and place and I'll come through." Urni licked her lips and said. She then winked at Alex.

Alex glared at Urni, if looks could kill she would have been dead 10 times over. Suddenly Alex felt his knees getting weak. He fell on one knee and used a hand to hold himself steady.

"What's happening to me?" Alex couldn't understand how he suddenly started to feel weak.

"Hahaha. You're as resilient as always Alex. The poison is finally kicking in. Don't worry the poison in you is not lethal. But the one in her is. It will kill her slowly." Kain said smiling. Feeling good as the situation was going according to his plans.

"When was I poisoned?"

A sudden realization hit him.

"The snacks from the hovercar," He said in regret.

"I suggest you spend her last moments with her because I never had any antidote on me," Kain added.

"Why Kain!? Why do this? This is the first time I've disobeyed you. There's no need to take a life because of my decisions." Alex said.

"That's a bit hypocritical coming from you. You, Alexander, You alone have taken thousands and thousands of lives in the past 8 years. The people you assassinated all made a decision that got them or someone important to them killed. Now for her, you act like this?" Kain said feeling irritated.

"Why!!!??" Alex used all the strength he could muster up and shouted at Kain.

"Why!!? Because she is a huge liability to you, Alex. I can't let you have such liabilities. I raised you so that you can take over as the head from me, I've treated you like I would treat a son of mine. Yet you go against my words for a slave!!" Kain shouted back at Alex.

"If you really think of me as a son of yours then you would save her. If you really see me as your son why would you want to kill the woman I love?" Alex asked in a sad tone.

"It is because I think of you as a son that I have to do this. As the next head of the organization, you need to know that the head that wears the crown is always heavy." Kain said and turned towards doors then left the room. He left and Urni followed him.

"If she dies because of me then I wouldn't accept being your successor," Alex said.

Alex dragged his body across the floor till he was beside Sheila. She didn't have the strength to sit anymore so she laid on the floor.

"Sheila." He sat down and placed her head on his laps. He removed her hair from her face, stroking her cheeks.

"You said that you love me?" Sheila asked before she started to cough violently.

"cough cough cough."

She coughed out a mouth full of blood. Alex couldn't take it anymore and shed the first tears in 10 years.

"Yes I do Sheila, I love you and I've been in love with you for years now," Alex said as he started to sob. His tears dripping on her face, mixing in with her tears.

She struggled to raise a hand to touch Alex's cheek. Alex leaned into her palm and held her hand in place to stop it from falling from his cheek.

"Alex, I'm happy. And I'm also feeling sad. I can finally hear the words that I've been hoping to hear from you. I've also fallen in love with you. It happened unexpectedly. I'm sad because I could only hear them at these final moments of mine" Sheila chuckled. She closed her eyes and sobbed harder from the physical and emotional pain she was feeling.

"I'm happy that I can see you at this moment. I'm happy that you have these emotions, I'm happy that I can see you shed tears. And I'm sad that I am the reason for these tears."

She said, sobbing harder than she had been.

"Alex I need you to promise me some things. Would you?" Sheila asked with a smile.

Alex who had been sobbing and staring into her eyes nodded in agreement.

"Although this might be hard on you, I want you to fall in love again. Fall in love with a girl that is worthy of you. I want you to try and be nicer to other people give them compliments, not everyone in the solar system is twisted and bad, and there are some out there that are just like me. I want you to smile and live every day to the fullest. Deep down, I know that you're human. Leave the organization for good once you have the chance to... I want to hear you promise me these."

"You have my word. I promise to do everything that you've asked of me." He held her in his arms and hugged her tight. Crying on her neck.

"One last request, can I have your first kiss?"

Alex pressed his lips on Sheila's lips. He didn't mind the blood in her mouth. They stayed like that for a minute before their lips came apart.

"Thank you. And Alex, please do not try to avenge me" she said weakly with a smile...

Those were Sheila's last words.

"AARRGGHH" Alex roared out. Crying harder than he had ever cried. Alex broke down.

Suddenly he passed out.

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