The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

105 Chapter One Hundred Five

Katie looked around at the eyes that were staring at her sleeping. Many of them bore blue eyes and did not look at all like people she knew. She could tell they were important although they meant nothing to her. Her eyes lingered longer on the man that had awoken her before searching the room for people that she knew. She found that Sandra, Cole’s alphas and her adoptive parents were among those that waited for her.

“Hey... Welcome back to the land of the living,” Cole started. She knew of her situation that had nearly gotten her to see the afterlife and at the moment, she was staring at the dashing knight that had pulled her out of it.

‘Come on, Katie. Why are you wasting time?’ Ashley began, the impatient wolf ruining the entire moment. Katie smiled at Cole while internally scolding the wolf.

‘You just had to voice my thoughts out to me. Besides, we have one hell of an audience,’ she replied. “Thank you for pulling me out of it,” she expressed her gratitude engulfing the man in a tight hug.

The rest of the room seemed to wake up upon hearing her voice, the lot of them stunned from the moment of her waking, “Katie, are you feeling okay?” Marie’s voice was the first to cut through to her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. What happened after I passed out?” she asked, skipping over the fact that she’d just woken from the brink of death.

“I should have known you’d ask for a report right after waking up from your own deathbed,” Tom groaned, unimpressed by the girl’s behaviour.

Katie couldn’t help but chuckle at him. She didn’t let Cole take his hand from her when he did and gave the male a pleading look. “Won’t I be in the way of...”

“No, I want you here. That’s that,” she simplified the situation giving him no room for escape. Part of him was happy that she wanted him by her side while the other didn’t want to be a hindrance to anything the rest wished to discuss with her.


“Well, how’s this going to go?” King Davin asked the one question that no one had bothered to ask, “I for one would like to know just how well she’s doing. Doctor, can you tell if she’s completely back to normal?”

“She should be good to go for the moment. Unfortunately, the arrows were targeting the parts of her muscles that are crucial for movement. The ones on her thighs stuck too close to the tendons while the ones in her shoulders damaged her sockets. I advise that she take it easy for at least a month before she can do anything physically tasking,” the doctor explained, “Other than that, I’ll get the paperwork for a discharge ready. I believe she’s fine enough to leave the infirmary.”

“I’m fine... I don’t feel any...” Katie stopped as she tested out her arm rotating it in a vertical circle. A sharp pain shot from her shoulder numbing her hand while she winced in pain... “I stand corrected.”

“As I said, Katie, you might look okay on the outside, but the tissues that were damaged inside are much harder for you to fix. Don’t do anything tasking for the meantime,” the doctor repeated.

Katie, acting deaf, swung her legs out so that she could try to walk, “Hey, calm down. You can’t skip over everything that the doctor says...” Cole stopped halfway when he had to catch the falling girl. She tried three more times to get up. Each time, her thighs burned with pain from the internal injuries and gave way. Cole held her steady and helped her take a seat on the bed.

“She’s a stubborn one, isn’t she?” a deep voice rumbled through the room. Katie looked up to see a man in his forties dressed in only a shirt and custom issue leather jeans, similar to the ones that the director wore, but these were different. They were made for someone of a higher rank than the director. The aura that came from him was much more refined than what Katie usually got from the hunters that she normally talked to.

“Did you see him?” she asked the man.

“Who might you be referring to?” the man asked.

“Who else would I be referring to when I ask a Mighty warrior?” her voice was steeled as he addressed the man.

“I’m afraid I might have been a tad bit late. Who do you refer to? If it’s the Rogue King, then I’d like to tell you that he was not there,” the man said.

Katie sighed, “I guess you did come later than you should have.” The room fell into yet another deep silence. They wrestled to make sense of what the girl was saying.

“He wasn’t there, was he?” Lina was the one to ask this time.

“Oh, he was there, but I wasn’t strong enough to pose him a threat,” she said, holding on to Cole’s hand tighter. She didn’t say, but the man was her only anchor from the enraged state she’d been in earlier. Memories of that night filled her mind once again. She could remember the feeling of being heavily exhausted. Her wolf merging with her consciousness to face their greatest foe, only to get shot down by arrows... arrows...

“I think you...”

“Where are the arrows that I was shot with?” she asked them, looking around frantically in the hopes that they’d been removed from the infirmary and still around.

“We left them behind when we’d removed them from your body,” Lina said, recalling the events from when she’d met her.

“I don’t remember you. That’s too far into the forest for me to retrieve them,” she groaned, “Would someone tell me what happened already.”

“Not after you answer the question. Was he there?” the Mighty Warrior asked her.

“Oh, he was there. I saw him with my two eyes. Powerful royal with two... umm, beta alphas...” the word was far in her memory as it was never part of the things she was meant to deal with.

“That’s impossible. There are only two Royals in the world allowed to have beta alphas,” King Davin snapped.

“I don’t see how it counts if a Royal simply never reveals that he has beta alphas in secret. It’s just a matter of deceit,” she flipped the man over.

“Katie, I believe you haven’t met these people just yet. Let’s make an introduction,” Marie said.

“Well, that saves me quite the trouble,” she perked up staring at the new faces. Her wolf huffed upon noticing the girl’s techniques of delaying interrogation. ‘You know it would be much easier if they knew quickly enough...’

‘There will be a time for that, Ashley,’ she said to the wolf, smiling when she calmed down.

“Katie, meet your biological family. It’s definitely not the introduction that we hoped for. The hotel suite was even ready for your arrival, but I guess there was a change of plans,” Martha spoke for the family.

Recognition sparked in her eyes when she recognised the two from the newspaper from eighteen years ago, “I remember you two from an old newspaper. Wow, you are not the same...”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I am known for staying young and ageless if you must know,” the large man spoke, rubbing his hand through his hair to prove his point and smirking at the end. Cole found himself growling at the gesture even though there was no foul play in what he did. It was Katie’s turn to laugh this time...

“So you’re King Davin Sirius,” she confirmed. The Royals were among the people she’d come to know to be very warm to be around. They had no desire to cause trouble and were as peaceful as they could get...

“Yes, that is I. Right here is my lovely mate and wife, Martha Sirius,” he said, proudly puffing out his chest.

“How do you both have blue eyes? I know the Royals don’t intermarry,” Katie said, making an observation that no one had bothered to voice the entire time the wolves had been in Brigadia.

“You’re either sharp or have no fear for the Royal’s whatsoever,” Davin chuckled, “It’s quite simple. The colour of the royal’s mate changes when she’s claimed. Specifically after marking each other... It’s the final signal that a new Luna has been chosen... Well, in the case of the crown princes, that is...” he said.

“My name is Lina. I would be your kid sister,” the youngest of the said, smiling from within the large leather jacket that now looked like it was never meant for her. Katie looked between the girl and the Mighty Hunter...

“Is that yours?”

“I had to use my own shirt to stop the bleeding before you were brought here,” she defended herself, having been questioned numerous times on the choice of wear. Lina was not amused by the looks she was getting, “This coat hasn’t done a difference from the clothes I normally wear,” the girl groaned.

A man who looked to be Cole’s agemate slapped the girl on the back, “Oh, don’t worry little sister. This will all blow by once you learn a thing or two from your older sister. The name’s Drake, crown prince to the Sirius crown.”

“You don’t have to announce it like that, boy. I am still the king for many years,” King Davin argued with the boy.

“Father, your time will soon come to an end. Just keep the throne warm for me. Besides, I do not want to rule just yet. That paperwork is a beast,” Drake chuckled, spreading his contagious smile through the room.

“I’d like to clear the room so that Katie has less to attend to. Anyone who isn’t a part of the Sirius family can now get out. That doesn’t apply to you, Cole,” Marie said out loud, the last part directed to Cole. She had noticed the fa?ade Katie had put on while the people swarmed her. she didn’t want to ignore her friends, but there didn’t seem to be an option when she was faced with the family that very much wanted to talk to her. The girl mouthed a quick ‘thank you...’ to her adoptive mother and sighed in relief as the numbers in the room reduced. josei

Pulling Cole closer, she settled against the Royal like he was a pillow. The man responded by wrapping his arms around her and getting comfortable. He might have been liking his role as emotional anchor a little too much... (or maybe a lot...)

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