The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

125 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five

Sandra noticed the scene before her a little later than she would have liked. Katie was walking over to the counter of the makeshift bar with murder written all over her. “Hey, Katie, wait,” the girl rushed over to her friend and stopped her in time. Crysta noticed the two and gave a knowing smirk. Cole didn’t seem to notice what was happening as he had his back turned to them.

“Shouldn’t he have caught my scent by now?” Katie asked the girl.

“I don’t know, Katie, but...” the girl’s voice was drowned out of the hunter’s perception when she noticed only one thing wrong with the scene before her... and that was the glass that was being presented to her mate. She’d already watched him drink one before, but the girl before him kept bringing more. Katie’s senses had never let her down and knowing what she knew made her even angrier than she would have been.

“Hey, Cole,” she called out when she was behind the man. Cole reluctantly turned back. His face showed confusion as he looked at his mate. He was happy to see her but also bewildered that he hadn’t noticed her approaching him. The two girls beside him barred Katie’s advance which angered him.

“Would you step aside so that I might hold what’s mine?” Cole asked the girls politely.

“And what exactly might that be?” Crysta asked, leaning over the counter so that she was closer to the royal while he answered the question. Katie clenched her fist in anger upon seeing what was going on. Despite her minimum knowledge of the way werewolf society worked, she knew this was all sorts of wrong.

Cole stood up and walked past the girls, pulling Katie into his arms, “I’d like all of you to meet, Katie Sirius, my mate. Katie, why can’t I catch your scent? I have to be very close...” he announced, the question directed more to the girl in his arms who didn’t fight his hug, but rather returned it.

“Maybe you’d like to ask the slut who’s been drugging you,” Katie replied to him, before pulling out of their hug.

“What would make you say something of the sort? Do you have any idea who I am?” Crysta snarled at her. Katie walked up to the counter and took the glass of the counter.


“Sandra, I’d like to have this glass tested...” she handed the glass over to the girl. With Sandra gone, Katie didn’t think she had anyone else to stop her from pummelling the beta that had crossed the last line she could allow. Two people she cared about most besides her family and she’d drugged one of them.

“Katie, wait... besides my senses, there was no more damage,” Cole said, pulling her into another embrace... this embrace she fought.

“You don’t know that Cole. There could be more effects only waiting to rear their ugly heads. This b...”

“I’m fine, Katie. I’m resistant to drugs,” he said briefly, bringing her struggle to a halt.

“What do you mean you are resistant to drugs?” she asked, turning so that she could face him.

“I mean exactly that... Any drug doesn’t work on me. Whether a poison or medicinal, I’m resistant to them. It’s only rarely that they mess with a few of my senses. Those are the powerful ones though... Which I think the girl has used against me...” he explained.

“And you expect me to turn a blind eye at something like that...”

“Someone’s acting like a bigshot. What exactly can you do against me, little pup? Rumour has it that you’re so new to being a wolf that you don’t even know how to shift. I’ll swallow you whole little pup,” Crysta’s voice came again.

“I can rip your head off your shoulders,” Katie replied, anger threatening to get the better of her. As a trained hunter, that was only something she could do if she was facing a rogue, but Crysta didn’t have to know that.

Crysta began to laugh upon hearing this, “Oh, I doubt that. Even Lina has trouble fighting me. The Sirius females are really lacking in physical strength. The only difference is that you are more inexperienced. There is nothing you can do to hurt me,” Crysta said, “As for the claim of being mated to Cole. No one is going to take that crap for long.”

“What was that, Crysta?” Cole’s voice broke through the argument, “What delusions have you gotten yourself convinced about? I was going to let the poisoning slide, but not accusing Katie of lying...”

“You’ll come to your senses soon enough, Cole,” Crysta smirked before prancing away from the bar, her friends in tow. josei

“Let’s get you something to eat,” Cole told the girl, who just nodded and let the male take the lead. Ashley chose that moment to return from her self-imposed restraints. ‘I just want to shove that girl’s head five feet into the ground...’

‘What’s stopping you?’ Katie giggled.

‘Well, royals have many rules that bind them. If that wasn’t the case, I would have taught her a lesson. Until we know just how much we are allowed to do without tripping any alarms, I can’t act on my emotions. Which is why you are to use that hunter training that turned you into a killing machine for a while now...’

‘Killing machine... Did you have to say it like that?’ the girl groaned, before getting invaded by the smell of seasoned barbecue.

“Okay, that’s amazing,” she swooned, getting the plate Cole had brought to her. It was comprised of only meat. There was nothing else to supplement... “Is this even legal?”

“What do you mean, ‘legal’?” Cole asked as he took her up to a table. The ‘gentleman’ in him made him pull out a chair for her to take a seat.

“It’s only meat... No fries... Nothing else, but meat...”

“Did you want me to add something else...”

“No, this will do just fine,” Cole chuckled at her reaction before she began to dig in.

“It is hard to rear animals with rogues still out there, but the capitals are some of the places where the rogues don’t attack for purposes as small as stealing cattle. That would be suicidal of them. So the meat here is quite abundant. When you couple that with hunting, there is just enough for everyone. I expect you to eat to your fill,” he explained.

“Mm-hmm, I hear you, Cole. You should as well,” she replied, absentmindedly (partly Ashley’s fault)

“I’m surprised no one is asking you how you are walking yet,” he mused.

“They are all focused on keeping this event perfect. I bet they will have that question on their mind tomorrow morning. Or maybe if...”

Cole had to look up from his meal when Katie went silent. The girl looked about the backyard frantically. Her eyes scanned the environment fast, but didn’t seem to pick up on anything. “Katie, what is it?”

“I don’t know. There is someone here. Someone who wasn’t here before but...”

“So that’s the famous Katie Sirius,” a voice came from behind Katie. Cole hadn’t noticed the man’s approach even when he was the one who would have been first to see him, “Are you looking for someone?”

Unlike King Sirius, this man was dressed in a black suit of the same design and looked significantly older than the king. His eyes glowed a bright yellow that announced his status all too well. Cole couldn’t recognise him, which only meant he was a royal in the Sirius family. He was well built and exuded an aura that rivalled that of the rogue king himself.

The few wrinkles in his face did nothing to make him look weakened by age. As Katie took in the man’s appearance, she got a deep sense of insecurity. ‘This man is powerful,’ she thought to herself. Ashley silently agreed with her... “Umm, no one in particular...” she replied. Could he have been the one that she was sensing the entire time? Either way, she looked at it, this man was beyond her capabilities. She hadn’t assessed the other members of the royal family and hadn’t intended to as they were her family, but this man gave her chills.

The king came rushing towards them, “Hey, how did you get here so fast? Hey, Katie... yeesh, that’s a lot of meat. Not princessy of you... Meet my brother... Alpha Sean of the Sirius pack... Once again, how the hell did you get here so fast?” Davin continued, pulling his brother away from the two of them before they had time to be acquainted.

“I’ve heard of him, but I’d never seen him up close,” Cole mentioned, keeping his eyes on the man.

“What’s his story? He gives me chills,” Katie asked him.

“Well, he’s Davin’s brother... That’s what everyone says, but he also looks older than Davin which is odd. I would think that the firstborn of the King would take the throne. So I can’t tell you I know what’s going on between them,” he explained, “Is something the matter...”

“I don’t know...” Katie said, poking the food before her, “I just can’t shake the feeling that I can’t trust him. There is a lot of ‘complicated’ here that it’s suffocating. If it wasn’t because of the trouble I caused my parents by using the Royal tone, I would have broken that girl’s nose,” she sighed.

“I would have liked to see that, but that’s just about how far I’d let you go. Has anyone told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Cole began.

“Well, no one that I cared to hear it from,” the girl replied, finding it harder to look the royal straight in the eye. Just then, Katie noticed the change in their surroundings that had gotten Cole to compliment her. Music played in the background and a few couples had gotten up to dance. The party, she realised was a gathering with no specific agenda besides having fun... Beautiful flowers lined the walls and trees, bringing the place alive in an array of beautiful flowers and lights carefully placed amongst them.

Katie saw it coming a mile away, “Would you grant me this dance, Katie?”

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