The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

140 Chapter One Hundred Forty

Katie scanned the room for a seat while she waited for the others to get done with their introductions. As it so happened, the royal did not need to introduce herself. She’d been expected by the school, but for some reason, the others weren’t. This confirmed the lack of flow of information between the two royal families that she’d been trying to figure out.

“Trevor, would you do the honours?” the teacher spoke up, breaking Katie out of her survey. She’d found a perfect seat at the back left of the room. The girl didn’t like attracting attention in the class and the vantage point allowed her to look at everyone in the room as what was outside. Unfortunately for her, the windows that looked out to the vibrant green of nature was already occupied by a group that gave her chills.

‘Why does this feel familiar?’ the girl couldn’t help, but wonder. The boy at the very back right corner stood at the teacher’s summons. He was built better than most a human and looked like he could handle himself in a fight. This was no ordinary human and all five of the new arrivals could tell.

“As the teacher just mentioned, my name is Trevor. That is all that you will need to know other than the fact that I am the head hunter in this school, the student division. Everything concerning werewolf-human violence is to be reported directly to me. I do not expect any of you to be causing any trouble in this school. I have the power to issue a suspension and... Prometheus-forbid, an expulsion,” the class descended into silence at the violence in the boy’s words.

Katie was smiling her ears off at the sight before her. She’d been the head hunter at her former school and had to make the same... ‘Wait, why is he in this class? I was just exceptional...’ the thought hit like a meteor. The girl raised her hand. Trevor sighed before allowing her to speak.

“Why is the head hunter in this class?” she asked. Sandra caught up with the reason for the question.

“That’s because I’m the best. That much should be obvious,” he flipped her off. Ashley stirred within Katie’s mind, ‘He would be nice to toss around...’

‘Did you miss the part where he said no causing trouble?’ Katie asked the wolf, pushing her to the back of her mind.

‘The details are usually boring until you decide to get involved,’ Ashley replied, yawning and retreating to the back of her consciousness.


“Yeah, I guess that’s about right,” Katie replied, turning to the teacher, “Is there anything else we must know?”

“I just have a question. How are the five of you all supposed to be in the same class? Is this supposed to be some kind of security detail?” the teacher asked, running her eyes through them suspiciously.

“That is not part of what you’re obligated to know. They are in the system, their papers check out and the royals can vouch for their presence here,” Katie replied with a hint of hostility in her voice. The teacher backed off.

“You can take your seats then,” the teacher said, with her hands raised in surrender. Katie took her seat at the desk that mirrored Trevor’s purely out of habit. Unbeknownst to her, the hunter had taken notice of the way she was conducting herself.

“Do they intrigue you, Trevor?” one of his friends asked him.

After a moment of thought, “It’s hard to deny that. Two royals, two trained alphas and a human girl who might just be a hunter. This school year might just be interesting after all.”


Lessons proceeded normally and Katie was disappointed to find that they were teaching something she had read about in Brigadia. ‘Reading ahead makes education boring... Or is it my hunter parents that made the mistake of teaching me?’ Sandra, however, was struggling to keep up and found that she had to borrow a textbook and make a few summaries of the work that she’d missed during their trip.

The bell that signalled lunch break sounded and Katie internally rejoiced for the freedom. In her current seat, she didn’t have the option of looking out the window. They were raised and tinted to keep students from being interrupted by whatever happened in the hallway. “Someone hates school,” Jason mumbled as he finished the work he had. Caden peeped into his friend’s book and facepalmed.

“None of that is right at all. Sandra, can I see your work? It might make the slightest bit of sense,” Caden complained. Sandra passed over her book. Caden’s face lit up as though he’d found gold and he began to copy everything he saw like it was the gospel.

“I believe they would call that plagiarism,” Katie sighed.

“And you haven’t written a thing in your notebook,” Cole noted beside her.

“Katie knows everything that has been taught. She gets ridiculously lazy when she is taught something a second time,” Sandra beat her to the explanation.

“Aren’t you guys going to have lunch?” a feminine voice interrupted them. Crysta stood before them with her hands folded across her chest. If it wasn’t for the red lights she raised in Katie’s mind, she would have openly called her beautiful, but that was far from a possibility now.

They looked around and noticed the class was nearly empty. On the other side of the class, Trevor and one of his friends sat in a heated discussion, or at least that’s what they looked like they were doing, “Oh, I hadn’t noticed the class was empty already,” Katie replied.

“Follow me and I’ll show you where the Sirius wolves hang,” Crysta offered, smirking with her hand outstretched for Caden to take. Caden took the girl’s hand and stood up, a gesture they all recognised as an acceptance of the girl’s offer. They packed what they had and followed the girl out.

“So the rumours say she’s a hunter, huh,” Katie’s ears perked up at the conversation taking place at the other corner of the room. Werewolf hearing came in handy that way, but for a hunter, he was being sloppy at keeping his conversation clandestine. Katie’s hunter mind was already looking for reasons clandestine. As the head hunter, Trevor was not supposed to be prone to such a mistake. ‘That’s just cruel...’ Ashley groaned finally catching up with Katie’s thoughts.

Crysta led them through the halls straight to the cafeteria. “So, since you guys are royalty, you just have to make the order and the food will be brought to you,” she explained. Upon noticing our arrival, a human behind the counter rushed out from the other side of the kitchen. She fumbled, wiping her hands against the fabric of her apron. She brandished a notepad and spewed the contents of the menu in a hurry that Katie almost missed some of the things that she said. josei

“Oh come on, Kendra. You don’t have to be that scared of them. They don’t bite you know,” Honour’s angelic voice interrupted. The girl walked up to them dressed in an apron similar to that of the shaking nervous girl before them. She picked the pen and notepad from the girl, “I’ll take it from here, Kendra.”

“Look who’s doing community work once again,” Crysta rolled her eyes.

“There is nothing wrong with lending a helping hand every now and then, Crysta. You should try it out sometime. It might show a side to you that you don’t even know exists,” Honour countered, “Now if you don’t mind, I’ll take your orders and have them brought over to you in the Den.”

Katie’s eyes widened at the mention of the ‘Den.’ That hadn’t been part of the tour, “Very well, runt. The Den, bring only the best on the menu today extra meat. You know how it goes.”

‘Does she has to be so mean when she’s speaking to her?’ Katie wondered internally.

‘Well, that’s what happens when a powerful werewolf is speaking to one that’s weaker than it. It’s just how it works,’ Ashley explained.

‘That’s sick and twisted,’ Katie retorted.

‘Well, it could be worse. I didn’t expect that behaviour in the Sirius pack, but I guess it can’t be helped. Honour should only be grateful she doesn’t get picked on every time those above her get to see her,’ Ashley shrugged.

“If you would only follow me, I’ll show you where the Den is,” Crysta called to them. Katie was about to turn to leave when she noticed a part of the cafeteria that didn’t seem to fit. Nostalgia came rushing back like a storm. Cole had his hands around the girl before she could rush over to that part of the cafeteria.

“Maybe another time, dear. Let’s get the tour part of being here done, then you... I mean, we can do all the exploring that we want to,” she whispered into her ear.

“How can I deny it when you say it like that?” Katie said, giving up her struggle.

“Do you think she knew we were here? I know our scents are well hidden by the wolfsbane-lined walls?” the voice of one of the hunters reached her again.

“I doubt it. That was just the look of someone curious at everything they see,” this voice she knew to be Trevor. The bitterness in his tone was impossible to miss.

“Umm, Cole, did you happen to hear what the hunters were discussing when we were in the classroom?” Katie asked Cole, who now had his hand around her waist. Similarly, hers was draped across his shoulder.

“Not really... They talk in tones hushed enough to keep werewolf hearing out of their conversations. Are you worried about something?” he asked.

“No, it’s nothing important...”


The Den turned out to be a separate building from the main school building and it was filled completely with werewolves. A few humans were littered here and there in large groups of werewolves even though it was clear who was supposed to be there. A ring was set up in one corner of the large building and tables were arranged all over the place for them to have where to eat and talk. Groups of all sorts littered the room, couples, goths, glorious pack warriors. The only reason anyone needed to be here was to be a werewolf.

Katie was impressed...

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