The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

143 Chapter One Hundred Forty Three

The bell that ended the last session soon went setting the school into the chaos caused by students breaking off from school. Excitement filled the air, many of them rushed out before the teacher could finish what he was saying about assignments and extra credit assignments. He soon realised it was hopeless and resigned to his seat.

Katie chuckled, glad that school remained the same everywhere. This time, she wasn’t so sure about the concept the man had taught and had been able to distract herself from thinking about her mate while he was away. Thankfully, he stepped back into the class after a few minutes had gone by(not that she needed him to breathe or anything.)

“So the mighty Katie has got a few kinks in her armour of education,” Jason announced peeping into the work the girl had managed to produce from her mind.

“I am not the goddess of wisdom, Jason,” she replied, looking at her effort one more time before closing the book. Sandra had enjoyed the lesson as it was about werewolf history. She’d read so much about it that she barely needed to focus on the topic. Katie had spent her time learning how to kill them instead and reading about their strengths and weaknesses.

Her eyes were glued to the sleeping wolf beside her. Jason noticed and pulled her into a hug, pulling her away from Caden, “Careful, he bites in his sleep and I have the sole responsibility to protect you,” he joked.

“Maybe you can try to do your protecting in a different way than this. I’ve never seen Caden sleep in a class,” Sandra asked.

“He sleeps every once in a while. I am surprised he slept today though...” Jason announced.

“That shirt though. Has that shirt always been that small?” It was one of the shirts that Katie had come to know as Caden’s, but it had never been that small on him...

“No, it’s not always been like that. The two of us are going shopping later,” Jason spoke up.


“It’s rare for werewolves to find classrooms to be comforting,” a voice cut through their conversation. Katie found her eye twitching at the sound of their new arrival. She was fine with Crysta nowadays, but this was someone else. Someone she wanted to teach a lesson in humility. How to do that proved to be a problem though...

“What brings you here, Trevor? I was certainly sure you were done giving the welcoming speech,” Katie asked the boy with a wide smile on her face.

“I only wanted to ask what it felt like to be alive again. I also did some digging and found out very fantastic news about you,” Trevor spoke thoughtfully.

Katie wasn’t sure how much a junior hunter could get from the information that was concealed from them. They were considered liabilities to the system amongst the hunters. Getting Sandra to be allowed into the meetings back in Brigadia had been a very hard thing to pull off... Based on the boy’s behaviour, Katie couldn’t quite place how much he would get with his connections.”

“Cole, are you done with your part of the essay?” Katie asked the royal, completely ignoring the hunter before her.

“I am almost done indeed,” he replied, “Some of these events feel like an oversimplification of what happened though.”

Katie chuckled at his reply and looked into his work. Her jaw dropped as the first lines of the story were not only well written but heavily detailed. “It’s no surprise you know so much about werewolf history, but this is still too much. Were you ever thinking of becoming a history teacher part-time?”

“A king working as a part-time history teacher...” he paused trying to comprehend what she’d just said, “I would only do that if my student was my mate.” With this he continued writing, leaving the princess flushed... ‘Dashing, isn’t he?’ Ashley began swooning over their ‘perfect’ mate.

“Already skipped to the silent treatment. I must have hit a nerve,” Trevor cleared his throat.

“The only nerve you’re hitting is...”

“Oh, I’m not finished. I heard that on the night you shifted, you attacked a whole number of hunters in Brigadia and some of them are still recovering as we speak,” he cut her off to voice his discoveries, “I’m watching you, Katie Sirius. You might think you’re some new hotshot, but that doesn’t matter to me. I will make sure you fall in line like the rest of the werewolves in this school.”

“I’d expect nothing more from the head hunter. I am still wondering why they don’t have a real hunter as the head hunter though,” she groaned at the end, a direct attack on the boy’s capabilities.

“Well, try getting into trouble and you might just see why a pro hunter is not needed,” the boy boasted and walked out of the classroom.

“There goes my visit to the top floor...” Katie sighed. Cole was finally done with his essay and was getting everything packed up when he noticed Caden holding his packed bag in his hands.


Before Katie could go into the forest to make the return journey, Cole held her back, by the wrist, “How about we take the scenic route?” he began.

“Not happening, loverboy. By the time we get a family outing, she’ll have seen everything and there will be nothing new to show her,” Lina complained making it just in time to crash the royal’s plans.

“Okay, Lina, how about this? Choose three places or one or two in the capital that you would really like to show Katie and I won’t take her there. You can tell me what you don’t want her to eat as well until you get the chance to spoil her yourself,” he suggested.

Lina seemed taken aback by the offer. The royal had found a compromise she could agree on, “Oh, so the runt has shown her face at last...” Crysta’s voice could not have chosen another time to be annoying. To Katie’s surprise, Lina did not react to it and only continued to talk to Cole. “Fine, Cole...” she brought her hand up to his ear and began whispering to him. At first, Cole’s face was normal, but then he began to regret why he’d come up with this plan.

When she was done, he smiled brightly, “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?” Lina nodded in response, “Very well. I will keep away from those specific places.”

“Oh, you guys are taking the scenic route. Nice... Might I...”

“Continue to the palace and pretend you saw nothing...” Katie interfered, having guessed Crysta’s request to be a tour guide.

“I was going to say cover for you at the palace in case you came back late, but that could work just fine,” she responded, nodding in disappointment as she walked away.

Cole whispered into the girl’s ear, “Your mojo doesn’t help you to read minds, does it?” Katie watched the others going and she turned to leave with Cole as well...

“Jason, are you coming?” Sandra’s voice reached the royals’ ears. They turned to see the alpha frozen in one place. On one side stood Katie, Cole and Caden while Sandra stood on the other. He didn’t answer Sandra’s question and only remained in that one position.

“Caden, what about you?” Katie asked the alpha, wondering what he was doing following the two of them. ‘Did I read something wrong?’ she wondered. josei

“You guys can go on to the palace. We’ll be fine,” Cole answered. It was only then that Jason broke from his trance and walked up to Sandra. He didn’t show the royals his face, but tears were welling up in his eyes for the first time in a very long time. He couldn’t explain what had just happened to him. One could say his vows had clashed and he didn’t know what to do.

“What was that about?” Katie asked when they were finally gone.

“I’m not entirely sure,” Cole replied, leading her back and onto the road that led into the capital. They were still a few hours from nightfall and Cole intended to use that time to show his mate the city. There was so much to experience in Sirius that Katie had never experienced in Brigadia and it was what he intended to show her.

Every night in Sirius was like a festival in Brigadia. The best part Katie might have found was that ice cream was not nearly as expensive as it had been back home. This way she didn’t have to ask for any of it and feel guilty for asking.

The humans in the city didn’t care if they were in the presence of werewolves or not. They only knew to avoid angering them and everything would be fine. Before long, Katie found herself in a club with her mate, a twist to the night, that she had not seen coming. “So do you tend to party a lot?” she asked over the sound of the music.

“Only when Caden and Jason feel like partying... and that happens to be a lot of times,” the prince answered. It was only a short while before the two royals were enjoying the party. Katie forgot to tell her mate that this was her first time in a club or rather Ashley decided against all in the name of having fun with him. The power of music and alcohol soon took hold of the girl and had her drunk by the end of the night.


Cole called Caden and had him bring a car to pick them up. Holding his mate to him while they drove back to the palace, the wolf rubbed circles into her back, “That was my first...” the girl grumbled.

“I hope your healing is as quick as mine,” Cole answered.

“I will be fine, Cole. Depending on how bad the hangover will be, I might never go back there,” she replied. The hounding headache was already setting in, “Definitely not going back there,” she said again before passing out in his arms.

Cole brought his hand to her forehead, “Are you sure, your Highness? You know what that does to you...”

“She’s my mate, Caden. I would do this a thousand times before I decided it was a bad thing,” Cole replied. His hand began to turn black at the point of contact with his mate. She gasped as the pain from the headache left her body and finally settled into a peaceful sleep. Cole was used to the sensation of taking pain from someone. It was usually a pain more dangerous than the one he was taking, but considering how fast he healed, it was always for an instant.

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