The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

94 Chapter Ninety Four

Anthony had been joined by a number of hunters on his way to Sandra’s location. He might not have understood how the Chase family knew about things that were going to happen before they ever did. It might have always been a vague warning, but something always happened and the world had come to know to always heed their warnings. This was one of them...

A thunderclap filled the air reaching his eyes, a sound he’d only heard a few times before he finally settled in Brigadia. He’d seen the Thunderclap or rather he’d heard the Thunderclap in action once before. The man was fast and his movements were as loud as they were threatening. Rogues fleed from the sound of him breaking the sound barrier. josei

Unfortunately, Anthony’s information suggested he was still far from Brigadia. There was no way he’d made it to Brigadia in that short time frame. “I don’t know where the sound came from but...” the hunter that tried explaining was stopped by the distinct sound of a phone vibrating.

Anthony fished through his pocket for the device, making sure to keep up his speed while he did and answered it. “Director,” Sandra’s voice came through.

“Give me the news that has nothing to do with updates on your position. Have you at least found Katie? What was the loud sound that I heard just moments ago? Is the Thunderclap with you?” he didn’t notice he was rambling. He’d been calling them constantly and the previous call had shaken him. It was confirmed that his wife was in enemy hands and he was out for blood.

“We found Katie. The rogues were using Miss Claire as a hostage,” she said.

“Stay right where you are. Don’t let them escape. We are on our way. They won’t lay a single hand on her, do you hear me?” he yelled into the phone, getting even more fired up to make the rogues regret the day they decided to capture her.

“Well, I would and had planned to follow your orders, but I arrived late. Katie got involved,” she said.

The Director went silent for a bit when he heard the information. Katie wasn’t an idiot and would have made the same judgement he would have if she was in such a situation. But leaping into action when someone that important was in harm’s way would only be possible if she had a way out of it... “Was she the cause of the sound I heard just earlier?” Anthony asked him.


“Yeah, she was... Samantha is taking your wife to the infirmary at the moment,” she said. The phone went silent in the next moment. Sandra hadn’t answered a number of questions that she had, however, there was nothing that he could do about it. Considering there were rogues that they had only gotten her wife from, she was supposed to be helping them with the rest of the job.

“I don’t think we’ll be needed for much,” one of the hunters chuckled beside him, “That rogue killer has been stealing the spotlight for far too...” the man was silenced by the screeching sound of a flare. Hunters were used to the sound and we all looked up to see where it was coming from. Anthony almost tripped, having expected to see green smoke, the sky was stained red. The red flare was only used when...

“Who had that... Isn’t that only given to a select few?”

“Katie had one. I gave her one when I realised that she was going to land herself in an awkward situation one time. She’s the only one in the party ahead that had a red flare. Hurry up, we must get there...” Anthony said to them.

“Want a ride? We could get you there faster...” an unfamiliar voice came from his left. The seasoned hunter found himself drawing two knives in defence, “Oh, slow down there, Anthony. It’s just me.”

A man came out from the cover of the trees, dressed in a white suit. ‘What is he doing running in a white suit? Does his vanity go that far?’ he thought as he took in the appearance of the Werewolf King, Davin Sirius. His blue eyes shone brightly in the dark of night making it hard to miss him. Soon after, another man came through from the cover of the trees. This one was younger, probably in his twenties, and he didn’t wear as ridiculously as his father.

“Father, I’ll take the other two. You need to get to Little sister as fast as you can,” the boy said.

“Okay then... Where are Lina and your mother?” he asked.

“Mother ran off to help the injured woman that we passed by. Lina ran ahead to help. You know how fast she is,” Drake Sirius spoke.

“Very well, son...” Anthony needn’t have added anything to what had been said. They were all in agreement and he only waited for the two wolves to shift and offer the much-needed rides. The hunters with agility Prometheus gifts tapped deeper into their power and pushed ahead, allowing the three that didn’t have that luxury to board the massive Royals.

The wolves nodded once they were ready and dashed forward, going almost twice the speed that the hunters had been going, ‘At this speed, we’ll reach them in no time...’


Katie brandished the katana with the mastery of a professional hunter. Having taken lessons from Samantha herself, it wasn’t hard to use the weapon. They had already laid waste to ten rogues and Kyle was nowhere to be found. “How fast can those little legs carry him?” Kenneth panted as he dealt a deciding blow on one of the rogues that were bothering him.

“If my guess is right, then he has got a ride from the wolves that were supposed to rescue him,” I guessed.

“Well, in that case, then we have to go faster, but they just keep coming,” Kenneth said, in between breaths. Cole dealt one more blow to another one of them.

“On the contrary, they’ve just stopped,” Katie notified them. They had been so involved with slaying that they didn’t notice that they were taking a break.

“What that supposed to mean...?” a low growl filled the air, silencing the hunter. Cole moved back and shielded the girl he was sworn to protect(and marry).

“These ones are different,” he said to them. They waited, readying their weapons and getting ready. Red eyes were the first things to be seen, however, the more they revealed themselves, the more they seized in their resemblance to alphas. These ones threatened the power of the Royals themselves. “Beta Alphas... Right-hand wolves to a Royal. It’s illegal for a Royal that’s not the head of the Sirius or Lycaon family to possess them,” Cole said.

“I’ve never heard of Beta Alphas...” I said to him.

“Their power is very close to that of Royals. I’ve never had the luxury of sparring with my father’s beta alphas. Rumour has it that they are even more powerful than Royals...” he said. Katie placed her hand into his fur and felt that the wolf was slightly shivering.

“I’ll need you to help me with this. I can’t stay here while Kyle goes further ahead,” I told him.

“We must wait for reinforcements first,” he argued.

“Guys, I hate to interrupt your conversation, but these monsters are not in a chatty mood,” Kenneth said to them.

The Beta alphas brandished their claws, clawing the ground and snarling at them. Their impatience to kill leaked through their eyes. “Fine, go ahead... I’ll make an opening. Although I don’t know how I’m going to make one...” he said.

Before Cole could attack, one of the Beta alphas lunged forward, stretching its paw out to strike him. Cole tried to go backwards, but Katie was frozen in place. There was no way around it... He was going to be hit unless... Something smashed into the wolf’s side, pushing it off its well-timed strike. They had the luxury to watch a smaller sandy brown wolf push the black mass to the ground. “Caden, just in the nick of time...” Cole exclaimed, turning back to Katie only to realise she no longer stood in her previous position.

“Be safe... my love,” he sent his thoughts through their private mind link.

“I will,” Katie replied while she ran on in the forest, however, she soon started wondering how true that statement would be when she found that rogues swarmed every inch of the forest. Her senses went haywire pinpointing rogues in all directions as she ran on. Straining her mind, tapping into the one ability that even now proved tricky to use, she was able to pick up on the location of the traitor she was in pursuit of.

Kyle had already created a gap of one mile between them. It was very likely that he was riding on the back of a wolf. The rogues had one objective and that was to rescue the one person with every bit of information on Katie. ‘I guess the Rogue king still wants me dead after all these years,’ she thought as she tried tapping into her gifts to forge her way through the forest. The rogues hadn’t yet noticed that someone had slipped through the Beta alphas.

The element of surprise was all she had if she wanted to bridge the gap that had been put between Kyle and her. “You know you can always shift and let me handle it,” a feminine voice sounded in her mind.

“What in the... Who is this? I’m only used to Cole yelling in my head...” she replied, struggling to keep her footsteps as silent as she could with the new distraction.

“Hmph... Typical, the first thing you did once you had control of your body again was to lock me out like you’ve been doing your whole life...” the image of a White wolf shone clear in her mind, however, she had trouble believing that this wolf was disappointed and she could read this expression clearly as though she was watching a human...

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