The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

96 Chapter Ninety Six

Cole found the Beta alphas to be a problem. At first glance, he’d thought they simply had puffy fur that made them look intimidating, but that hadn’t been the case once the fighting broke out. They were that muscled, a feat only Royals were supposed to be able to achieve. He knew the four beta alphas that were supposed to be in existence and these two were not among them. Beta alphas were incredibly powerful, but the downside to all that power was total submission to the Royal that they were bound to through the bite...

After the fast-paced scuffle that Cole had gotten himself into with the werewolf before him, barely getting out of it unscathed, he was reluctant to get close to the beast again. Caden, along with the help of Kenneth managed to hold off the other. The forest wasn’t quiet anymore. The sound of numerous paws could be heard beyond these two giant werewolves.

Katie was on the other side of the Beta alphas in pursuit of Kyle before they lost their chance, but with this much of a wall behind the two of them, there was no way the hunters could get to them. Without Sandra to inform them of the hunters’ progress, there was no knowing when they’d get there. Cole noticed that the Beta alphas hadn’t paid Katie any attention even though there was a large chance they didn’t notice the hunter dash past them. Nevertheless, she was out there with no backup.

Knowing this, Cole felt his confidence seep back into him. He was the closest to her and the others were still minutes away. That was enough time for the girl to get herself into an inescapable situation. He would have been fine with her going out, but after the way she’d strained to save the Director’s wife, he knew she was already reaching her limit. A loud howl filled the air, steeling the Beta alphas in their positions.

The alphas turned in the general direction of the howl and growled in annoyance. Right before the Royal could react, something whizzed past him. ‘An arrow...’ he thought remembering the distinct sound that he’d heard in the archery range.

The arrow was aimed at one of the beta alphas who snapped it in half within his jaws, showing next to no effort in accomplishing this feat. Cole, with the training he’d gone through in his years in Lycaon, had never seen something of the sort, ‘These Beta alphas are not normal...’

The alphas seemed to notice his restraint and smirked. Sharing a glance, the wolves dashed from sight. “What are you doing standing there?” a feminine voice snapped him out of his thoughts... A woman dressed entirely in leather with her red hair tied into a ponytail approached him.

“Don’t blame him Jackeline. Those weren’t normal alphas...” Kenneth rushed to his defence. Sweat covered his brow and the sandy brown wolf that came following behind him was not in any better shape.

“I saw that they were beta alphas, but that shouldn’t be much for a Royal,” she quarrelled.


“No, Beta alphas are only granted to the head of a Royal family. They aren’t normal and you know it. I misjudged the situation. If they were serious, we could have gotten killed,” he said, confirming the level of trouble they were in.

“If that was the case, then why did they run? And what was with the howl I heard just now? Where is Katie? Were those beta alphas the reason she fired the most sacred of all alarm flares? For crying out loud, the yellow would have done exactly what she wanted,” the woman continued to ramble on.

“Calm down, Jackeline. Katie went ahead to retrieve Kyle...” Kenneth tried. Just then a werewolf dashed past them in a blur of white vanishing beyond the trees that were beyond.

“Now that’s the kind of backup that I need,” Jackeline smirked, nocking another arrow into her bow, a string attached to the back of it, “Tell Frost when he comes everything that has been discovered. Cole, don’t fall far behind. Katie might need you. For all of those that aren’t fast enough to follow the Rogue Killer, kill every rogue you get your hands on...” she yelled, letting her arrow fly. Moments later, the string went taut and she was gone, using her Prometheus gift to give her an inhuman boost of speed.

It was then that Cole realised the calvary arrived. The woman was just the first to reach them. Looking back, a force of numerous professional hunters flooded the forest, some leaping through the trees at inhuman speeds and others running as fast as they could on the ground. ‘I’m glad they came, but will it be enough to save Katie. Howls filled the air replying to the one that had sounded much earlier. The howls were similar, but they didn’t come from Katie.

Cole snapped out of his thoughts, “Caden, let’s go...”

“Are we killing rogues or going after Katie?” he asked.

“A bit of both... I can tell from this force of hunters that there will be those gifted with speed who will get to her before us,” Cole said. Two wolves flanked the two of them. Everything seemed to slow down as he recognised the two forms beside them. A massive black wolf with a white star-shaped tuft of fur on its forehead stood to Caden’s left. Atop his back, sat the bulky Director of the hunters, Anthony dressed in the hunter leather that everyone had on.

“Someone’s gotten slow,” the wolf beside him spoke into his mind, “How did you manage to lose my little sister?”

There was only one person on the planet that would have spoken down to Cole as though they in a mocking tone in an attempt to get the point of them not being equals and yet still not manage to rile him up while he did, “Well, she pushed ahead to capture the traitor when we were cornered by beta alphas...” Cole said, without realising the head of the Sirius family was hearing.

“Are you sure of what you are saying?” Davin Sirius asked Cole.

“Yes, I am sure... I know the strength of an alpha. These ones were stronger than I am,” he admitted.

“Ouch, you just admitted that without hesitation. Were you that scared of them?” Drake goaded.

“That’s troubling and it also doesn’t make sense,” Davin said, “We don’t have time to pour over all those details. Pick up the pace, Cole and make sure you protect my baby girl. Drake, do the same... I’ll assist the hunters in reducing the numbers of the rogues...”

“Hey Cole,” Katie’s voice cut through the conversation.

“What is it, Katie? Have you found Kyle?” he asked her.

“Oh, yeah, I got him, but I’m now being chased down by so many rogues. They might just be able to hit a thousand. I don’t know how long I can keep this up. Are the hunters there yet? How did you fare against the beta alphas?” she asked.

“The beta alphas were experienced... far too experienced than I’d like to admit. It’s frustrating, but they ran off when you howled. My biggest guess is that they are coming towards you. Be careful. The hunters are here and they are doing their best to wither down the numbers of the rogues. Your sister and a female hunter called Jackeline are making their way to you regardless of the rogues in their way. Back up will be there soon...” he said.

“How about the Thunderclap?”

“What do you mean... the real Thunderclap?”

“Yes, the real one... One of the four Mighty Hunters,” she said.

“Oh, I had no idea he was supposed to be here. No, I haven’t heard any Thunderclaps besides the one that you produced earlier,” he said.

“What thunderclap did I...”

“Oh, you mustn’t have noticed since you were in motion. So weird. You produced a thunderclap when you saved Claire,” Cole explained.

“Oh, that explains my weakness. I won’t give up...”

“Don’t talk like that. It’s scary. Try and send me your current location... Using that weird voodoo of yours. How far from my former position do you presume you are?” he asked. josei

“I’m about five miles out. I don’t know how long I’ll last. It’s easier to run while I’m shifted, but that can only get me much. The rogues are too many. Focusing on any one of them immediately gives the others a chance to attack and take Kyle from me. I’m running out of ideas. My only hope is the rest of the hunters,” she said to him.

“Why do you sound so relaxed?” he asked her.

“Huh... Oh, I have no intention of failing. I’ll get Kyle back into a dungeon one way or another. It doesn’t matter if I have to kill all the rogues behind me, the traitor will make it to the dungeon,” her determination shone through the mind link, calming the wolf.

“Cole... Cole... Have you understood the plan? You seem to have zoned out,” a voice broke through.

“Oh, I just received a message from Katie. She’s about five miles out. I heard the plan and I intend to follow it. I can tell she’s about to reach her limit. And I’ll be there to protect her when it happens,” Cole said, his conviction getting to the rest of them.

“That’s what I’d like to hear. Now go Son of Lycaon and pay no heed to the rogues that you encounter. Unless it’s necessary, kill them...” Davin said.

“What about the beta alphas?” Cole asked him, hoping he wouldn’t have to find them again.

“If you find them again, kill them. They probably weren’t instructed to kill you, which is why they didn’t. they won’t be hard to kill without an order to kill you. Unless their alpha tells them to kill you, they can only defend themselves. Use that to your advantage when you meet them and... on second thought, knock them out...”

“That’s harder,” Cole groaned, pushing forward and weaving through the swarm of rogues that they finally collided with. Most of them were trying to run back, but they were too slow and were getting massacred by the hunters. Those that realised they were only targets if they continued turned back to face their invaders and got the same result.

“Well, if you kill them, their power will just go to whoever is next in line for that power...” he explained. No one spoke more about the matter and they all parted without saying more. There was no need to blame the families considering none of them recognised the beta alphas. However, it also meant that there was a Royal that was breaking rules and had made Beta alphas of their own. ‘I’m afraid something dark and sinister might be going on without the Royals’ knowledge... and I don’t like it...’ Cole thought, finally finding his resolve. Katie was all he had to worry about right now...

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