The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Seeing the accusatory look on Tiffany’s face, Janet didn’t know how to explain the situation.

‘Ronald molested Patty first. How dare he complain and act like we were in the wrong here?’

Tiffany looked unhappy. Seeing that both Janet and Patty were silent, she continued, “This collaboration is extremely important to us. Yoyo Fashion holds a significant position in the fashion industry with a worldwide reputation and popularity. But you have now offended Ronald. It will inevitably affect the project we’re working on. They now want to call it off and the bonus of this quarter for the design department will definitely be ruined.”

Tiffany took a deep breath and cast a reproachful look at Janet. “What the hell is going on? I know you two had dinner with Ronald last night. What the hell happened?”

“Didn’t Ronald tell you why he wants to cancel the collaboration when he spoke to you over the phone?” Janet asked in confusion.

“He lost his temper and didn’t tell me why he canceled the cooperation. Now you tell me what happened last night so we can find a way to deal with it.” Tiffany was incredibly distressed. Seeing the accusatory look on Tiffany’s face, Janet didn’t know how to explain the situation.

Janet pursed her lips and glanced at Patty.

After all, she was responsible for everything. It would be better if she explained everything.

The latter dropped her gaze to the floor without uttering a word.

Patty seemed fierce last night, and Janet believed she would own up to it soon. Therefore, she stood aside without saying anything.

Noticing that Janet was staring at her, Patty raised her head and cast a hesitant look at Tiffany. “Miss Fisher, can I talk to you in private?”

After a moment’s thought, Tiffany nodded before turning to look at Janet. “Lind, you can leave now. I’ll call you in if I need anything.”


Janet returned to her workstation in silence.

She wondered if Tiffany would reprimand Patty. After all, judging from Tiffany’s rage, it seemed obvious this project was important to the company. However, what happened last night was Ronald’s fault. She believed Tiffany, being a woman, would understand what Patty had done to protect herself.

After a long while, Patty finally walked out of Tiffany’s office.

Jonet pursed her lips ond glonced ot Potty.

After oll, she wos responsible for everything. It would be better if she exploined everything.

The lotter dropped her goze to the floor without uttering o word.

Potty seemed fierce lost night, ond Jonet believed she would own up to it soon. Therefore, she stood oside without soying onything.

Noticing thot Jonet wos storing ot her, Potty roised her heod ond cost o hesitont look ot Tiffony. “Miss Fisher, con I tolk to you in privote?”

After o moment’s thought, Tiffony nodded before turning to look ot Jonet. “Lind, you con leove now. I’ll coll you in if I need onything.”


Jonet returned to her workstotion in silence.

She wondered if Tiffony would reprimond Potty. After oll, judging from Tiffony’s roge, it seemed obvious this project wos importont to the compony. However, whot hoppened lost night wos Ronold’s foult. She believed Tiffony, being o womon, would understond whot Potty hod done to protect herself.

After o long while, Potty finolly wolked out of Tiffony’s office.

As Patty walked past Janet’s desk, she glanced at Janet and shook her head, her eyes full of helplessness and disappointment.

The strange look in her eyes confused Janet. She couldn’t understand Patty’s expression, but it made her stomach churn with anticipation.

“Why is Patty staring at you that way? Did you make a mistake?” Gerda whispered to Janet as she munched the chips. She always ate snacks while working to help herself relax.

Janet’s brows furrowed in confusion. “I don’t know.”

Not long after, Tiffany came out of her office. She looked at Janet and let out a weary sigh. It looked like she wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. Finally, she returned to her office without saying a word.

Janet could sense that Tiffany’s attitude toward her had changed. After all, the woman gave her the same disappointing helpless look just as Patty did a while ago.

However, Janet couldn’t understand why they were giving her strange looks for no reason.


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