The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 11 - Monsters Ahead

Chapter 11 - Monsters Ahead


Yman and the guy with the large build beside him were both surprised by what they heard.


The girl was speechless for 3 seconds before she nodded. .

"In that case, can you tell us how you manage to come and go?" Yman asked curiously.

"Mm-mhm," the girl nodded again. Then she continued, "t-the truth is, there is a public entrance at Human City Zone 1," the girl said shyly.

"Public..." Yman mumbled. "Entrance?" The guy beside him followed after him.

The two guys mumbled after hearing what the girl had said.

Suddenly the big build guy's expression turned around, his eyes became glistening rounds and his mouth grinned widely. A happy feeling surfaced on his face.

Then he suddenly opened his mouth again, "do you mean we are free to travel across these two worlds whenever we want?!" The guy asked the girl straightforwardly and failed to control his voice which took the attention of other trainees inside the carriage.

"Ahaha," Yman laughed in a descending tone while scratching his face.

The girl at their front flinched a bit, she was startled by the guy's sudden outburst.

"So-sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," said the guy while trying to calm her.

"Nn, it's fine I'm just a little surprised. Uhm, about your question, w-we can travel—," ... "kuhahaha," the girl wasn't able to finish her words because of the sudden burst of laughter from someone within the group.

The one who laughed was the guy sitting at the very end which was at the right side of Yman's seat.

Because of this,

All the trainees inside their carriage glanced at the guy sitting at the very end of their seat.

Sitting at Yman's side were all boys, whereas, at their front were all girls. There were two other guys sitting in the middle of Yman and the guy sitting at the very end.

The guy who laughed had medium-length crimson hair, delicate body, and white skin. He was sitting in a posture that levering one of his legs and the other leg on top of it. While his arms were entangled to each other across his chest. He exuded the demeanor of a rich and wise person.

Yman and the big build guy beside him slightly wrinkled their brows while glancing at the guy at the corner of their eyes, because they could guess based on the guy's demeanor he exuded, that he was the type of person who usually looked down on the weak and the poor.

"Haha. Dumb guys, did you know, it's not that easy—!"



The rich-looking guy wasn't able to finish his words either. Because of a folded paper that was smashed straight on his head. Which followed by beads of tears that were forming on the corner of his eyes.

The smart-looking guy scratches his head using his two hands. Yman and the other trainees inside their carriage were dumbfounded by what they had witnessed.

"Big sis, why did you do that?!" Questioned the smart looking guy at the girl in front of him.

"Shut up, who told you to open your mouth and butt-in to others conversation?!" The girl replied.

Later on, they learned that these two were cousins. And that the smart-looking guy's name was Brai and his cousin was Mai. The guy beside Yman was Bob, and the girl in front of him was Chloe.

Mai told them about the reason why it's not easy to travel across the two worlds.

'So it's because there's a huge amount of points that are needed to pay before accessing the public array.' Yman thought with a little bit disheartened.

He thought he could travel across these two worlds freely. But it looks like it wasn't that easy. Well, you could travel if you have enough points

It seemed like the girl in front of him, named Chloe, was of a rich family. Since she traveled four times already in this world. Yman thought that maybe Chloe had a member of her family that was living in this world.

Bob was disheartened as well after hearing the price that needs to be paid before accessing the array. He also wishes to travel across these two worlds whenever he wants.

The two poor men suddenly became gloomy.

"Halt! Halt...!"

Suddenly, they've heard a shout coming from outside. Then all the carriage deliberately went to a stop with a creaking noise from its wheels. The passenger's body slightly swayed to one direction brought by the inertia of sudden stop.

"What happened?" The higher status guard asked the guard who ordered the halt.

"Captain, some monsters of rank C were blocking the road." The soldier reported.

The soldier's brows wrinkled slightly upon hearing his subordinates report.

"Okay, let's go!" The captain said as he rode on his horse towards the front.

The carriage that Yman rode was the tenth carriage in line.

"W-What happened?" Bob asked anxiously.

"Hmm... it looks like there were monsters at the front," Mai answered him in a serious expression.

The soldiers that guarded them rushed to the front, to deal with the monsters. But they were halted by one of the instructors named Goki. The soldiers were puzzled and asked him, "why?". The instructor Goki answered that it's a good chance to test the skill of the trainees.

After that, all of the trainees were instructed to deal with the monsters.

After hearing what the instructors said, some trainees were excitedly stretching up their bodies. Now they could show off their skills and strength with others.

Though not all were as excited as them, because the others felt nervous.

Instructor Goki added that... whoever among the trainees that were able to kill the monsters would receive +10% to their grade and with an additional of +500 gold points.

Almost all trainees shouted in excitement. Such a huge additional point to their grade and money, who wouldn't be feeling excited after that?

Even Yman felt excited at the prize. It wasn't easy to earn that huge amount of gold points. But, the problem was, if he was capable of killing the monsters.

Without an attack skill, he could only trust his normal attack. But even his normal attack was very weak.

Forget about killing it, even scratching would be difficult for him who was still at level 1. Maybe the other trainees who leveled up further could deal with them.

Though he had gained additional attributes when he upgraded his deity Sistela, his strength still not enough to hurt a rank C monster.

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