The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 123 - New Attribute?

Chapter 123 - New Attribute?

The others were watching the fight without interrupting it. Although they wanted to help especially Cinder, they respected Crimson's decision.

In the face of a berserk enemy, he wasn't even a bit afraid of it.

Whereas if any other people would challenge such an enemy, they would have a headache for sure. Not even Cinder would wish to challenge such an opponent in a head-on confrontation. If it was her, she would maintain her distance while shooting countless flames at him.

However, that person brings the fight in a melee! 'He really was insane! More insane than that Berserker Boarman!' She shouted in her mind.historical

Bang bang bang!

The fight was continuing.

Yman realized that their movement had become sluggish, but actually, from other's perspectives, their movements were hard to perceive.. They became faster and faster as the fight prolonged.

He was unaware that his body had started to get used to it as his stats increased on its own.

After a couple of minutes of continued exchange, the two were sent back when both of their punches landed on each other's faces.


He noticed the enemy had similar [Health Regeneration] ability as him. On the contrary, Berserk Breegoria twisted his face.

Although Berserk Mode was fueled by anger, his mind was not completely muddled up. Breegoria noticed that as the duel went on: the strength, speed, and other attributes of his enemy were increasing every few minutes.

Contrary to it, Breegoria's [Berserk Mode] was waning.

GRR, he clenched his teeth.

The next second, GYAAAAAAAAR! He shouted and dashed again. The ground was seemingly reacting to him, as his charge caused it to vibrate.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang…!

After the countless exchange of attacks, both of them retreated once more.

Each of them felt their stamina could not last long. They summoned all ounce of their strength. After staring for a couple of seconds, both gritted their teeth and rapidly rushed to each other.

Their right hand was both covered with dazzling energies! One was oozing with dark red energy, and the other one was exuding with bright crimson energy! GWAAAARRR, AAAAAHH! They both screamed and hopped at the same time they met in mid-air!



The contest of power lasted for a couple of seconds before the world was painted with brilliance.


The world was seemingly shaken when their punch collided and created a huge explosion.



A figure was thrown then crashed on the ground with a dull sound. After the last bit of his strength, Breegoria finally lost the ability to retaliate when his body turned into particles of light. Never would he expect that someone could defeat him in a fight of raw strength.

He could use magical attacks, but as a prideful monster on the battlefield, he wanted to settle it with pure strength solely. Although he was defeated, he wasn't disheartened by it.

He was happy to fight an opponent who engaged with him in a face-off confrontation without the help of any magical attacks.

However, he was puzzled by one thing. How this person had so much strength even though his magical aura was very weak. Not even half to him!

Most experts have high senses. They could feel magical energy or aura that circulated in a person's body. This magical energy or magical aura was the equivalent power of the person.

In truth, what they could feel was only the minimum amount of true power the person held. But, a person with low minimum power would naturally never have high maximum power either. It was an old knowledge that was known to all experts.

This magical aura reflects the level of the breakthrough level of a person. So a person with a low level also had a low minimum magical aura.

Most experts were so used to it that they could literally guess the breakthrough level of a person based solely on his/her magical aura that he/she felt from him or her.

However, Yman never was a normal person in the first place. A stronger entity was renting inside him. So, even though the minimum magical aura inside him was very low for being a level 3 only, the maximum magical aura of him was irregular.

After defeating the enemy, Cinder and the others saw him standing in the middle of a large pit. The pit had a total diameter of 25 meters and a height of 15 meters.

Yet instead of seeing a person deeply gasping for air, they saw him surrounded by bluish-holographic screens in different sizes, and with a calm expression, his attention was focused on each of them.

They were tired of a surprise anyway. So there was no use of getting surprised anymore.

But they wondered why he was using such an item from the human race. It wasn't really surprising to see a Demihuman using such an item. Some of them used it too. Especially those with cross-blood, people with Demihuman and human parents who live together with humans. There were also those who chose to live in human cities. And lastly, those exchange students who were studying in the human academies as part of the World Agreement.

They guess that Crimson was one of those people in the lists.

But the issue, there was a rule stating that no human race shall be allowed to join in this competition.

Yman was taking a quick peek at his stats. He was excited to know how much he grew in that fight just now.


HP: [_7770/12000_](+700)

Level: 3

Demonic Mana: 30% /100%

Stamina: 10%/100%

Strength: 250 +5

Vitality: 240 +5

Sense: 230 +3

Dexterity: 150 +1

Agility: 220 +3

[New!] Charisma +7

<Partner, congratulations! You've got a new Attribute!>

Sistela's excited voice greeted him.

"Eh?" He was puzzled but upon looking at the lowest part at the list of his Attributes, he noticed there was really a new Attribute added. "Charisma, eh!?" Yman wanted to laugh at this new stat that finally appeared. Look, he gained [Charisma]. Maybe those 7 points were the number of people looking at him in a positive light? He guessed.

He didn't know about it.

Regardless, those additional stat points were the growth he acquired in that fight. As expected, Dexterity had the least growth followed by Sense and Agility.

However, his attention was taken by Sistela's greeting. The appearance of the [Charisma] attribute was definitely surprising.

"Fuf, thank you, my deity," a giggle unintentionally escaped from his mouth. He was wondering if it was because of his disguise. Or maybe that demon was the cause.


He wasn't sure.

For now, it has a pitiable number. But like the cliched line, "It's better than none". Puft! He chuckled again. He was happy to see it.

Nonetheless, his [[Combat Experience: 100%/100%]] was already at the peak! This excites him the most!

Level 4 is coming!

He already bought an L4SOA(Level 4 Syringe of Advancement) before coming here to the empire. But unfortunately, it is currently unusable inside the Cyber Storage. Because that mad lass beautiful artist disabled all the items originally inside it.


He could only wait after he got out of here before absorbing the L4SOA.


Crissssss, crasssss!

Cinder's feet made a noise of friction on the ground when she slid down the pit. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked after her feet landed beside him and noticed how tattered he looked at the moment. Though based on how serious he was staring at those objects, she perhaps could tell that he was fine. 

Obviously, she already stopped getting surprised at him. This person is Jack-of-all-trades.

Yman closed all the screens when a cute beautiful face was peeking at his face while slightly bending her body with her hands at her back.

"Mhm," He made a low groan with a slight nod from her question. "Let's go?" He beckoned her.

However, he noticed her face with an astonished expression while staring at him. Yman wrinkled his brows and remembered something, he immediately touched his face and noticed his hood and mask was torn.

'Damn it!' He thought. 'That last explosive attack of us must have torn it without me noticing!' He thought.

'H-Handsome!' Her first impression upon having a slight peek of his full face. She noticed that his initial thought was right! He is a handsome human with brown hair and eyes!

However, there was a problem, how come a human able to join this competition!

Yman froze upon noticing that even his disguise was gone.

Actually, after the contract with that demon, his body was toned up. The side effect of the experiment he suffered from childhood which slowed his power growth was healed. Right now, he was a handsome young human male with a height of 5 feet and 8.5 inches, with a well-toned body. Not burly and not thin as well. Just enough. He even looked lean in his attire. But his muscles were well reformed and were exuding with unordinary strength.

Fortunately, he was starting to grow normally. His skin was gleaming with vigor as well. He didn't look like the pale and sickly person he was before.

'This is bad! Should I kill her?' Yman's face showed a troubled expression. 

<Partner, you are thinking bad!> He heard Sistela's words.

'Well, she will not really die, she is just going to respawn outside this world,' Yman responded.

<But my sense won't lie.>


<And besides, she just taught you how to power up your Elemental Magic!>

She added.

|The place where I came from only taught me to show emotions. But not literally feel.|

|Behind this face is a HOLLOW.|

Yman's inner thoughts.

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