The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 125 - Homing Type SpearShape Mating Flame

Chapter 125 - Homing Type SpearShape Mating Flame

The Demonic Beast sneered at them after it took a hit from one of its prey.

Its massive body was still steaming from that [Fireball]. Yet it didn't look hurt. Although it was featherless and scaleless, its skin was thick enough that it could negate the attack coming from the expert from the Lupin family.

"Girl fast, faster, or that damn beast will catch on us!"

Ember's shout only added more nervousness to what Tiafel already felt.

She saw what happened to the bees when they were attacked by the enemies. In the knowledge that this bird was made of the same thing with those bees, sweat trailed down on her face. It would be a game over for them if this bird exploded!

She glanced to her left and saw that guy focused his attention on piloting only.

It wasn't only her who was anxious for the same reason, Aegor and Taflas did as well.. However, there was nothing they could do at this moment.

Fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh!

Pure magical energies were shot from the hands of Taflas towards the gigantic beast behind them.

Seeing the incoming attacks, the Demonic Beast squinted its eyes and shot a massive amount of dark-colored energy beam.

The attack coming from Taflas dissipated when it collided at the scary dark beam of the Demonic Beast.

The three [Fire Doll] birds were like fishes when they jolted away from the line of shot.

Yman noticed Cinder's grip strengthened on his waist. He couldn't even do a thing at the moment. Aside from that, her brother named it Demonic Beast. But in terms of humans, they called it [Nightmare] class! The same as that gigantic dog below.

This rank of the beast was bad news to them.

"Miss Cinder, distract it for a couple of minutes!" Yman asked her. No, he wasn't asking, he wanted her to do it!

Her lips extended into a smile at the call of her name.

"Okay!" Her excited exclamation mixed and faded into the air. But it also reverberated into his ears.

Her brows slightly knitted as she glanced at the enemy.

While her left hand was gripping tightly at his waist, she lifted her right hand and coagulated a big [Shapeless Flame] that was blazing wildly on top of it.

Without wasting any more seconds, she waved her hand to the direction of the enemy.

The big [Shapeless Flame] was shot! The enemy seemed to perceive that it was dangerous.

It evaded the attack!

Yman took a sneak glance upon the evasion of the enemy. His eyes glinted with understanding, seemingly aware of what was going on.

He finally understood.

After the Demonic Beast evaded, 'woosh woosh woosh' another [Shapeless Flame] came rushing towards it.

Ember frowned while seeing it. How could that Beast just eat his [Fireball] and evaded the [Shapeless Flame] of his twin!?


 Couldn't believe it, he fired [Fireball] again. Yet the beast was unbothered by it and focused only on evading the [Shapeless Flame] while bracing itself by the impact of [Fireball].

Ember seemed annoyed by it.

He glanced at Cinder. "Hey bro, why is it so afraid of your flame?!" He asked.

"Fufu," but Cinder only chuckled and raised a brow at him. It was really new to her to see her brother so flustered like this.

He was an adamant type of person. But here he was, asking how her flame could afraid that beast while on the other hand, his flame could not scare it. Actually, she wasn't sure as well. She also was curious if why her flame could afraid of this beast. Did she perhaps a legendary being? Or maybe she was a child of prophecy like in most online novels that she happened to read! For some reason, it excites her.

The beast tried its best to avoid her flame.

"As expected of Miss Cinder!" Tiafel said astonishingly with so much admiration and respect.

But it only made Ember more puzzled. This twin of his was supposed to be an introverted person. No real friends in the outside world and only focused herself on curling inside her room playing games all day and at night only that she left her room to train together with their mom.

And that guy with her! How come she was closed to him! Is he perhaps her online boyfriend? He mulled.

Besides them, Aegor and Taflas breathed a sigh of relief when the focus of the beast turned away from them.

On the other hand, "C-Crimson, that beast for some reason has started chasing us only!" He heard Cinder's worry.

"Yeah, good job, we got the aggro on us. Now hold tight but don't stop firing at it! Let's try fishing a big fish! In this boundless sea!"

Cinder was puzzled by his wording, "Eh? Wh-What do you mean fish and sea? That is a bird you know! And we are in the skyyyyy!!" She shouted but still followed what he instructed.

With a red face, she tightened her hold on him.


"Are those two flirtings even in the face of danger? Damn it my brother had started acting girly!" Ember thought. The beast passed by them which almost threw them away.

'What this person is saying. Calling his sister as brother and bro,' Tiafel wondered. But did not put much attention to it. 

Actually, it was his way of teasing her.

Yman stirred away from the others.

"Eh? What are they planning to do?" Tiafel asked when the bird of Crimson and Cinder was moving away from them.

"He's trying to lure that beast away from us," Ember was the one who answered.

"I see…" understandably said Tiafel.

"Will they be okay?" Now it's time for Ember to ask. He was worried about his sister. He didn't want her to expire so soon on this competition. He was cheering for her to successfully buy her dream Newtendo. The newest version of it.

It's not like he was a dotting brother. He just… he just wanted her to be happy.

"Hah~ don't worry Mr. Ember, with that guy, they certainly will be okay!"

Ember knitted his brows, puzzled by why these people were so trusting of that guy. Although that guy really had an awesome skill like what he did on the Public Square, the enemy this time is a way beyond their sum of power!

It was a Demonic Beast for her Grace Htraerea's sake! 

Ember exclaimed with a face that could not believe what they were so trusting with this guy about.

Yman sped up the bird and also widened his perception to a full extent. His stamina won't last long. He needed a one shot one kill strategy. If not, game over for both him and the others.

Looks like, it wasn't easy to lose it at their tail. The beast was so fast. It was thanks to Miss Cinder that until now it still could not come closer to them.

But her breathing was becoming heavier every time she fired those flames. He could not linger any longer as both of them were like dying candles in a window. 

Any moment from now when a strong breeze of wind passes through -- it will dissipate the flame of their life in this world.

<Partner, you've got a new attribute!>

'Wha—-!?' Yman was shocked by it. Did not expect this notification from his trusted partner. 'What is the new Attribute then?'


"....." (Yman be like, surprise Pikachu face!)

"...o-okay then." He stopped thinking about it. In any case, it was a plus for him to get such an Attribute. He stared ahead of them, to where the canopy of the mountains met the unbound horizon. 

As they hovered below the sea of clouds, below them was the blue ocean, the ever so wide part of the world. Looks like that artist modeled this world to the real world. But he was sure that it wasn't the Outerworld.

A bright blinding sparkle on it piqued his interest. The ever so dazzling star that all the planets in the universe orbiting around.

It was the sun!

Yman leaked a smile, "We either a fisherman or a pirate, but whoever takes the bait will get hooked," he whispered.

<Partner, you've obtained +1 Wisdom!>

He forced a soundless laugh.

Cinder on the other hand was wondering about his words but had no time to ask him as she was focused on distracting the enemy.

"Now hold tight"


Looking from the other's perspective, the gaping mouth of the giant bird beast was about to maw Cinder and Crimson. However, their bird suddenly rose higher to the sky, to the direction of the sun.

It continued climbing higher and higher without decreasing their speed. Until all of them use their hands to cover their eyes while peeking at the gaps of their fingers.

They could not clearly see it but based on what they saw, their distance from the beast had widened a little.

Until their vision could not focus anymore on the figure of Cinder and Crimson.

The bird made a sudden backflip.

'Eeeeeehhhh!!!' Cinder shouted in her mind. Her face was so red.

Crimson suddenly jumped behind her. His left hand was covering her eyes, while his right hand was embracing the back of her palm. He looked like he was embracing her from behind.


He whispered a word into his ears that made her boiled in surprise. Steam was visible on her head. But it was in everyone's imagination only. (LoL)

A moment later, a huge [Shapeless Flame] materialized on top of her palm. Then the size became doubled.

Suddenly, she felt a strong surge of magic energy from within her. It felt like she leveled up a couple of times.

Or did she ascend to a Real Path expert already? This is what she truly felt at the moment. But his hand was covering her eyes. So she could not see what was happening at the moment. In her ears, his instructions were keep coming.


The others shouted with wide gaping faces as they stared above them.

They saw a 25 meters spear made by pure flame and… it was dressed by black….. smoke?

Seeing the massive spear, with the element of the [Shapeless Flame]. The fierce Demonic Beast felt a grave danger to itself.

It cowered away as it tried to escape.

A glint in his eyes together with a grin was already locked to it.

[Homing Type - Spear-Shape Mating Flame]

A giant spear dressed in black smoke that formed like falcon wings was rapidly approaching towards the Demonic Beast.

Everyone was staring at it without blinking their eyes.

Who knows what they were thinking at the moment.

But after that thing was fired. It followed the beast to where it went. Until a huge explosion that caused the world to be blanketed by darkness was happening in front of them.

Every participant who is currently in that world saw the explosion. And even the audience outside the painting was staring at the monitor with both stunned and astonished expressions.

Yet all of them could not utter a single word.

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