The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 134 - Wipe Out!

Chapter 134 - Wipe Out!

[Rank C (O,,o) Skeleton Knight was killed!]

[You obtained 40 points for killing Rank B Monster!]

This was one of the many notifications that unceasingly appeared in his vision.

Five Skeleton Warriors leaped to surround him. But instead of ambushing him, what happened was contrary. They too were caught by his [Intimidation] skill.

They froze around him with their knees and bodies shaking uncontrollably.

Yman horizontally waves his hand into a chopping form, hitting all their necks.

Five skulls flew in the air and landed as light particles.

A Mutated Bear appeared behind him.. It has a tall body that was covered in muddy furs. From both sides, its hands were spread wide, seemingly to claw him. Without looking back, he used an elbow attack.


-2000 Hp

The elbow dug dipper on the Mutated Bear stomach.

(Ngh!) It groaned in pain.

He followed with a roundhouse kick. (Bang!) A huge body was stumbled away.

-2500 Hp

Ella and Empress Elleanna held their breaths while watching the same person inside the monitor. But sooner a smile appeared in the empress's mouth.

The wild bear with a huge body was sent flying back without difficulty! But honestly, it wasn't surprising as most experts could eventually do better than it.

In truth, Yman was controlling his strength. He could not let all his cards be known. The elbow attack and kick failed to kill the mutated bear.

Yman stomped on the broken sword lying below him. It was the sword used by the Skeleton Knight which he crushed in his hand.

After a sudden stomp, the sword flung higher while spinning rapidly.

He caught the hilt without even looking at it. In an instance, crimson mana enveloped the sword. And, with a little twist of the body, he waved his hand and released the sword, (Woosh!) He threw it towards the still lying Mutated Bear.


-500 Hp

Blood of the mutated bear smeared the ground when the tip of the sword pierced its flesh without difficulty.

Finally, after a deep grieving groan, it turned into light particles.

Yman was killing the enemies using basic fighting methods.

After killing all the surrounding enemies, he took a Bee-model [Enhance Fire Doll]. It instantly hovered higher, but weirdly, unlike the first model of it, this enhanced one did not attack any enemies. It only stayed in the mid-air like an audience.

He was satisfied to see the bee in the safe height. This bee was not made from Cinder's mana. It was made from his Demonic Mana and powered-up with [Skill Modifying] ability. But its role was different from other [Enhance Fire Dolls] he had.

On the other hand,

The Mouse-model was killing the enemies using their flaming claws.

Although their magical power was as strong as the Real Path Experts, their fighting capability in the melee was just normal.

However, their flame scared the demon enemies. Even the Skeleton type was skeptical if to approach them.

Only the mutated beasts were unbothered by their flames.

One Mouse-model [Enhance Fire Doll] was surrounded by 10 mutated beasts. A snake mutated beast with 20 meters long body and with a thickness that was as big as the leg of an adult person charged on it with a gaping mouth, emphasizing its poisonous fangs. However, the snake was sliced 5 times instead. The poisonous biting attacked weirdly passed by without hitting its target. The audience who saw it would certainly believe that the mutated snake was blind.

These Mouse-models have the similar fighting capability as him. He inserted similar skills to them. It could use illusion magic. Though it could not be used redundantly.

Two Skeleton Knights hopped into the air and raised their weapon in hands to make a sudden downward strike. But before they could brandish their weapon, flame burst out from the body of the Mouse-model and charred them.

Not far from it, one of the Mouse-model was caught in an unfavorable situation. A mutated hybrid wild bear with red furs was luckily able to sneak from behind it.

The Mouse-model tried to burst out the flame from its body to kill the Red-Furred Bear, but it only damaged a little and did not kill it. This type of bear had high fire resistance.

Although not many, some of the audiences who were watching it reacted with an, "OOOOOHHH!" The audience thought that it would be the end of one of those 10 black creatures.

The Red-Furred Bear grappled on the Mouse-model and bit its arm.



The bitten arm exploded within its mouth and blew up its head. Unexpectedly, from its torso, a new arm grew.

These [Enhance Fire Dolls] held the power of modified [Regeneration] ability and [Healing] spell. Upon modifying and combining these two spells, he created a new spell known as [Restoration].

"Eeeeehhhh?!" The audience's dumbfounded reactions caught the other's attention. Then the others glanced at the cause of their yelp. And some caught a glimpse when the arm of one of those black creatures regrow.

Their attention was captivated by these black creatures that seemingly looked like Spiritual Beasts. They could spray flames from their mouths that could incinerate the demons who were known by their resilient body. And now, another ability of theirs came to light. They could also regrow their cut parts!

"Are they even killable?" Some of the audience could not be helped asking this.

Even the empress and Ella had a doubt also.

The fight continued. But on this side, the enemy was at the disadvantage.

"Fufu, truly….. a not ordinary person," the empress whispered under her breath.

In the sky, Cinder and the others were currently in a dog fight with the bird beasts. They chose to fight in the air as they all had effective range type spells. And also to support the people fighting from below.

Cinder was being chased by 2 bird types of beasts. But they soon get roasted by her flame.

Taflas shot an earth-type spell in front and pierced some of the bird-type beasts that were swarming ahead of him.

Tiafel swings left and right before climbing higher and make a sudden turn. She successfully evaded the collision from her pursuers as they passed below her. Without wasting time, she used her wind spell to create some [Wind Blades] in a crescent moon shape. The [Wind Blades] hit the wings of the bird-type beasts and completely cut their wings.

Experts from Encantasia supposedly used Artefacts. But their items were frozen inside their spatial ring. So they could only trust their elemental magic at the moment.

Occasionally, the Bird-model [Enhance Fire Dolls] would also help in killing the enemies by firing [Fireballs] at them.

Seeing that everything was fine above, Yman sent the two Bat-model beside him, towards the wall.

On the other hand, the Bee-model was orbiting in midair as it moved closer and closer above the Elder Skeleton.

Yman sighed. He could only create this amount since Sistela's storage capacity could not contain much more.

Looks like he needed to upgrade her storage capacity later for more soldiers.

When the two Bat-model arrived at a certain height, his eyes slightly narrowed and widened a little with surprise. He didn't expect that the wall ahead of them was only a first line of defense. However, most of the enemy's vanguard was cut to one-third of their total number.

At the moment, He estimated the total number of them was about 250-300. Fortunately, their number was rapidly decreasing because of those 10 Mouse-model with the addition of Ember and Aegor.historical

The AOE(Area of Effect) attack from those 10 was a big help to decrease the enemy's number faster.

And thanks to his Bat-model bodyguards, Ember and Aegor could focus on killing the beasts and undead without being bothered by the demons.

He looked ahead and saw the Skeleton Elder busy summoning Skeleton Soldiers from the pagoda.

Yman smirk.

After waving his hand, a small Bird-model [Enhance Fire Doll] appeared and flew towards the three in the sky.

They needed to get rid of those on the wall before the 10 Mouse-model, Ember, and Aegor arrived at their preferred range.

Right at this moment,

The other participants were all busy in their battle. Lyka and Harou took a detour to rest and made a small camp about 700 meters away from the wall. Also, while waiting for the news from the scout he sent to the west and east.


Creak! The door of the shabby-looking barracks was slammed open.

One man strode toward him. "Young Master Harou, Young Master!"

Harou glanced at the man. Seeing the trouble expression on the man's face, Harou frowned. This person was one of his people, "Speak," he said.

"The scout you sent to investigate the eastern part had just returned. He said that the people on the eastern side had started their move towards the north."


Harou narrowed his eyes, he understood why this man had such a troubled face.

Because it is a troublesome situation.

Now, they could not follow their original plan. If they go to the eastern area. They could only meet more enemies and no possible allies. On top of that, they could no longer stay here. Because if they linger longer on this site, there's a tendency that they reached the time limit before they could enter the last barrier.

In this regard, "Younger Sis, is there any news on the scout we sent to the west side?"

Lyka, who was sitting beside him, shook her head.

They could not climb the wall as they were lacking people. Aside from that, the enemies were swarming on top of it. 

Although he and Lyka could destroy those who block their way, their mana wasn't unlimited.

And they needed to conserve as much strength as possible until they reunited with the other experts. He believed that they too were starting to understand that it wasn't good to fight alone in this kind of situation.

Gilion and Gath Rainripper were now starting to gather people too. The scattered participants decided to join the group of stronger Experts.

The undead were very exhausting opponents. No matter how strong a person might be, if their enemies keep on reviving, it is still useless.

Summed up with the lack of back up from their side, they could only wait until the enemy wiped out them.

To avoid it from happening, Roman decided to move towards the northern part together with some participants.

An hour and a half later, the scout sent by Harou to investigate the western part had finally returned.

It immediately gave his report.

"What!!!!!! They wiped out the enemies there?!" Harou and the others exclaimed in surprise.

'Who could it be? Could it be Roman joining forces with the others?'

'Still, it was so fast.'

Harou mulled.

"In your estimation, how many participants are there who joined forces together?" He asked again.

Cold sweats appeared on the scout's face, "I-If I-I only c-counted the people, then they only n-numbered a t-total of 6…" said the scout in a stammering voice.


Harou and the others fell silent and thought, 'is this guy serious? Or has a serious mental disease?'

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